blob: 6953ffddaf334966883dec4d616db501b3667f53 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.metrics.LogMaker;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.UserHandle;
import android.provider.Settings;
import android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService;
import android.service.notification.NotificationRecordProto;
import android.service.notification.SnoozeCriterion;
import android.service.notification.StatusBarNotification;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.Slog;
import android.util.TimeUtils;
import android.util.proto.ProtoOutputStream;
import android.widget.RemoteViews;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
* Holds data about notifications that should not be shared with the
* {@link android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService}s.
* <p>These objects should not be mutated unless the code is synchronized
* on {@link NotificationManagerService#mNotificationLock}, and any
* modification should be followed by a sorting of that list.</p>
* <p>Is sortable by {@link NotificationComparator}.</p>
* {@hide}
public final class NotificationRecord {
static final String TAG = "NotificationRecord";
static final boolean DBG = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG);
private static final int MAX_LOGTAG_LENGTH = 35;
final StatusBarNotification sbn;
final int mOriginalFlags;
private final Context mContext;
NotificationUsageStats.SingleNotificationStats stats;
boolean isCanceled;
/** Whether the notification was seen by the user via one of the notification listeners. */
boolean mIsSeen;
// These members are used by NotificationSignalExtractors
// to communicate with the ranking module.
private float mContactAffinity;
private boolean mRecentlyIntrusive;
private long mLastIntrusive;
// is this notification currently being intercepted by Zen Mode?
private boolean mIntercept;
// The timestamp used for ranking.
private long mRankingTimeMs;
// The first post time, stable across updates.
private long mCreationTimeMs;
// The most recent visibility event.
private long mVisibleSinceMs;
// The most recent update time, or the creation time if no updates.
private long mUpdateTimeMs;
// Is this record an update of an old record?
public boolean isUpdate;
private int mPackagePriority;
private int mAuthoritativeRank;
private String mGlobalSortKey;
private int mPackageVisibility;
private int mUserImportance = IMPORTANCE_UNSPECIFIED;
private int mImportance = IMPORTANCE_UNSPECIFIED;
private CharSequence mImportanceExplanation = null;
private int mSuppressedVisualEffects = 0;
private String mUserExplanation;
private String mPeopleExplanation;
private boolean mPreChannelsNotification = true;
private Uri mSound;
private long[] mVibration;
private AudioAttributes mAttributes;
private NotificationChannel mChannel;
private ArrayList<String> mPeopleOverride;
private ArrayList<SnoozeCriterion> mSnoozeCriteria;
private boolean mShowBadge;
private LogMaker mLogMaker;
private Light mLight;
private String mGroupLogTag;
private String mChannelIdLogTag;
public NotificationRecord(Context context, StatusBarNotification sbn,
NotificationChannel channel)
this.sbn = sbn;
mOriginalFlags = sbn.getNotification().flags;
mRankingTimeMs = calculateRankingTimeMs(0L);
mCreationTimeMs = sbn.getPostTime();
mUpdateTimeMs = mCreationTimeMs;
mContext = context;
stats = new NotificationUsageStats.SingleNotificationStats();
mChannel = channel;
mPreChannelsNotification = isPreChannelsNotification();
mSound = calculateSound();
mVibration = calculateVibration();
mAttributes = calculateAttributes();
mImportance = calculateImportance();
mLight = calculateLights();
private boolean isPreChannelsNotification() {
try {
if (NotificationChannel.DEFAULT_CHANNEL_ID.equals(getChannel().getId())) {
final ApplicationInfo applicationInfo =
0, UserHandle.getUserId(sbn.getUid()));
if (applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
return true;
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Can't find package", e);
return false;
private Uri calculateSound() {
final Notification n = sbn.getNotification();
// No notification sounds on tv
if (mContext.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_LEANBACK)) {
return null;
Uri sound = mChannel.getSound();
if (mPreChannelsNotification && (getChannel().getUserLockedFields()
& NotificationChannel.USER_LOCKED_SOUND) == 0) {
final boolean useDefaultSound = (n.defaults & Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND) != 0;
if (useDefaultSound) {
sound = Settings.System.DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_URI;
} else {
