blob: dce48a3ab89923aa7fe91eb73589ae9003634792 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "TextLayoutCache"
#include <utils/JenkinsHash.h>
#include "TextLayoutCache.h"
#include "TextLayout.h"
#include "SkFontHost.h"
#include "SkTypeface_android.h"
#include <unicode/unistr.h>
#include <unicode/normlzr.h>
#include <unicode/uchar.h>
extern "C" {
#include "harfbuzz-unicode.h"
namespace android {
TextLayoutCache::TextLayoutCache(TextLayoutShaper* shaper) :
mCache(LruCache<TextLayoutCacheKey, sp<TextLayoutValue> >::kUnlimitedCapacity),
mCacheHitCount(0), mNanosecondsSaved(0) {
TextLayoutCache::~TextLayoutCache() {
void TextLayoutCache::init() {
mDebugLevel = readRtlDebugLevel();
mDebugEnabled = mDebugLevel & kRtlDebugCaches;
ALOGD("Using debug level = %d - Debug Enabled = %d", mDebugLevel, mDebugEnabled);
mCacheStartTime = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
if (mDebugEnabled) {
ALOGD("Initialization is done - Start time = %lld", mCacheStartTime);
mInitialized = true;
* Callbacks
void TextLayoutCache::operator()(TextLayoutCacheKey& text, sp<TextLayoutValue>& desc) {
size_t totalSizeToDelete = text.getSize() + desc->getSize();
mSize -= totalSizeToDelete;
if (mDebugEnabled) {
ALOGD("Cache value %p deleted, size = %d", desc.get(), totalSizeToDelete);
* Cache clearing
void TextLayoutCache::purgeCaches() {
AutoMutex _l(mLock);
* Caching
sp<TextLayoutValue> TextLayoutCache::getValue(const SkPaint* paint,
const jchar* text, jint start, jint count, jint contextCount, jint dirFlags) {
AutoMutex _l(mLock);
nsecs_t startTime = 0;
if (mDebugEnabled) {
startTime = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
// Create the key
TextLayoutCacheKey key(paint, text, start, count, contextCount, dirFlags);
// Get value from cache if possible
sp<TextLayoutValue> value = mCache.get(key);
// Value not found for the key, we need to add a new value in the cache
if (value == NULL) {
if (mDebugEnabled) {
startTime = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
value = new TextLayoutValue(contextCount);
// Compute advances and store them
mShaper->computeValues(value.get(), paint,
reinterpret_cast<const UChar*>(key.getText()), start, count,
size_t(contextCount), int(dirFlags));
if (mDebugEnabled) {
value->setElapsedTime(systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC) - startTime);
// Don't bother to add in the cache if the entry is too big
size_t size = key.getSize() + value->getSize();
if (size <= mMaxSize) {
// Cleanup to make some room if needed
if (mSize + size > mMaxSize) {
if (mDebugEnabled) {
ALOGD("Need to clean some entries for making some room for a new entry");
while (mSize + size > mMaxSize) {
// This will call the callback
bool removedOne = mCache.removeOldest();
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!removedOne, "The cache is non-empty but we "
"failed to remove the oldest entry. "
"mSize = %u, size = %u, mMaxSize = %u, mCache.size() = %u",
mSize, size, mMaxSize, mCache.size());
// Update current cache size
mSize += size;
bool putOne = mCache.put(key, value);
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!putOne, "Failed to put an entry into the cache. "
"This indicates that the cache already has an entry with the "
"same key but it should not since we checked earlier!"
