blob: 7f90d572ce89dd3ca4e9062629de1feb7bb872d6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.view.inputmethod;
import static android.Manifest.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL;
import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.RequiresPermission;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.LocaleList;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.os.UserHandle;
import android.text.InputType;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Printer;
import android.view.View;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
* An EditorInfo describes several attributes of a text editing object
* that an input method is communicating with (typically an EditText), most
* importantly the type of text content it contains and the current cursor position.
public class EditorInfo implements InputType, Parcelable {
* Masks for {@link inputType}
* <pre>
* |-------|-------|-------|-------|
* 111111111111 TYPE_MASK_FLAGS
* |-------|-------|-------|-------|
* |-------|-------|-------|-------|
* |-------|-------|-------|-------|
* |-------|-------|-------|-------|
* |-------|-------|-------|-------|
* |-------|-------|-------|-------|</pre>
* The content type of the text box, whose bits are defined by
* {@link InputType}.
* @see InputType
public int inputType = TYPE_NULL;
* Set of bits in {@link #imeOptions} that provide alternative actions
* associated with the "enter" key. This both helps the IME provide
* better feedback about what the enter key will do, and also allows it
* to provide alternative mechanisms for providing that command.
public static final int IME_MASK_ACTION = 0x000000ff;
* Bits of {@link #IME_MASK_ACTION}: no specific action has been
* associated with this editor, let the editor come up with its own if
* it can.
public static final int IME_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED = 0x00000000;
* Bits of {@link #IME_MASK_ACTION}: there is no available action.
public static final int IME_ACTION_NONE = 0x00000001;
* Bits of {@link #IME_MASK_ACTION}: the action key performs a "go"
* operation to take the user to the target of the text they typed.
* Typically used, for example, when entering a URL.
public static final int IME_ACTION_GO = 0x00000002;
* Bits of {@link #IME_MASK_ACTION}: the action key performs a "search"
* operation, taking the user to the results of searching for the text
* they have typed (in whatever context is appropriate).
public static final int IME_ACTION_SEARCH = 0x00000003;
* Bits of {@link #IME_MASK_ACTION}: the action key performs a "send"
* operation, delivering the text to its target. This is typically used
* when composing a message in IM or SMS where sending is immediate.
public static final int IME_ACTION_SEND = 0x00000004;
* Bits of {@link #IME_MASK_ACTION}: the action key performs a "next"
* operation, taking the user to the next field that will accept text.
public static final int IME_ACTION_NEXT = 0x00000005;
* Bits of {@link #IME_MASK_ACTION}: the action key performs a "done"
* operation, typically meaning there is nothing more to input and the
* IME will be closed.
public static final int IME_ACTION_DONE = 0x00000006;
* Bits of {@link #IME_MASK_ACTION}: like {@link #IME_ACTION_NEXT}, but
* for moving to the previous field. This will normally not be used to
* specify an action (since it precludes {@link #IME_ACTION_NEXT}), but
* can be returned to the app if it sets {@link #IME_FLAG_NAVIGATE_PREVIOUS}.
public static final int IME_ACTION_PREVIOUS = 0x00000007;
* Flag of {@link #imeOptions}: used to request that the IME should not update any personalized
* data such as typing history and personalized language model based on what the user typed on
* this text editing object. Typical use cases are:
* <ul>
* <li>When the application is in a special mode, where user's activities are expected to be
* not recorded in the application's history. Some web browsers and chat applications may
* have this kind of modes.</li>
* <li>When storing typing history does not make much sense. Specifying this flag in typing
* games may help to avoid typing history from being filled up with words that the user is
* less likely to type in their daily life. Another example is that when the application
* already knows that the expected input is not a valid word (e.g. a promotion code that is
* not a valid word in any natural language).</li>
* </ul>
* <p>Applications need to be aware that the flag is not a guarantee, and some IMEs may not
* respect it.</p>
public static final int IME_FLAG_NO_PERSONALIZED_LEARNING = 0x1000000;
* Flag of {@link #imeOptions}: used to request that the IME never go
* into fullscreen mode.
* By default, IMEs may go into full screen mode when they think
* it's appropriate, for example on small screens in landscape
* orientation where displaying a software keyboard may occlude
* such a large portion of the screen that the remaining part is
* too small to meaningfully display the application UI.
