blob: ed570e76a3d15b55c1506595b37751678f66dccb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
// TODO: Not the right package and class name
package android.os.statsd;
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "AtomsProto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/app/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/os/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/server/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/telephony/enums.proto";
import "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/view/enums.proto";
* The master atom class. This message defines all of the available
* raw stats log events from the Android system, also known as "atoms."
* This field contains a single oneof with all of the available messages.
* The stats-log-api-gen tool runs as part of the Android build and
* generates the android.util.StatsLog class, which contains the constants
* and methods that Android uses to log.
* This Atom class is not actually built into the Android system.
* Instead, statsd on Android constructs these messages synthetically,
* in the format defined here and in stats_log.proto.
message Atom {
// Pushed atoms start at 2.
oneof pushed {
// For StatsLog reasons, 1 is illegal and will not work. Must start at 2.
BleScanStateChanged ble_scan_state_changed = 2;
BleUnoptimizedScanStateChanged ble_unoptimized_scan_state_changed = 3;
BleScanResultReceived ble_scan_result_received = 4;
SensorStateChanged sensor_state_changed = 5;
GpsScanStateChanged gps_scan_state_changed = 6;
SyncStateChanged sync_state_changed = 7;
ScheduledJobStateChanged scheduled_job_state_changed = 8;
ScreenBrightnessChanged screen_brightness_changed = 9;
WakelockStateChanged wakelock_state_changed = 10;
LongPartialWakelockStateChanged long_partial_wakelock_state_changed = 11;
MobileRadioPowerStateChanged mobile_radio_power_state_changed = 12;
WifiRadioPowerStateChanged wifi_radio_power_state_changed = 13;
// TODO: 14-19 are blank, but need not be
BatterySaverModeStateChanged battery_saver_mode_state_changed = 20;
DeviceIdleModeStateChanged device_idle_mode_state_changed = 21;
DeviceIdlingModeStateChanged device_idling_mode_state_changed = 22;
AudioStateChanged audio_state_changed = 23;
MediaCodecActivityChanged media_codec_activity_changed = 24;
CameraStateChanged camera_state_changed = 25;
FlashlightStateChanged flashlight_state_changed = 26;
UidProcessStateChanged uid_process_state_changed = 27;
ProcessLifeCycleStateChanged process_life_cycle_state_changed = 28;
ScreenStateChanged screen_state_changed = 29;
BatteryLevelChanged battery_level_changed = 30;
ChargingStateChanged charging_state_changed = 31;
PluggedStateChanged plugged_state_changed = 32;
DeviceTemperatureReported device_temperature_reported = 33;
DeviceOnStatusChanged device_on_status_changed = 34;
WakeupAlarmOccurred wakeup_alarm_occurred = 35;
KernelWakeupReported kernel_wakeup_reported = 36;
WifiLockStateChanged wifi_lock_state_changed = 37;
WifiSignalStrengthChanged wifi_signal_strength_changed = 38;
WifiScanStateChanged wifi_scan_state_changed = 39;
PhoneSignalStrengthChanged phone_signal_strength_changed = 40;
SettingChanged setting_changed = 41;
ActivityForegroundStateChanged activity_foreground_state_changed = 42;
IsolatedUidChanged isolated_uid_changed = 43;
PacketWakeupOccurred packet_wakeup_occurred = 44;
DropboxErrorChanged dropbox_error_changed = 45;
AnomalyDetected anomaly_detected = 46;
AppHook app_hook = 47;
AppStartChanged app_start_changed = 48;
AppStartCancelChanged app_start_cancel_changed = 49;
AppStartFullyDrawnChanged app_start_fully_drawn_changed = 50;
LmkKillOccurred lmk_kill_occurred = 51;
PictureInPictureStateChanged picture_in_picture_state_changed = 52;
WifiMulticastLockStateChanged wifi_multicast_lock_state_changed = 53;
LmkStateChanged lmk_state_changed = 54;
AppStartMemoryStateCaptured app_start_memory_state_captured = 55;
ShutdownSequenceReported shutdown_sequence_reported = 56;
BootSequenceReported boot_sequence_reported = 57;
DaveyOccurred davey_occurred = 58;
OverlayStateChanged overlay_state_changed = 59;
// TODO: Reorder the numbering so that the most frequent occur events occur in the first 15.