" - start = %d, count = %d, contextCount = %d - Text = '%s'",
start, count, contextCount, String8(key.getText() + start, count).string());
if (mDebugEnabled) {
nsecs_t totalTime = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC) - startTime;
ALOGD("CACHE MISS: Added entry %p "
"with start = %d, count = %d, contextCount = %d, "
"entry size %d bytes, remaining space %d bytes"
" - Compute time %0.6f ms - Put time %0.6f ms - Text = '%s'",
value.get(), start, count, contextCount, size, mMaxSize - mSize,
value->getElapsedTime() * 0.000001f,
(totalTime - value->getElapsedTime()) * 0.000001f,
String8(key.getText() + start, count).string());
} else {
if (mDebugEnabled) {
ALOGD("CACHE MISS: Calculated but not storing entry because it is too big "
"with start = %d, count = %d, contextCount = %d, "
"entry size %d bytes, remaining space %d bytes"
" - Compute time %0.6f ms - Text = '%s'",
start, count, contextCount, size, mMaxSize - mSize,
value->getElapsedTime() * 0.000001f,
String8(key.getText() + start, count).string());
} else {
// This is a cache hit, just log timestamp and user infos
if (mDebugEnabled) {
nsecs_t elapsedTimeThruCacheGet = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC) - startTime;
mNanosecondsSaved += (value->getElapsedTime() - elapsedTimeThruCacheGet);
if (value->getElapsedTime() > 0) {
float deltaPercent = 100 * ((value->getElapsedTime() - elapsedTimeThruCacheGet)
/ ((float)value->getElapsedTime()));
ALOGD("CACHE HIT #%d with start = %d, count = %d, contextCount = %d"
"- Compute time %0.6f ms - "
"Cache get time %0.6f ms - Gain in percent: %2.2f - Text = '%s'",
mCacheHitCount, start, count, contextCount,
value->getElapsedTime() * 0.000001f,
elapsedTimeThruCacheGet * 0.000001f,
String8(key.getText() + start, count).string());
return value;
void TextLayoutCache::dumpCacheStats() {
float remainingPercent = 100 * ((mMaxSize - mSize) / ((float)mMaxSize));
float timeRunningInSec = (systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC) - mCacheStartTime) / 1000000000;
size_t cacheSize = mCache.size();
ALOGD("Cache stats");
ALOGD("pid : %d", getpid());
ALOGD("running : %.0f seconds", timeRunningInSec);
ALOGD("entries : %d", cacheSize);
ALOGD("max size : %d bytes", mMaxSize);
ALOGD("used : %d bytes according to mSize", mSize);
ALOGD("remaining : %d bytes or %2.2f percent", mMaxSize - mSize, remainingPercent);
ALOGD("hits : %d", mCacheHitCount);
ALOGD("saved : %0.6f ms", mNanosecondsSaved * 0.000001f);
* TextLayoutCacheKey
TextLayoutCacheKey::TextLayoutCacheKey(): start(0), count(0), contextCount(0),
dirFlags(0), typeface(NULL), textSize(0), textSkewX(0), textScaleX(0), flags(0),
hinting(SkPaint::kNo_Hinting), variant(SkPaint::kDefault_Variant), language() {
TextLayoutCacheKey::TextLayoutCacheKey(const SkPaint* paint, const UChar* text,
size_t start, size_t count, size_t contextCount, int dirFlags) :
start(start), count(count), contextCount(contextCount),
dirFlags(dirFlags) {
textCopy.setTo(text, contextCount);
typeface = paint->getTypeface();
textSize = paint->getTextSize();
textSkewX = paint->getTextSkewX();
