blob: 03e013cd46b85271340e682e4632c61f90217ded [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.os.Message;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.Pools;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* @see PooledLambda
* @hide
final class PooledLambdaImpl<R> extends OmniFunction<Object, Object, Object, Object, R> {
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
private static final String LOG_TAG = "PooledLambdaImpl";
private static final int MAX_ARGS = 4;
private static final int MAX_POOL_SIZE = 50;
static class Pool extends Pools.SynchronizedPool<PooledLambdaImpl> {
public Pool(Object lock) {
super(MAX_POOL_SIZE, lock);
static final Pool sPool = new Pool(new Object());
static final Pool sMessageCallbacksPool = new Pool(Message.sPoolSync);
private PooledLambdaImpl() {}
* The function reference to be invoked
* May be the return value itself in case when an immediate result constant is provided instead
Object mFunc;
* A primitive result value to be immediately returned on invocation instead of calling
* {@link #mFunc}
long mConstValue;
* Arguments for {@link #mFunc}
@Nullable Object[] mArgs = null;
* Flag for {@link #mFlags}
* Indicates whether this instance is recycled
private static final int FLAG_RECYCLED = 1 << MAX_ARGS;
* Flag for {@link #mFlags}
* Indicates whether this instance should be immediately recycled on invocation
* (as requested via {@link PooledLambda#recycleOnUse()}) or not(default)
private static final int FLAG_RECYCLE_ON_USE = 1 << (MAX_ARGS + 1);
* Flag for {@link #mFlags}
* Indicates that this instance was acquired from {@link #sMessageCallbacksPool} as opposed to
* {@link #sPool}
private static final int FLAG_ACQUIRED_FROM_MESSAGE_CALLBACKS_POOL = 1 << (MAX_ARGS + 2);
/** @see #mFlags */
static final int MASK_EXPOSED_AS = LambdaType.MASK << (MAX_ARGS + 3);
/** @see #mFlags */
static final int MASK_FUNC_TYPE = LambdaType.MASK <<
(MAX_ARGS + 3 + LambdaType.MASK_BIT_COUNT);
* Bit schema:
* Where:
* A - whether {@link #mArgs arg} at corresponding index was specified at
* {@link #acquire creation time} (0) or {@link #invoke invocation time} (1)
* B - {@link #FLAG_RECYCLED}
* C - {@link #FLAG_RECYCLE_ON_USE}
* E - {@link LambdaType} representing the type of the lambda returned to the caller from a
* factory method
* F - {@link LambdaType} of {@link #mFunc} as resolved when calling a factory method
int mFlags = 0;
public void recycle() {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(LOG_TAG, this + ".recycle()");
if (!isRecycled()) doRecycle();
private void doRecycle() {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(LOG_TAG, this + ".doRecycle()");
? PooledLambdaImpl.sMessageCallbacksPool
: PooledLambdaImpl.sPool;
mFunc = null;
if (mArgs != null) Arrays.fill(mArgs, null);
mConstValue = 0L;
R invoke(Object a1, Object a2, Object a3, Object a4) {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.i(LOG_TAG, this + ".invoke("
+ commaSeparateFirstN(
new Object[] { a1, a2, a3, a4 },
+ ")");
boolean ignored = fillInArg(a1) && fillInArg(a2) && fillInArg(a3) && fillInArg(a4);
int argCount = LambdaType.decodeArgCount(getFlags(MASK_FUNC_TYPE));
if (argCount != LambdaType.MASK_ARG_COUNT) {
for (int i = 0; i < argCount; i++) {
if (mArgs[i] == ArgumentPlaceholder.INSTANCE) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Missing argument #" + i + " among "
+ Arrays.toString(mArgs));
try {
return doInvoke();
} finally {
if (isRecycleOnUse()) doRecycle();
if (!isRecycled()) {
int argsSize = ArrayUtils.size(mArgs);
for (int i = 0; i < argsSize; i++) {
private boolean fillInArg(Object invocationArg) {
int argsSize = ArrayUtils.size(mArgs);
for (int i = 0; i < argsSize; i++) {
if (mArgs[i] == ArgumentPlaceholder.INSTANCE) {
mArgs[i] = invocationArg;
mFlags |= BitUtils.bitAt(i);
return true;
if (invocationArg != null && invocationArg != ArgumentPlaceholder.INSTANCE) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No more arguments expected for provided arg "
+ invocationArg + " among " + Arrays.toString(mArgs));
return false;
private void checkNotRecycled() {
if (isRecycled()) throw new IllegalStateException("Instance is recycled: " + this);
private R doInvoke() {
final int funcType = getFlags(MASK_FUNC_TYPE);
final int argCount = LambdaType.decodeArgCount(funcType);
