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Dirk Dougherty22558d02009-12-10 16:25:06 -08001page.title=Onscreen Input Methods
Scott Main796ce772011-02-16 10:04:45 -08002parent.title=Articles
Dirk Dougherty22558d02009-12-10 16:25:06 -08004@jd:body
Scott Maina225e3b2010-05-11 17:43:43 -07007<div id="qv-wrapper">
8<div id="qv">
10 <h2>See also</h2>
11 <ol>
12 <li><a href="{@docRoot}resources/articles/creating-input-method.html">Creating an Input
14 <li><a href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/SoftKeyboard/index.html">Soft Keyboard sample</a></li>
15 </ol>
Dirk Dougherty22558d02009-12-10 16:25:06 -080021<p>Starting from Android 1.5, the Android platform offers an Input Method
22Framework (IMF) that lets you create on-screen input methods such as software
23keyboards. This article provide an overview of what Android input method editors
24(IMEs) are and what an application needs to do to work well with them. The IMF
25is designed to support new classes of Android devices, such as those without
26hardware keyboards, so it is important that your application works well with the
27IMF and offers a great experience for users.</p>
29<h3>What is an input method?</h3>
31<p>The Android IMF is designed to support a variety of IMEs, including soft
32keyboard, hand-writing recognizers, and hard keyboard translators. Our focus,
33however, will be on soft keyboards, since this is the kind of input method that
34is currently part of the platform.</p>
36<p>A user will usually access the current IME by tapping on a text view to
37edit, as shown here in the home screen:</p>
39<img style="width: 320px; height: 480px; margin-right: 10px;" src="images/on-screen-inputs_004.png">
40<img style="width: 320px; height: 480px;" src="images/on-screen-inputs.png">
42<p>The soft keyboard is positioned at the bottom of the screen over the
43application's window. To organize the available space between the application
44and IME, we use a few approaches; the one shown here is called <em>pan and
45scan</em>, and simply involves scrolling the application window around so that
46the currently focused view is visible. This is the default mode, since it is the
47safest for existing applications.</p>
49<p>Most often the preferred screen layout is a <em>resize</em>, where the
50application's window is resized to be entirely visible. An example is shown
51here, when composing an e-mail message:</p>
53<img style="width: 320px; height: 480px; margin-right: 10px;" src="images/on-screen-inputs_005.png">
54<img style="width: 320px; height: 480px;" src="images/on-screen-inputs_003.png">
56<p>The size of the application window is changed so that none of it is hidden by
57the IME, allowing full access to both the application and IME. This of course
58only works for applications that have a resizeable area that can be reduced to
59make enough space, but the vertical space in this mode is actually no less than
60what is available in landscape orientation, so very often an application can
61already accommodate it.</p>
63<p>The final major mode is <em>fullscreen</em> or <em>extract</em>
64mode. This is used when the IME is too large to reasonably share space
65with the underlying application. With the standard IMEs, you will only
66encounter this situation when the screen is in a landscape orientation,
67although other IMEs are free to use it whenever they desire. In this
68case the application window is left as-is, and the IME simply displays
69fullscreen on top of it, as shown here:</p>
71<img style="width: 480px; height: 320px; margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;" src="images/on-screen-inputs_006.png">
72<img style="width: 480px; height: 320px;" src="images/on-screen-inputs_002.png">
74<p>Because the IME is covering the application, it has its own editing area,
75which shows the text actually contained in the application. There are also some
76limited opportunities the application has to customize parts of the IME (the
77"done" button at the top and enter key label at the bottom) to improve the user
80<h3>Basic XML attributes for controlling IMEs</h3>
82<p>There are a number of things the system does to try to help existing
83applications work with IMEs as well as possible, such as:</p>
86<li>Use pan and scan mode by default, unless it can reasonably guess that
87resize mode will work by the existence of lists, scroll views, etc.</li>
88<li>Analyze the various existing TextView attributes to guess at the kind of
89content (numbers, plain text, etc) to help the soft keyboard display an
90appropriate key layout.</li>
91<li>Assign a few default actions to the fullscreen IME, such as "next field"
92and "done".</li>
95<p>There are also some simple things you can do in your application that will
96often greatly improve its user experience. Except where explicitly mentioned,
97these will work in any Android platform version, even those previous to Android
981.5 (since they will simply ignore these new options).</p>
100<h4>Specifying each EditText control's input type</h4>
102<p>The most important thing for an application to do is to use the new
104attribute on each <code>EditText</code>. The attribute provides much richer
106about the text content. This attribute actually replaces many existing
107attributes (<code>android:</code><code>password</code>,
112<code>android:</code><code>autoText</code>, and
113<code>android:</code><code>editable</code>). If you specify the older attributes
114and the new <code>android:inputType</code> attribute, the system uses
115<code>android:inputType</code> and ignores the others. </p>
117<p>The <code>android:inputType</code> attribute has three pieces:</p>
120<li>The <em>class</em> is the overall interpretation of characters. The
121currently supported classes are <code>text</code> (plain text),
122<code>number</code> (decimal number), <code>phone</code> (phone number), and
123<code>datetime</code> (a date or time).</li>
124<li>The <em>variation</em> is a further refinement on the class. In the
125attribute you will normally specify the class and variant together, with the
126class as a prefix. For example, <code>textEmailAddress</code> is a text field
127where the user will enter something that is an e-mail address ( so
128the key layout will have an '@' character in easy access, and
129<code>numberSigned</code> is a numeric field with a sign. If only the class is
130specified, then you get the default/generic variant.</li>
131<li>Additional <em>flags</em> can be specified that supply further refinement.
