blob: cdb71343e5e50082ab97b56b0db10151d129965a [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright 2017, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
<device name="Android">
<!-- All values are in mAh except as noted.
This file is for Changes must be synced between these two. Since
power_profile.xml may be overridden by actual device's power_profile.xml at compile time,
this test config ensures we have something constant to test against. Values below are
sample values, not meant to reflect any real device.
<!-- Nothing -->
<item name="none">0</item>
<!-- This is the battery capacity in mAh -->
<item name="battery.capacity">3000</item>
<!-- Number of cores each CPU cluster contains -->
<array name="cpu.clusters.cores">
<value>4</value> <!-- Cluster 0 has 4 cores (cpu0, cpu1, cpu2, cpu3) -->
<value>4</value> <!-- Cluster 1 has 4 cores (cpu4, cpu5, cpu5, cpu7) -->
<!-- Power consumption when CPU is suspended -->
<item name="cpu.suspend">5</item>
<!-- Additional power consumption when CPU is in a kernel idle loop -->
<item name="cpu.idle">1.11</item>
<!-- Additional power consumption by CPU excluding cluster and core when running -->
<item name="">2.55</item>
<!-- Additional power consumption by CPU cluster0 itself when running excluding cores in it -->
<item name="cpu.cluster_power.cluster0">2.11</item>
<!-- Additional power consumption by CPU cluster1 itself when running excluding cores in it -->
<item name="cpu.cluster_power.cluster1">2.22</item>
<!-- Different CPU speeds as reported in
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/scaling_available_frequencies -->
<array name="cpu.core_speeds.cluster0">
<value>300000</value> <!-- 300 MHz CPU speed -->
<value>1000000</value> <!-- 1000 MHz CPU speed -->
<value>2000000</value> <!-- 2000 MHz CPU speed -->
<!-- Different CPU speeds as reported in
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/scaling_available_frequencies -->
<array name="cpu.core_speeds.cluster1">
<value>300000</value> <!-- 300 MHz CPU speed -->
<value>1000000</value> <!-- 1000 MHz CPU speed -->
<value>2500000</value> <!-- 2500 MHz CPU speed -->
<value>3000000</value> <!-- 3000 MHz CPU speed -->
<!-- Additional power used by a CPU from cluster 0 when running at different
speeds. Currently this measurement also includes cluster cost. -->
<array name="cpu.core_power.cluster0">
<value>10</value> <!-- 300 MHz CPU speed -->
<value>20</value> <!-- 1000 MHz CPU speed -->
<value>30</value> <!-- 1900 MHz CPU speed -->
<!-- Additional power used by a CPU from cluster 1 when running at different
speeds. Currently this measurement also includes cluster cost. -->
<array name="cpu.core_power.cluster1">
<value>25</value> <!-- 300 MHz CPU speed -->
<value>35</value> <!-- 1000 MHz CPU speed -->
<value>50</value> <!-- 2500 MHz CPU speed -->
<value>60</value> <!-- 3000 MHz CPU speed -->
<!-- Additional power used when screen is turned on at minimum brightness -->
<item name="screen.on">100</item>
<!-- Additional power used when screen is at maximum brightness, compared to
screen at minimum brightness -->
<item name="screen.full">800</item>
<!-- Average power used by the camera flash module when on -->
<item name="camera.flashlight">500</item>
<!-- Average power use by the camera subsystem for a typical camera
application. Intended as a rough estimate for an application running a
preview and capturing approximately 10 full-resolution pictures per
minute. -->
<item name="camera.avg">600</item>
<!-- Additional power used when audio decoding/encoding via DSP -->
<item name="">100</item>
<!-- Additional power used when GPS is acquiring a signal -->
<item name="gps.on">10</item>
<!-- Additional power used when cellular radio is transmitting/receiving -->
<item name="">60</item>
<!-- Additional power used when cellular radio is paging the tower -->
<item name="radio.scanning">3</item>
<!-- Additional power used when the cellular radio is on. Multi-value entry,
one per signal strength (no signal, weak, moderate, strong) -->
<array name="radio.on"> <!-- Strength 0 to BINS-1 -->
<value>6</value> <!-- none -->
<value>5</value> <!-- poor -->
<value>4</value> <!-- moderate -->
<value>3</value> <!-- good -->
<value>3</value> <!-- great -->