sound = n.sound;
return sound;
private Light calculateLights() {
int defaultLightColor = mContext.getResources().getColor(;
int defaultLightOn = mContext.getResources().getInteger(;
int defaultLightOff = mContext.getResources().getInteger(;
int channelLightColor = getChannel().getLightColor() != 0 ? getChannel().getLightColor()
: defaultLightColor;
Light light = getChannel().shouldShowLights() ? new Light(channelLightColor,
defaultLightOn, defaultLightOff) : null;
if (mPreChannelsNotification
&& (getChannel().getUserLockedFields()
& NotificationChannel.USER_LOCKED_LIGHTS) == 0) {
final Notification notification = sbn.getNotification();
if ((notification.flags & Notification.FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS) != 0) {
light = new Light(notification.ledARGB, notification.ledOnMS,
if ((notification.defaults & Notification.DEFAULT_LIGHTS) != 0) {
light = new Light(defaultLightColor, defaultLightOn,
} else {
light = null;
return light;
private long[] calculateVibration() {
long[] vibration;
final long[] defaultVibration = NotificationManagerService.getLongArray(
if (getChannel().shouldVibrate()) {
vibration = getChannel().getVibrationPattern() == null
? defaultVibration : getChannel().getVibrationPattern();
} else {
vibration = null;
if (mPreChannelsNotification
&& (getChannel().getUserLockedFields()
& NotificationChannel.USER_LOCKED_VIBRATION) == 0) {
final Notification notification = sbn.getNotification();
final boolean useDefaultVibrate =
(notification.defaults & Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE) != 0;
if (useDefaultVibrate) {
vibration = defaultVibration;
} else {
vibration = notification.vibrate;
return vibration;
private AudioAttributes calculateAttributes() {
final Notification n = sbn.getNotification();
AudioAttributes attributes = getChannel().getAudioAttributes();
if (attributes == null) {
attributes = Notification.AUDIO_ATTRIBUTES_DEFAULT;
if (mPreChannelsNotification
&& (getChannel().getUserLockedFields()
& NotificationChannel.USER_LOCKED_SOUND) == 0) {
if (n.audioAttributes != null) {
// prefer audio attributes to stream type
attributes = n.audioAttributes;
} else if (n.audioStreamType >= 0
&& n.audioStreamType < AudioSystem.getNumStreamTypes()) {
// the stream type is valid, use it
attributes = new AudioAttributes.Builder()
} else if (n.audioStreamType != AudioSystem.STREAM_DEFAULT) {
Log.w(TAG, String.format("Invalid stream type: %d", n.audioStreamType));
return attributes;
private int calculateImportance() {
final Notification n = sbn.getNotification();
int importance = getChannel().getImportance();
int requestedImportance = IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT;
// Migrate notification flags to scores
if (0 != (n.flags & Notification.FLAG_HIGH_PRIORITY)) {
n.priority = Notification.PRIORITY_MAX;
n.priority = NotificationManagerService.clamp(n.priority, Notification.PRIORITY_MIN,
switch (n.priority) {
case Notification.PRIORITY_MIN:
requestedImportance = IMPORTANCE_MIN;
case Notification.PRIORITY_LOW:
requestedImportance = IMPORTANCE_LOW;
case Notification.PRIORITY_DEFAULT:
requestedImportance = IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT;
case Notification.PRIORITY_HIGH:
case Notification.PRIORITY_MAX:
requestedImportance = IMPORTANCE_HIGH;
stats.requestedImportance = requestedImportance;
stats.isNoisy = mSound != null || mVibration != null;
if (mPreChannelsNotification
|| (getChannel().getUserLockedFields()
& NotificationChannel.USER_LOCKED_IMPORTANCE) == 0)) {
if (!stats.isNoisy && requestedImportance > IMPORTANCE_LOW) {
requestedImportance = IMPORTANCE_LOW;
if (stats.isNoisy) {
if (requestedImportance < IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT) {
requestedImportance = IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT;
if (n.fullScreenIntent != null) {
requestedImportance = IMPORTANCE_HIGH;
importance = requestedImportance;
stats.naturalImportance = importance;
return importance;
// copy any notes that the ranking system may have made before the update
public void copyRankingInformation(NotificationRecord previous) {
mContactAffinity = previous.mContactAffinity;
mRecentlyIntrusive = previous.mRecentlyIntrusive;
mPackagePriority = previous.mPackagePriority;
mPackageVisibility = previous.mPackageVisibility;
mIntercept = previous.mIntercept;
mRankingTimeMs = calculateRankingTimeMs(previous.getRankingTimeMs());
mCreationTimeMs = previous.mCreationTimeMs;
mVisibleSinceMs = previous.mVisibleSinceMs;
if (previous.sbn.getOverrideGroupKey() != null && !sbn.isAppGroup()) {
// Don't copy importance information or mGlobalSortKey, recompute them.
