blob: 150c218c366b808675fbdbca4ba9936ee207415c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.view.transition;
import android.animation.Animator;
import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter;
import android.animation.TimeInterpolator;
import android.util.LongSparseArray;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.view.SurfaceView;
import android.view.TextureView;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.ViewOverlay;
import android.widget.ListView;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
* A Transition holds information about animations that will be run on its
* targets during a scene change. Subclasses of this abstract class may
* choreograph several child transitions ({@link TransitionGroup} or they may
* perform custom animations themselves. Any Transition has two main jobs:
* (1) capture property values, and (2) play animations based on changes to
* captured property values. A custom transition knows what property values
* on View objects are of interest to it, and also knows how to animate
* changes to those values. For example, the {@link Fade} transition tracks
* changes to visibility-related properties and is able to construct and run
* animations that fade items in or out based on changes to those properties.
* <p>Note: Transitions may not work correctly with either {@link SurfaceView}
* or {@link TextureView}, due to the way that these views are displayed
* on the screen. For SurfaceView, the problem is that the view is updated from
* a non-UI thread, so changes to the view due to transitions (such as moving
* and resizing the view) may be out of sync with the display inside those bounds.
* TextureView is more compatible with transitions in general, but some
* specific transitions (such as {@link Crossfade}) may not be compatible
* with TextureView because they rely on {@link ViewOverlay} functionality,
* which does not currently work with TextureView.</p>
public abstract class Transition {
private static final String LOG_TAG = "Transition";
static final boolean DBG = false;
long mStartDelay = -1;
long mDuration = -1;
TimeInterpolator mInterpolator = null;
int[] mTargetIds;
View[] mTargets;
// TODO: sparse arrays instead of hashmaps?
private HashMap<View, TransitionValues> mStartValues =
new HashMap<View, TransitionValues>();
private SparseArray<TransitionValues> mStartIdValues = new SparseArray<TransitionValues>();
private LongSparseArray<TransitionValues> mStartItemIdValues =
new LongSparseArray<TransitionValues>();
private HashMap<View, TransitionValues> mEndValues =
new HashMap<View, TransitionValues>();
private SparseArray<TransitionValues> mEndIdValues = new SparseArray<TransitionValues>();
private LongSparseArray<TransitionValues> mEndItemIdValues =
new LongSparseArray<TransitionValues>();
// Used to carry data between preplay() and play(), cleared before every scene transition
private ArrayList<TransitionValues> mPlayStartValuesList = new ArrayList<TransitionValues>();
private ArrayList<TransitionValues> mPlayEndValuesList = new ArrayList<TransitionValues>();
// Number of per-target instances of this Transition currently running. This count is
// determined by calls to startTransition() and endTransition()
int mNumInstances = 0;
* The set of listeners to be sent transition lifecycle events.
ArrayList<TransitionListener> mListeners = null;
* Constructs a Transition object with no target objects. A transition with
* no targets defaults to running on all target objects in the scene hierarchy
* (if the transition is not contained in a TransitionGroup), or all target
* objects passed down from its parent (if it is in a TransitionGroup).
public Transition() {}
* Sets the duration of this transition. By default, there is no duration
* (indicated by a negative number), which means that the Animator created by
* the transition will have its own specified duration. If the duration of a
* Transition is set, that duration will override the Animator duration.
* @param duration The length of the animation, in milliseconds.
* @return This transition object.
public Transition setDuration(long duration) {
mDuration = duration;
return this;
public long getDuration() {
return mDuration;
* Sets the startDelay of this transition. By default, there is no delay
* (indicated by a negative number), which means that the Animator created by
* the transition will have its own specified startDelay. If the delay of a
* Transition is set, that delay will override the Animator delay.
* @param startDelay The length of the delay, in milliseconds.
public void setStartDelay(long startDelay) {
mStartDelay = startDelay;
public long getStartDelay() {
return mStartDelay;
* Sets the interpolator of this transition. By default, the interpolator
* is null, which means that the Animator created by the transition
* will have its own specified interpolator. If the interpolator of a
* Transition is set, that interpolator will override the Animator interpolator.
