blob: 9f581849efca56ffee8f720b6be2a61013ba7514 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.SystemApi;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
* Class representing Passpoint configuration. This contains configurations specified in
* PerProviderSubscription (PPS) Management Object (MO) tree.
* For more info, refer to Hotspot 2.0 PPS MO defined in section 9.1 of the Hotspot 2.0
* Release 2 Technical Specification.
public final class PasspointConfiguration implements Parcelable {
private static final String TAG = "PasspointConfiguration";
* Number of bytes for certificate SHA-256 fingerprint byte array.
private static final int CERTIFICATE_SHA256_BYTES = 32;
* Maximum bytes for URL string.
private static final int MAX_URL_BYTES = 1023;
* Integer value used for indicating null value in the Parcel.
private static final int NULL_VALUE = -1;
* Configurations under HomeSp subtree.
private HomeSp mHomeSp = null;
* Set the Home SP (Service Provider) information.
* @param homeSp The Home SP information to set to
public void setHomeSp(HomeSp homeSp) { mHomeSp = homeSp; }
* Get the Home SP (Service Provider) information.
* @return Home SP information
public HomeSp getHomeSp() { return mHomeSp; }
* Configurations under AAAServerTrustedNames subtree.
private String[] mAaaServerTrustedNames = null;
* Set the AAA server trusted names information.
* @param aaaServerTrustedNames The AAA server trusted names information to set to
* @hide
public void setAaaServerTrustedNames(@Nullable String[] aaaServerTrustedNames) {
mAaaServerTrustedNames = aaaServerTrustedNames;
* Get the AAA server trusted names information.
* @return AAA server trusted names information
* @hide
public @Nullable String[] getAaaServerTrustedNames() {
return mAaaServerTrustedNames;
* Configurations under Credential subtree.
private Credential mCredential = null;
* Set the credential information.
* @param credential The credential information to set to
public void setCredential(Credential credential) {
mCredential = credential;
* Get the credential information.
* @return credential information
public Credential getCredential() {
return mCredential;
* Configurations under Policy subtree.
private Policy mPolicy = null;
* @hide
public void setPolicy(Policy policy) {
mPolicy = policy;
* @hide
public Policy getPolicy() {
return mPolicy;
* Meta data for performing subscription update.
private UpdateParameter mSubscriptionUpdate = null;
* @hide
public void setSubscriptionUpdate(UpdateParameter subscriptionUpdate) {
mSubscriptionUpdate = subscriptionUpdate;
* @hide
public UpdateParameter getSubscriptionUpdate() {
return mSubscriptionUpdate;
* List of HTTPS URL for retrieving trust root certificate and the corresponding SHA-256
* fingerprint of the certificate. The certificates are used for verifying AAA server's
* identity during EAP authentication.
private Map<String, byte[]> mTrustRootCertList = null;
* @hide
public void setTrustRootCertList(Map<String, byte[]> trustRootCertList) {
mTrustRootCertList = trustRootCertList;
* @hide
public Map<String, byte[]> getTrustRootCertList() {
return mTrustRootCertList;
* Set by the subscription server, updated every time the configuration is updated by
* the subscription server.
* Use Integer.MIN_VALUE to indicate unset value.
private int mUpdateIdentifier = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
* @hide
public void setUpdateIdentifier(int updateIdentifier) {
mUpdateIdentifier = updateIdentifier;
* @hide
public int getUpdateIdentifier() {
return mUpdateIdentifier;
* The priority of the credential.
* Use Integer.MIN_VALUE to indicate unset value.
private int mCredentialPriority = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
* @hide
public void setCredentialPriority(int credentialPriority) {
mCredentialPriority = credentialPriority;
* @hide
public int getCredentialPriority() {
return mCredentialPriority;
* The time this subscription is created. It is in the format of number
* of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
* Use Long.MIN_VALUE to indicate unset value.