* If this flag is set, compliant IMEs will never go into full screen mode,
* and always leave some space to display the application UI.
* Applications need to be aware that the flag is not a guarantee, and
* some IMEs may ignore it.
public static final int IME_FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN = 0x2000000;
* Flag of {@link #imeOptions}: like {@link #IME_FLAG_NAVIGATE_NEXT}, but
* specifies there is something interesting that a backward navigation
* can focus on. If the user selects the IME's facility to backward
* navigate, this will show up in the application as an {@link #IME_ACTION_PREVIOUS}
* at {@link InputConnection#performEditorAction(int)
* InputConnection.performEditorAction(int)}.
public static final int IME_FLAG_NAVIGATE_PREVIOUS = 0x4000000;
* Flag of {@link #imeOptions}: used to specify that there is something
* interesting that a forward navigation can focus on. This is like using
* {@link #IME_ACTION_NEXT}, except allows the IME to be multiline (with
* an enter key) as well as provide forward navigation. Note that some
* IMEs may not be able to do this, especially when running on a small
* screen where there is little space. In that case it does not need to
* present a UI for this option. Like {@link #IME_ACTION_NEXT}, if the
* user selects the IME's facility to forward navigate, this will show up
* in the application at {@link InputConnection#performEditorAction(int)
* InputConnection.performEditorAction(int)}.
public static final int IME_FLAG_NAVIGATE_NEXT = 0x8000000;
* Flag of {@link #imeOptions}: used to specify that the IME does not need
* to show its extracted text UI. For input methods that may be fullscreen,
* often when in landscape mode, this allows them to be smaller and let part
* of the application be shown behind, through transparent UI parts in the
* fullscreen IME. The part of the UI visible to the user may not be responsive
* to touch because the IME will receive touch events, which may confuse the
* user; use {@link #IME_FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN} instead for a better experience.
* Using this flag is discouraged and it may become deprecated in the future.
* Its meaning is unclear in some situations and it may not work appropriately
* on older versions of the platform.
public static final int IME_FLAG_NO_EXTRACT_UI = 0x10000000;
* Flag of {@link #imeOptions}: used in conjunction with one of the actions
* masked by {@link #IME_MASK_ACTION}, this indicates that the action
* should not be available as an accessory button on the right of the extracted
* text when the input method is full-screen. Note that by setting this flag,
* there can be cases where the action is simply never available to the
* user. Setting this generally means that you think that in fullscreen mode,
* where there is little space to show the text, it's not worth taking some
* screen real estate to display the action and it should be used instead
* to show more text.
public static final int IME_FLAG_NO_ACCESSORY_ACTION = 0x20000000;
* Flag of {@link #imeOptions}: used in conjunction with one of the actions
* masked by {@link #IME_MASK_ACTION}. If this flag is not set, IMEs will
* normally replace the "enter" key with the action supplied. This flag
* indicates that the action should not be available in-line as a replacement
* for the "enter" key. Typically this is because the action has such a
* significant impact or is not recoverable enough that accidentally hitting
* it should be avoided, such as sending a message. Note that
* {@link android.widget.TextView} will automatically set this flag for you
* on multi-line text views.
public static final int IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION = 0x40000000;
* Flag of {@link #imeOptions}: used to request an IME that is capable of
* inputting ASCII characters. The intention of this flag is to ensure that
* the user can type Roman alphabet characters in a {@link android.widget.TextView}.
* It is typically used for an account ID or password input. A lot of the time,
* IMEs are already able to input ASCII even without being told so (such IMEs
* already respect this flag in a sense), but there are cases when this is not
* the default. For instance, users of languages using a different script like
* Arabic, Greek, Hebrew or Russian typically have a keyboard that can't
* input ASCII characters by default. Applications need to be
* aware that the flag is not a guarantee, and some IMEs may not respect it.