* @param interpolator The time interpolator used by the transition
public void setInterpolator(TimeInterpolator interpolator) {
mInterpolator = interpolator;
public TimeInterpolator getInterpolator() {
return mInterpolator;
* This method is called by the transition's parent (all the way up to the
* topmost Transition in the hierarchy) with the sceneRoot and start/end
* values that the transition may need to run animations on its target
* views. The method is called for every applicable target object, which
* is stored in the {@link TransitionValues#view} field. When the method
* results in an animation needing to be run, the transition will construct
* the appropriate {@link Animator} object and return it. The transition
* mechanism will apply any applicable duration, startDelay, and interpolator
* to that animation and start it. Returning null from the method tells the
* transition engine that there is no animation to be played (TransitionGroup
* will return null because any applicable animations were started on its child
* transitions already and there is no animation to be run on the group itself).
* @param sceneRoot
* @param startValues
* @param endValues
* @return Animator The animation to run.
protected abstract Animator play(ViewGroup sceneRoot, TransitionValues startValues,
TransitionValues endValues);
* This method is called by the transition's parent (all the way up to the
* topmost Transition in the hierarchy) with the sceneRoot and start/end
* values that the transition may need to set things up at the start of a
* Transition. For example, if an overall Transition consists of several
* child transitions in sequence, then some of the child transitions may
* want to set initial values on target views prior to the overall
* Transition commencing, to put them in an appropriate scene for the
* delay between that start and the child Transition start time. For
* example, a transition that fades an item in may wish to set the starting
* alpha value to 0, to avoid it blinking in prior to the transition
* actually starting the animation. This is necessary because the scene
* change that triggers the Transition will automatically set the end-scene
* on all target views, so a Transition that wants to animate from a
* different value should set that value in the preplay() method.
* <p>Additionally, a Transition can perform logic to determine whether
* the transition needs to run on the given target and start/end values.
* For example, a transition that resizes objects on the screen may wish
* to avoid running for views which are not present in either the start
* or end scenes. A return value of <code>false</code> indicates that
* the transition should not run, and there will be no ensuing call to the
* {@link #play(ViewGroup, TransitionValues, TransitionValues)} method during
* this scene change. The default implementation returns true.</p>
* <p>The method is called for every applicable target object, which is
* stored in the {@link TransitionValues#view} field.</p>
* @param sceneRoot
* @param startValues
* @param endValues
* @return True if the Transition's {@link #play(ViewGroup,
* TransitionValues, TransitionValues) play()} method should be called
* during this scene change, false otherwise.
protected boolean prePlay(ViewGroup sceneRoot, TransitionValues startValues,
TransitionValues endValues) {
return true;
* This version of prePlay() is called with the entire set of start/end
* values. The implementation in Transition iterates through these lists
* and calls {@link #prePlay(ViewGroup, TransitionValues, TransitionValues)}
* with each set of start/end values on this transition. The
* TransitionGroup subclass overrides this method and delegates it to
* each of its children in succession. The intention in splitting
* preplay() out from play() is to allow all Transitions in the tree to
* set up the appropriate start scene for their target objects prior to
* any calls to play(), which is necessary when there is a sequential
* Transition, where a child transition which is not the first may want to
* set up a target's scene prior to the overall Transition start.
* @hide
protected void prePlay(ViewGroup sceneRoot, HashMap<View, TransitionValues> startValues,
SparseArray<TransitionValues> startIdValues,
LongSparseArray<TransitionValues> startItemIdValues,
HashMap<View, TransitionValues> endValues,
SparseArray<TransitionValues> endIdValues,
LongSparseArray<TransitionValues> endItemIdValues) {
HashMap<View, TransitionValues> endCopy = new HashMap<View, TransitionValues>(endValues);
SparseArray<TransitionValues> endIdCopy =
new SparseArray<TransitionValues>(endIdValues.size());
for (int i = 0; i < endIdValues.size(); ++i) {
int id = endIdValues.keyAt(i);
endIdCopy.put(id, endIdValues.valueAt(i));
LongSparseArray<TransitionValues> endItemIdCopy =
new LongSparseArray<TransitionValues>(endItemIdValues.size());
for (int i = 0; i < endItemIdValues.size(); ++i) {
long id = endItemIdValues.keyAt(i);
endItemIdCopy.put(id, endItemIdValues.valueAt(i));
// Walk through the start values, playing everything we find
// Remove from the end set as we go
ArrayList<TransitionValues> startValuesList = new ArrayList<TransitionValues>();
ArrayList<TransitionValues> endValuesList = new ArrayList<TransitionValues>();
for (View view : startValues.keySet()) {
TransitionValues start = null;
TransitionValues end = null;
boolean isInListView = false;
if (view.getParent() instanceof ListView) {
isInListView = true;
if (!isInListView) {
int id = view.getId();
start = startValues.get(view) != null ?
