blob: 67133e0fb489c16a2f55c8939dc191a587611c37 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.SpinnerAdapter;
* This is the public interface to the contextual ActionBar.
* The ActionBar acts as a replacement for the title bar in Activities.
* It provides facilities for creating toolbar actions as well as
* methods of navigating around an application.
public abstract class ActionBar {
* Standard navigation mode. Consists of either a logo or icon
* and title text with an optional subtitle. Clicking any of these elements
* will dispatch onActionItemSelected to the registered Callback with
* a MenuItem with item ID
public static final int NAVIGATION_MODE_STANDARD = 0;
* Dropdown list navigation mode. Instead of static title text this mode
* presents a dropdown menu for navigation within the activity.
public static final int NAVIGATION_MODE_DROPDOWN_LIST = 1;
* Tab navigation mode. Instead of static title text this mode
* presents a series of tabs for navigation within the activity.
public static final int NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS = 2;
* Custom navigation mode. This navigation mode is set implicitly whenever
* a custom navigation view is set. See {@link #setCustomNavigationMode(View)}.
public static final int NAVIGATION_MODE_CUSTOM = 3;
* Use logo instead of icon if available. This flag will cause appropriate
* navigation modes to use a wider logo in place of the standard icon.
public static final int DISPLAY_USE_LOGO = 0x1;
* Hide 'home' elements in this action bar, leaving more space for other
* navigation elements. This includes logo and icon.
public static final int DISPLAY_HIDE_HOME = 0x2;
* Set the action bar into custom navigation mode, supplying a view
* for custom navigation.
* Custom navigation views appear between the application icon and
* any action buttons and may use any space available there. Common
* use cases for custom navigation views might include an auto-suggesting
* address bar for a browser or other navigation mechanisms that do not
* translate well to provided navigation modes.
* @param view Custom navigation view to place in the ActionBar.
public abstract void setCustomNavigationMode(View view);
* Set the action bar into dropdown navigation mode and supply an adapter
* that will provide views for navigation choices.
* @param adapter An adapter that will provide views both to display
* the current navigation selection and populate views
* within the dropdown navigation menu.
* @param callback A NavigationCallback that will receive events when the user
* selects a navigation item.
public abstract void setDropdownNavigationMode(SpinnerAdapter adapter,
NavigationCallback callback);
* Set the action bar into standard navigation mode, supplying a title and subtitle.
* Standard navigation mode is default. The title is automatically set to the
* name of your Activity. Subtitles are displayed underneath the title, usually
* in a smaller font or otherwise less prominently than the title. Subtitles are
* good for extended descriptions of activity state.
* @param title The action bar's title. null is treated as an empty string.
* @param subtitle The action bar's subtitle. null will remove the subtitle entirely.
public abstract void setStandardNavigationMode(CharSequence title, CharSequence subtitle);
* Set the action bar into standard navigation mode, supplying a title and subtitle.
* Standard navigation mode is default. The title is automatically set to the
* name of your Activity on startup if an action bar is present.
* @param title The action bar's title. null is treated as an empty string.
public abstract void setStandardNavigationMode(CharSequence title);
* Set the action bar into standard navigation mode, using the currently set title
* and/or subtitle.
* Standard navigation mode is default. The title is automatically set to the name of
* your Activity on startup if an action bar is present.
public abstract void setStandardNavigationMode();
* Set the action bar's title. This will only be displayed in standard navigation mode.
* @param title Title to set
public abstract void setTitle(CharSequence title);
* Set the action bar's subtitle. This will only be displayed in standard navigation mode.
* Set to null to disable the subtitle entirely.
* @param subtitle Subtitle to set
public abstract void setSubtitle(CharSequence subtitle);
* Set display options. This changes all display option bits at once. To change
* a limited subset of display options, see {@link #setDisplayOptions(int, int)}.
* @param options A combination of the bits defined by the DISPLAY_ constants
* defined in ActionBar.
public abstract void setDisplayOptions(int options);
* Set selected display options. Only the options specified by mask will be changed.
* To change all display option bits at once, see {@link #setDisplayOptions(int)}.
* <p>Example: setDisplayOptions(0, DISPLAY_HIDE_HOME) will disable the
* {@link #DISPLAY_HIDE_HOME} option.
* will enable {@link #DISPLAY_HIDE_HOME} and disable {@link #DISPLAY_USE_LOGO}.
* @param options A combination of the bits defined by the DISPLAY_ constants
* defined in ActionBar.
* @param mask A bit mask declaring which display options should be changed.
public abstract void setDisplayOptions(int options, int mask);
* Set the ActionBar's background.
* @param d Background drawable
public abstract void setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable d);
* @return The current custom navigation view.
public abstract View getCustomNavigationView();
* Returns the current ActionBar title in standard mode.