textScaleX = paint->getTextScaleX();
flags = paint->getFlags();
hinting = paint->getHinting();
variant = paint->getFontVariant();
language = paint->getLanguage();
TextLayoutCacheKey::TextLayoutCacheKey(const TextLayoutCacheKey& other) :
language(other.language) {
int TextLayoutCacheKey::compare(const TextLayoutCacheKey& lhs, const TextLayoutCacheKey& rhs) {
int deltaInt = lhs.start - rhs.start;
if (deltaInt != 0) return (deltaInt);
deltaInt = lhs.count - rhs.count;
if (deltaInt != 0) return (deltaInt);
deltaInt = lhs.contextCount - rhs.contextCount;
if (deltaInt != 0) return (deltaInt);
if (lhs.typeface < rhs.typeface) return -1;
if (lhs.typeface > rhs.typeface) return +1;
if (lhs.textSize < rhs.textSize) return -1;
if (lhs.textSize > rhs.textSize) return +1;
if (lhs.textSkewX < rhs.textSkewX) return -1;
if (lhs.textSkewX > rhs.textSkewX) return +1;
if (lhs.textScaleX < rhs.textScaleX) return -1;
if (lhs.textScaleX > rhs.textScaleX) return +1;
deltaInt = lhs.flags - rhs.flags;
if (deltaInt != 0) return (deltaInt);
deltaInt = lhs.hinting - rhs.hinting;
if (deltaInt != 0) return (deltaInt);
deltaInt = lhs.dirFlags - rhs.dirFlags;
if (deltaInt) return (deltaInt);
deltaInt = lhs.variant - rhs.variant;
if (deltaInt) return (deltaInt);
if (lhs.language < rhs.language) return -1;
if (lhs.language > rhs.language) return +1;
return memcmp(lhs.getText(), rhs.getText(), lhs.contextCount * sizeof(UChar));
size_t TextLayoutCacheKey::getSize() const {
return sizeof(TextLayoutCacheKey) + sizeof(UChar) * contextCount;
hash_t TextLayoutCacheKey::hash() const {
uint32_t hash = JenkinsHashMix(0, start);
hash = JenkinsHashMix(hash, count);
/* contextCount not needed because it's included in text, below */
hash = JenkinsHashMix(hash, hash_type(typeface));
hash = JenkinsHashMix(hash, hash_type(textSize));
hash = JenkinsHashMix(hash, hash_type(textSkewX));
hash = JenkinsHashMix(hash, hash_type(textScaleX));
hash = JenkinsHashMix(hash, flags);
hash = JenkinsHashMix(hash, hinting);
hash = JenkinsHashMix(hash, variant);
// Note: leaving out language is not problematic, as equality comparisons
// are still valid - the only bad thing that could happen is collisions.
hash = JenkinsHashMixShorts(hash, getText(), contextCount);
return JenkinsHashWhiten(hash);
* TextLayoutCacheValue
TextLayoutValue::TextLayoutValue(size_t contextCount) :
mTotalAdvance(0), mElapsedTime(0) {
// Give a hint for advances and glyphs vectors size
mPos.setCapacity(contextCount * 2);
size_t TextLayoutValue::getSize() const {
return sizeof(TextLayoutValue) + sizeof(jfloat) * mAdvances.capacity() +
sizeof(jchar) * mGlyphs.capacity() + sizeof(jfloat) * mPos.capacity();
void TextLayoutValue::setElapsedTime(uint32_t time) {
mElapsedTime = time;
uint32_t TextLayoutValue::getElapsedTime() {
return mElapsedTime;
TextLayoutShaper::TextLayoutShaper() : mShaperItemGlyphArraySize(0) {
mFontRec.klass = &harfbuzzSkiaClass;
mFontRec.userData = 0;
// Note that the scaling values (x_ and y_ppem, x_ and y_scale) will be set
// below, when the paint transform and em unit of the actual shaping font
// are known.