startValues.get(view) : startIdValues.get(id);
if (endValues.get(view) != null) {
end = endValues.get(view);
} else {
end = endIdValues.get(id);
View removeView = null;
for (View viewToRemove : endCopy.keySet()) {
if (viewToRemove.getId() == id) {
removeView = viewToRemove;
if (removeView != null) {
if (isValidTarget(view, id)) {
} else {
ListView parent = (ListView) view.getParent();
if (parent.getAdapter().hasStableIds()) {
int position = parent.getPositionForView(view);
long itemId = parent.getItemIdAtPosition(position);
start = startItemIdValues.get(itemId);
// TODO: deal with targetIDs for itemIDs for ListView items
int startItemIdCopySize = startItemIdValues.size();
for (int i = 0; i < startItemIdCopySize; ++i) {
long id = startItemIdValues.keyAt(i);
if (isValidTarget(null, id)) {
TransitionValues start = startItemIdValues.get(id);
TransitionValues end = endItemIdValues.get(id);
// Now walk through the remains of the end set
for (View view : endCopy.keySet()) {
int id = view.getId();
if (isValidTarget(view, id)) {
TransitionValues start = startValues.get(view) != null ?
startValues.get(view) : startIdValues.get(id);
TransitionValues end = endCopy.get(view);
int endIdCopySize = endIdCopy.size();
for (int i = 0; i < endIdCopySize; ++i) {
int id = endIdCopy.keyAt(i);
if (isValidTarget(null, id)) {
TransitionValues start = startIdValues.get(id);
TransitionValues end = endIdCopy.get(id);
int endItemIdCopySize = endItemIdCopy.size();
for (int i = 0; i < endItemIdCopySize; ++i) {
long id = endItemIdCopy.keyAt(i);
// TODO: Deal with targetIDs and itemIDs
TransitionValues start = startItemIdValues.get(id);
TransitionValues end = endItemIdCopy.get(id);
for (int i = 0; i < startValuesList.size(); ++i) {
TransitionValues start = startValuesList.get(i);
TransitionValues end = endValuesList.get(i);
// TODO: what to do about targetIds and itemIds?
if (prePlay(sceneRoot, start, end)) {
// Note: we've already done the check against targetIDs in these lists
* Internal utility method for checking whether a given view/id
* is valid for this transition, where "valid" means that either
* the Transition has no target/targetId list (the default, in which
* cause the transition should act on all views in the hiearchy), or
* the given view is in the target list or the view id is in the
* targetId list. If the target parameter is null, then the target list
* is not checked (this is in the case of ListView items, where the
* views are ignored and only the ids are used).
boolean isValidTarget(View target, long targetId) {
if (mTargetIds == null && mTargets == null) {
return true;
if (mTargetIds != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < mTargetIds.length; ++i) {
if (mTargetIds[i] == targetId) {
return true;
if (target != null && mTargets != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < mTargets.length; ++i) {
if (mTargets[i] == target) {
return true;
return false;
* This version of play() is called with the entire set of start/end
* values. The implementation in Transition iterates through these lists
* and calls {@link #play(ViewGroup, TransitionValues, TransitionValues)}
* with each set of start/end values on this transition. The
* TransitionGroup subclass overrides this method and delegates it to
* each of its children in succession.