// Pulled events will start at field 10000.
// Next: 10021
oneof pulled {
WifiBytesTransfer wifi_bytes_transfer = 10000;
WifiBytesTransferByFgBg wifi_bytes_transfer_by_fg_bg = 10001;
MobileBytesTransfer mobile_bytes_transfer = 10002;
MobileBytesTransferByFgBg mobile_bytes_transfer_by_fg_bg = 10003;
BluetoothBytesTransfer bluetooth_bytes_transfer = 10006;
KernelWakelock kernel_wakelock = 10004;
SubsystemSleepState subsystem_sleep_state = 10005;
CpuTimePerFreq cpu_time_per_freq = 10008;
CpuTimePerUid cpu_time_per_uid = 10009;
CpuTimePerUidFreq cpu_time_per_uid_freq = 10010;
WifiActivityEnergyInfo wifi_activity_energy_info = 10011;
ModemActivityInfo modem_activity_info = 10012;
BluetoothActivityInfo bluetooth_activity_info = 10007;
ProcessMemoryState process_memory_state = 10013;
SystemElapsedRealtime system_elapsed_realtime = 10014;
SystemUptime system_uptime = 10015;
CpuActiveTime cpu_active_time = 10016;
CpuClusterTime cpu_cluster_time = 10017;
DiskSpace disk_space = 10018;
RemainingBatteryCapacity remaining_battery_capacity = 10019;
FullBatteryCapacity full_battery_capacity = 10020;
* This proto represents a node of an attribution chain.
* Note: All attribution chains are represented as a repeated field of type
* AttributionNode. It is understood that in such arrays, the order is that
* of calls, that is [A, B, C] if A calls B that calls C.
message AttributionNode {
// The uid for a given element in the attribution chain.
optional int32 uid = 1;
// The (optional) string tag for an element in the attribution chain. If the
// element has no tag, it is encoded as an empty string.
optional string tag = 2;
* *****************************************************************************
* Below are all of the individual atoms that are logged by Android via statsd.
* - The field ids for each atom must start at 1, and count upwards by 1.
* Skipping field ids is not allowed.
* - These form an API, so renaming, renumbering or removing fields is
* not allowed between android releases. (This is not currently enforced,
* but there will be a tool to enforce this restriction).
* - The types must be built-in protocol buffer types, namely, no sub-messages
* are allowed (yet). The bytes type is also not allowed.
* - The CamelCase name of the message type should match the
* underscore_separated name as defined in Atom.
* - If an atom represents work that can be attributed to an app, there can
* be exactly one AttributionChain field. It must be field number 1.
* - A field that is a uid should be a string field, tagged with the [xxx]
* annotation. The generated code on android will be represented by UIDs,
* and those UIDs will be translated in xxx to those strings.
* - Events are past tense. e.g. ScreenStateChanged, not ScreenStateChange.
* - If there is a UID, it goes first. Think in an object-oriented fashion.
* *****************************************************************************
* Logs when the screen state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ScreenStateChanged {
// New screen state, from frameworks/base/core/proto/android/view/enums.proto.
optional android.view.DisplayStateEnum state = 1;
* Logs that the state of a process state, as per the activity manager, has changed.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message UidProcessStateChanged {
optional int32 uid = 1; // TODO: should be a string tagged w/ uid annotation
// The state, from frameworks/base/core/proto/android/app/enums.proto.
optional state = 2;
* Logs that a process started, finished, crashed, or ANRed.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ProcessLifeCycleStateChanged {
optional int32 uid = 1; // TODO: should be a string tagged w/ uid annotation
// TODO: What is this?
optional string name = 2;
// What lifecycle state the process changed to.