132These flags are specific to a class. For example, some flags for the
133<code>text</code> class are <code>textCapSentences</code>,
134<code>textAutoCorrect</code>, and <code>textMultiline</code>.</li>
137<p>As an example, here is the new EditText for the IM application's message text view:</p>
139<pre> &lt;EditText android:id="@+id/edtInput"
140 android:layout_width="0dip"
141 android:layout_height="wrap_content"
142 android:layout_weight="1"
143 android:inputType="textShortMessage|textAutoCorrect|textCapSentences|textMultiLine"
144 android:imeOptions="actionSend|flagNoEnterAction"
145 android:maxLines="4"
146 android:maxLength="2000"
147 android:hint="@string/compose_hint"/&gt;</pre>
149<p>A full description of all of the input types can be found in the
150documentation. It is important to make use of the correct input types that are
151available, so that the soft keyboard can use the optimal keyboard layout for the
152text the user will be entering.</p>
154<h4>Enabling resize mode and other window features</h4>
156<p>The second most important thing for your app to do is to specify the overall
157behavior of your window in relation to the input method. The most visible aspect
158of this is controlling resize vs. pan and scan mode, but there are other things
159you can do as well to improve your user experience.</p>
161<p>You will usually control this behavior through the
162<code>android:windowSoftInputMode</code> attribute on each
163<code>&lt;activity&gt;</code> definition in your
164<code>AndroidManifest.xml</code>. Like the input type, there are a couple
165different pieces of data that can be specified here by combining them
169<li>The window adjustment mode is specified with either
170<code>adjustResize</code> or <code>adjustPan</code>. It is highly recommended
171that you always specify one or the other.</li>
172<li>You can further control whether the IME will be shown automatically when
173your activity is displayed and other situations where the user moves to it. The
174system won't automatically show an IME by default, but in some cases it can be
175convenient for the user if an application enables this behavior. You can request
176this with <code>stateVisible</code>. There are also a number of other state
177options for finer-grained control that you can find in the documentation.</li>
180<p>A typical example of this field can be see in the edit contact activity,
181which ensures it is resized and automatically displays the IME for the user:</p>
183<pre> &lt;activity name="EditContactActivity"
184 android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible|adjustResize"&gt;
185 ...
186 &lt;/activity&gt;</pre>
188<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>Starting from Android 1.5 (API Level 3),
189the platform offers a new method,
190{@link android.view.Window#setSoftInputMode(int mode)},
191that non-Activity windows can use to control their behavior. Calling this method
192in your will make your application incompatible with previous versions of the
193Android platform.</p>
195<h4>Controlling the action buttons</h4>
197<p>The final customization we will look at is the "action" buttons in the IME.
198There are currently two types of actions:</p>
201<li>The enter key on a soft keyboard is typically bound to an action when not
202operating on a mult-line edit text. For example, on the G1 pressing the hard
203enter key will typically move to the next field or the application will
204intercept it to execute an action; with a soft keyboard, this overloading of the
205enter key remains, since the enter button just sends an enter key event.</li>
206<li>When in fullscreen mode, an IME may also put an additional action button to
207the right of the text being edited, giving the user quick access to a common
208application operation.</li>
211<p>These options are controlled with the <code>android:imeOptions</code>
212attribute on <code>TextView</code>. The value you supply here can be any
213combination of:</p>
216<li>One of the pre-defined action constants (<code>actionGo</code>,
217<code>actionSearch</code>, <code>actionSend</code>, <code>actionNext</code>,
218<code>actionDone</code>). If none of these are specified, the system will infer
219either <code>actionNext</code> or <code>actionDone</code> depending on whether
220there is a focusable field after this one; you can explicitly force no action
221with <code>actionNone</code>.</li>
222<li>The <code>flagNoEnterAction</code> option tells the IME that the action
223should <em>not</em> be available on the enter key, even if the text itself is
224not multi-line. This avoids having unrecoverable actions like (send) that can be
225accidentally touched by the user while typing.</li>
226<li>The <code>flagNoAccessoryAction</code> removes the action button from the
227text area, leaving more room for text.</li><li>The <code>flagNoExtractUi</code>
228completely removes the text area, allowing the application to be seen behind
232<p>The previous IM application message view also provides an example of an
233interesting use of <code>imeOptions</code>, to specify the send action but not
234let it be shown on the enter key:</p>
238<h3>APIs for controlling IMEs</h3>
240<p>For more advanced control over the IME, there are a variety of new APIs you
241can use. Unless special care is taken (such as by using reflection), using these
242APIs will cause your application to be incompatible with previous versions of
243Android, and you should make sure you specify
244<code>android:minSdkVersion="3"</code> in your manifest. For more information,
245see the documentation for the <a
247> manifest element.</p>
249<p>The primary API is the new <code>android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager</code> class, which you can retrieve with <code>Context.getSystemService()</code>.
250It allows you to interact with the global input method state, such as
251explicitly hiding or showing the current IME's input area.</p>
253<p>There are also new window flags controlling input method interaction, which you can control through the existing <code>Window.addFlags()</code> method and new <code>Window.setSoftInputMode()</code> method. The <code>PopupWindow</code>
254class has grown corresponding methods to control these options on its
255window. One thing in particular to be aware of is the new <code>WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM</code> constant, which is used to control whether a window is on top of or behind the current IME.</p>
257<p>Most of the interaction between an active IME and application is done through the <code>android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection</code>
258class. This is the API an application implement, which an IME calls to
259perform the appropriate edit operations on the application. You won't
260normally need to worry about this, since <code>TextView</code> provides its own implementation for itself.</p>
262<p>There are also a handful of new <code>View</code> APIs, the most important of these being<code> onCreateInputConnection()</code> which creates a new <code>InputConnection</code> for an IME (and fills in an <code>android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo</code>
263structure with your input type, IME options, and other data); again,
264most developers won't need to worry about this, since TextView takes
265care of it for you.</p>