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quddusc8dcc99d2013-02-07 17:16:33 -08001page.title=Subscriptions
2parent.title=In-app Billing
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8 <h2>Quickview</h2>
9 <ul>
10 <li>Users purchase your subscriptions from inside your apps, rather than
11directly from Google Play.</li>
12 <li>Subscriptions let you sell products with automated, recurring billing
13(monthly or annual).</li>
14 <li>You can offer a configurable trial period for any subscription.</li>
16 </ul>
17 <h2>In this document</h2>
18 <ol>
19 <li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
20 <li><a href="#administering">Configuring Subscriptions Items</a></li>
21 <li><a href="#cancellation">Cancellation</a></li>
22 <li><a href="#payment">Payment Processing</a></li>
23 <li><a href="#play-dev-api">Google Play Android Developer API</a></li>
24 </ol>
25 <h2>See also</h2>
26 <ol>
27 <li><a href="{@docRoot}google/play/billing/billing_integrate.html#Subs">Implementing Subscriptions (V3)</a></li>
28 </ol>
32<p>Subscriptions let you sell content, services, or features in your app with
33automated, recurring billing. You can easily adapt an existing In-app Billing
34implementation to sell subscriptions.</p>
35<p>This document is focused on highlighting implementation details that are
36specific to subscriptions, along with some strategies for the associated billing
37and business models.</p>
39<h2 id="overview">Overview of Subscriptions</h2>
40<p>A <em>subscription</em> is a product type offered in In-app Billing that
41lets you sell content, services, or features to users from inside your app with
42recurring monthly or annual billing. You can sell subscriptions to almost any
43type of digital content, from any type of app or game.</p>
45<p>As with other in-app products, you configure and publish subscriptions using
46the Developer Console and then sell them from inside apps installed on
47Android devices. In the Developer console, you create subscription
48products and add them to a product list, then set a price and optional trial
49period for each, choose a billing interval (monthly or annual), and then
50publish. For more information about using the Developer Console, see
51<a href="#administering">Configuring Subscription Items</a>.</p>
53<p>When users purchase subscriptions in your apps, Google Play handles all
54checkout details so your apps never have to directly process any financial
55transactions. Google Play processes all payments for subscriptions through
56Google Checkout, just as it does for standard in-app products and app purchases.
57This ensures a consistent and familiar purchase flow for your users.</p>
59<img src="{@docRoot}images/in-app-billing/v3/billing_subscription_v3.png" style="float:right; border:4px solid ddd;">
61<p>After users have purchase subscriptions, they can view the subscriptions and
62cancel them from the <strong>My Apps</strong> screen in the Play Store app or
63from the app's product details page in the Play Store app. For more information
64about handling user cancellations, see <a href="#cancellation">Subscription Cancellation</a>.</p>
66<p>In adddition to client-side API calls, you can use the server-side API for
67In-app Billing to provide subscription purchasers with extended access to
68content (for example, from your web site or another service).
69The server-side API lets you validate the status of a subscription when users
70sign into your other services. For more information about the API, see <a
71href="#play-dev-api">Google Play Android Developer API</a>. </p>
73<p>You can also build on your existing external subscriber base from inside your
74Android apps.</p>
76<li>If you sell subscriptions on a web site, for example, you can add
77your own business logic to your Android app to determine whether the user has
78already purchased a subscription elsewhere, then allow access to your content if
79so or offer a subscription purchase from Google Play if not.</li>
80<li>You can implement your own solution for sharing subscriptions across as
81many different apps or products as you want. For example, you could sell a
82subscription that gives a subscriber access to an entire collection of apps,
83games, or other content for a monthly or annual fee. To implement this solution,
84you could add your own business logic to your app to determine whether the user
85has already purchased a given subscription and if so, allow access to your
90<p>In general the same basic policies and terms apply to subscriptions as to
91standard in-app products, however there are some differences. For complete
92information about the current policies and terms, please read the <a
94&answer=140504">policies document</a>.</p>
96<p>To learn about the minimum system requirements for