memset(&mShaperItem, 0, sizeof(mShaperItem));
mShaperItem.font = &mFontRec;
mShaperItem.font->userData = &mShapingPaint;
void TextLayoutShaper::init() {
mDefaultTypeface = SkFontHost::CreateTypeface(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, SkTypeface::kNormal);
void TextLayoutShaper::unrefTypefaces() {
TextLayoutShaper::~TextLayoutShaper() {
void TextLayoutShaper::computeValues(TextLayoutValue* value, const SkPaint* paint, const UChar* chars,
size_t start, size_t count, size_t contextCount, int dirFlags) {
computeValues(paint, chars, start, count, contextCount, dirFlags,
&value->mAdvances, &value->mTotalAdvance, &value->mGlyphs, &value->mPos);
ALOGD("Advances - start = %d, count = %d, contextCount = %d, totalAdvance = %f", start, count,
contextCount, value->mTotalAdvance);
void TextLayoutShaper::computeValues(const SkPaint* paint, const UChar* chars,
size_t start, size_t count, size_t contextCount, int dirFlags,
Vector<jfloat>* const outAdvances, jfloat* outTotalAdvance,
Vector<jchar>* const outGlyphs, Vector<jfloat>* const outPos) {
*outTotalAdvance = 0;
if (!count) {
UBiDiLevel bidiReq = 0;
bool forceLTR = false;
bool forceRTL = false;
switch (dirFlags) {
case kBidi_LTR: bidiReq = 0; break; // no ICU constant, canonical LTR level
case kBidi_RTL: bidiReq = 1; break; // no ICU constant, canonical RTL level
case kBidi_Default_LTR: bidiReq = UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR; break;
case kBidi_Default_RTL: bidiReq = UBIDI_DEFAULT_RTL; break;
case kBidi_Force_LTR: forceLTR = true; break; // every char is LTR
case kBidi_Force_RTL: forceRTL = true; break; // every char is RTL
bool useSingleRun = false;
bool isRTL = forceRTL;
if (forceLTR || forceRTL) {
useSingleRun = true;
} else {
UBiDi* bidi = ubidi_open();
if (bidi) {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
ALOGD("******** ComputeValues -- start");
ALOGD(" -- string = '%s'", String8(chars + start, count).string());
ALOGD(" -- start = %d", start);
ALOGD(" -- count = %d", count);
ALOGD(" -- contextCount = %d", contextCount);
ALOGD(" -- bidiReq = %d", bidiReq);
ubidi_setPara(bidi, chars, contextCount, bidiReq, NULL, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
int paraDir = ubidi_getParaLevel(bidi) & kDirection_Mask; // 0 if ltr, 1 if rtl
ssize_t rc = ubidi_countRuns(bidi, &status);
ALOGD(" -- dirFlags = %d", dirFlags);
ALOGD(" -- paraDir = %d", paraDir);
ALOGD(" -- run-count = %d", int(rc));
if (U_SUCCESS(status) && rc == 1) {
// Normal case: one run, status is ok
isRTL = (paraDir == 1);
useSingleRun = true;
} else if (!U_SUCCESS(status) || rc < 1) {
ALOGW("Need to force to single run -- string = '%s',"
" status = %d, rc = %d",
String8(chars + start, count).string(), status, int(rc));
isRTL = (paraDir == 1);
useSingleRun = true;
} else {
int32_t end = start + count;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size_t(rc); ++i) {
int32_t startRun = -1;
int32_t lengthRun = -1;
UBiDiDirection runDir = ubidi_getVisualRun(bidi, i, &startRun, &lengthRun);
if (startRun == -1 || lengthRun == -1) {
// Something went wrong when getting the visual run, need to clear
// already computed data before doing a single run pass
ALOGW("Visual run is not valid");
*outTotalAdvance = 0;
isRTL = (paraDir == 1);
useSingleRun = true;
if (startRun >= end) {
int32_t endRun = startRun + lengthRun;
if (endRun <= int32_t(start)) {
if (startRun < int32_t(start)) {
startRun = int32_t(start);
if (endRun > end) {
endRun = end;
lengthRun = endRun - startRun;
isRTL = (runDir == UBIDI_RTL);
ALOGD("Processing Bidi Run = %d -- run-start = %d, run-len = %d, isRTL = %d",
i, startRun, lengthRun, isRTL);
computeRunValues(paint, chars + startRun, lengthRun, isRTL,
outAdvances, outTotalAdvance, outGlyphs, outPos);
} else {
ALOGW("Cannot set Para");
useSingleRun = true;
isRTL = (bidiReq = 1) || (bidiReq = UBIDI_DEFAULT_RTL);
} else {
ALOGW("Cannot ubidi_open()");
useSingleRun = true;
isRTL = (bidiReq = 1) || (bidiReq = UBIDI_DEFAULT_RTL);
// Default single run case
if (useSingleRun){
ALOGD("Using a SINGLE BiDi Run "
"-- run-start = %d, run-len = %d, isRTL = %d", start, count, isRTL);
computeRunValues(paint, chars + start, count, isRTL,
outAdvances, outTotalAdvance, outGlyphs, outPos);
ALOGD(" -- Total returned glyphs-count = %d", outGlyphs->size());
ALOGD("******** ComputeValues -- end");
static void logGlyphs(HB_ShaperItem shaperItem) {
ALOGD(" -- glyphs count=%d", shaperItem.num_glyphs);
for (size_t i = 0; i < shaperItem.num_glyphs; i++) {
ALOGD(" -- glyph[%d] = %d, offset.x = %0.2f, offset.y = %0.2f", i,
void TextLayoutShaper::computeRunValues(const SkPaint* paint, const UChar* chars,
size_t count, bool isRTL,
Vector<jfloat>* const outAdvances, jfloat* outTotalAdvance,
Vector<jchar>* const outGlyphs, Vector<jfloat>* const outPos) {
if (!count) {
// We cannot shape an empty run.