* However, it is strongly recommended for IME authors to respect this flag
* especially when their IME could end up with a state where only languages
* using non-ASCII are enabled.
public static final int IME_FLAG_FORCE_ASCII = 0x80000000;
* Generic unspecified type for {@link #imeOptions}.
public static final int IME_NULL = 0x00000000;
* Masks for {@link imeOptions}
* <pre>
* |-------|-------|-------|-------|
* |-------|-------|-------|-------|
* |-------|-------|-------|-------|</pre>
* Extended type information for the editor, to help the IME better
* integrate with it.
public int imeOptions = IME_NULL;
* A string supplying additional information options that are
* private to a particular IME implementation. The string must be
* scoped to a package owned by the implementation, to ensure there are
* no conflicts between implementations, but other than that you can put
* whatever you want in it to communicate with the IME. For example,
* you could have a string that supplies an argument like
* <code>"com.example.myapp.SpecialMode=3"</code>. This field is can be
* filled in from the {@link android.R.attr#privateImeOptions}
* attribute of a TextView.
public String privateImeOptions = null;
* In some cases an IME may be able to display an arbitrary label for
* a command the user can perform, which you can specify here. This is
* typically used as the label for the action to use in-line as a replacement
* for the "enter" key (see {@link #actionId}). Remember the key where
* this will be displayed is typically very small, and there are significant
* localization challenges to make this fit in all supported languages. Also
* you can not count absolutely on this being used, as some IMEs may
* ignore this.
public CharSequence actionLabel = null;
* If {@link #actionLabel} has been given, this is the id for that command
* when the user presses its button that is delivered back with
* {@link InputConnection#performEditorAction(int)
* InputConnection.performEditorAction()}.
public int actionId = 0;
* The text offset of the start of the selection at the time editing
* begins; -1 if not known. Keep in mind that, without knowing the cursor
* position, many IMEs will not be able to offer their full feature set and
* may even behave in unpredictable ways: pass the actual cursor position
* here if possible at all.
* <p>Also, this needs to be the cursor position <strong>right now</strong>,
* not at some point in the past, even if input is starting in the same text field
* as before. When the app is filling this object, input is about to start by
* definition, and this value will override any value the app may have passed to
* {@link InputMethodManager#updateSelection(android.view.View, int, int, int, int)}
* before.</p>
public int initialSelStart = -1;
* <p>The text offset of the end of the selection at the time editing
* begins; -1 if not known. Keep in mind that, without knowing the cursor
* position, many IMEs will not be able to offer their full feature set and
* may behave in unpredictable ways: pass the actual cursor position
* here if possible at all.</p>
* <p>Also, this needs to be the cursor position <strong>right now</strong>,
* not at some point in the past, even if input is starting in the same text field
* as before. When the app is filling this object, input is about to start by
* definition, and this value will override any value the app may have passed to
* {@link InputMethodManager#updateSelection(android.view.View, int, int, int, int)}
* before.</p>
public int initialSelEnd = -1;
* The capitalization mode of the first character being edited in the
* text. Values may be any combination of
* {@link TextUtils#CAP_MODE_WORDS TextUtils.CAP_MODE_WORDS}, and
* {@link TextUtils#CAP_MODE_SENTENCES TextUtils.CAP_MODE_SENTENCES}, though
* you should generally just take a non-zero value to mean "start out in
* caps mode".
public int initialCapsMode = 0;
* The "hint" text of the text view, typically shown in-line when the
* text is empty to tell the user what to enter.
public CharSequence hintText;
* A label to show to the user describing the text they are writing.
public CharSequence label;
* Name of the package that owns this editor.
* <p><strong>IME authors:</strong> In API level 22
* {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#LOLLIPOP_MR1} and prior, do not trust this package
* name. The system had not verified the consistency between the package name here and
* application's uid. Consider to use {@link InputBinding#getUid()}, which is trustworthy.
* Starting from {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#M}, the system verifies the consistency
* between this package name and application uid before {@link EditorInfo} is passed to the
* input method.</p>
* <p><strong>Editor authors:</strong> Starting from {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#M},
* the application is no longer
* able to establish input connections if the package name provided here is inconsistent with
* application's uid.</p>
public String packageName;
* Identifier for the editor's field. This is optional, and may be
* 0. By default it is filled in with the result of
* {@link android.view.View#getId() View.getId()} on the View that
* is being edited.
public int fieldId;
* Additional name for the editor's field. This can supply additional
* name information for the field. By default it is null. The actual
* contents have no meaning.
public String fieldName;
* Any extra data to supply to the input method. This is for extended
* communication with specific input methods; the name fields in the
* bundle should be scoped (such as "") so
* that they don't conflict with others. This field can be
* filled in from the {@link android.R.attr#editorExtras}
* attribute of a TextView.
public Bundle extras;
* List of the languages that the user is supposed to switch to no matter what input method
* subtype is currently used. This special "hint" can be used mainly for, but not limited to,
* multilingual users who want IMEs to switch language context automatically.