97subscriptions, see the <a href="{@docRoot}google/play/billing/versions.html#Subs">Version Notes</a>.</p>
99<h2 id="administering">Configuring Subscription Items</h2>
100<p>To create and manage subscriptions, use the Developer Console to set up a
101product list for the app then configure these attributes for each subscription
105<li>Purchase Type: always set to <strong>Subscription</strong></li>
106<li>Subscription ID: An identifier for the subscription</li>
107<li>Publishing State: Unpublished/Published</li>
108<li>Language: The default language for displaying the subscription</li>
109<li>Title: The title of the subscription product</li>
110<li>Description: Details that tell the user about the subscription</li>
111<li>Price: USD price of subscription per recurrence</li>
112<li>Recurrence: monthly or yearly</li>
113<li>Additional currency pricing (can be auto-filled)</li>
116<p>For details on how to add and configure products in the Developer Console,
117see <a href="{@docRoot}google/play/billing/billing_admin.html">Administering
118In-app Billing</a>.</p>
120<h3 id="pricing">Subscription pricing</h3>
122<p>When you create a subscription in the Developer Console, you can set a price
123for it in any available currencies. Each subscription must have a non-zero
124price. You can price multiple subscriptions for the same content differently
125&mdash; for example you could offer a discount on an annual subscription
126relative to the monthly equivalent. </p>
128<p class="caution"><strong>Important</strong>: To change the price of a
129subscription, you can publish a new subscription product ID at a new price,
130then offer it in your app instead of the original product. Users who have
131already purchased will continue to be charged at the
132original price, but new users will be charged at the new price.</p>
134<h3 id="user-billing">User billing</h3>
136<p>In the Developer Console, you can configure subscription products with
137automated recurring billing at either of two intervals:</p>
140 <li>Monthly &mdash; Google Play bills the customer’s Google Checkout account at
141 the time of purchase and monthly subsequent to the purchase date (exact billing
142 intervals can vary slightly over time)</li>
143 <li>Annually &mdash; Google Play bills the customer's Google Checkout account at
144 the time of purchase and again on the same date in subsequent years.</li>
147<p>Billing continues indefinitely at the interval and price specified for the
148subscription. At each subscription renewal, Google Play charges the user account
149automatically, then notifies the user of the charges afterward by email. Billing
150cycles will always match subscription cycles, based on the purchase date.</p>
152<p>Over the life of a subscription, the form of payment billed remains the same
153&mdash; Google Play always bills the same form of payment (such as credit card
154or by Direct Carrier Billing) that was originally used to purchase the
157<p>When the subscription payment is approved by Google Checkout, Google Play
158provides a purchase token back to the purchasing app through the In-app Billing
159API. Your apps can store the token locally or pass it to your backend servers,
160which can then use it to validate or cancel the subscription remotely using the <a
161href="#play-dev-api">Google Play Android Developer API</a>.</p>
163<p>If a recurring payment fails (for example, because the customer’s credit
164card has become invalid), the subscription does not renew. How your app is
165notified depends on the In-app Billing API version that you are using:</p>
167<li>With In-app Billing Version 3, the failed or expired subscription is no longer
168returned when you call {@code getPurchases}.</li>
169<li>With In-app Billing Version 2, Google Play notifies your app at the end of
170the active cycle that the purchase state of the subscription is now "Expired".
174<p class="note"><strong>Recommendation</strong>: Include business logic in your
175app to notify your backend servers of subscription purchases, tokens, and any
176billing errors that may occur. Your backend servers can use the server-side API
177to query and update your records and follow up with customers directly, if needed.</p>
179<h3 id="trials">Free trials</h3>
181<p>In the Developer Console, you can set up a free trial period that lets users
182try your subscription content before buying it. The trial period runs for the
183period of time that you set and then automatically converts to a full
184subscription managed according to the subscription's billing interval and
187<p>To take advantage of a free trial, a user must "purchase" the full
188subscription through the standard In-app Billing flow, providing a valid form of
189payment to use for billing and completing the normal purchase transaction.
