Reorganize MeasuredText API (2nd)

This is 2nd attempt of I7db9e2ca4db68a16648cfb8fcf63555f501304c2

This CL changes the MeasuredText API:
- Rename MeasuredText to PrecomputedText.
- Introduce PrecomputedText.Param which holds all text layout parameters.
- Add API to get PrecomputedText.Param from TextView.
- Remove MeasuredText.Builder and add PrecomputedText.create method instead.
- Remove setRange from MeasuredText since it is not for normal use case.
  (It can not be used for TextView)

Bug: 67504091
Bug: 72861572
Test: bit FrameworksCoreTests:android.text.
Test: atest CtsWidgetTestCases:EditTextTest \
    CtsWidgetTestCases:TextViewFadingEdgeTest \
    FrameworksCoreTests:TextViewFallbackLineSpacingTest \
    FrameworksCoreTests:TextViewTest FrameworksCoreTests:TypefaceTest \
    CtsGraphicsTestCases:TypefaceTest CtsWidgetTestCases:TextViewTest \

Change-Id: Ie73bce52c6c673cda58973ddad04627a7cf2e5e9
14 files changed