// To be filled in later
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
UErrorCode error = U_ZERO_ERROR;
bool useNormalizedString = false;
for (ssize_t i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
UChar ch1 = chars[i];
if (::ublock_getCode(ch1) == UBLOCK_COMBINING_DIACRITICAL_MARKS) {
// So we have found a diacritic, let's get now the main code point which is paired
// with it. As we can have several diacritics in a row, we need to iterate back again
ALOGD("The BiDi run '%s' is containing a Diacritic at position %d",
String8(chars, count).string(), int(i));
ssize_t j = i - 1;
for (; j >= 0; --j) {
UChar ch2 = chars[j];
if (::ublock_getCode(ch2) != UBLOCK_COMBINING_DIACRITICAL_MARKS) {
// We could not found the main code point, so we will just use the initial chars
if (j < 0) {
ALOGD("Found main code point at index %d", int(j));
// We found the main code point, so we can normalize the "chunk" and fill
// the remaining with ZWSP so that the Paint.getTextWidth() APIs will still be able
// to get one advance per char
Normalizer::normalize(UnicodeString(chars + j, i - j + 1),
UNORM_NFC, 0 /* no options */, mBuffer, error);
if (U_SUCCESS(error)) {
if (!useNormalizedString) {
useNormalizedString = true;
mNormalizedString.setTo(false /* not terminated*/, chars, count);
// Set the normalized chars
for (ssize_t k = j; k < j + mBuffer.length(); ++k) {
mNormalizedString.setCharAt(k, mBuffer.charAt(k - j));
// Fill the remain part with ZWSP (ZWNJ and ZWJ would lead to weird results
// because some fonts are missing those glyphs)
for (ssize_t k = j + mBuffer.length(); k <= i; ++k) {
mNormalizedString.setCharAt(k, UNICODE_ZWSP);
i = j - 1;
// Reverse "BiDi mirrored chars" in RTL mode only
// See:
// This is a workaround because Harfbuzz is not able to do mirroring in all cases and
// script-run splitting with Harfbuzz is splitting on parenthesis
if (isRTL) {
for (ssize_t i = 0; i < ssize_t(count); i++) {
UChar32 ch = chars[i];
if (!u_isMirrored(ch)) continue;
if (!useNormalizedString) {
useNormalizedString = true;
mNormalizedString.setTo(false /* not terminated*/, chars, count);
UChar result = (UChar) u_charMirror(ch);
mNormalizedString.setCharAt(i, result);
ALOGD("Rewriting codepoint '%d' to '%d' at position %d",
ch, mNormalizedString[i], int(i));
if (useNormalizedString) {
ALOGD("Will use normalized string '%s', length = %d",
} else {
ALOGD("Normalization is not needed or cannot be done, using initial string");
assert(mNormalizedString.length() == count);
// Set the string properties
mShaperItem.string = useNormalizedString ? mNormalizedString.getTerminatedBuffer() : chars;
mShaperItem.stringLength = count;
// Define shaping paint properties
float skewX = paint->getTextSkewX();
// Split the BiDi run into Script runs. Harfbuzz will populate the pos, length and script
// into the shaperItem
ssize_t indexFontRun = isRTL ? mShaperItem.stringLength - 1 : 0;
unsigned numCodePoints = 0;
jfloat totalAdvance = *outTotalAdvance;
while ((isRTL) ?