public Notification getNotification() { return sbn.getNotification(); }
public int getFlags() { return sbn.getNotification().flags; }
public UserHandle getUser() { return sbn.getUser(); }
public String getKey() { return sbn.getKey(); }
/** @deprecated Use {@link #getUser()} instead. */
public int getUserId() { return sbn.getUserId(); }
void dump(ProtoOutputStream proto, boolean redact) {
proto.write(NotificationRecordProto.KEY, sbn.getKey());
if (getChannel() != null) {
proto.write(NotificationRecordProto.CHANNEL_ID, getChannel().getId());
proto.write(NotificationRecordProto.CAN_SHOW_LIGHT, getLight() != null);
proto.write(NotificationRecordProto.CAN_VIBRATE, getVibration() != null);
proto.write(NotificationRecordProto.FLAGS, sbn.getNotification().flags);
proto.write(NotificationRecordProto.GROUP_KEY, getGroupKey());
proto.write(NotificationRecordProto.IMPORTANCE, getImportance());
if (getSound() != null) {
proto.write(NotificationRecordProto.SOUND, getSound().toString());
if (getAudioAttributes() != null) {
proto.write(NotificationRecordProto.SOUND_USAGE, getAudioAttributes().getUsage());
String formatRemoteViews(RemoteViews rv) {
if (rv == null) return "null";
return String.format("%s/0x%08x (%d bytes): %s",
rv.getPackage(), rv.getLayoutId(), rv.estimateMemoryUsage(), rv.toString());
void dump(PrintWriter pw, String prefix, Context baseContext, boolean redact) {
final Notification notification = sbn.getNotification();
final Icon icon = notification.getSmallIcon();
String iconStr = String.valueOf(icon);
if (icon != null && icon.getType() == Icon.TYPE_RESOURCE) {
iconStr += " / " + idDebugString(baseContext, icon.getResPackage(), icon.getResId());
pw.println(prefix + this);
prefix = prefix + " ";
pw.println(prefix + "uid=" + sbn.getUid() + " userId=" + sbn.getUserId());
pw.println(prefix + "icon=" + iconStr);
pw.println(prefix + "pri=" + notification.priority);
pw.println(prefix + "key=" + sbn.getKey());
pw.println(prefix + "seen=" + mIsSeen);
pw.println(prefix + "groupKey=" + getGroupKey());
pw.println(prefix + "fullscreenIntent=" + notification.fullScreenIntent);
pw.println(prefix + "contentIntent=" + notification.contentIntent);
pw.println(prefix + "deleteIntent=" + notification.deleteIntent);
pw.print(prefix + "tickerText=");
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(notification.tickerText)) {
final String ticker = notification.tickerText.toString();
if (redact) {
// if the string is long enough, we allow ourselves a few bytes for debugging
pw.print(ticker.length() > 16 ? ticker.substring(0,8) : "");
} else {
} else {
pw.println(prefix + "contentView=" + formatRemoteViews(notification.contentView));
pw.println(prefix + "bigContentView=" + formatRemoteViews(notification.bigContentView));
pw.println(prefix + "headsUpContentView="
+ formatRemoteViews(notification.headsUpContentView));
pw.print(prefix + String.format("color=0x%08x", notification.color));
pw.println(prefix + "timeout="
+ TimeUtils.formatForLogging(notification.getTimeoutAfter()));
if (notification.actions != null && notification.actions.length > 0) {
pw.println(prefix + "actions={");
final int N = notification.actions.length;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
final Notification.Action action = notification.actions[i];
if (action != null) {
pw.println(String.format("%s [%d] \"%s\" -> %s",
action.actionIntent == null ? "null" : action.actionIntent.toString()
pw.println(prefix + " }");
if (notification.extras != null && notification.extras.size() > 0) {
pw.println(prefix + "extras={");
for (String key : notification.extras.keySet()) {
pw.print(prefix + " " + key + "=");
Object val = notification.extras.get(key);
if (val == null) {
} else {
if (redact && (val instanceof CharSequence || val instanceof String)) {
// redact contents from bugreports
} else if (val instanceof Bitmap) {