* <p>{@code null} means that no special language "hint" is needed.</p>
* <p><strong>Editor authors:</strong> Specify this only when you are confident that the user
* will switch to certain languages in this context no matter what input method subtype is
* currently selected. Otherwise, keep this {@code null}. Explicit user actions and/or
* preferences would be good signals to specify this special "hint", For example, a chat
* application may be able to put the last used language at the top of {@link #hintLocales}
* based on whom the user is going to talk, by remembering what language is used in the last
* conversation. Do not specify {@link android.widget.TextView#getTextLocales()} only because
* it is used for text rendering.</p>
* @see android.widget.TextView#setImeHintLocales(LocaleList)
* @see android.widget.TextView#getImeHintLocales()
public LocaleList hintLocales = null;
* List of acceptable MIME types for
* {@link InputConnection#commitContent(InputContentInfo, int, Bundle)}.
* <p>{@code null} or an empty array means that
* {@link InputConnection#commitContent(InputContentInfo, int, Bundle)} is not supported in this
* editor.</p>
public String[] contentMimeTypes = null;
* If not {@code null}, this editor needs to talk to IMEs that run for the specified user, no
* matter what user ID the calling process has.
* <p>Note: This field will be silently ignored when
* {@link} is
* {@code true}.</p>
* <p>Note also that pseudo handles such as {@link UserHandle#ALL} are not supported.</p>
* @hide
public UserHandle targetInputMethodUser = null;
@IntDef({TrimPolicy.HEAD, TrimPolicy.TAIL})
@interface TrimPolicy {
int HEAD = 0;
int TAIL = 1;
* The maximum length of initialSurroundingText. When the input text from
* {@code setInitialSurroundingText(CharSequence)} is longer than this, trimming shall be
* performed to keep memory efficiency.
static final int MEMORY_EFFICIENT_TEXT_LENGTH = 2048;
* When the input text is longer than {@code #MEMORY_EFFICIENT_TEXT_LENGTH}, we start trimming
* the input text into three parts: BeforeCursor, Selection, and AfterCursor. We don't want to
* trim the Selection but we also don't want it consumes all available space. Therefore, the
* maximum acceptable Selection length is half of {@code #MEMORY_EFFICIENT_TEXT_LENGTH}.
private InitialSurroundingText mInitialSurroundingText = new InitialSurroundingText();
* Editors may use this method to provide initial input text to IMEs. As the surrounding text
* could be used to provide various input assistance, we recommend editors to provide the
* complete initial input text in its {@link View#onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo)} callback.
* The supplied text will then be processed to serve {@code #getInitialTextBeforeCursor},
* {@code #getInitialSelectedText}, and {@code #getInitialTextBeforeCursor}. System is allowed
* to trim {@code sourceText} for various reasons while keeping the most valuable data to IMEs.
* <p><strong>Editor authors: </strong>Providing the initial input text helps reducing IPC calls
* for IMEs to provide many modern features right after the connection setup. We recommend
* calling this method in your implementation.
* @param sourceText The complete input text.
public void setInitialSurroundingText(@NonNull CharSequence sourceText) {
setInitialSurroundingSubText(sourceText, /* subTextStart = */ 0);
* Editors may use this method to provide initial input text to IMEs. As the surrounding text
* could be used to provide various input assistance, we recommend editors to provide the
* complete initial input text in its {@link View#onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo)} callback.
* When trimming the input text is needed, call this method instead of
* {@code setInitialSurroundingText(CharSequence)} and provide the trimmed position info. Always
* try to include the selected text within {@code subText} to give the system best flexibility
* to choose where and how to trim {@code subText} when necessary.
* @param subText The input text. When it was trimmed, {@code subTextStart} must be provided
* correctly.
