blob: 9fe16ae85cfb6a09187a401732fa3be4a1478229 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.Slog;
import android.view.SurfaceControl;
* Utility class for use by a WindowContainer implementation to add "DimLayer" support, that is
* black layers of varying opacity at various Z-levels which create the effect of a Dim.
class Dimmer {
private static final String TAG = "WindowManager";
private class DimState {
SurfaceControl mSurfaceControl;
boolean mDimming;
* Used for Dims not assosciated with a WindowContainer. See {@link Dimmer#dimAbove} for
* details on Dim lifecycle.
boolean mDontReset;
DimState(SurfaceControl ctl) {
mSurfaceControl = ctl;
mDimming = true;
private ArrayMap<WindowContainer, DimState> mDimLayerUsers = new ArrayMap<>();
* The {@link WindowContainer} that our Dim's are bounded to. We may be dimming on behalf of the
* host, some controller of it, or one of the hosts children.
private WindowContainer mHost;
Dimmer(WindowContainer host) {
mHost = host;
SurfaceControl makeDimLayer() {
final SurfaceControl control = mHost.makeChildSurface(null)
.setName("Dim Layer for - " + mHost.getName())
return control;
* Retreive the DimState for a given child of the host.
DimState getDimState(WindowContainer container) {
DimState state = mDimLayerUsers.get(container);
if (state == null) {
final SurfaceControl ctl = makeDimLayer();
state = new DimState(ctl);
* See documentation on {@link #dimAbove} to understand lifecycle management of Dim's
* via state resetting for Dim's with containers.
if (container == null) {
state.mDontReset = true;
mDimLayerUsers.put(container, state);
return state;
private void dim(SurfaceControl.Transaction t, WindowContainer container, int relativeLayer,
float alpha) {
final DimState d = getDimState(container);;
if (container != null) {
container.getSurfaceControl(), relativeLayer);
} else {
t.setLayer(d.mSurfaceControl, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
t.setAlpha(d.mSurfaceControl, alpha);
d.mDimming = true;
* Finish a dim started by dimAbove in the case there was no call to dimAbove.
* @param t A Transaction in which to finish the dim.
void stopDim(SurfaceControl.Transaction t) {
DimState d = getDimState(null);
d.mDontReset = false;
* Place a Dim above the entire host container. The caller is responsible for calling stopDim to
* remove this effect. If the Dim can be assosciated with a particular child of the host
* consider using the other variant of dimAbove which ties the Dim lifetime to the child
* lifetime more explicitly.
* @param t A transaction in which to apply the Dim.
* @param alpha The alpha at which to Dim.
void dimAbove(SurfaceControl.Transaction t, float alpha) {
dim(t, null, 1, alpha);
* Place a dim above the given container, which should be a child of the host container.
* for each call to {@link WindowContainer#prepareSurfaces} the Dim state will be reset
* and the child should call dimAbove again to request the Dim to continue.
* @param t A transaction in which to apply the Dim.
* @param container The container which to dim above. Should be a child of our host.
* @param alpha The alpha at which to Dim.
void dimAbove(SurfaceControl.Transaction t, WindowContainer container, float alpha) {
dim(t, container, 1, alpha);
* Like {@link #dimAbove} but places the dim below the given container.
* @param t A transaction in which to apply the Dim.
* @param container The container which to dim below. Should be a child of our host.
* @param alpha The alpha at which to Dim.
void dimBelow(SurfaceControl.Transaction t, WindowContainer container, float alpha) {
dim(t, container, -1, alpha);
* Mark all dims as pending completion on the next call to {@link #updateDims}
* This is intended for us by the host container, to be called at the beginning of
* {@link WindowContainer#prepareSurfaces}. After calling this, the container should
* chain {@link WindowContainer#prepareSurfaces} down to it's children to give them
* a chance to request dims to continue.
void resetDimStates() {
for (int i = mDimLayerUsers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final DimState state = mDimLayerUsers.valueAt(i);
if (state.mDontReset == false) {
state.mDimming = false;
* Call after invoking {@link WindowContainer#prepareSurfaces} on children as
* described in {@link #resetDimStates}.
* @param t A transaction in which to update the dims.
* @param bounds The bounds at which to dim.
* @return true if any Dims were updated.
boolean updateDims(SurfaceControl.Transaction t, Rect bounds) {
boolean didSomething = false;
for (int i = mDimLayerUsers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
DimState state = mDimLayerUsers.valueAt(i);
// TODO: We want to animate the addition and removal of Dim's instead of immediately
// acting. When we do this we need to take care to account for the "Replacing Windows"
// case (and seamless dim transfer).
if (state.mDimming == false) {
} else {
didSomething = true;
// TODO: Once we use geometry from hierarchy this falls away.
t.setSize(state.mSurfaceControl, bounds.width(), bounds.height());
t.setPosition(state.mSurfaceControl, bounds.left,;
return didSomething;