* Returns null if {@link #getNavigationMode()} would not return
* @return The current ActionBar title or null.
public abstract CharSequence getTitle();
* Returns the current ActionBar subtitle in standard mode.
* Returns null if {@link #getNavigationMode()} would not return
* @return The current ActionBar subtitle or null.
public abstract CharSequence getSubtitle();
* Returns the current navigation mode. The result will be one of:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #NAVIGATION_MODE_STANDARD}</li>
* <li>{@link #NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS}</li>
* <li>{@link #NAVIGATION_MODE_CUSTOM}</li>
* </ul>
* @return The current navigation mode.
* @see #setStandardNavigationMode(CharSequence)
* @see #setStandardNavigationMode(CharSequence, CharSequence)
* @see #setDropdownNavigationMode(SpinnerAdapter)
* @see #setCustomNavigationMode(View)
public abstract int getNavigationMode();
* @return The current set of display options.
public abstract int getDisplayOptions();
public abstract void startContextMode(ContextModeCallback callback);
public abstract void finishContextMode();
* Represents a contextual mode of the Action Bar. Context modes can be used for
* modal interactions with activity content and replace the normal Action Bar until finished.
* Examples of good contextual modes include selection modes, search, content editing, etc.
public static abstract class ContextMode {
* Set the title of the context mode. This method will have no visible effect if
* a custom view has been set.
* @param title Title string to set
* @see #setCustomView(View)
public abstract void setTitle(CharSequence title);
* Set the subtitle of the context mode. This method will have no visible effect if
* a custom view has been set.
* @param subtitle Subtitle string to set
* @see #setCustomView(View)
public abstract void setSubtitle(CharSequence subtitle);
* Set a custom view for this context mode. The custom view will take the place of
* the title and subtitle. Useful for things like search boxes.
* @param view Custom view to use in place of the title/subtitle.
* @see #setTitle(CharSequence)
* @see #setSubtitle(CharSequence)
public abstract void setCustomView(View view);
* Invalidate the context mode and refresh menu content. The context mode's
* {@link ContextModeCallback} will have its
* {@link ContextModeCallback#onPrepareContextMode(ContextMode, Menu)} method called.
* If it returns true the menu will be scanned for updated content and any relevant changes
* will be reflected to the user.
public abstract void invalidate();
* Finish and close this context mode. The context mode's {@link ContextModeCallback} will
* have its {@link ContextModeCallback#onDestroyContextMode(ContextMode)} method called.
public abstract void finish();
* Returns the menu of actions that this context mode presents.
* @return The context mode's menu.
public abstract Menu getMenu();
* Callback interface for ActionBar context modes. Supplied to
* {@link ActionBar#startContextMode(ContextModeCallback)}, a ContextModeCallback
* configures and handles events raised by a user's interaction with a context mode.
* <p>A context mode's lifecycle is as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link ContextModeCallback#onCreateContextMode(ContextMode, Menu)} once on initial
* creation</li>
* <li>{@link ContextModeCallback#onPrepareContextMode(ContextMode, Menu)} after creation
* and any time the {@link ContextMode} is invalidated</li>
* <li>{@link ContextModeCallback#onContextItemClicked(ContextMode, MenuItem)} any time a
* contextual action button is clicked</li>
* <li>{@link ContextModeCallback#onDestroyContextMode(ContextMode)} when the context mode
* is closed</li>
* </ul>
public interface ContextModeCallback {
* Called when a context mode is first created. The menu supplied will be used to generate
* action buttons for the context mode.
* @param mode ContextMode being created
* @param menu Menu used to populate contextual action buttons
* @return true if the context mode should be created, false if entering this context mode
* should be aborted.
public boolean onCreateContextMode(ContextMode mode, Menu menu);
* Called to refresh a context mode's action menu whenever it is invalidated.
* @param mode ContextMode being prepared
* @param menu Menu used to populate contextual action buttons
* @return true if the menu or context mode was updated, false otherwise.
public boolean onPrepareContextMode(ContextMode mode, Menu menu);
* Called to report a user click on a contextual action button.
* @param mode The current ContextMode
* @param item The item that was clicked
* @return true if this callback handled the event, false if the standard MenuItem
* invocation should continue.
public boolean onContextItemClicked(ContextMode mode, MenuItem item);
* Called when a context mode is about to be exited and destroyed.
* @param mode The current ContextMode being destroyed
public void onDestroyContextMode(ContextMode mode);
* Callback interface for ActionBar navigation events.
public interface NavigationCallback {
* This method is called whenever a navigation item in your action bar
* is selected.
* @param itemPosition Position of the item clicked.
* @param itemId ID of the item clicked.
* @return True if the event was handled, false otherwise.
public boolean onNavigationItemSelected(int itemPosition, long itemId);