blob: b5950e90cc0fbf4f4ae6313c1fcfb5a126b5526a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Constants
* XXX: We are going to move almost all of these into a resource.
public class Constants {
public static class DebugFlags {
// Enable this with any other debug flag to see more info
public static final boolean Verbose = false;
public static class App {
public static final boolean EnableTaskFiltering = false;
public static final boolean EnableTaskStackClipping = false;
public static final boolean EnableToggleNewRecentsActivity = false;
// This disables the bitmap and icon caches to
public static final boolean DisableBackgroundCache = false;
// Timing certain paths
public static final String TimeRecentsStartupKey = "startup";
public static final String TimeRecentsLaunchKey = "launchTask";
public static final boolean TimeRecentsStartup = false;
public static final boolean TimeRecentsLaunchTask = false;
public static final boolean RecentsComponent = false;
public static final boolean TaskDataLoader = false;
public static final boolean SystemUIHandshake = false;
public static final boolean TimeSystemCalls = false;
public static final boolean Memory = false;
public static class UI {
public static final boolean Draw = false;
public static final boolean ClickEvents = false;
public static final boolean TouchEvents = false;
public static final boolean MeasureAndLayout = false;
public static final boolean HwLayers = false;
public static class TaskStack {
public static final boolean SynchronizeViewsWithModel = false;
public static class ViewPool {
public static final boolean PoolCallbacks = false;
public static class Values {
public static class Window {
// The dark background dim is set behind the empty recents view
public static final float DarkBackgroundDim = 0.5f;
// The background dim is set behind the card stack
public static final float BackgroundDim = 0.35f;
public static class RecentsTaskLoader {
// XXX: This should be calculated on the first load
public static final int PreloadFirstTasksCount = 5;
// For debugging, this allows us to multiply the number of cards for each task
public static final int TaskEntryMultiplier = 1;
public static class TaskStackView {
public static class Animation {
public static final int TaskRemovedReshuffleDuration = 200;
public static final int SnapScrollBackDuration = 650;
public static final int TaskStackOverscrollRange = 150;
// The padding will be applied to the smallest dimension, and then applied to all sides
public static final float StackPaddingPct = 0.15f;
// The overlap height relative to the task height
public static final float StackOverlapPct = 0.65f;
// The height of the peek space relative to the stack height
public static final float StackPeekHeightPct = 0.1f;
// The min scale of the last card in the peek area
public static final float StackPeekMinScale = 0.9f;
// The number of cards we see in the peek space
public static final int StackPeekNumCards = 3;
public static class TaskView {
public static class Animation {
public static final int TaskDataUpdatedFadeDuration = 250;
public static final int TaskIconOnEnterDuration = 175;
public static final int TaskIconOnLeavingDuration = 75;
public static final boolean AnimateFrontTaskIconOnEnterRecents = true;
public static final boolean AnimateFrontTaskIconOnLeavingRecents = true;
public static final boolean UseRoundedCorners = true;
public static final float RoundedCornerRadiusDps = 3;