pw.print(String.format(" (%dx%d)",
((Bitmap) val).getWidth(),
((Bitmap) val).getHeight()));
} else if (val.getClass().isArray()) {
final int N = Array.getLength(val);
pw.print(" (" + N + ")");
if (!redact) {
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
pw.print(String.format("%s [%d] %s",
prefix, j, String.valueOf(Array.get(val, j))));
} else {
pw.print(" (" + String.valueOf(val) + ")");
pw.println(prefix + "}");
pw.println(prefix + "stats=" + stats.toString());
pw.println(prefix + "mContactAffinity=" + mContactAffinity);
pw.println(prefix + "mRecentlyIntrusive=" + mRecentlyIntrusive);
pw.println(prefix + "mPackagePriority=" + mPackagePriority);
pw.println(prefix + "mPackageVisibility=" + mPackageVisibility);
pw.println(prefix + "mUserImportance="
+ NotificationListenerService.Ranking.importanceToString(mUserImportance));
pw.println(prefix + "mImportance="
+ NotificationListenerService.Ranking.importanceToString(mImportance));
pw.println(prefix + "mImportanceExplanation=" + mImportanceExplanation);
pw.println(prefix + "mIntercept=" + mIntercept);
pw.println(prefix + "mGlobalSortKey=" + mGlobalSortKey);
pw.println(prefix + "mRankingTimeMs=" + mRankingTimeMs);
pw.println(prefix + "mCreationTimeMs=" + mCreationTimeMs);
pw.println(prefix + "mVisibleSinceMs=" + mVisibleSinceMs);
pw.println(prefix + "mUpdateTimeMs=" + mUpdateTimeMs);
pw.println(prefix + "mSuppressedVisualEffects= " + mSuppressedVisualEffects);
if (mPreChannelsNotification) {
pw.println(prefix + String.format("defaults=0x%08x flags=0x%08x",
notification.defaults, notification.flags));
pw.println(prefix + "n.sound=" + notification.sound);
pw.println(prefix + "n.audioStreamType=" + notification.audioStreamType);
pw.println(prefix + "n.audioAttributes=" + notification.audioAttributes);
pw.println(prefix + String.format(" led=0x%08x onMs=%d offMs=%d",
notification.ledARGB, notification.ledOnMS, notification.ledOffMS));
pw.println(prefix + "vibrate=" + Arrays.toString(notification.vibrate));
pw.println(prefix + "mSound= " + mSound);
pw.println(prefix + "mVibration= " + mVibration);
pw.println(prefix + "mAttributes= " + mAttributes);
pw.println(prefix + "mLight= " + mLight);
pw.println(prefix + "mShowBadge=" + mShowBadge);
pw.println(prefix + "effectiveNotificationChannel=" + getChannel());
if (getPeopleOverride() != null) {
pw.println(prefix + "overridePeople= " + TextUtils.join(",", getPeopleOverride()));
if (getSnoozeCriteria() != null) {
pw.println(prefix + "snoozeCriteria=" + TextUtils.join(",", getSnoozeCriteria()));
static String idDebugString(Context baseContext, String packageName, int id) {
Context c;
if (packageName != null) {
try {
c = baseContext.createPackageContext(packageName, 0);
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
c = baseContext;
} else {
c = baseContext;
Resources r = c.getResources();
try {
return r.getResourceName(id);
} catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) {
return "<name unknown>";
public final String toString() {
return String.format(
"NotificationRecord(0x%08x: pkg=%s user=%s id=%d tag=%s importance=%d key=%s" +
" channel=%s: %s)",
this.sbn.getPackageName(), this.sbn.getUser(), this.sbn.getId(),
this.sbn.getTag(), this.mImportance, this.sbn.getKey(), this.getChannel().getId(),
public void setContactAffinity(float contactAffinity) {
mContactAffinity = contactAffinity;
if (mImportance < IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT &&
mContactAffinity > ValidateNotificationPeople.VALID_CONTACT) {
setImportance(IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT, getPeopleExplanation());
public float getContactAffinity() {
return mContactAffinity;
public void setRecentlyIntrusive(boolean recentlyIntrusive) {
mRecentlyIntrusive = recentlyIntrusive;
if (recentlyIntrusive) {
mLastIntrusive = System.currentTimeMillis();
public boolean isRecentlyIntrusive() {