190However, the user is not charged any money, since the initial period corresponds
191to the free trial. Instead, Google Play records a transaction of $0.00 and the
192subscription is marked as purchased for the duration of the trial period or
193until cancellation. When the transaction is complete, Google Play notifies users
194by email that they have purchased a subscription that includes a free trial
195period and that the initial charge was $0.00. </p>
197<p>When the trial period ends, Google Play automatically initiates billing
198against the credit card that the user provided during the initial purchase, at
199the amount set
200for the full subscription, and continuing at the subscription interval. If
201necessary, the user can cancel the subscription at any time during the trial
202period. In this case, Google Play <em>marks the subscription as expired immediately</em>,
203rather than waiting until the end of the trial period. The user has not
204paid for the trial period and so is not entitled to continued access after
207<p>You can set up a trial period for a subscription in the Developer Console,
208without needing to modify or update your APK. Just locate and edit the
209subscription in your product list, set a valid number of days for the trial
210(must be 7 days or longer), and publish. You can change the period any time,
211although note that Google Play does not apply the change to users who have
212already "purchased" a trial period for the subscription. Only new subscription
213purchases will use the updated trial period. You can create one free trial
214period per subscription product.</p>
216<h3 id="publishing">Subscription publishing</h3>
217<p>When you have finished configuring your subscription product details in the
218Developer Console, you can publish the subscription in the app product list.</p>
220<p>In the product list, you can add subscriptions, in-app products, or both. You
221can add multiple subscriptions that give access to different content or
222services, or you can add multiple subscriptions that give access to the same
223content but for different intervals or different prices, such as for a
224promotion. For example, a news outlet might decide to offer both monthly and
225annual subscriptions to the same content, with annual having a discount. You can
226also offer in-app purchase equivalents for subscription products, to ensure that
227your content is available to users of older devices that do not support
230<p>After you add a subscription or in-app product to the product list, you must
231publish the product before Google Play can make it available for purchase. Note
232that you must also publish the app itself before Google Play will make the
233products available for purchase inside the app. </p>
235<p class="caution"><strong>Important</strong>: You can remove the subscription
236product from the product list offered in your app to prevent users from seeing
237or purchasing it.</p>
239<h2 id="cancellation">Subscription Cancellation</h2>
241<p>Users can view the status of all of their subscriptions and cancel them if
242necessary from the <strong>My Apps</strong> screen in the Play Store app.
243Currently, the In-app Billing API does not provide support for programatically
244canceling subscriptions from inside the purchasing app.</p>
246<p>When the user cancels a subscription, Google Play does not offer a refund for
247the current billing cycle. Instead, it allows the user to have access to the
248cancelled subscription until the end of the current billing cycle, at which time
249it terminates the subscription. For example, if a user purchases a monthly
250subscription and cancels it on the 15th day of the cycle, Google Play will
251consider the subscription valid until the end of the 30th day (or other day,
252depending on the month).</p>
254<p>In some cases, the user may contact you directly to request cancellation of a
255subscription. In this and similar cases, you can use the server-side API to
256query and directly cancel the user’s subscription from your servers.
258<p class="caution"><strong>Important:</strong> In all cases, you must continue
259to offer the content that your subscribers have purchased through their
260subscriptions, for as long any users are able to access it. That is, you must
261not remove any subscriber’s content while any user still has an active
262subscription to it, even if that subscription will terminate at the end of the
263current billing cycle. Removing content that a subscriber is entitled to access
264will result in penalties. Please see the <a
265href="">policies document</a> for more information. </p>
267<h3 id="uninstall">App uninstallation</h3>
269<p>When the user uninstalls an app that includes purchased subscriptions, the
270Play Store app will notify the user that there are active subscriptions. If the
271user chooses to continue with the uninstallation, the app is removed and the
272subscriptions remain active and recurring billing continues. The user can return
273to cancel the associated subscriptions at any time in the <strong>My Apps</strong>
274screen of the Play Store app. If the user chooses to cancel the uninstallation,
275the app and subscriptions remain as they were.</p>
277<h3 id="refunds">Refunds</h3>
279<p>With subscriptions, Google Play does not provide a refund window, so users
280will need to contact you directly to request a refund.
282<p>If you receive requests for refunds, you can use the server-side API to
283cancel the subscription or verify that it is already cancelled. However, keep in
284mind that Google Play considers cancelled subscriptions valid until the end of
285their current billing cycles, so even if you grant a refund and cancel the
286subscription, the user will still have access to the content.