// This enum is specific to atoms.proto.
enum Event {
optional Event event = 3;
* Logs when the ble scan state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message BleScanStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 2;
* Logs when an unoptimized ble scan state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
// TODO: Consider changing to tracking per-scanner-id (log from AppScanStats).
message BleUnoptimizedScanStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 2;
* Logs reporting of a ble scan finding results.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
// TODO: Consider changing to tracking per-scanner-id (log from AppScanStats).
message BleScanResultReceived {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
// Number of ble scan results returned.
optional int32 num_of_results = 2;
* Logs when a sensor state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message SensorStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
// TODO: Is there a way to get the actual name of the sensor?
// The id (int) of the sensor.
optional int32 sensor_id = 2;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 3;
* Logs when GPS state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message GpsScanStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 2;
* Logs when a sync manager sync state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message SyncStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
// Name of the sync (as named in the app)
optional string name = 2;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 3;
* Logs when a job scheduler job state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message ScheduledJobStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
// Name of the job (as named in the app)
optional string name = 2;
enum State {
optional State state = 3;
// TODO: Consider adding the stopReason (int)
* Logs when the audio state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message AudioStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 2;
* Logs when the video codec state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message MediaCodecActivityChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 2;
* Logs when the flashlight state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message FlashlightStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 2;
* Logs when the camera state changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message CameraStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 2;
* Logs that the state of a wakelock (per app and per wakelock name) has changed.
* Logged from:
message WakelockStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
// The type (level) of the wakelock; e.g. a partial wakelock or a full wakelock.
// From frameworks/base/core/proto/android/os/enums.proto.
optional android.os.WakeLockLevelEnum level = 2;
// The wakelock tag (Called tag in the Java API, sometimes name elsewhere).
optional string tag = 3;
enum State {
optional State state = 4;
* Logs when a partial wakelock is considered 'long' (over 1 min).
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message LongPartialWakelockStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
// The wakelock tag (Called tag in the Java API, sometimes name elsewhere).
optional string tag = 2;
// TODO: I have no idea what this is.
optional string history_tag = 3;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 4;
* Logs Battery Saver state change.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message BatterySaverModeStateChanged {
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 1;
* Logs Doze mode state change.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message DeviceIdleModeStateChanged {
optional android.server.DeviceIdleModeEnum state = 1;
* Logs state change of Doze mode including maintenance windows.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message DeviceIdlingModeStateChanged {
optional android.server.DeviceIdleModeEnum state = 1;
* Logs screen brightness level.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ScreenBrightnessChanged {
// Screen brightness level. Should be in [-1, 255] according to
optional int32 level = 1;
* Logs battery level (percent full, from 0 to 100).
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message BatteryLevelChanged {
// Battery level. Should be in [0, 100].
optional int32 battery_level = 1;
* Logs change in charging status of the device.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message ChargingStateChanged {
// State of the battery, from frameworks/base/core/proto/android/os/enums.proto.
optional android.os.BatteryStatusEnum state = 1;
* Logs whether the device is plugged in, and what power source it is using.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message PluggedStateChanged {
// Whether the device is plugged in, from frameworks/base/core/proto/android/os/enums.proto.
optional android.os.BatteryPluggedStateEnum state = 1;
* Logs the temperature of the device, in tenths of a degree Celsius.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message DeviceTemperatureReported {
// Temperature in tenths of a degree C.
optional int32 temperature = 1;
// TODO: Define this more precisely.
// TODO: Log the ON state somewhere. It isn't currently logged anywhere.
* Logs when the device turns off or on.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message DeviceOnStatusChanged {
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 1;
* Logs when an app's wakeup alarm fires.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message WakeupAlarmOccurred {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
// Name of the wakeup alarm.
optional string tag = 2;
* Logs when an an app causes the mobile radio to change state.
* Changing from LOW to MEDIUM or HIGH can be considered the app waking the mobile radio.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message MobileRadioPowerStateChanged {
// TODO: Add attribution instead of uid?
optional int32 uid = 1;
// Power state, from frameworks/base/core/proto/android/telephony/enums.proto.
optional android.telephony.DataConnectionPowerStateEnum state = 2;
* Logs when an an app causes the wifi radio to change state.