return mRecentlyIntrusive;
public long getLastIntrusive() {
return mLastIntrusive;
public void setPackagePriority(int packagePriority) {
mPackagePriority = packagePriority;
public int getPackagePriority() {
return mPackagePriority;
public void setPackageVisibilityOverride(int packageVisibility) {
mPackageVisibility = packageVisibility;
public int getPackageVisibilityOverride() {
return mPackageVisibility;
public void setUserImportance(int importance) {
mUserImportance = importance;
private String getUserExplanation() {
if (mUserExplanation == null) {
mUserExplanation = mContext.getResources().getString(;
return mUserExplanation;
private String getPeopleExplanation() {
if (mPeopleExplanation == null) {
mPeopleExplanation = mContext.getResources().getString(;
return mPeopleExplanation;
private void applyUserImportance() {
if (mUserImportance != IMPORTANCE_UNSPECIFIED) {
mImportance = mUserImportance;
mImportanceExplanation = getUserExplanation();
public int getUserImportance() {
return mUserImportance;
public void setImportance(int importance, CharSequence explanation) {
if (importance != IMPORTANCE_UNSPECIFIED) {
mImportance = importance;
mImportanceExplanation = explanation;
public int getImportance() {
return mImportance;
public CharSequence getImportanceExplanation() {
return mImportanceExplanation;
public boolean setIntercepted(boolean intercept) {
mIntercept = intercept;
return mIntercept;
public boolean isIntercepted() {
return mIntercept;
public void setSuppressedVisualEffects(int effects) {
mSuppressedVisualEffects = effects;
public int getSuppressedVisualEffects() {
return mSuppressedVisualEffects;
public boolean isCategory(String category) {
return Objects.equals(getNotification().category, category);
public boolean isAudioStream(int stream) {
return getNotification().audioStreamType == stream;
public boolean isAudioAttributesUsage(int usage) {
final AudioAttributes attributes = getNotification().audioAttributes;
return attributes != null && attributes.getUsage() == usage;
* Returns the timestamp to use for time-based sorting in the ranker.
public long getRankingTimeMs() {
return mRankingTimeMs;
* @param now this current time in milliseconds.
* @returns the number of milliseconds since the most recent update, or the post time if none.
public int getFreshnessMs(long now) {
return (int) (now - mUpdateTimeMs);
* @param now this current time in milliseconds.
* @returns the number of milliseconds since the the first post, ignoring updates.
public int getLifespanMs(long now) {
return (int) (now - mCreationTimeMs);
* @param now this current time in milliseconds.
* @returns the number of milliseconds since the most recent visibility event, or 0 if never.
public int getExposureMs(long now) {
return mVisibleSinceMs == 0 ? 0 : (int) (now - mVisibleSinceMs);
* Set the visibility of the notification.
public void setVisibility(boolean visible, int rank) {
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
mVisibleSinceMs = visible ? now : mVisibleSinceMs;
.setType(visible ? MetricsEvent.TYPE_OPEN : MetricsEvent.TYPE_CLOSE)
.addTaggedData(MetricsEvent.NOTIFICATION_SHADE_INDEX, rank));
if (visible) {
MetricsLogger.histogram(mContext, "note_freshness", getFreshnessMs(now));
EventLogTags.writeNotificationVisibility(getKey(), visible ? 1 : 0,
0, // exposure time
* @param previousRankingTimeMs for updated notifications, {@link #getRankingTimeMs()}
* of the previous notification record, 0 otherwise
private long calculateRankingTimeMs(long previousRankingTimeMs) {
Notification n = getNotification();
// Take developer provided 'when', unless it's in the future.
if (n.when != 0 && n.when <= sbn.getPostTime()) {
return n.when;
// If we've ranked a previous instance with a timestamp, inherit it. This case is
// important in order to have ranking stability for updating notifications.
