blob: 462645a6bd5d0c3c37286f681f6a7c045ef76a2e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* The Keystore class provides the functions to list the certs/keys in keystore.
* {@hide}
public abstract class Keystore {
private static final String TAG = "Keystore";
private static final String[] NOTFOUND = new String[0];
public static Keystore getInstance() {
return new FileKeystore();
public abstract int lock();
public abstract int unlock(String password);
public abstract int getState();
public abstract int changePassword(String oldPassword, String newPassword);
public abstract int setPassword(String firstPassword);
public abstract String[] listKeys(String namespace);
public abstract int put(String namespace, String keyname, String value);
public abstract String get(String namespace, String keyname);
public abstract int remove(String namespace, String keyname);
public abstract int reset();
// TODO: for migrating to the mini-keystore, clean up from here
public abstract String getCaCertificate(String key);
public abstract String getUserCertificate(String key);
public abstract String getUserPrivateKey(String key);
* Returns the array of the certificate keynames in keystore if successful.
* Or return an empty array if error.
* @return array of the certificate keynames
public abstract String[] getAllUserCertificateKeys();
public abstract String[] getAllCaCertificateKeys();
public abstract String[] getSupportedKeyStrenghs();
* Generates a key pair and returns the certificate request.
* @param keyStrengthIndex index to the array of supported key strengths
* @param challenge the challenge message in the keygen tag
* @param organizations the organization string, e.g.,
* "/C=US/ST={state}/L={city}/O={company}/OU={app}/CN={hostname}"
* @return the certificate request
public abstract String generateKeyPair(
int keyStrengthIndex, String challenge, String organizations);
public abstract void addCertificate(byte[] cert);
// to here
private static class FileKeystore extends Keystore {
private static final String SERVICE_NAME = "keystore";
private static final String CA_CERTIFICATE = "CaCertificate";
private static final String USER_CERTIFICATE = "UserCertificate";
private static final String USER_KEY = "UserPrivateKey";
private static final String COMMAND_DELIMITER = " ";
private static final ServiceCommand mServiceCommand =
new ServiceCommand(SERVICE_NAME);
// TODO: for migrating to the mini-keystore, start from here
public String getUserPrivateKey(String key) {
return "";
public String getUserCertificate(String key) {
return "";
public String getCaCertificate(String key) {
return "";
public String[] getAllUserCertificateKeys() {
return new String[0];
public String[] getAllCaCertificateKeys() {
return new String[0];
public String[] getSupportedKeyStrenghs() {
// TODO: real implementation
return new String[] {"High Grade", "Medium Grade"};
public String generateKeyPair(int keyStrengthIndex, String challenge,
String organizations) {
// TODO: real implementation
+ "\nODLQOw6yHAxozrrX1J+c0reiIh8GYohwKrBedFnQ/FnTls6bxY4fNHD+SZvFFgvU"
+ "\nECBFOfRmRm7AFo51qT0t2a8qgvDLM6L1qGkmy94W28Q3OlcpF2QianHYdjyGT+Ac"
+ "\nYDek1Zi/E/mdPzuVM/K8tkB7n8ktC0PTm1ZtdMRauE5R0WrEhWuF6In/2gy1Q/Zh"
+ "\noy7/zQqpbPl2ouulvkx1Y3OXHM6XPNFLoHS1gH0HyAuBUokO0QmetRn6ngJSvz7e"
+ "\nVD7QYRppGp+g4BxqaV9XSxhaaKrMs4PAld9enV51X9qjvjCRBve2QxtuJgMfGJdU"
+ "\nWCdngK87uHn2bdGipFwKdNTxQDdxNQLAKdoGYIfbVsC1cDgFiufeNwVukxxymdnm"
+ "\nk0GGK+0O0tZKENv8ysgfbgEsHpJH9FoR5Y5XEq1etejkcgCp59dyhrSk0DLyVm0D"
+ "\nIfTC/nsK95H7AAGOkbbDFo2otyLNNrthYncQ9diAG0UzzLacA+86JXZmD3HyC48u"
+ "\nI9hsivVnTTfl9afcfVAhfxbQ6HgkhZZjbjFjfABSd4v8wKlAAqK58VxCajNVOVcV"
+ "\ncCzOWf6NpE7xEHCf32i8bWDP6hi0WgQcdpQwnZNKhhTLGNb23Uty6HYlJhbxexC7"
+ "\nUoM="
public void addCertificate(byte[] cert) {
// TODO: real implementation
// to here
public int lock() {
Reply result = mServiceCommand.execute(ServiceCommand.LOCK, null);
return (result != null) ? result.returnCode : -1;
public int unlock(String password) {
Reply result = mServiceCommand.execute(ServiceCommand.UNLOCK,
return (result != null) ? result.returnCode : -1;
public int getState() {
Reply result = mServiceCommand.execute(ServiceCommand.GET_STATE,
return (result != null) ? result.returnCode : -1;
public int changePassword(String oldPassword, String newPassword) {
Reply result = mServiceCommand.execute(ServiceCommand.PASSWD,
oldPassword + " " + newPassword);
return (result != null) ? result.returnCode : -1;
public int setPassword(String firstPassword) {
Reply result = mServiceCommand.execute(ServiceCommand.PASSWD,
return (result != null) ? result.returnCode : -1;
public String[] listKeys(String namespace) {
Reply result = mServiceCommand.execute(ServiceCommand.LIST_KEYS,
return (result != null) ? ((result.returnCode != 0) ? NOTFOUND :
new String(, 0, result.len).split("\\s+"))
public int put(String namespace, String keyname, String value) {
Reply result = mServiceCommand.execute(ServiceCommand.PUT_KEY,
namespace + " " + keyname + " " + value);
return (result != null) ? result.returnCode : -1;
public String get(String namespace, String keyname) {
Reply result = mServiceCommand.execute(ServiceCommand.GET_KEY,
namespace + " " + keyname);
return (result != null) ? ((result.returnCode != 0) ? null :
new String(, 0, result.len)) : null;
public int remove(String namespace, String keyname) {
Reply result = mServiceCommand.execute(ServiceCommand.REMOVE_KEY,
namespace + " " + keyname);
return (result != null) ? result.returnCode : -1;
public int reset() {
Reply result = mServiceCommand.execute(ServiceCommand.RESET, null);
return (result != null) ? result.returnCode : -1;