private long mSubscriptionCreationTimeInMillis = Long.MIN_VALUE;
* @hide
public void setSubscriptionCreationTimeInMillis(long subscriptionCreationTimeInMillis) {
mSubscriptionCreationTimeInMillis = subscriptionCreationTimeInMillis;
* @hide
public long getSubscriptionCreationTimeInMillis() {
return mSubscriptionCreationTimeInMillis;
* The time this subscription will expire. It is in the format of number
* of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
* Use Long.MIN_VALUE to indicate unset value.
private long mSubscriptionExpirationTimeInMillis = Long.MIN_VALUE;
* @hide
public void setSubscriptionExpirationTimeInMillis(long subscriptionExpirationTimeInMillis) {
mSubscriptionExpirationTimeInMillis = subscriptionExpirationTimeInMillis;
* Utility method to get the time this subscription will expire. It is in the format of number
* of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
* @return The time this subscription will expire, or Long.MIN_VALUE to indicate unset value
public long getSubscriptionExpirationTimeInMillis() {
return mSubscriptionExpirationTimeInMillis;
* The type of the subscription. This is defined by the provider and the value is provider
* specific.
private String mSubscriptionType = null;
* @hide
public void setSubscriptionType(String subscriptionType) {
mSubscriptionType = subscriptionType;
* @hide
public String getSubscriptionType() {
return mSubscriptionType;
* The time period for usage statistics accumulation. A value of zero means that usage
* statistics are not accumulated on a periodic basis (e.g., a one-time limit for
* “pay as you go” - PAYG service). A non-zero value specifies the usage interval in minutes.
private long mUsageLimitUsageTimePeriodInMinutes = Long.MIN_VALUE;
* @hide
public void setUsageLimitUsageTimePeriodInMinutes(long usageLimitUsageTimePeriodInMinutes) {
mUsageLimitUsageTimePeriodInMinutes = usageLimitUsageTimePeriodInMinutes;
* @hide
public long getUsageLimitUsageTimePeriodInMinutes() {
return mUsageLimitUsageTimePeriodInMinutes;
* The time at which usage statistic accumulation begins. It is in the format of number
* of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
* Use Long.MIN_VALUE to indicate unset value.
private long mUsageLimitStartTimeInMillis = Long.MIN_VALUE;
* @hide
public void setUsageLimitStartTimeInMillis(long usageLimitStartTimeInMillis) {
mUsageLimitStartTimeInMillis = usageLimitStartTimeInMillis;
* @hide
public long getUsageLimitStartTimeInMillis() {
return mUsageLimitStartTimeInMillis;
* The cumulative data limit in megabytes for the {@link #usageLimitUsageTimePeriodInMinutes}.
* A value of zero indicate unlimited data usage.
* Use Long.MIN_VALUE to indicate unset value.
private long mUsageLimitDataLimit = Long.MIN_VALUE;
* @hide
public void setUsageLimitDataLimit(long usageLimitDataLimit) {
mUsageLimitDataLimit = usageLimitDataLimit;
* @hide
public long getUsageLimitDataLimit() {
return mUsageLimitDataLimit;
* The cumulative time limit in minutes for the {@link #usageLimitUsageTimePeriodInMinutes}.
* A value of zero indicate unlimited time usage.
private long mUsageLimitTimeLimitInMinutes = Long.MIN_VALUE;
* @hide
public void setUsageLimitTimeLimitInMinutes(long usageLimitTimeLimitInMinutes) {
mUsageLimitTimeLimitInMinutes = usageLimitTimeLimitInMinutes;
* @hide
public long getUsageLimitTimeLimitInMinutes() {
return mUsageLimitTimeLimitInMinutes;
* The map of OSU service provider names whose each element is presented in different
* languages for the service provider, which is used for finding a matching
* PasspointConfiguration with a given service provider name.
private Map<String, String> mServiceFriendlyNames = null;
* @hide
public void setServiceFriendlyNames(Map<String, String> serviceFriendlyNames) {
mServiceFriendlyNames = serviceFriendlyNames;
* @hide
public Map<String, String> getServiceFriendlyNames() {
return mServiceFriendlyNames;
* Return the friendly Name for current language from the list of friendly names of OSU
* provider.
* The string matching the default locale will be returned if it is found, otherwise the
* first string in the list will be returned. A null will be returned if the list is empty.
