blob: 67fc7709103a7dadd1c7cf9bcc233c5e0d06aa2d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "StatsLogProcessor.h"
#include "anomaly/AlarmMonitor.h"
#include "config/ConfigManager.h"
#include "external/StatsPullerManager.h"
#include "packages/UidMap.h"
#include "statscompanion_util.h"
#include <android/os/BnStatsManager.h>
#include <android/os/IStatsCompanionService.h>
#include <binder/IResultReceiver.h>
#include <utils/Looper.h>
#include <deque>
#include <mutex>
using namespace android;
using namespace android::base;
using namespace android::binder;
using namespace android::os;
using namespace std;
namespace android {
namespace os {
namespace statsd {
class StatsService : public BnStatsManager, public LogListener, public IBinder::DeathRecipient {
StatsService(const sp<Looper>& handlerLooper);
virtual ~StatsService();
/** The anomaly alarm registered with AlarmManager won't be updated by less than this. */
// TODO: Consider making this configurable. And choose a good number.
virtual status_t onTransact(uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags);
virtual status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
virtual status_t command(FILE* in, FILE* out, FILE* err, Vector<String8>& args);
virtual Status systemRunning();
virtual Status statsCompanionReady();
virtual Status informAnomalyAlarmFired();
virtual Status informPollAlarmFired();
virtual Status informAlarmForSubscriberTriggeringFired();
virtual Status informAllUidData(const vector<int32_t>& uid, const vector<int64_t>& version,
const vector<String16>& app);
virtual Status informOnePackage(const String16& app, int32_t uid, int64_t version);
virtual Status informOnePackageRemoved(const String16& app, int32_t uid);
virtual Status informDeviceShutdown();
* Called right before we start processing events.
void Startup();
* Called by LogReader when there's a log event to process.
virtual void OnLogEvent(LogEvent* event, bool reconnectionStarts);
* Binder call for clients to request data for this configuration key.
virtual Status getData(int64_t key,
const String16& packageName,
vector<uint8_t>* output) override;
* Binder call for clients to get metadata across all configs in statsd.
virtual Status getMetadata(const String16& packageName,
vector<uint8_t>* output) override;
* Binder call to let clients send a configuration and indicate they're interested when they
* should requestData for this configuration.
virtual Status addConfiguration(int64_t key,
const vector<uint8_t>& config,
const String16& packageName) override;
* Binder call to let clients register the data fetch operation for a configuration.
virtual Status setDataFetchOperation(int64_t key,
const sp<android::IBinder>& intentSender,
const String16& packageName) override;
* Binder call to remove the data fetch operation for the specified config key.
virtual Status removeDataFetchOperation(int64_t key,
const String16& packageName) override;
* Binder call to allow clients to remove the specified configuration.
virtual Status removeConfiguration(int64_t key,
const String16& packageName) override;
* Binder call to associate the given config's subscriberId with the given intentSender.
* intentSender must be convertible into an IntentSender (in Java) using IntentSender(IBinder).
virtual Status setBroadcastSubscriber(int64_t configId,
int64_t subscriberId,
const sp<android::IBinder>& intentSender,
const String16& packageName) override;
* Binder call to unassociate the given config's subscriberId with any intentSender.
virtual Status unsetBroadcastSubscriber(int64_t configId,
int64_t subscriberId,
const String16& packageName) override;
/** Inform statsCompanion that statsd is ready. */
virtual void sayHiToStatsCompanion();
/** IBinder::DeathRecipient */
virtual void binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who) override;
* Load system properties at init.
void init_system_properties();
* Helper for loading system properties.
static void init_build_type_callback(void* cookie, const char* name, const char* value,
uint32_t serial);
* Text or proto output of dumpsys.
void dump_impl(FILE* out, bool verbose, bool proto);
* Print usage information for the commands
void print_cmd_help(FILE* out);
* Trigger a broadcast.
status_t cmd_trigger_broadcast(FILE* out, Vector<String8>& args);
* Handle the config sub-command.
status_t cmd_config(FILE* in, FILE* out, FILE* err, Vector<String8>& args);
* Prints some basic stats to std out.
status_t cmd_print_stats(FILE* out, const Vector<String8>& args);
* Print the event log.
status_t cmd_dump_report(FILE* out, FILE* err, const Vector<String8>& args);
* Print the mapping of uids to package names.
status_t cmd_print_uid_map(FILE* out, const Vector<String8>& args);
* Flush the data to disk.
status_t cmd_write_data_to_disk(FILE* out);
* Write an AppBreadcrumbReported event to the StatsLog buffer, as if calling
status_t cmd_log_app_breadcrumb(FILE* out, const Vector<String8>& args);
* Print contents of a pulled metrics source.
status_t cmd_print_pulled_metrics(FILE* out, const Vector<String8>& args);
* Removes all configs stored on disk and on memory.
status_t cmd_remove_all_configs(FILE* out);
* Dump memory usage by statsd.
status_t cmd_dump_memory_info(FILE* out);
* Clear all puller cached data
status_t cmd_clear_puller_cache(FILE* out);
* Print all stats logs received to logcat.
status_t cmd_print_logs(FILE* out, const Vector<String8>& args);
* Adds a configuration after checking permissions and obtaining UID from binder call.
bool addConfigurationChecked(int uid, int64_t key, const vector<uint8_t>& config);
* Update a configuration.
void set_config(int uid, const string& name, const StatsdConfig& config);
* Tracks the uid <--> package name mapping.
sp<UidMap> mUidMap;
* Fetches external metrics.
StatsPullerManager mStatsPullerManager;
* Tracks the configurations that have been passed to statsd.
sp<ConfigManager> mConfigManager;
* The metrics recorder.
sp<StatsLogProcessor> mProcessor;
* The alarm monitor for anomaly detection.
const sp<AlarmMonitor> mAnomalyAlarmMonitor;
* The alarm monitor for alarms to directly trigger subscriber.
const sp<AlarmMonitor> mPeriodicAlarmMonitor;
* Whether this is an eng build.
bool mEngBuild;
FRIEND_TEST(StatsServiceTest, TestAddConfig_simple);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsServiceTest, TestAddConfig_empty);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsServiceTest, TestAddConfig_invalid);
FRIEND_TEST(PartialBucketE2eTest, TestCountMetricNoSplitOnNewApp);
FRIEND_TEST(PartialBucketE2eTest, TestCountMetricSplitOnUpgrade);
FRIEND_TEST(PartialBucketE2eTest, TestCountMetricSplitOnRemoval);
FRIEND_TEST(PartialBucketE2eTest, TestCountMetricWithoutSplit);
FRIEND_TEST(PartialBucketE2eTest, TestValueMetricWithoutMinPartialBucket);
FRIEND_TEST(PartialBucketE2eTest, TestValueMetricWithMinPartialBucket);
FRIEND_TEST(PartialBucketE2eTest, TestGaugeMetricWithoutMinPartialBucket);
FRIEND_TEST(PartialBucketE2eTest, TestGaugeMetricWithMinPartialBucket);
} // namespace statsd
} // namespace os
} // namespace android