288<p class="caution"><strong>Important:</strong> Partial refunds for canceled
289subscriptions are not available at this time.</p>
291<h2 id="payment">Payment Processing and Policies</h2>
293<p>In general, the terms of Google Play allow you to sell in-app subscriptions
294only through the standard payment processor, Google Checkout. For purchases of
295any subscription products, the transaction fee is the same as the transaction
296fee for application purchases (30%).</p>
298<p>Apps published on Google Play that are selling subscriptions must use In-app
299Billing to handle the transaction and may not provide links to a purchase flow
300outside of the app and Google Play (such as to a web site).</p>
302<p>For complete details about terms and policies, see the <a
306<h3 id="orderId">Subscription order numbers</h3>
308<p>To help you track transactions relating to a given subscription, Google
309Checkout provides a base Merchant Order Number for all recurrences of the
310subscription and denotes
311each recurring transaction by appending an integer as follows: </p>
313<p><span style="color:#777"><code style="color:#777">12999556515565155651.5565135565155651</code> (base order number)</span><br />
314<code>12999556515565155651.5565135565155651..0</code> (initial purchase orderID)<br />
315<code>12999556515565155651.5565135565155651..1</code> (first recurrence orderID)<br />
316<code>12999556515565155651.5565135565155651..2</code> (second recurrence orderID)<br />
317...<br /></p>
319<p>Google Play provides the order number as the value of the
320{@code orderId} field of the {@code INAPP_PURCHASE_DATA} JSON field (in V3)
321or the {@code PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED} intent (in V2).</p>
323<h2 id="play-dev-api">Google Play Android Developer API</h2>
325<p>Google Play offers an HTTP-based API that you can use to remotely query the
326validity of a specific subscription at any time or cancel a subscription. The
327API is designed to be used from your backend servers as a way of securely
328managing subscriptions, as well as extending and integrating subscriptions with
329other services.</p>
331<h3 id="using">Using the API</h3>
333<p>To use the API, you must first register a project at the <a
334href="">Google APIs Console</a> and receive
335a Client ID and shared secret that your app will present when calling the
336Google Play Android Developer API. All calls to the API are authenticated with
337OAuth 2.0.</p>
339<p>Once your app is registered, you can access the API directly, using standard
340HTTP methods to retrieve and manipulate resources, or you can use the Google
341APIs Client Libraries, which are extended to support the API.</p>
343<p>The Google Play Android Developer API is built on a RESTful design that uses
344HTTP and JSON, so any standard web stack can send requests and parse the
345responses. However, if you don’t want to send HTTP requests and parse responses
346manually, you can access the API using the client libraries, which provide
347better language integration, improved security, and support for making calls
348that require user authorization.</p>
350<p>For more information about the API and how to access it through the Google
351APIs Client Libraries, see the documentation at:</p>
353<p style="margin-left:1.5em;"><a
357<h3 id="quota">Quota</h3>
359<p>Applications using the Google Play Android Developer API are limited to an
360initial courtesy usage quota of <strong>15000 requests per day</strong> (per
361application). This should provide enough access for normal
362subscription-validation needs, assuming that you follow the recommendation in
363this section.</p>
365<p>If you need to request a higher limit for your application, please use the
366“Request more” link in the <a
367href="">Google APIs Console</a>.
368Also, please read the section below on design best practices for minimizing your
369use of the API.</p>
371<h3 id="auth">Authorization</h3>
373<p>Calls to the Google Play Android Developer API require authorization. Google
374uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol to allow authorized applications to access user
375data. To learn more, see <a
377in the Google Play Android Developer API documentation.</p>
379<h3 id="practices">Using the API efficiently</h3>
381<p>Access to the Google Play Android Developer API is regulated to help ensure a
382high-performance environment for all applications that use it. While you can
383request a higher daily quota for your application, we highly recommend that you
384minimize your access using the technique(s) below. </p>
387 <li><em>Store subscription expiry on your servers</em> &mdash; your servers
388 should use the Google Play Android Developer API to query the expiration date
389 for new subscription tokens, then store the expiration date locally. This allows
390 you to check the status of subscriptions only at or after the expiration (see
391 below). </li>
392 <li><em>Cache expiration and purchaseState</em> &mdash; If your app contacts
393 your backend servers at runtime to verify subscription validity, your server
394 should cache the expiration and purchaseState to ensure the fastest possible
395 response (and best experience) for the user.</li>
396 <li><em>Query for subscription status only at expiration</em> &mdash; Once your
397 server has retrieved the expiration date of subscription tokens, it should not
398 query the Google Play servers for the subscription status again until the
399 subscription is reaching or has passed the expiration date. Typically, your
400 servers would run a batch query each day to check the status of
401 <em>expiring</em> subscriptions, then update the database. Note that:
402 <ul>
403 <li>Your servers should not query all subscriptions every day</li>
404 <li>Your servers should never query subscription status dynamically, based on
405 individual requests from your Android application. </li>
406 </ul>
407 </li>
410<p>By following those general guidelines, your implementation will offer the
411best possible performance for users and minimize use of the Google Play Android
412Developer API.</p>