final int returnType = LambdaType.decodeReturnType(funcType);
switch (argCount) {
case LambdaType.MASK_ARG_COUNT: {
switch (returnType) {
case LambdaType.ReturnType.INT: return (R) (Integer) getAsInt();
case LambdaType.ReturnType.LONG: return (R) (Long) getAsLong();
case LambdaType.ReturnType.DOUBLE: return (R) (Double) getAsDouble();
default: return (R) mFunc;
case 0: {
switch (returnType) {
case LambdaType.ReturnType.VOID: {
((Runnable) mFunc).run();
return null;
case LambdaType.ReturnType.BOOLEAN:
case LambdaType.ReturnType.OBJECT: {
return (R) ((Supplier) mFunc).get();
} break;
case 1: {
switch (returnType) {
case LambdaType.ReturnType.VOID: {
((Consumer) mFunc).accept(popArg(0));
return null;
case LambdaType.ReturnType.BOOLEAN: {
return (R) (Object) ((Predicate) mFunc).test(popArg(0));
case LambdaType.ReturnType.OBJECT: {
return (R) ((Function) mFunc).apply(popArg(0));
} break;
case 2: {
switch (returnType) {
case LambdaType.ReturnType.VOID: {
((BiConsumer) mFunc).accept(popArg(0), popArg(1));
return null;
case LambdaType.ReturnType.BOOLEAN: {
return (R) (Object) ((BiPredicate) mFunc).test(popArg(0), popArg(1));
case LambdaType.ReturnType.OBJECT: {
return (R) ((BiFunction) mFunc).apply(popArg(0), popArg(1));
} break;
case 3: {
switch (returnType) {
case LambdaType.ReturnType.VOID: {
((TriConsumer) mFunc).accept(popArg(0), popArg(1), popArg(2));
return null;
case LambdaType.ReturnType.BOOLEAN: {
return (R) (Object) ((TriPredicate) mFunc).test(
popArg(0), popArg(1), popArg(2));
case LambdaType.ReturnType.OBJECT: {
return (R) ((TriFunction) mFunc).apply(popArg(0), popArg(1), popArg(2));
} break;
case 4: {
switch (returnType) {
case LambdaType.ReturnType.VOID: {
((QuadConsumer) mFunc).accept(popArg(0), popArg(1), popArg(2), popArg(3));
return null;
case LambdaType.ReturnType.BOOLEAN: {
return (R) (Object) ((QuadPredicate) mFunc).test(
popArg(0), popArg(1), popArg(2), popArg(3));
case LambdaType.ReturnType.OBJECT: {
return (R) ((QuadFunction) mFunc).apply(
popArg(0), popArg(1), popArg(2), popArg(3));
} break;
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown function type: " + LambdaType.toString(funcType));
private boolean isConstSupplier() {
return LambdaType.decodeArgCount(getFlags(MASK_FUNC_TYPE)) == LambdaType.MASK_ARG_COUNT;
private Object popArg(int index) {
Object result = mArgs[index];
if (isInvocationArgAtIndex(index)) {
mArgs[index] = ArgumentPlaceholder.INSTANCE;
mFlags &= ~BitUtils.bitAt(index);
return result;
public String toString() {
if (isRecycled()) return "<recycled PooledLambda@" + hashCodeHex(this) + ">";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (isConstSupplier()) {
} else {
if (mFunc instanceof PooledLambdaImpl) {
} else {
sb.append(commaSeparateFirstN(mArgs, LambdaType.decodeArgCount(getFlags(MASK_FUNC_TYPE))));
return sb.toString();
private String commaSeparateFirstN(@Nullable Object[] arr, int n) {
if (arr == null) return "";
return TextUtils.join(",", Arrays.copyOf(arr, n));
private static String hashCodeHex(Object o) {
return Integer.toHexString(o.hashCode());
private String getFuncTypeAsString() {
if (isRecycled()) throw new IllegalStateException();
if (isConstSupplier()) return "supplier";
String name = LambdaType.toString(getFlags(MASK_EXPOSED_AS));
if (name.endsWith("Consumer")) return "consumer";
if (name.endsWith("Function")) return "function";
if (name.endsWith("Predicate")) return "predicate";
if (name.endsWith("Supplier")) return "supplier";
if (name.endsWith("Runnable")) return "runnable";
throw new IllegalStateException("Don't know the string representation of " + name);
* Internal non-typesafe factory method for {@link PooledLambdaImpl}
static <E extends PooledLambda> E acquire(Pool pool, Object f,
int fNumArgs, int numPlaceholders, int fReturnType,
Object a, Object b, Object c, Object d) {
PooledLambdaImpl r = acquire(pool);
if (DEBUG) {
"acquire(this = @" + hashCodeHex(r)
+ ", f = " + f
+ ", fNumArgs = " + fNumArgs
+ ", numPlaceholders = " + numPlaceholders
+ ", fReturnType = " + LambdaType.ReturnType.toString(fReturnType)
+ ", a = " + a
+ ", b = " + b
+ ", c = " + c
+ ", d = " + d
+ ")");
r.mFunc = f;
r.setFlags(MASK_FUNC_TYPE, LambdaType.encode(fNumArgs, fReturnType));
r.setFlags(MASK_EXPOSED_AS, LambdaType.encode(numPlaceholders, fReturnType));