* Changing from LOW to MEDIUM or HIGH can be considered the app waking the wifi radio.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message WifiRadioPowerStateChanged {
// TODO: Add attribution instead of uid?
optional int32 uid = 1;
// Power state, from frameworks/base/core/proto/android/telephony/enums.proto.
optional android.telephony.DataConnectionPowerStateEnum state = 2;
* Logs kernel wakeup reasons and aborts.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message KernelWakeupReported {
// Name of the kernel wakeup reason (or abort).
optional string wakeup_reason_name = 1;
// Duration (in microseconds) for the wake-up interrupt to be serviced.
optional int64 duration_usec = 2;
* Logs wifi locks held by an app.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message WifiLockStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 2;
* Logs wifi signal strength changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message WifiSignalStrengthChanged {
// Signal strength, from frameworks/base/core/proto/android/telephony/enums.proto.
optional android.telephony.SignalStrengthEnum signal_strength = 1;
* Logs wifi scans performed by an app.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message WifiScanStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 2;
* Logs wifi multicast locks held by an app
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message WifiMulticastLockStateChanged {
repeated AttributionNode attribution_node = 1;
enum State {
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
optional State state = 2;
* Logs shutdown reason and duration on next boot.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/server/
message ShutdownSequenceReported {
// True if shutdown is for a reboot. Default: false if we do not know.
optional bool reboot = 1;
// Reason for shutdown. Eg: userrequested. Default: "<EMPTY>".
optional string reason = 2;
// Beginning of shutdown time in ms using wall clock time since unix epoch.
// Default: 0 if no start time received.
optional int64 start_time_ms = 3;
// Duration of shutdown in ms. Default: 0 if no duration received.
optional int64 duration_ms = 4;
* Logs boot reason and duration.
* Logged from:
* system/core/bootstat/bootstat.cpp
message BootSequenceReported {
// Reason for bootloader boot. Eg. reboot. See bootstat.cpp for larger list
// Default: "<EMPTY>" if not available.
optional string bootloader_reason = 1;
// Reason for system boot. Eg. bootloader, reboot,userrequested
// Default: "<EMPTY>" if not available.
optional string system_reason = 2;
// End of boot time in ms from unix epoch using system wall clock.
optional int64 end_time_ms = 3;
// Total boot duration in ms.
optional int64 total_duration_ms = 4;
// Bootloader duration in ms.
optional int64 bootloader_duration_ms = 5;
// Time since last boot in ms. Default: 0 if not available.
optional int64 time_since_last_boot = 6;
* Logs the duration of a davey (jank of >=700ms) when it occurs
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/libs/hwui/JankTracker.cpp
message DaveyOccurred {
// Amount of time it took to render the frame. Should be >=700ms.
optional int64 jank_duration_ms = 1;
* Logs phone signal strength changes.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message PhoneSignalStrengthChanged {
// Signal strength, from frameworks/base/core/proto/android/telephony/enums.proto.
optional android.telephony.SignalStrengthEnum signal_strength = 1;
* Logs that a setting was updated.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/android/provider/
* The tag and is_default allow resetting of settings to default values based on the specified
* tag. See Settings#putString(ContentResolver, String, String, String, boolean) for more details.
message SettingChanged {
// The name of the setting.
optional string setting = 1;
// The change being imposed on this setting. May represent a number, eg "3".
optional string value = 2;
// The new value of this setting. For most settings, this is same as value. For some settings,
// value is +X or -X where X represents an element in a set. For example, if the previous value
// is A,B,C and value is -B, then new_value is A,C and prev_value is A,B,C.