hb_utf16_script_run_prev(&numCodePoints, &mShaperItem.item, mShaperItem.string,
mShaperItem.stringLength, &indexFontRun):
hb_utf16_script_run_next(&numCodePoints, &mShaperItem.item, mShaperItem.string,
mShaperItem.stringLength, &indexFontRun)) {
ssize_t startScriptRun = mShaperItem.item.pos;
size_t countScriptRun = mShaperItem.item.length;
ssize_t endScriptRun = startScriptRun + countScriptRun;
ALOGD("-------- Start of Script Run --------");
ALOGD("Shaping Script Run with");
ALOGD(" -- isRTL = %d", isRTL);
ALOGD(" -- HB script = %d", mShaperItem.item.script);
ALOGD(" -- startFontRun = %d", int(startScriptRun));
ALOGD(" -- endFontRun = %d", int(endScriptRun));
ALOGD(" -- countFontRun = %d", countScriptRun);
ALOGD(" -- run = '%s'", String8(chars + startScriptRun, countScriptRun).string());
ALOGD(" -- string = '%s'", String8(chars, count).string());
// Initialize Harfbuzz Shaper and get the base glyph count for offsetting the glyphIDs
// and shape the Font run
size_t glyphBaseCount = shapeFontRun(paint, isRTL);
ALOGD("Got from Harfbuzz");
ALOGD(" -- glyphBaseCount = %d", glyphBaseCount);
ALOGD(" -- num_glypth = %d", mShaperItem.num_glyphs);
ALOGD(" -- kerning_applied = %d", mShaperItem.kerning_applied);
ALOGD(" -- isDevKernText = %d", paint->isDevKernText());
if (mShaperItem.advances == NULL || mShaperItem.num_glyphs == 0) {
ALOGD("Advances array is empty or num_glypth = 0");
ALOGD("Returned logclusters");
for (size_t i = 0; i < mShaperItem.num_glyphs; i++) {
ALOGD(" -- lc[%d] = %d, hb-adv[%d] = %0.2f", i, mShaperItem.log_clusters[i],
i, HBFixedToFloat(mShaperItem.advances[i]));
jfloat totalFontRunAdvance = 0;
size_t clusterStart = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < countScriptRun; i++) {
size_t cluster = mShaperItem.log_clusters[i];
size_t clusterNext = i == countScriptRun - 1 ? mShaperItem.num_glyphs :
mShaperItem.log_clusters[i + 1];
if (cluster != clusterNext) {
jfloat advance = 0;
// The advance for the cluster is the sum of the advances of all glyphs within
// the cluster.
for (size_t j = cluster; j < clusterNext; j++) {
advance += HBFixedToFloat(mShaperItem.advances[j]);
totalFontRunAdvance += advance;
outAdvances->replaceAt(advance, startScriptRun + clusterStart);
clusterStart = i + 1;
ALOGD("Returned advances");
for (size_t i = 0; i < countScriptRun; i++) {
ALOGD(" -- hb-adv[%d] = %0.2f, log_clusters = %d, total = %0.2f", i,
(*outAdvances)[i], mShaperItem.log_clusters[i], totalFontRunAdvance);
// Get Glyphs and reverse them in place if RTL
if (outGlyphs) {
size_t countGlyphs = mShaperItem.num_glyphs;
ALOGD("Returned script run glyphs -- count = %d", countGlyphs);
for (size_t i = 0; i < countGlyphs; i++) {
jchar glyph = glyphBaseCount +
(jchar) mShaperItem.glyphs[(!isRTL) ? i : countGlyphs - 1 - i];
ALOGD(" -- glyph[%d] = %d", i, glyph);
// Get glyph positions (and reverse them in place if RTL)
if (outPos) {
size_t countGlyphs = mShaperItem.num_glyphs;
jfloat x = totalAdvance;
for (size_t i = 0; i < countGlyphs; i++) {
size_t index = (!isRTL) ? i : countGlyphs - 1 - i;
float xo = HBFixedToFloat(mShaperItem.offsets[index].x);
float yo = HBFixedToFloat(mShaperItem.offsets[index].y);
// Apply skewX component of transform to position offsets. Note
// that scale has already been applied through x_ and y_scale
// set in the mFontRec.