if (ArrayUtils.size(r.mArgs) < fNumArgs) r.mArgs = new Object[fNumArgs];
setIfInBounds(r.mArgs, 0, a);
setIfInBounds(r.mArgs, 1, b);
setIfInBounds(r.mArgs, 2, c);
setIfInBounds(r.mArgs, 3, d);
return (E) r;
static PooledLambdaImpl acquireConstSupplier(int type) {
PooledLambdaImpl r = acquire(PooledLambdaImpl.sPool);
int lambdaType = LambdaType.encode(LambdaType.MASK_ARG_COUNT, type);
r.setFlags(PooledLambdaImpl.MASK_FUNC_TYPE, lambdaType);
r.setFlags(PooledLambdaImpl.MASK_EXPOSED_AS, lambdaType);
return r;
static PooledLambdaImpl acquire(Pool pool) {
PooledLambdaImpl r = pool.acquire();
if (r == null) r = new PooledLambdaImpl();
r.mFlags &= ~FLAG_RECYCLED;
pool == sMessageCallbacksPool ? 1 : 0);
return r;
private static void setIfInBounds(Object[] array, int i, Object a) {
if (i < ArrayUtils.size(array)) array[i] = a;
public OmniFunction<Object, Object, Object, Object, R> negate() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public <V> OmniFunction<Object, Object, Object, Object, V> andThen(
Function<? super R, ? extends V> after) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public double getAsDouble() {
return Double.longBitsToDouble(mConstValue);
public int getAsInt() {
return (int) mConstValue;
public long getAsLong() {
return mConstValue;
public OmniFunction<Object, Object, Object, Object, R> recycleOnUse() {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(LOG_TAG, this + ".recycleOnUse()");
return this;
private boolean isRecycled() {
return (mFlags & FLAG_RECYCLED) != 0;
private boolean isRecycleOnUse() {
return (mFlags & FLAG_RECYCLE_ON_USE) != 0;
private boolean isInvocationArgAtIndex(int argIndex) {
return (mFlags & (1 << argIndex)) != 0;
int getFlags(int mask) {
return unmask(mask, mFlags);
void setFlags(int mask, int value) {
mFlags &= ~mask;
mFlags |= mask(mask, value);
* 0xFF000, 0xAB -> 0xAB000
private static int mask(int mask, int value) {
return (value << Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(mask)) & mask;
* 0xFF000, 0xAB123 -> 0xAB
private static int unmask(int mask, int bits) {
return (bits & mask) / (1 << Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(mask));
* Contract for encoding a supported lambda type in {@link #MASK_BIT_COUNT} bits
static class LambdaType {
public static final int MASK_ARG_COUNT = 0b111;
public static final int MASK_RETURN_TYPE = 0b111000;
public static final int MASK = MASK_ARG_COUNT | MASK_RETURN_TYPE;
public static final int MASK_BIT_COUNT = 6;
static int encode(int argCount, int returnType) {
return mask(MASK_ARG_COUNT, argCount) | mask(MASK_RETURN_TYPE, returnType);
static int decodeArgCount(int type) {
return type & MASK_ARG_COUNT;
static int decodeReturnType(int type) {
return unmask(MASK_RETURN_TYPE, type);
static String toString(int type) {
int argCount = decodeArgCount(type);
int returnType = decodeReturnType(type);
if (argCount == 0) {
if (returnType == ReturnType.VOID) return "Runnable";
if (returnType == ReturnType.OBJECT || returnType == ReturnType.BOOLEAN) {
return "Supplier";
return argCountPrefix(argCount) + ReturnType.lambdaSuffix(returnType);
private static String argCountPrefix(int argCount) {
switch (argCount) {
case MASK_ARG_COUNT: return "";
case 1: return "";
case 2: return "Bi";
case 3: return "Tri";
case 4: return "Quad";
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("" + argCount);
static class ReturnType {
public static final int VOID = 1;
public static final int BOOLEAN = 2;
public static final int OBJECT = 3;
public static final int INT = 4;
public static final int LONG = 5;
public static final int DOUBLE = 6;
static String toString(int returnType) {
switch (returnType) {
case VOID: return "VOID";
case BOOLEAN: return "BOOLEAN";
case OBJECT: return "OBJECT";
case INT: return "INT";
case LONG: return "LONG";
case DOUBLE: return "DOUBLE";
default: return "" + returnType;
static String lambdaSuffix(int type) {
return prefix(type) + suffix(type);
private static String prefix(int type) {
switch (type) {
case INT: return "Int";
case LONG: return "Long";
case DOUBLE: return "Double";
default: return "";
private static String suffix(int type) {
switch (type) {
case VOID: return "Consumer";
case BOOLEAN: return "Predicate";
case OBJECT: return "Function";
default: return "Supplier";