* @hide
protected void play(ViewGroup sceneRoot,
final HashMap<View, TransitionValues> startValues,
final SparseArray<TransitionValues> startIdValues,
final LongSparseArray<TransitionValues> startItemIdValues,
final HashMap<View, TransitionValues> endValues,
final SparseArray<TransitionValues> endIdValues,
final LongSparseArray<TransitionValues> endItemIdValues) {
// Now walk the list of TransitionValues, calling play for each pair
for (int i = 0; i < mPlayStartValuesList.size(); ++i) {
TransitionValues start = mPlayStartValuesList.get(i);
TransitionValues end = mPlayEndValuesList.get(i);
animate(play(sceneRoot, start, end));
* Captures the current scene of values for the properties that this
* transition monitors. These values can be either the start or end
* values used in a subsequent call to
* {@link #play(ViewGroup, TransitionValues, TransitionValues)}, as indicated by
* <code>start</code>. The main concern for an implementation is what the
* properties are that the transition cares about and what the values are
* for all of those properties. The start and end values will be compared
* later during the preplay and play() methods to determine what, if any,
* animations, should be run.
* @param transitionValues The holder any values that the Transition
* wishes to store. Values are stored in the fields of this
* TransitionValues object, according to their type, and are keyed from
* a String value. For example, to start a view's rotation value,
* a Transition might call
* <code>transitionValues.floatValues.put("rotation", view.getRotation())
* </code>. The target <code>View</code> will already be stored in
* the transitionValues structure when this method is called. The other
* fields in TransitionValues, e.g. <code>floatValues</code>,
* may need to be instantiated if they have not yet been created.
protected abstract void captureValues(TransitionValues transitionValues, boolean start);
* Sets the ids of target views that this Transition is interested in
* animating. By default, there are no targetIds, and a Transition will
* listen for changes on every view in the hierarchy below the sceneRoot
* of the Scene being transitioned into. Setting targetIDs constrains
* the Transition to only listen for, and act on, views with these IDs.
* Views with different IDs, or no IDs whatsoever, will be ignored.
* @see View#getId()
* @param targetIds A list of IDs which specify the set of Views on which
* the Transition will act.
* @return Transition The Transition on which the targetIds have been set.
* Returning the same object makes it easier to chain calls during
* construction, such as
* <code>transitionGroup.addTransitions(new Fade()).setTargetIds(someId);</code>
public Transition setTargetIds(int... targetIds) {
int numTargets = targetIds.length;
mTargetIds = new int[numTargets];
System.arraycopy(targetIds, 0, mTargetIds, 0, numTargets);
return this;
* Sets the target view instances that this Transition is interested in
* animating. By default, there are no targets, and a Transition will
* listen for changes on every view in the hierarchy below the sceneRoot
* of the Scene being transitioned into. Setting targets constrains
* the Transition to only listen for, and act on, these views.
* All other views will be ignored.
* <p>The target list is like the {@link #setTargetIds(int...) targetId}
* list except this list specifies the actual View instances, not the ids
* of the views. This is an important distinction when scene changes involve
* view hierarchies which have been inflated separately; different views may
* share the same id but not actually be the same instance. If the transition
* should treat those views as the same, then seTargetIds() should be used
* instead of setTargets(). If, on the other hand, scene changes involve
* changes all within the same view hierarchy, among views which do not
* necessary have ids set on them, then the target list may be more
* convenient.</p>
* @see #setTargetIds(int...)
* @param targets A list of Views on which the Transition will act.
* @return Transition The Transition on which the targets have been set.
* Returning the same object makes it easier to chain calls during
* construction, such as
* <code>transitionGroup.addTransitions(new Fade()).setTargets(someView);</code>
public Transition setTargets(View... targets) {
int numTargets = targets.length;
mTargets = new View[numTargets];
System.arraycopy(targets, 0, mTargets, 0, numTargets);
return this;
* Returns the array of target IDs that this transition limits itself to
* tracking and animating. If the array is null for both this method and
* {@link #getTargets()}, then this transition is
* not limited to specific views, and will handle changes to any views
* in the hierarchy of a scene change.
* @return the list of target IDs
public int[] getTargetIds() {
return mTargetIds;
* Returns the array of target views that this transition limits itself to
* tracking and animating. If the array is null for both this method and
* {@link #getTargetIds()}, then this transition is
* not limited to specific views, and will handle changes to any views
* in the hierarchy of a scene change.
* @return the list of target views
public View[] getTargets() {
return mTargets;
* Recursive method that captures values for the given view and the
* hierarchy underneath it.
