blob: 15f40d5121ef02cfc1bfd82a202b500ab4b83bcc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.text.method;
import android.content.Context;
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
import android.text.Spanned;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;
import java.util.Locale;
* Transforms source text into an ALL CAPS string, locale-aware.
* @hide
public class AllCapsTransformationMethod implements TransformationMethod2 {
private static final String TAG = "AllCapsTransformationMethod";
private boolean mEnabled;
private Locale mLocale;
public AllCapsTransformationMethod(Context context) {
mLocale = context.getResources().getConfiguration().getLocales().get(0);
public CharSequence getTransformation(CharSequence source, View view) {
if (!mEnabled) {
Log.w(TAG, "Caller did not enable length changes; not transforming text");
return source;
if (source == null) {
return null;
Locale locale = null;
if (view instanceof TextView) {
locale = ((TextView)view).getTextLocale();
if (locale == null) {
locale = mLocale;
if (!(source instanceof Spanned)) { // No spans
return CaseMap.toUpper().apply(
locale, source, new StringBuilder(),
null /* we don't need the edits */);
final Edits edits = new Edits();
final SpannableStringBuilder result = CaseMap.toUpper().apply(
locale, source, new SpannableStringBuilder(), edits);
if (!edits.hasChanges()) {
// No changes happened while capitalizing. We can return the source as it was.
return source;
final Edits.Iterator iterator = edits.getFineIterator();
final Spanned spanned = (Spanned) source;
final int sourceLength = source.length();
final Object[] spans = spanned.getSpans(0, sourceLength, Object.class);
for (Object span : spans) {
final int sourceStart = spanned.getSpanStart(span);
final int sourceEnd = spanned.getSpanEnd(span);
final int flags = spanned.getSpanFlags(span);
// Make sure the indexes are not at the end of the string, since in that case
// iterator.findSourceIndex() would fail.
final int destStart = sourceStart == sourceLength ? result.length() :
mapToDest(iterator, sourceStart);
final int destEnd = sourceEnd == sourceLength ? result.length() :
mapToDest(iterator, sourceEnd);
result.setSpan(span, destStart, destEnd, flags);
return result;
private static int mapToDest(Edits.Iterator iterator, int sourceIndex) {
// Guaranteed to succeed if sourceIndex < source.length().
if (sourceIndex == iterator.sourceIndex()) {
return iterator.destinationIndex();
// We handle the situation differently depending on if we are in the changed slice or an
// unchanged one: In an unchanged slice, we can find the exact location the span
// boundary was before and map there.
// But in a changed slice, we need to treat the whole destination slice as an atomic unit.
// We adjust the span boundary to the end of that slice to reduce of the chance of adjacent
// spans in the source overlapping in the result. (The choice for the end vs the beginning
// is somewhat arbitrary, but was taken because we except to see slightly more spans only
// affecting a base character compared to spans only affecting a combining character.)
if (iterator.hasChange()) {
return iterator.destinationIndex() + iterator.newLength();
} else {
// Move the index 1:1 along with this unchanged piece of text.
return iterator.destinationIndex() + (sourceIndex - iterator.sourceIndex());
public void onFocusChanged(View view, CharSequence sourceText, boolean focused, int direction,
Rect previouslyFocusedRect) {
public void setLengthChangesAllowed(boolean allowLengthChanges) {
mEnabled = allowLengthChanges;