Merge "iorap: Add script to analyze iorap's compiled TraceFile." into rvc-dev
diff --git a/startop/scripts/iorap/ b/startop/scripts/iorap/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..343cd54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/startop/scripts/iorap/
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2020, The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import argparse
+import os
+import sys
+from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, Tuple
+DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(DIR))  # framework/base/startop/script
+import lib.print_utils as print_utils
+# Include generated protos.
+dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+sys.path.append(dir_name + "/generated")
+from TraceFile_pb2 import *
+def parse_options(argv: List[str] = None):
+  """Parses command line arguments and returns an argparse Namespace object."""
+  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Analyze compiled_trace iorap protos.")
+  required_named = parser.add_argument_group('required named arguments')
+  required_named.add_argument('-i', dest='input', metavar='FILE',
+                              help='Read protobuf file as input')
+  optional_named = parser.add_argument_group('optional named arguments')
+  optional_named.add_argument('-up', dest='upper_percent', type=float,
+                              default=95.0,
+                              help='Only show the top-most entries up to this value.')
+  optional_named.add_argument('-r', dest='raw', action='store_true',
+                              help='Output entire raw file.')
+  optional_named.add_argument('-o', dest='output',
+                              help='The results are stored into the output file')
+  optional_named.add_argument('-d', dest='debug', action='store_true'
+                              , help='Activity of the app to be compiled')
+  return parser.parse_args(argv)
+def open_iorap_prefetch_file(file_path: str) -> TraceFile:
+  with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
+    tf = TraceFile()
+    tf.ParseFromString(
+    return tf
+def print_stats_summary(trace_file: TraceFile, upper_percent):
+  tf_dict = convert_to_dict(trace_file)
+  print_utils.debug_print(tf_dict)
+  total_length = 0
+  summaries = []
+  for name, entries_list in tf_dict.items():
+    summary = entries_sum(entries_list)
+    summaries.append(summary)
+    total_length += summary.length
+  # Sort by length
+  summaries.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda s: s.length)
+  percent_sum = 0.0
+  skipped_entries = 0
+  print("===========================================")
+  print("Total length: {:,} bytes".format(total_length))
+  print("Displayed upper percent: {:0.2f}%".format(upper_percent))
+  print("===========================================")
+  print("")
+  print("name,length,percent_of_total,upper_percent")
+  for sum in summaries:
+    percent_of_total = (sum.length * 1.0) / (total_length * 1.0) * 100.0
+    percent_sum += percent_of_total
+    if percent_sum > upper_percent:
+      skipped_entries = skipped_entries + 1
+      continue
+    #print("%s,%d,%.2f%%" %(, sum.length, percent_of_total))
+    print("{:s},{:d},{:0.2f}%,{:0.2f}%".format(, sum.length, percent_of_total, percent_sum))
+  if skipped_entries > 0:
+    print("[WARNING] Skipped {:d} entries, use -up=100 to show everything".format(skipped_entries))
+  pass
+class FileEntry(NamedTuple):
+  id: int
+  name: str
+  offset: int
+  length: int
+class FileEntrySummary(NamedTuple):
+  name: str
+  length: int
+def entries_sum(entries: List[FileEntry]) -> FileEntrySummary:
+  if not entries:
+    return None
+  summary = FileEntrySummary(name=entries[0].name, length=0)
+  for entry in entries:
+    summary = FileEntrySummary(, summary.length + entry.length)
+  return summary
+def convert_to_dict(trace_file: TraceFile) -> Dict[str, FileEntry]:
+  trace_file_index = trace_file.index
+  # -> entry.file_name
+  entries_map = {}
+  index_entries = trace_file_index.entries
+  for entry in index_entries:
+    entries_map[] = entry.file_name
+  final_map = {}
+  file_entries_map = {}
+  file_entries = trace_file.list.entries
+  for entry in file_entries:
+    print_utils.debug_print(entry)
+    lst = file_entries_map.get(entry.index_id, [])
+    file_entries_map[entry.index_id] = lst
+    file_name = entries_map[entry.index_id]
+    file_entry = \
+        FileEntry(id=entry.index_id, name=file_name, offset=entry.file_offset, length=entry.file_length)
+    lst.append(file_entry)
+    final_map[file_name] = lst
+  return final_map
+def main(argv: List[str]) -> int:
+  opts = parse_options(argv[1:])
+  if opts.debug:
+    print_utils.DEBUG = opts.debug
+  print_utils.debug_print(opts)
+  prefetch_file = open_iorap_prefetch_file(opts.input)
+  if opts.raw:
+    print(prefetch_file)
+  print_stats_summary(prefetch_file, opts.upper_percent)
+  return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  sys.exit(main(sys.argv))