* @param subTextStart The position that the input text got trimmed. For example, when the
* editor wants to trim out the first 10 chars, subTextStart should be 10.
public void setInitialSurroundingSubText(@NonNull CharSequence subText, int subTextStart) {
// Swap selection start and end if necessary.
final int subTextSelStart = initialSelStart > initialSelEnd
? initialSelEnd - subTextStart : initialSelStart - subTextStart;
final int subTextSelEnd = initialSelStart > initialSelEnd
? initialSelStart - subTextStart : initialSelEnd - subTextStart;
final int subTextLength = subText.length();
// Unknown or invalid selection.
if (subTextStart < 0 || subTextSelStart < 0 || subTextSelEnd > subTextLength) {
mInitialSurroundingText = new InitialSurroundingText();
// For privacy protection reason, we don't carry password inputs to IMEs.
if (isPasswordInputType(inputType)) {
mInitialSurroundingText = new InitialSurroundingText();
mInitialSurroundingText = new InitialSurroundingText(subText, subTextSelStart,
trimLongSurroundingText(subText, subTextSelStart, subTextSelEnd);
* Trims the initial surrounding text when it is over sized. Fundamental trimming rules are:
* - The text before the cursor is the most important information to IMEs.
* - The text after the cursor is the second important information to IMEs.
* - The selected text is the least important information but it shall NEVER be truncated. When
* it is too long, just drop it.
* For example, the subText can be viewed as
* TextBeforeCursor + Selection + TextAfterCursor
* The result could be
* 1. (maybeTrimmedAtHead)TextBeforeCursor + Selection + TextAfterCursor(maybeTrimmedAtTail)
* 2. (maybeTrimmedAtHead)TextBeforeCursor + TextAfterCursor(maybeTrimmedAtTail)</pre>
* @param subText The long text that needs to be trimmed.
* @param selStart The text offset of the start of the selection.
* @param selEnd The text offset of the end of the selection
private void trimLongSurroundingText(CharSequence subText, int selStart, int selEnd) {
final int sourceSelLength = selEnd - selStart;
// When the selected text is too long, drop it.
final int newSelLength = (sourceSelLength > MAX_INITIAL_SELECTION_LENGTH)
? 0 : sourceSelLength;
// Distribute rest of length quota to TextBeforeCursor and TextAfterCursor in 4:1 ratio.
final int subTextBeforeCursorLength = selStart;
final int subTextAfterCursorLength = subText.length() - selEnd;
final int maxLengthMinusSelection = MEMORY_EFFICIENT_TEXT_LENGTH - newSelLength;
final int possibleMaxBeforeCursorLength =
Math.min(subTextBeforeCursorLength, (int) (0.8 * maxLengthMinusSelection));
int newAfterCursorLength = Math.min(subTextAfterCursorLength,
maxLengthMinusSelection - possibleMaxBeforeCursorLength);
int newBeforeCursorLength = Math.min(subTextBeforeCursorLength,
maxLengthMinusSelection - newAfterCursorLength);
// As trimming may happen at the head of TextBeforeCursor, calculate new starting position.
int newBeforeCursorHead = subTextBeforeCursorLength - newBeforeCursorLength;
// We don't want to cut surrogate pairs in the middle. Exam that at the new head and tail.
if (isCutOnSurrogate(subText,
selStart - newBeforeCursorLength, TrimPolicy.HEAD)) {
newBeforeCursorHead = newBeforeCursorHead + 1;
newBeforeCursorLength = newBeforeCursorLength - 1;
if (isCutOnSurrogate(subText,
selEnd + newAfterCursorLength - 1, TrimPolicy.TAIL)) {
newAfterCursorLength = newAfterCursorLength - 1;
// Now we know where to trim, compose the initialSurroundingText.
final int newTextLength = newBeforeCursorLength + newSelLength + newAfterCursorLength;
final CharSequence newInitialSurroundingText;
if (newSelLength != sourceSelLength) {
final CharSequence beforeCursor = subText.subSequence(newBeforeCursorHead,
newBeforeCursorHead + newBeforeCursorLength);
final CharSequence afterCursor = subText.subSequence(selEnd,
selEnd + newAfterCursorLength);
newInitialSurroundingText = TextUtils.concat(beforeCursor, afterCursor);
} else {
newInitialSurroundingText = subText
.subSequence(newBeforeCursorHead, newBeforeCursorHead + newTextLength);
// As trimming may happen at the head, adjust cursor position in the initialSurroundingText
// obj.
newBeforeCursorHead = 0;
final int newSelHead = newBeforeCursorHead + newBeforeCursorLength;
mInitialSurroundingText = new InitialSurroundingText(
newInitialSurroundingText, newSelHead, newSelHead + newSelLength);
* Get <var>length</var> characters of text before the current cursor position. May be
* {@code null} when the protocol is not supported.