if (previousRankingTimeMs > 0) {
return previousRankingTimeMs;
return sbn.getPostTime();
public void setGlobalSortKey(String globalSortKey) {
mGlobalSortKey = globalSortKey;
public String getGlobalSortKey() {
return mGlobalSortKey;
/** Check if any of the listeners have marked this notification as seen by the user. */
public boolean isSeen() {
return mIsSeen;
/** Mark the notification as seen by the user. */
public void setSeen() {
mIsSeen = true;
public void setAuthoritativeRank(int authoritativeRank) {
mAuthoritativeRank = authoritativeRank;
public int getAuthoritativeRank() {
return mAuthoritativeRank;
public String getGroupKey() {
return sbn.getGroupKey();
public void setOverrideGroupKey(String overrideGroupKey) {
mGroupLogTag = null;
private String getGroupLogTag() {
if (mGroupLogTag == null) {
mGroupLogTag = shortenTag(sbn.getGroup());
return mGroupLogTag;
private String getChannelIdLogTag() {
if (mChannelIdLogTag == null) {
mChannelIdLogTag = shortenTag(mChannel.getId());
return mChannelIdLogTag;
private String shortenTag(String longTag) {
if (longTag == null) {
return null;
if (longTag.length() < MAX_LOGTAG_LENGTH) {
return longTag;
} else {
return longTag.substring(0, MAX_LOGTAG_LENGTH - 8) + "-" +
public boolean isImportanceFromUser() {
return mImportance == mUserImportance;
public NotificationChannel getChannel() {
return mChannel;
protected void updateNotificationChannel(NotificationChannel channel) {
if (channel != null) {
mChannel = channel;
public void setShowBadge(boolean showBadge) {
mShowBadge = showBadge;
public boolean canShowBadge() {
return mShowBadge;
public Light getLight() {
return mLight;
public Uri getSound() {
return mSound;
public long[] getVibration() {
return mVibration;
public AudioAttributes getAudioAttributes() {
return mAttributes;
public ArrayList<String> getPeopleOverride() {
return mPeopleOverride;
protected void setPeopleOverride(ArrayList<String> people) {
mPeopleOverride = people;
public ArrayList<SnoozeCriterion> getSnoozeCriteria() {
return mSnoozeCriteria;
protected void setSnoozeCriteria(ArrayList<SnoozeCriterion> snoozeCriteria) {
mSnoozeCriteria = snoozeCriteria;
public LogMaker getLogMaker(long now) {
if (mLogMaker == null) {
// initialize fields that only change on update (so a new record)
mLogMaker = new LogMaker(MetricsEvent.VIEW_UNKNOWN)
.addTaggedData(MetricsEvent.NOTIFICATION_ID, sbn.getId())
.addTaggedData(MetricsEvent.NOTIFICATION_TAG, sbn.getTag())
.addTaggedData(MetricsEvent.FIELD_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID, getChannelIdLogTag());
// reset fields that can change between updates, or are used by multiple logs
return mLogMaker
.addTaggedData(MetricsEvent.FIELD_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_IMPORTANCE, mImportance)
.addTaggedData(MetricsEvent.FIELD_NOTIFICATION_GROUP_ID, getGroupLogTag())
sbn.getNotification().isGroupSummary() ? 1 : 0)
.addTaggedData(MetricsEvent.NOTIFICATION_SINCE_CREATE_MILLIS, getLifespanMs(now))
.addTaggedData(MetricsEvent.NOTIFICATION_SINCE_UPDATE_MILLIS, getFreshnessMs(now))
.addTaggedData(MetricsEvent.NOTIFICATION_SINCE_VISIBLE_MILLIS, getExposureMs(now));
public LogMaker getLogMaker() {
return getLogMaker(System.currentTimeMillis());
static final class Light {
public final int color;
public final int onMs;
public final int offMs;
public Light(int color, int onMs, int offMs) {
this.color = color;
this.onMs = onMs;
this.offMs = offMs;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Light light = (Light) o;
if (color != light.color) return false;
if (onMs != light.onMs) return false;
return offMs == light.offMs;
public int hashCode() {
int result = color;
result = 31 * result + onMs;
result = 31 * result + offMs;
return result;
public String toString() {
return "Light{" +
"color=" + color +
", onMs=" + onMs +
", offMs=" + offMs +