// The +/- feature is currently only used for location_providers_allowed.
optional string new_value = 3;
// The previous value of this setting.
optional string prev_value = 4;
// The tag used with the is_default for resetting sets of settings. This is generally null.
optional string tag = 5;
// True if this setting with tag should be resettable.
optional bool is_default = 6;
// The user ID associated. Defined in android/os/
optional int32 user = 7;
* Logs activity going to foreground or background
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message ActivityForegroundStateChanged {
optional int32 uid = 1;
optional string pkg_name = 2;
optional string class_name = 3;
enum Activity {
optional Activity activity = 4;
* Logs when an error is written to dropbox.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message DropboxErrorChanged {
// The uid if available. -1 means not available.
optional int32 uid = 1;
// Tag used when recording this error to dropbox. Contains data_ or system_ prefix.
optional string tag = 2;
// The name of the process.
optional string process_name = 3;
// The pid if available. -1 means not available.
optional sint32 pid = 4;
// 1 indicates is instant app. -1 indicates Not applicable.
optional sint32 is_instant_app = 5;
// The activity name if available.
optional string activity_name = 6;
// The package name if available.
optional string package_name = 7;
// 1 indicates in foreground. -1 indicates not available.
optional sint32 is_foreground = 8;
* Allows other apps to push events into statsd.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/android/util/
message AppHook {
// The uid of the application that sent this custom atom.
optional int32 uid = 1;
// An arbitrary label chosen by the developer. For Android P, the label should be in [0, 16).
optional int32 label = 2;
// Allows applications to easily use a custom event as start/stop boundaries (ie, define custom
// predicates for the metrics).
enum State {
UNSPECIFIED = 1; // For events that are known to not represent START/STOP.
STOP = 2;
START = 3;
optional State state = 3;
* Logs when statsd detects an anomaly.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/anomaly/AnomalyTracker.cpp
message AnomalyDetected {
// Uid that owns the config whose anomaly detection alert fired.
optional int32 config_uid = 1;
// Id of the config whose anomaly detection alert fired.
optional int64 config_id = 2;
// Id of the alert (i.e. name of the anomaly that was detected).
optional int64 alert_id = 3;
message AppStartChanged {
// The uid if available. -1 means not available.
optional int32 uid = 1;
// The app package name.
optional string pkg_name = 2;
enum TransitionType {
WARM = 1;
HOT = 2;
COLD = 3;
// The transition type.
optional TransitionType type = 3;
// The activity name.
optional string activity_name = 4;
// The name of the calling app. Empty if not set.
optional string calling_pkg_name = 5;
// Whether the app is an instant app.
optional bool is_instant_app = 6;
// Device uptime when activity started.
optional int64 activity_start_msec = 7;
optional reason = 8;
optional int32 transition_delay_msec = 9;
// -1 if not set.
optional int32 starting_window_delay_msec = 10;
// -1 if not set.
optional int32 bind_application_delay_msec = 11;
optional int32 windows_drawn_delay_msec = 12;
// Empty if not set.
optional string launch_token = 13;
message AppStartCancelChanged {
// The uid if available. -1 means not available.
optional int32 uid = 1;
// The app package name.
optional string pkg_name = 2;
enum TransitionType {
WARM = 1;
HOT = 2;
COLD = 3;
// The transition type.
optional TransitionType type = 3;
// The activity name.
optional string activity_name = 4;
message AppStartFullyDrawnChanged {
// The uid if available. -1 means not available.
optional int32 uid = 1;
// The app package name.
optional string pkg_name = 2;
enum TransitionType {
// The transition type.
optional TransitionType type = 3;
// The activity name.
optional string activity_name = 4;
optional bool transition_process_running = 5;
// App startup time (until call to Activity#reportFullyDrawn()).
optional int64 app_startup_time_ms = 6;
* Logs a picture-in-picture action
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
* frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/pip/phone/
message PictureInPictureStateChanged {
optional int32 uid = 1;
optional string package_name = 2;
optional string class_name = 3;
// Picture-in-Picture action occurred, similar to
// frameworks/base/proto/src/metrics_constants.proto
enum State {
optional State state = 4;
* Logs overlay action
* Logged from:
* services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/
message OverlayStateChanged {
optional int32 uid = 1;
optional string package_name = 2;
optional bool using_alert_window = 3;
enum State {
optional State state = 4;
* Pulls bytes transferred via wifi (Sum of foreground and background usage).