* @param length The expected length of the text.
* @param flags Supplies additional options controlling how the text is returned. May be
* either 0 or {@link InputConnection#GET_TEXT_WITH_STYLES}.
* @return the text before the cursor position; the length of the returned text might be less
* than <var>length</var>. When there is no text before the cursor, an empty string will be
* returned. It could also be {@code null} when the editor or system could not support this
* protocol.
public CharSequence getInitialTextBeforeCursor(int length, int flags) {
return mInitialSurroundingText.getInitialTextBeforeCursor(length, flags);
* Gets the selected text, if any. May be {@code null} when the protocol is not supported or the
* selected text is way too long.
* @param flags Supplies additional options controlling how the text is returned. May be
* either 0 or {@link InputConnection#GET_TEXT_WITH_STYLES}.
* @return the text that is currently selected, if any. It could be an empty string when there
* is no text selected. When {@code null} is returned, the selected text might be too long or
* this protocol is not supported.
public CharSequence getInitialSelectedText(int flags) {
// Swap selection start and end if necessary.
final int correctedTextSelStart = initialSelStart > initialSelEnd
? initialSelEnd : initialSelStart;
final int correctedTextSelEnd = initialSelStart > initialSelEnd
? initialSelStart : initialSelEnd;
final int sourceSelLength = correctedTextSelEnd - correctedTextSelStart;
if (initialSelStart < 0 || initialSelEnd < 0
|| mInitialSurroundingText.getSelectionLength() != sourceSelLength) {
return null;
return mInitialSurroundingText.getInitialSelectedText(flags);
* Get <var>length</var> characters of text after the current cursor position. May be
* {@code null} when the protocol is not supported.
* @param length The expected length of the text.
* @param flags Supplies additional options controlling how the text is returned. May be
* either 0 or {@link InputConnection#GET_TEXT_WITH_STYLES}.
* @return the text after the cursor position; the length of the returned text might be less
* than <var>length</var>. When there is no text after the cursor, an empty string will be
* returned. It could also be {@code null} when the editor or system could not support this
* protocol.
public CharSequence getInitialTextAfterCursor(int length, int flags) {
return mInitialSurroundingText.getInitialTextAfterCursor(length, flags);
private static boolean isCutOnSurrogate(CharSequence sourceText, int cutPosition,
@TrimPolicy int policy) {
switch (policy) {
case TrimPolicy.HEAD:
return Character.isLowSurrogate(sourceText.charAt(cutPosition));
case TrimPolicy.TAIL:
return Character.isHighSurrogate(sourceText.charAt(cutPosition));
return false;
private static boolean isPasswordInputType(int inputType) {
final int variation =
return variation
|| variation
|| variation
* Ensure that the data in this EditorInfo is compatible with an application
* that was developed against the given target API version. This can
* impact the following input types:
* <p>This is called by the framework for input method implementations;
* you should not generally need to call it yourself.
* @param targetSdkVersion The API version number that the compatible
* application was developed against.
public final void makeCompatible(int targetSdkVersion) {
if (targetSdkVersion < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) {
| (inputType&TYPE_MASK_FLAGS);
| (inputType&TYPE_MASK_FLAGS);
| (inputType&TYPE_MASK_FLAGS);
* Write debug output of this object.
public void dump(Printer pw, String prefix) {
pw.println(prefix + "inputType=0x" + Integer.toHexString(inputType)
+ " imeOptions=0x" + Integer.toHexString(imeOptions)
+ " privateImeOptions=" + privateImeOptions);
pw.println(prefix + "actionLabel=" + actionLabel
+ " actionId=" + actionId);
pw.println(prefix + "initialSelStart=" + initialSelStart
+ " initialSelEnd=" + initialSelEnd
+ " initialCapsMode=0x"
+ Integer.toHexString(initialCapsMode));
pw.println(prefix + "hintText=" + hintText
+ " label=" + label);
pw.println(prefix + "packageName=" + packageName
+ " fieldId=" + fieldId
+ " fieldName=" + fieldName);
pw.println(prefix + "extras=" + extras);
pw.println(prefix + "hintLocales=" + hintLocales);
pw.println(prefix + "contentMimeTypes=" + Arrays.toString(contentMimeTypes));
if (targetInputMethodUser != null) {
pw.println(prefix + "targetInputMethodUserId=" + targetInputMethodUser.getIdentifier());
* Used to package this object into a {@link Parcel}.