* @return String matching the default locale, null otherwise
* @hide
public String getServiceFriendlyName() {
if (mServiceFriendlyNames == null || mServiceFriendlyNames.isEmpty()) return null;
String lang = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage();
String friendlyName = mServiceFriendlyNames.get(lang);
if (friendlyName != null) {
return friendlyName;
friendlyName = mServiceFriendlyNames.get("en");
if (friendlyName != null) {
return friendlyName;
return mServiceFriendlyNames.get(mServiceFriendlyNames.keySet().stream().findFirst().get());
* The carrier ID identifies the operator who provides this network configuration.
* see {@link TelephonyManager#getSimCarrierId()}
private int mCarrierId = TelephonyManager.UNKNOWN_CARRIER_ID;
* Set the carrier ID associated with current configuration.
* @param carrierId {@code mCarrierId}
* @hide
public void setCarrierId(int carrierId) {
this.mCarrierId = carrierId;
* Get the carrier ID associated with current configuration.
* @return {@code mCarrierId}
* @hide
public int getCarrierId() {
return mCarrierId;
* The auto-join configuration specifies whether or not the Passpoint Configuration is
* considered for auto-connection. If true then yes, if false then it isn't considered as part
* of auto-connection - but can still be manually connected to.
private boolean mIsAutojoinEnabled = true;
* The mac randomization setting specifies whether a randomized or device MAC address will
* be used to connect to the passpoint network. If true, a randomized MAC will be used.
* Otherwise, the device MAC address will be used.
private boolean mIsMacRandomizationEnabled = true;
* Indicates if the end user has expressed an explicit opinion about the
* meteredness of this network, such as through the Settings app.
* This value is one of {@link #METERED_OVERRIDE_NONE}, {@link #METERED_OVERRIDE_METERED},
* <p>
* This should always override any values from {@link WifiInfo#getMeteredHint()}.
* By default this field is set to {@link #METERED_OVERRIDE_NONE}.
private int mMeteredOverride = METERED_OVERRIDE_NONE;
* Configures the auto-association status of this Passpoint configuration. A value of true
* indicates that the configuration will be considered for auto-connection, a value of false
* indicates that only manual connection will work - the framework will not auto-associate to
* this Passpoint network.
* @param autojoinEnabled true to be considered for framework auto-connection, false otherwise.
* @hide
public void setAutojoinEnabled(boolean autojoinEnabled) {
mIsAutojoinEnabled = autojoinEnabled;
* Configures the MAC randomization setting for this Passpoint configuration.
* If set to true, the framework will use a randomized MAC address to connect to this Passpoint
* network. Otherwise, the framework will use the device MAC address.
* @param enabled true to use randomized MAC address, false to use device MAC address.
* @hide
public void setMacRandomizationEnabled(boolean enabled) {
mIsMacRandomizationEnabled = enabled;
* Sets the metered override setting for this Passpoint configuration.
* @param meteredOverride One of the values in {@link MeteredOverride}
* @hide
public void setMeteredOverride(@MeteredOverride int meteredOverride) {
mMeteredOverride = meteredOverride;
* Indicates whether the Passpoint configuration may be auto-connected to by the framework. A
* value of true indicates that auto-connection can happen, a value of false indicates that it
* cannot. However, even when auto-connection is not possible manual connection by the user is
* possible.
* @return the auto-join configuration: true for auto-connection (or join) enabled, false
* otherwise.
* @hide
public boolean isAutojoinEnabled() {
return mIsAutojoinEnabled;
* Indicates whether the user chose this configuration to be treated as metered or not.
* @return One of the values in {@link MeteredOverride}
* @hide
public int getMeteredOverride() {
return mMeteredOverride;
* Indicates whether a randomized MAC address or device MAC address will be used for
* connections to this Passpoint network. If true, a randomized MAC address will be used.
* Otherwise, the device MAC address will be used.
* @return true for MAC randomization enabled. False for disabled.
* @hide
public boolean isMacRandomizationEnabled() {
return mIsMacRandomizationEnabled;
* Constructor for creating PasspointConfiguration with default values.
public PasspointConfiguration() {}
* Copy constructor.