* @param sceneRoot The root of the view hierarchy being captured
* @param start true if this capture is happening before the scene change,
* false otherwise
void captureValues(ViewGroup sceneRoot, boolean start) {
if (mTargetIds != null && mTargetIds.length > 0 ||
mTargets != null && mTargets.length > 0) {
if (mTargetIds != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < mTargetIds.length; ++i) {
int id = mTargetIds[i];
View view = sceneRoot.findViewById(id);
if (view != null) {
TransitionValues values = new TransitionValues();
values.view = view;
captureValues(values, start);
if (start) {
mStartValues.put(view, values);
mStartIdValues.put(id, values);
} else {
mEndValues.put(view, values);
mEndIdValues.put(id, values);
if (mTargets != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < mTargets.length; ++i) {
View view = mTargets[i];
if (view != null) {
TransitionValues values = new TransitionValues();
values.view = view;
captureValues(values, start);
if (start) {
mStartValues.put(view, values);
} else {
mEndValues.put(view, values);
} else {
captureHierarchy(sceneRoot, start);
* Recursive method which captures values for an entire view hierarchy,
* starting at some root view. Transitions without targetIDs will use this
* method to capture values for all possible views.
* @param view The view for which to capture values. Children of this View
* will also be captured, recursively down to the leaf nodes.
* @param start true if values are being captured in the start scene, false
* otherwise.
private void captureHierarchy(View view, boolean start) {
if (view == null) {
boolean isListViewItem = false;
if (view.getParent() instanceof ListView) {
isListViewItem = true;
if (isListViewItem && !((ListView) view.getParent()).getAdapter().hasStableIds()) {
// ignore listview children unless we can track them with stable IDs
long id;
if (!isListViewItem) {
id = view.getId();
} else {
ListView listview = (ListView) view.getParent();
int position = listview.getPositionForView(view);
id = listview.getItemIdAtPosition(position);
TransitionValues values = new TransitionValues();
values.view = view;
captureValues(values, start);
if (start) {
if (!isListViewItem) {
mStartValues.put(view, values);
mStartIdValues.put((int) id, values);
} else {
mStartItemIdValues.put(id, values);
} else {
if (!isListViewItem) {
mEndValues.put(view, values);
mEndIdValues.put((int) id, values);
} else {
mEndItemIdValues.put(id, values);
if (view instanceof ViewGroup) {
ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) view;
for (int i = 0; i < parent.getChildCount(); ++i) {
captureHierarchy(parent.getChildAt(i), start);
* Called by TransitionManager to play the transition. This calls
* prePlay() and then play() with the full set of per-view
* transitionValues objects
void play(ViewGroup sceneRoot) {
// prePlay() must be called on entire transition hierarchy and set of views
// before calling play() on anything; every transition needs a chance to set up
// target views appropriately before transitions begin running
prePlay(sceneRoot, mStartValues, mStartIdValues, mStartItemIdValues,
mEndValues, mEndIdValues, mEndItemIdValues);
play(sceneRoot, mStartValues, mStartIdValues, mStartItemIdValues,
mEndValues, mEndIdValues, mEndItemIdValues);
* This is a utility method used by subclasses to handle standard parts of
* setting up and running an Animator: it sets the {@link #getDuration()
* duration} and the {@link #getStartDelay() startDelay}, starts the
* animation, and, when the animator ends, calls {@link #endTransition()}.
* @param animator The Animator to be run during this transition.
* @hide
protected void animate(Animator animator) {
// TODO: maybe pass auto-end as a boolean parameter?
if (animator == null) {
} else {
if (getDuration() >= 0) {
if (getStartDelay() >= 0) {
if (getInterpolator() != null) {
animator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
* Subclasses may override to receive notice of when the transition starts.
* This is equivalent to listening for the
* {@link TransitionListener#onTransitionStart(Transition)} callback.
protected void onTransitionStart() {
* Subclasses may override to receive notice of when the transition is
* canceled. This is equivalent to listening for the
* {@link TransitionListener#onTransitionCancel(Transition)} callback.
protected void onTransitionCancel() {
* Subclasses may override to receive notice of when the transition ends.