* Pulled from:
* StatsCompanionService (using BatteryStats to get which interfaces are wifi)
message WifiBytesTransfer {
optional int32 uid = 1;
optional int64 rx_bytes = 2;
optional int64 rx_packets = 3;
optional int64 tx_bytes = 4;
optional int64 tx_packets = 5;
* Pulls bytes transferred via wifi (separated by foreground and background usage).
* Pulled from:
* StatsCompanionService (using BatteryStats to get which interfaces are wifi)
message WifiBytesTransferByFgBg {
optional int32 uid = 1;
// 1 denotes foreground and 0 denotes background. This is called Set in NetworkStats.
optional int32 is_foreground = 2;
optional int64 rx_bytes = 3;
optional int64 rx_packets = 4;
optional int64 tx_bytes = 5;
optional int64 tx_packets = 6;
* Pulls bytes transferred via mobile networks (Sum of foreground and background usage).
* Pulled from:
* StatsCompanionService (using BatteryStats to get which interfaces are mobile data)
message MobileBytesTransfer {
optional int32 uid = 1;
optional int64 rx_bytes = 2;
optional int64 rx_packets = 3;
optional int64 tx_bytes = 4;
optional int64 tx_packets = 5;
* Pulls bytes transferred via mobile networks (separated by foreground and background usage).
* Pulled from:
* StatsCompanionService (using BatteryStats to get which interfaces are mobile data)
message MobileBytesTransferByFgBg {
optional int32 uid = 1;
// 1 denotes foreground and 0 denotes background. This is called Set in NetworkStats.
optional int32 is_foreground = 2;
optional int64 rx_bytes = 3;
optional int64 rx_packets = 4;
optional int64 tx_bytes = 5;
optional int64 tx_packets = 6;
* Pulls bytes transferred via bluetooth. It is pulled from Bluetooth controller.
* Pulled from:
* StatsCompanionService
message BluetoothBytesTransfer {
optional int32 uid = 1;
optional int64 rx_bytes = 2;
optional int64 tx_bytes = 3;
* Pulls the kernel wakelock durations. This atom is adapted from
* android/internal/os/
* Pulled from:
* StatsCompanionService using KernelWakelockReader.
message KernelWakelock {
optional string name = 1;
optional int32 count = 2;
optional int32 version = 3;
optional int64 time = 4;
* Pulls low power state information. This includes platform and subsystem sleep state information,
* PowerStatePlatformSleepState, PowerStateVoter or PowerStateSubsystemSleepState as defined in
* hardware/interfaces/power/1.0/types.hal
* hardware/interfaces/power/1.1/types.hal
message SubsystemSleepState {
// Name should be in the format of XXX.YYY where XXX is subsystem name,
// YYY is corresponding voter name.
// If there are no voters, the format should just be XXX (with no dot).
// XXX and YYY should not contain a "." in it.
optional string name = 1;
// The number of times it entered, or voted for entering the sleep state
optional uint64 count = 2;
// The length of time spent in, or spent voting for, the sleep state
optional uint64 timeMs = 3;
* Logs creation or removal of an isolated uid. Isolated uid's are temporary uid's to sandbox risky
* behavior in its own uid. However, the metrics of these isolated uid's almost always should be
* attributed back to the parent (host) uid. One example is Chrome.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
message IsolatedUidChanged {
// The host UID. Generally, we should attribute metrics from the isolated uid to the host uid.
optional int32 parent_uid = 1;
optional int32 isolated_uid = 2;
// We expect an isolated uid to be removed before if it's used for another parent uid.
enum Event {
optional Event event = 3;
* Pulls Cpu time per frequency.
* Pulls the time the cpu spend on the frequency index. Frequency index
* starts from highest to lowest. The value should be monotonically
* increasing since boot. However, if there is a cpu
* hotplug event, the value would be reset as well.
message CpuTimePerFreq {
optional uint32 cluster = 1;
optional uint32 freq_index = 2;
optional uint64 time_ms = 3;
* Pulls Cpu Time Per Uid.
* Note that isolated process uid time should be attributed to host uids.
message CpuTimePerUid {
optional uint64 uid = 1;
optional uint64 user_time_ms = 2;
optional uint64 sys_time_ms = 3;
* Pulls Cpu Time Per Uid per frequency.
