blob: e904e935b0e05ab1d5b976e9247b185a44d7da1c [file] [log] [blame]
import android.view.View
import android.view.View.OnAttachStateChangeListener
import java.util.Objects
import javax.inject.Inject
class MediaHost @Inject constructor(
private val state: MediaHostStateHolder,
private val mediaHierarchyManager: MediaHierarchyManager,
private val mediaDataManager: MediaDataManager,
private val mediaDataManagerCombineLatest: MediaDataCombineLatest,
private val mediaHostStatesManager: MediaHostStatesManager
) : MediaHostState by state {
lateinit var hostView: UniqueObjectHostView
var location: Int = -1
private set
var visibleChangedListener: ((Boolean) -> Unit)? = null
var visible: Boolean = false
private set
private val tmpLocationOnScreen: IntArray = intArrayOf(0, 0)
* Get the current bounds on the screen. This makes sure the state is fresh and up to date
val currentBounds: Rect = Rect()
get() {
var left = tmpLocationOnScreen[0] + hostView.paddingLeft
var top = tmpLocationOnScreen[1] + hostView.paddingTop
var right = tmpLocationOnScreen[0] + hostView.width - hostView.paddingRight
var bottom = tmpLocationOnScreen[1] + hostView.height - hostView.paddingBottom
// Handle cases when the width or height is 0 but it has padding. In those cases
// the above could return negative widths, which is wrong
if (right < left) {
left = 0
right = 0
if (bottom < top) {
bottom = 0
top = 0
field.set(left, top, right, bottom)
return field
private val listener = object : MediaDataManager.Listener {
override fun onMediaDataLoaded(key: String, data: MediaData) {
override fun onMediaDataRemoved(key: String) {
* Initialize this MediaObject and create a host view.
* All state should already be set on this host before calling this method in order to avoid
* unnecessary state changes which lead to remeasurings later on.
* @param location the location this host name has. Used to identify the host during
* transitions.
fun init(@MediaLocation location: Int) {
this.location = location
hostView = mediaHierarchyManager.register(this)
hostView.addOnAttachStateChangeListener(object : OnAttachStateChangeListener {
override fun onViewAttachedToWindow(v: View?) {
// we should listen to the combined state change, since otherwise there might
// be a delay until the views and the controllers are initialized, leaving us
// with either a blank view or the controllers not yet initialized and the
// measuring wrong
override fun onViewDetachedFromWindow(v: View?) {
// Listen to measurement updates and update our state with it
hostView.measurementManager = object : UniqueObjectHostView.MeasurementManager {
override fun onMeasure(input: MeasurementInput): MeasurementOutput {
// Modify the measurement to exactly match the dimensions
if (View.MeasureSpec.getMode(input.widthMeasureSpec) == View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) {
input.widthMeasureSpec = View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(
// This will trigger a state change that ensures that we now have a state available
state.measurementInput = input
return mediaHostStatesManager.getPlayerDimensions(state)
// Whenever the state changes, let our state manager know
state.changedListener = {
mediaHostStatesManager.updateHostState(location, state)
private fun updateViewVisibility() {
if (showsOnlyActiveMedia) {
visible = mediaDataManager.hasActiveMedia()
} else {
visible = mediaDataManager.hasAnyMedia()
hostView.visibility = if (visible) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE
class MediaHostStateHolder @Inject constructor() : MediaHostState {
override var measurementInput: MeasurementInput? = null
set(value) {
if (value?.equals(field) != true) {
field = value
override var expansion: Float = 0.0f
set(value) {
if (!value.equals(field)) {
field = value
override var showsOnlyActiveMedia: Boolean = false
set(value) {
if (!value.equals(field)) {
field = value
* A listener for all changes. This won't be copied over when invoking [copy]
var changedListener: (() -> Unit)? = null
* Get a copy of this state. This won't copy any listeners it may have set
override fun copy(): MediaHostState {
val mediaHostState = MediaHostStateHolder()
mediaHostState.expansion = expansion
mediaHostState.showsOnlyActiveMedia = showsOnlyActiveMedia
mediaHostState.measurementInput = measurementInput?.copy()
return mediaHostState
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (!(other is MediaHostState)) {
return false
if (!Objects.equals(measurementInput, other.measurementInput)) {
return false
if (expansion != other.expansion) {
return false
if (showsOnlyActiveMedia != other.showsOnlyActiveMedia) {
return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = measurementInput?.hashCode() ?: 0
result = 31 * result + expansion.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + showsOnlyActiveMedia.hashCode()
return result
interface MediaHostState {
* The last measurement input that this state was measured with. Infers with and height of
* the players.
var measurementInput: MeasurementInput?
* The expansion of the player, 0 for fully collapsed, 1 for fully expanded
var expansion: Float
* Is this host only showing active media or is it showing all of them including resumption?
var showsOnlyActiveMedia: Boolean
* Get a copy of this view state, deepcopying all appropriate members
fun copy(): MediaHostState