outPos->add(x + xo + yo * skewX);
ALOGD(" -- hb adv[%d] = %f, log_cluster[%d] = %d",
index, HBFixedToFloat(mShaperItem.advances[index]),
index, mShaperItem.log_clusters[index]);
x += HBFixedToFloat(mShaperItem.advances[index]);
totalAdvance += totalFontRunAdvance;
*outTotalAdvance = totalAdvance;
ALOGD("-------- End of Script Run --------");
* Return the first typeface in the logical change, starting with this typeface,
* that contains the specified unichar, or NULL if none is found.
* Note that this function does _not_ increment the reference count on the typeface, as the
* assumption is that its lifetime is managed elsewhere - in particular, the fallback typefaces
* for the default font live in a global cache.
SkTypeface* TextLayoutShaper::typefaceForScript(const SkPaint* paint, SkTypeface* typeface,
HB_Script script) {
SkTypeface::Style currentStyle = SkTypeface::kNormal;
if (typeface) {
currentStyle = typeface->style();
typeface = SkCreateTypefaceForScript(script, currentStyle);
ALOGD("Using Harfbuzz Script %d, Style %d", script, currentStyle);
return typeface;
bool TextLayoutShaper::isComplexScript(HB_Script script) {
switch (script) {
case HB_Script_Common:
case HB_Script_Greek:
case HB_Script_Cyrillic:
case HB_Script_Hangul:
case HB_Script_Inherited:
return false;
return true;
size_t TextLayoutShaper::shapeFontRun(const SkPaint* paint, bool isRTL) {
// Reset kerning
mShaperItem.kerning_applied = false;
// Update Harfbuzz Shaper
mShaperItem.item.bidiLevel = isRTL;
SkTypeface* typeface = paint->getTypeface();
// Get the glyphs base count for offsetting the glyphIDs returned by Harfbuzz
// This is needed as the Typeface used for shaping can be not the default one
// when we are shaping any script that needs to use a fallback Font.
// If we are a "common" script we dont need to shift
size_t baseGlyphCount = 0;
SkUnichar firstUnichar = 0;
if (isComplexScript(mShaperItem.item.script)) {
const uint16_t* text16 = (const uint16_t*) (mShaperItem.string + mShaperItem.item.pos);
const uint16_t* text16End = text16 + mShaperItem.item.length;
firstUnichar = SkUTF16_NextUnichar(&text16);
while (firstUnichar == ' ' && text16 < text16End) {
firstUnichar = SkUTF16_NextUnichar(&text16);
baseGlyphCount = paint->getBaseGlyphCount(firstUnichar);
if (baseGlyphCount != 0) {
typeface = typefaceForScript(paint, typeface, mShaperItem.item.script);
if (!typeface) {
typeface = mDefaultTypeface;
ALOGD("Using Default Typeface");
} else {
if (!typeface) {
typeface = mDefaultTypeface;
ALOGD("Using Default Typeface");
mShaperItem.face = getCachedHBFace(typeface);
int textSize = paint->getTextSize();
float scaleX = paint->getTextScaleX();
mFontRec.x_ppem = floor(scaleX * textSize + 0.5);
mFontRec.y_ppem = textSize;
uint32_t unitsPerEm = SkFontHost::GetUnitsPerEm(typeface->uniqueID());
// x_ and y_scale are the conversion factors from font design space
// (unitsPerEm) to 1/64th of device pixels in 16.16 format.