* Note that isolated process uid time should be attributed to host uids.
* For each uid, we order the time by descending frequencies.
message CpuTimePerUidFreq {
optional uint64 uid = 1;
optional uint64 freq_idx = 2;
optional uint64 time_ms = 3;
* Logs the reception of an incoming network packet causing the main system to wake up for
* processing that packet. These events are notified by the kernel via Netlink NFLOG to Netd
* and processed by WakeupController.cpp.
message PacketWakeupOccurred {
// The uid owning the socket into which the packet was delivered, or -1 if the packet was
// delivered nowhere.
optional int32 uid = 1;
// The interface name on which the packet was received.
optional string iface = 2;
// The ethertype value of the packet.
optional int32 ethertype = 3;
// String representation of the destination MAC address of the packet.
optional string destination_hardware_address = 4;
// String representation of the source address of the packet if this was an IP packet.
optional string source_ip = 5;
// String representation of the destination address of the packet if this was an IP packet.
optional string destination_ip = 6;
// The value of the protocol field if this was an IPv4 packet or the value of the Next Header
// field if this was an IPv6 packet. The range of possible values is the same for both IP
// families.
optional int32 ip_next_header = 7;
// The source port if this was a TCP or UDP packet.
optional int32 source_port = 8;
// The destination port if this was a TCP or UDP packet.
optional int32 destination_port = 9;
* Pulls Wifi Controller Activity Energy Info
message WifiActivityEnergyInfo {
// timestamp(wall clock) of record creation
optional uint64 timestamp_ms = 1;
// stack reported state
// TODO: replace this with proto enum
optional int32 stack_state = 2;
// tx time in ms
optional uint64 controller_tx_time_ms = 3;
// rx time in ms
optional uint64 controller_rx_time_ms = 4;
// idle time in ms
optional uint64 controller_idle_time_ms = 5;
// product of current(mA), voltage(V) and time(ms)
optional uint64 controller_energy_used = 6;
* Pulls Modem Activity Energy Info
message ModemActivityInfo {
// timestamp(wall clock) of record creation
optional uint64 timestamp_ms = 1;
// sleep time in ms.
optional uint64 sleep_time_ms = 2;
// idle time in ms
optional uint64 controller_idle_time_ms = 3;
* Tx power index
* index 0 = tx_power < 0dBm
* index 1 = 0dBm < tx_power < 5dBm
* index 2 = 5dBm < tx_power < 15dBm
* index 3 = 15dBm < tx_power < 20dBm
* index 4 = tx_power > 20dBm
// tx time in ms at power level 0
optional uint64 controller_tx_time_pl0_ms = 4;
// tx time in ms at power level 1
optional uint64 controller_tx_time_pl1_ms = 5;
// tx time in ms at power level 2
optional uint64 controller_tx_time_pl2_ms = 6;
// tx time in ms at power level 3
optional uint64 controller_tx_time_pl3_ms = 7;
// tx time in ms at power level 4
optional uint64 controller_tx_time_pl4_ms = 8;
// rx time in ms at power level 5
optional uint64 controller_rx_time_ms = 9;
// product of current(mA), voltage(V) and time(ms)
optional uint64 energy_used = 10;
* Pulls Bluetooth Activity Energy Info
* Note: BluetoothBytesTransfer is pulled at the same time from the controller.
message BluetoothActivityInfo {
// timestamp(wall clock) of record creation
optional uint64 timestamp_ms = 1;
// bluetooth stack state
optional int32 bluetooth_stack_state = 2;
// tx time in ms
optional uint64 controller_tx_time_ms = 3;
// rx time in ms
optional uint64 controller_rx_time_ms = 4;
// idle time in ms
optional uint64 controller_idle_time_ms = 5;
// product of current(mA), voltage(V) and time(ms)
optional uint64 energy_used = 6;
* Logs the memory stats for an app on startup.