* @param source The source to copy from
public PasspointConfiguration(PasspointConfiguration source) {
if (source == null) {
if (source.mHomeSp != null) {
mHomeSp = new HomeSp(source.mHomeSp);
if (source.mCredential != null) {
mCredential = new Credential(source.mCredential);
if (source.mPolicy != null) {
mPolicy = new Policy(source.mPolicy);
if (source.mTrustRootCertList != null) {
mTrustRootCertList = Collections.unmodifiableMap(source.mTrustRootCertList);
if (source.mSubscriptionUpdate != null) {
mSubscriptionUpdate = new UpdateParameter(source.mSubscriptionUpdate);
mUpdateIdentifier = source.mUpdateIdentifier;
mCredentialPriority = source.mCredentialPriority;
mSubscriptionCreationTimeInMillis = source.mSubscriptionCreationTimeInMillis;
mSubscriptionExpirationTimeInMillis = source.mSubscriptionExpirationTimeInMillis;
mSubscriptionType = source.mSubscriptionType;
mUsageLimitDataLimit = source.mUsageLimitDataLimit;
mUsageLimitStartTimeInMillis = source.mUsageLimitStartTimeInMillis;
mUsageLimitTimeLimitInMinutes = source.mUsageLimitTimeLimitInMinutes;
mUsageLimitUsageTimePeriodInMinutes = source.mUsageLimitUsageTimePeriodInMinutes;
mServiceFriendlyNames = source.mServiceFriendlyNames;
mAaaServerTrustedNames = source.mAaaServerTrustedNames;
mCarrierId = source.mCarrierId;
mIsAutojoinEnabled = source.mIsAutojoinEnabled;
mIsMacRandomizationEnabled = source.mIsMacRandomizationEnabled;
mMeteredOverride = source.mMeteredOverride;
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
dest.writeParcelable(mHomeSp, flags);
dest.writeParcelable(mCredential, flags);
dest.writeParcelable(mPolicy, flags);
dest.writeParcelable(mSubscriptionUpdate, flags);
writeTrustRootCerts(dest, mTrustRootCertList);
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
(HashMap<String, String>) mServiceFriendlyNames);
public boolean equals(Object thatObject) {
if (this == thatObject) {
return true;
if (!(thatObject instanceof PasspointConfiguration)) {
return false;
PasspointConfiguration that = (PasspointConfiguration) thatObject;
return (mHomeSp == null ? that.mHomeSp == null : mHomeSp.equals(that.mHomeSp))
&& (mAaaServerTrustedNames == null ? that.mAaaServerTrustedNames == null
: Arrays.equals(mAaaServerTrustedNames, that.mAaaServerTrustedNames))
&& (mCredential == null ? that.mCredential == null
: mCredential.equals(that.mCredential))
&& (mPolicy == null ? that.mPolicy == null : mPolicy.equals(that.mPolicy))
&& (mSubscriptionUpdate == null ? that.mSubscriptionUpdate == null
: mSubscriptionUpdate.equals(that.mSubscriptionUpdate))
&& isTrustRootCertListEquals(mTrustRootCertList, that.mTrustRootCertList)
&& mUpdateIdentifier == that.mUpdateIdentifier
&& mCredentialPriority == that.mCredentialPriority
&& mSubscriptionCreationTimeInMillis == that.mSubscriptionCreationTimeInMillis
&& mSubscriptionExpirationTimeInMillis == that.mSubscriptionExpirationTimeInMillis
&& TextUtils.equals(mSubscriptionType, that.mSubscriptionType)
&& mUsageLimitUsageTimePeriodInMinutes == that.mUsageLimitUsageTimePeriodInMinutes
&& mUsageLimitStartTimeInMillis == that.mUsageLimitStartTimeInMillis
&& mUsageLimitDataLimit == that.mUsageLimitDataLimit
&& mUsageLimitTimeLimitInMinutes == that.mUsageLimitTimeLimitInMinutes
&& mCarrierId == that.mCarrierId