* This is equivalent to listening for the
* {@link TransitionListener#onTransitionEnd(Transition)} callback.
protected void onTransitionEnd() {
* This method is called automatically by the transition and
* TransitionGroup classes prior to a Transition subclass starting;
* subclasses should not need to call it directly.
* @hide
protected void startTransition() {
if (mNumInstances == 0) {
if (mListeners != null && mListeners.size() > 0) {
ArrayList<TransitionListener> tmpListeners =
(ArrayList<TransitionListener>) mListeners.clone();
int numListeners = tmpListeners.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; ++i) {
* This method is called automatically by the Transition and
* TransitionGroup classes when a transition finishes, either because
* a transition did nothing (returned a null Animator from
* {@link Transition#play(ViewGroup, TransitionValues,
* TransitionValues)}) or because the transition returned a valid
* Animator and endTransition() was called in the onAnimationEnd()
* callback of the AnimatorListener.
* @hide
protected void endTransition() {
if (mNumInstances == 0) {
if (mListeners != null && mListeners.size() > 0) {
ArrayList<TransitionListener> tmpListeners =
(ArrayList<TransitionListener>) mListeners.clone();
int numListeners = tmpListeners.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < mStartItemIdValues.size(); ++i) {
TransitionValues tv = mStartItemIdValues.valueAt(i);
View v = tv.view;
if (v.hasTransientState()) {
for (int i = 0; i < mEndItemIdValues.size(); ++i) {
TransitionValues tv = mEndItemIdValues.valueAt(i);
View v = tv.view;
if (v.hasTransientState()) {
* This method cancels a transition that is currently running.
* Implementation TBD.
protected void cancelTransition() {
// TODO: how does this work with instances?
// TODO: this doesn't actually do *anything* yet
if (mListeners != null && mListeners.size() > 0) {
ArrayList<TransitionListener> tmpListeners =
(ArrayList<TransitionListener>) mListeners.clone();
int numListeners = tmpListeners.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; ++i) {
* Adds a listener to the set of listeners that are sent events through the
* life of an animation, such as start, repeat, and end.
* @param listener the listener to be added to the current set of listeners
* for this animation.
public void addListener(TransitionListener listener) {
if (mListeners == null) {
mListeners = new ArrayList<TransitionListener>();
* Removes a listener from the set listening to this animation.
* @param listener the listener to be removed from the current set of
* listeners for this transition.
public void removeListener(TransitionListener listener) {
if (mListeners == null) {
if (mListeners.size() == 0) {
mListeners = null;
* Gets the set of {@link TransitionListener} objects that are currently
* listening for events on this <code>Transition</code> object.
* @return ArrayList<TransitionListener> The set of listeners.
public ArrayList<TransitionListener> getListeners() {
return mListeners;
public String toString() {
return toString("");
String toString(String indent) {
String result = indent + getClass().getSimpleName() + "@" +
Integer.toHexString(hashCode()) + ": ";
result += "dur(" + mDuration + ") ";
result += "dly(" + mStartDelay + ") ";
result += "interp(" + mInterpolator + ") ";
result += "tgts(";
if (mTargetIds != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < mTargetIds.length; ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
result += ", ";
result += mTargetIds[i];
if (mTargets != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < mTargets.length; ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
result += ", ";
result += mTargets[i];
result += ")";
return result;
* A transition listener receives notifications from a transition.
* Notifications indicate transition lifecycle events: when the transition
* begins, ends, or is canceled.
public static interface TransitionListener {
* Notification about the start of the transition.
* @param transition The started transition.
void onTransitionStart(Transition transition);
* Notification about the end of the transition. Canceled transitions
* will always notify listeners of both the cancellation and end
* events. That is, {@link #onTransitionEnd()} is always called,
* regardless of whether the transition was canceled or played
* through to completion.
* @param transition The transition which reached its end.
void onTransitionEnd(Transition transition);
* Notification about the cancellation of the transition.
* @param transition The transition which was canceled.
void onTransitionCancel(Transition transition);
* Utility adapter class to avoid having to override all three methods
* whenever someone just wants to listen for a single event.
* @hide
* */
public static class TransitionListenerAdapter implements TransitionListener {
public void onTransitionStart(Transition transition) {
public void onTransitionEnd(Transition transition) {
public void onTransitionCancel(Transition transition) {