* Logged from:
* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
message AppStartMemoryStateCaptured {
// The uid if available. -1 means not available.
optional int32 uid = 1;
// The process name.
optional string process_name = 2;
// The activity name.
optional string activity_name = 3;
// # of page-faults
optional int64 pgfault = 4;
// # of major page-faults
optional int64 pgmajfault = 5;
// RSS
optional int64 rss_in_bytes = 6;
optional int64 cache_in_bytes = 7;
optional int64 swap_in_bytes = 8;
* Logs the memory stats for a process.
message ProcessMemoryState {
// The uid if available. -1 means not available.
optional int32 uid = 1;
// The process name.
optional string process_name = 2;
// oom adj score.
optional int32 oom_score = 3;
// # of page-faults
optional int64 pgfault = 4;
// # of major page-faults
optional int64 pgmajfault = 5;
// RSS
optional int64 rss_in_bytes = 6;
optional int64 cache_in_bytes = 7;
optional int64 swap_in_bytes = 8;
* Logs the change in Low Memory Killer Daemon (LMKD) state which is used as start/stop boundaries
* for LMK event.
* Logged from:
* system/core/lmkd/lmkd.c
message LmkStateChanged {
enum State {
START = 1;
STOP = 2;
optional State state = 1;
* Logs the event when Low Memory Killer Daemon (LMKD) kills a process to reduce memory pressure.
* Logged from:
* system/core/lmkd/lmkd.c
message LmkKillOccurred {
// The uid if available. -1 means not available.
optional int32 uid = 1;
// The process name.
optional string process_name = 2;
// oom adj score.
optional int32 oom_score = 3;
// # of page-faults
optional int64 pgfault = 4;
// # of major page-faults
optional int64 pgmajfault = 5;
// RSS
optional int64 rss_in_bytes = 6;
optional int64 cache_in_bytes = 7;
optional int64 swap_in_bytes = 8;
* Elapsed real time from SystemClock.
message SystemElapsedRealtime {
optional uint64 time_ms = 1;
* Up time from SystemClock.
message SystemUptime {
// Milliseconds since the system was booted.
// This clock stops when the system enters deep sleep (CPU off, display dark, device waiting
// for external input).
// It is not affected by clock scaling, idle, or other power saving mechanisms.
optional uint64 uptime_ms = 1;
* Reads from /proc/uid_concurrent_active_time which has the format:
* active: X (X is # cores)
* [uid0]: [time-0] [time-1] [time-2] ... (# entries = # cores)
* [uid1]: [time-0] [time-1] [time-2] ... ...
* ...
* Time-N means the CPU time a UID spent running concurrently with N other processes.
* The file contains a monotonically increasing count of time for a single boot.
message CpuActiveTime {
optional uint64 uid = 1;
optional uint64 idx = 2;
optional uint64 time_ms = 3;
* Reads from /proc/uid_concurrent_policy_time which has the format:
* policy0: X policy4: Y (there are X cores on policy0, Y cores on policy4)
* [uid0]: [time-0-0] [time-0-1] ... [time-1-0] [time-1-1] ...
* [uid1]: [time-0-0] [time-0-1] ... [time-1-0] [time-1-1] ...
* ...
* Time-X-Y means the time a UID spent on clusterX running concurrently with Y other processes.
* The file contains a monotonically increasing count of time for a single boot.
message CpuClusterTime {
optional uint64 uid = 1;
optional uint64 idx = 2;
optional uint64 time_ms = 3;
* Pulls free disk space, for data, system partition and temporary directory.
message DiskSpace {
// available bytes in data partition
optional uint64 data_available_bytes = 1;
// available bytes in system partition
optional uint64 system_available_bytes = 2;
// available bytes in download cache or temp directories
optional uint64 temp_available_bytes = 3;
* Pulls battery coulomb counter, which is the remaining battery charge in uAh.
* Logged from: frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/external/ResourceHealthManagerPuller.cpp
message RemainingBatteryCapacity {
optional int32 charge_uAh = 1;
* Pulls battery capacity, which is the battery capacity when full in uAh.
* Logged from: frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/external/ResourceHealthManagerPuller.cpp
message FullBatteryCapacity {
optional int32 capacity_uAh = 1;