&& mIsAutojoinEnabled == that.mIsAutojoinEnabled
&& mIsMacRandomizationEnabled == that.mIsMacRandomizationEnabled
&& mMeteredOverride == that.mMeteredOverride
&& (mServiceFriendlyNames == null ? that.mServiceFriendlyNames == null
: mServiceFriendlyNames.equals(that.mServiceFriendlyNames));
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(mHomeSp, mCredential, mPolicy, mSubscriptionUpdate, mTrustRootCertList,
mUpdateIdentifier, mCredentialPriority, mSubscriptionCreationTimeInMillis,
mSubscriptionExpirationTimeInMillis, mUsageLimitUsageTimePeriodInMinutes,
mUsageLimitStartTimeInMillis, mUsageLimitDataLimit, mUsageLimitTimeLimitInMinutes,
mServiceFriendlyNames, mCarrierId, mIsAutojoinEnabled, mIsMacRandomizationEnabled,
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("UpdateIdentifier: ").append(mUpdateIdentifier).append("\n");
builder.append("CredentialPriority: ").append(mCredentialPriority).append("\n");
builder.append("SubscriptionCreationTime: ").append(
mSubscriptionCreationTimeInMillis != Long.MIN_VALUE
? new Date(mSubscriptionCreationTimeInMillis) : "Not specified").append("\n");
builder.append("SubscriptionExpirationTime: ").append(
mSubscriptionExpirationTimeInMillis != Long.MIN_VALUE
? new Date(mSubscriptionExpirationTimeInMillis) : "Not specified").append("\n");
builder.append("UsageLimitStartTime: ").append(mUsageLimitStartTimeInMillis != Long.MIN_VALUE
? new Date(mUsageLimitStartTimeInMillis) : "Not specified").append("\n");
builder.append("UsageTimePeriod: ").append(mUsageLimitUsageTimePeriodInMinutes)
builder.append("UsageLimitDataLimit: ").append(mUsageLimitDataLimit).append("\n");
builder.append("UsageLimitTimeLimit: ").append(mUsageLimitTimeLimitInMinutes).append("\n");
builder.append("Provisioned by a subscription server: ")
.append(isOsuProvisioned() ? "Yes" : "No").append("\n");
if (mHomeSp != null) {
builder.append("HomeSP Begin ---\n");
builder.append("HomeSP End ---\n");
if (mCredential != null) {
builder.append("Credential Begin ---\n");
builder.append("Credential End ---\n");
if (mPolicy != null) {
builder.append("Policy Begin ---\n");
builder.append("Policy End ---\n");
if (mSubscriptionUpdate != null) {
builder.append("SubscriptionUpdate Begin ---\n");
builder.append("SubscriptionUpdate End ---\n");
if (mTrustRootCertList != null) {
builder.append("TrustRootCertServers: ").append(mTrustRootCertList.keySet())
if (mAaaServerTrustedNames != null) {
builder.append("AAAServerTrustedNames: ")
.append(String.join(";", mAaaServerTrustedNames)).append("\n");
if (mServiceFriendlyNames != null) {
builder.append("ServiceFriendlyNames: ").append(mServiceFriendlyNames);
builder.append("CarrierId:" + mCarrierId);
builder.append("IsAutojoinEnabled:" + mIsAutojoinEnabled);
builder.append("mIsMacRandomizationEnabled:" + mIsMacRandomizationEnabled);
builder.append("mMeteredOverride:" + mMeteredOverride);
return builder.toString();
* Validate the R1 configuration data.
* @return true on success or false on failure
* @hide
public boolean validate() {
// Optional: PerProviderSubscription/<X+>/SubscriptionUpdate
if (mSubscriptionUpdate != null && !mSubscriptionUpdate.validate()) {
return false;
return validateForCommonR1andR2(true);
* Validate the R2 configuration data.