* @param dest The {@link Parcel} to be written.
* @param flags The flags used for parceling.
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
TextUtils.writeToParcel(actionLabel, dest, flags);
TextUtils.writeToParcel(hintText, dest, flags);
TextUtils.writeToParcel(label, dest, flags);
mInitialSurroundingText.writeToParcel(dest, flags);
if (hintLocales != null) {
hintLocales.writeToParcel(dest, flags);
} else {
LocaleList.getEmptyLocaleList().writeToParcel(dest, flags);
UserHandle.writeToParcel(targetInputMethodUser, dest);
* Used to make this class parcelable.
public static final @android.annotation.NonNull Parcelable.Creator<EditorInfo> CREATOR =
new Parcelable.Creator<EditorInfo>() {
public EditorInfo createFromParcel(Parcel source) {
EditorInfo res = new EditorInfo();
res.inputType = source.readInt();
res.imeOptions = source.readInt();
res.privateImeOptions = source.readString();
res.actionLabel = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(source);
res.actionId = source.readInt();
res.initialSelStart = source.readInt();
res.initialSelEnd = source.readInt();
res.initialCapsMode = source.readInt();
res.hintText = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(source);
res.label = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(source);
res.packageName = source.readString();
res.fieldId = source.readInt();
res.fieldName = source.readString();
res.extras = source.readBundle();
InitialSurroundingText initialSurroundingText =
res.mInitialSurroundingText = initialSurroundingText;
LocaleList hintLocales = LocaleList.CREATOR.createFromParcel(source);
res.hintLocales = hintLocales.isEmpty() ? null : hintLocales;
res.contentMimeTypes = source.readStringArray();
res.targetInputMethodUser = UserHandle.readFromParcel(source);
return res;
public EditorInfo[] newArray(int size) {
return new EditorInfo[size];
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
static final class InitialSurroundingText implements Parcelable {
@Nullable final CharSequence mSurroundingText;
final int mSelectionHead;
final int mSelectionEnd;
InitialSurroundingText() {
mSurroundingText = null;
mSelectionHead = 0;
mSelectionEnd = 0;
InitialSurroundingText(@Nullable CharSequence surroundingText, int selectionHead,
int selectionEnd) {
mSurroundingText = surroundingText;
mSelectionHead = selectionHead;
mSelectionEnd = selectionEnd;
private CharSequence getInitialTextBeforeCursor(int n, int flags) {
if (mSurroundingText == null) {
return null;
final int length = Math.min(n, mSelectionHead);
return ((flags & InputConnection.GET_TEXT_WITH_STYLES) != 0)
? mSurroundingText.subSequence(mSelectionHead - length, mSelectionHead)
: TextUtils.substring(mSurroundingText, mSelectionHead - length,
private CharSequence getInitialSelectedText(int flags) {
if (mSurroundingText == null) {
return null;
return ((flags & InputConnection.GET_TEXT_WITH_STYLES) != 0)
? mSurroundingText.subSequence(mSelectionHead, mSelectionEnd)
: TextUtils.substring(mSurroundingText, mSelectionHead, mSelectionEnd);
private CharSequence getInitialTextAfterCursor(int n, int flags) {
if (mSurroundingText == null) {
return null;
final int length = Math.min(n, mSurroundingText.length() - mSelectionEnd);
return ((flags & InputConnection.GET_TEXT_WITH_STYLES) != 0)
? mSurroundingText.subSequence(mSelectionEnd, mSelectionEnd + length)
: TextUtils.substring(mSurroundingText, mSelectionEnd, mSelectionEnd + length);
private int getSelectionLength() {
return mSelectionEnd - mSelectionHead;
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
TextUtils.writeToParcel(mSurroundingText, dest, flags);
public static final @android.annotation.NonNull Parcelable.Creator<InitialSurroundingText>
CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<InitialSurroundingText>() {
public InitialSurroundingText createFromParcel(Parcel source) {
final CharSequence initialText =
final int selectionHead = source.readInt();
final int selectionEnd = source.readInt();
return new InitialSurroundingText(initialText, selectionHead, selectionEnd);
public InitialSurroundingText[] newArray(int size) {
return new InitialSurroundingText[size];