const int kDevicePixelFraction = 64;
const int kMultiplyFor16Dot16 = 1 << 16;
float emScale = kDevicePixelFraction * kMultiplyFor16Dot16 / (float)unitsPerEm;
mFontRec.x_scale = emScale * scaleX * textSize;
mFontRec.y_scale = emScale * textSize;
ALOGD("Run typeface = %p, uniqueID = %d, hb_face = %p",
typeface, typeface->uniqueID(), mShaperItem.face);
// Shape
assert(mShaperItem.item.length > 0); // Harfbuzz will overwrite other memory if length is 0.
size_t size = mShaperItem.item.length * 3 / 2;
while (!doShaping(size)) {
// We overflowed our glyph arrays. Resize and retry.
// HB_ShapeItem fills in shaperItem.num_glyphs with the needed size.
size = mShaperItem.num_glyphs * 2;
return baseGlyphCount;
bool TextLayoutShaper::doShaping(size_t size) {
if (size > mShaperItemGlyphArraySize) {
mShaperItem.num_glyphs = mShaperItemGlyphArraySize;
memset(mShaperItem.offsets, 0, mShaperItem.num_glyphs * sizeof(HB_FixedPoint));
return HB_ShapeItem(&mShaperItem);
void TextLayoutShaper::createShaperItemGlyphArrays(size_t size) {
ALOGD("Creating Glyph Arrays with size = %d", size);
mShaperItemGlyphArraySize = size;
// These arrays are all indexed by glyph.
mShaperItem.glyphs = new HB_Glyph[size];
mShaperItem.attributes = new HB_GlyphAttributes[size];
mShaperItem.advances = new HB_Fixed[size];
mShaperItem.offsets = new HB_FixedPoint[size];
// Although the log_clusters array is indexed by character, Harfbuzz expects that
// it is big enough to hold one element per glyph. So we allocate log_clusters along
// with the other glyph arrays above.
mShaperItem.log_clusters = new unsigned short[size];
void TextLayoutShaper::deleteShaperItemGlyphArrays() {
delete[] mShaperItem.glyphs;
delete[] mShaperItem.attributes;
delete[] mShaperItem.advances;
delete[] mShaperItem.offsets;
delete[] mShaperItem.log_clusters;
HB_Face TextLayoutShaper::getCachedHBFace(SkTypeface* typeface) {
SkFontID fontId = typeface->uniqueID();
ssize_t index = mCachedHBFaces.indexOfKey(fontId);
if (index >= 0) {
return mCachedHBFaces.valueAt(index);
HB_Face face = HB_NewFace(typeface, harfbuzzSkiaGetTable);
if (face) {
ALOGD("Created HB_NewFace %p from paint typeface = %p", face, typeface);
mCachedHBFaces.add(fontId, face);
return face;
void TextLayoutShaper::purgeCaches() {
size_t cacheSize = mCachedHBFaces.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < cacheSize; i++) {
TextLayoutEngine::TextLayoutEngine() {
mShaper = new TextLayoutShaper();
mTextLayoutCache = new TextLayoutCache(mShaper);
mTextLayoutCache = NULL;
TextLayoutEngine::~TextLayoutEngine() {
delete mTextLayoutCache;
delete mShaper;
sp<TextLayoutValue> TextLayoutEngine::getValue(const SkPaint* paint, const jchar* text,
jint start, jint count, jint contextCount, jint dirFlags) {
sp<TextLayoutValue> value;
value = mTextLayoutCache->getValue(paint, text, start, count,
contextCount, dirFlags);
if (value == NULL) {
ALOGE("Cannot get TextLayoutCache value for text = '%s'",
String8(text + start, count).string());
value = new TextLayoutValue(count);
mShaper->computeValues(value.get(), paint,
reinterpret_cast<const UChar*>(text), start, count, contextCount, dirFlags);
return value;
void TextLayoutEngine::purgeCaches() {
ALOGD("Purged TextLayoutEngine caches");
} // namespace android