* @return true on success or false on failure
* @hide
public boolean validateForR2() {
// Required: PerProviderSubscription/UpdateIdentifier
if (mUpdateIdentifier == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
return false;
// Required: PerProviderSubscription/<X+>/SubscriptionUpdate
if (mSubscriptionUpdate == null || !mSubscriptionUpdate.validate()) {
return false;
return validateForCommonR1andR2(false);
private boolean validateForCommonR1andR2(boolean isR1) {
// Required: PerProviderSubscription/<X+>/HomeSP
if (mHomeSp == null || !mHomeSp.validate()) {
return false;
// Required: PerProviderSubscription/<X+>/Credential
if (mCredential == null || !mCredential.validate(isR1)) {
return false;
// Optional: PerProviderSubscription/<X+>/Policy
if (mPolicy != null && !mPolicy.validate()) {
return false;
if (mTrustRootCertList != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> entry : mTrustRootCertList.entrySet()) {
String url = entry.getKey();
byte[] certFingerprint = entry.getValue();
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) {
Log.d(TAG, "Empty URL");
return false;
if (url.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length > MAX_URL_BYTES) {
Log.d(TAG, "URL bytes exceeded the max: "
+ url.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length);
return false;
if (certFingerprint == null) {
Log.d(TAG, "Fingerprint not specified");
return false;
if (certFingerprint.length != CERTIFICATE_SHA256_BYTES) {
Log.d(TAG, "Incorrect size of trust root certificate SHA-256 fingerprint: "
+ certFingerprint.length);
return false;
return true;
public static final @android.annotation.NonNull Creator<PasspointConfiguration> CREATOR =
new Creator<PasspointConfiguration>() {
public PasspointConfiguration createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
PasspointConfiguration config = new PasspointConfiguration();
Bundle bundle = in.readBundle();
Map<String, String> friendlyNamesMap = (HashMap) bundle.getSerializable(
config.mCarrierId = in.readInt();
config.mIsAutojoinEnabled = in.readBoolean();
config.mIsMacRandomizationEnabled = in.readBoolean();
config.mMeteredOverride = in.readInt();
return config;
public PasspointConfiguration[] newArray(int size) {
return new PasspointConfiguration[size];
* Helper function for reading trust root certificate info list from a Parcel.
* @param in The Parcel to read from
* @return The list of trust root certificate URL with the corresponding certificate
* fingerprint
private Map<String, byte[]> readTrustRootCerts(Parcel in) {
int size = in.readInt();
if (size == NULL_VALUE) {
return null;
Map<String, byte[]> trustRootCerts = new HashMap<>(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
String key = in.readString();
byte[] value = in.createByteArray();
trustRootCerts.put(key, value);
return trustRootCerts;
* Helper function for writing trust root certificate information list.
* @param dest The Parcel to write to
* @param trustRootCerts The list of trust root certificate URL with the corresponding
* certificate fingerprint
private static void writeTrustRootCerts(Parcel dest, Map<String, byte[]> trustRootCerts) {
if (trustRootCerts == null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> entry : trustRootCerts.entrySet()) {
* Helper function for comparing two trust root certificate list. Cannot use Map#equals
* method since the value type (byte[]) doesn't override equals method.
* @param list1 The first trust root certificate list
* @param list2 The second trust root certificate list
* @return true if the two list are equal
private static boolean isTrustRootCertListEquals(Map<String, byte[]> list1,
Map<String, byte[]> list2) {
if (list1 == null || list2 == null) {
return list1 == list2;
if (list1.size() != list2.size()) {
return false;
for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> entry : list1.entrySet()) {
if (!Arrays.equals(entry.getValue(), list2.get(entry.getKey()))) {
return false;
return true;
* Indicates if the Passpoint Configuration was provisioned by a subscription (OSU) server,
* which means that it's an R2 (or R3) profile.
* @return true if the Passpoint Configuration was provisioned by a subscription server.
public boolean isOsuProvisioned() {
return getUpdateIdentifier() != Integer.MIN_VALUE;
* Get a unique identifier for a PasspointConfiguration object.
* @return A unique identifier
* @throws IllegalStateException if Credential or HomeSP nodes are not initialized
public @NonNull String getUniqueId() throws IllegalStateException {
if (mCredential == null || mHomeSp == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(mHomeSp.getFqdn())) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Credential or HomeSP are not initialized");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(String.format("%s_%x%x", mHomeSp.getFqdn(), mHomeSp.hashCode(),
return sb.toString();