Improvements to the RSAddDebugInfo pass.

This change makes the RSAddDebugInfo pass generate much more complete
debug information than before.

Newly implemented features and changes:
* Debug info for each of the expanded kernel arguments is now generated.
  This allows the debugger to inspect kernel invocation size,
  current outer loop indices ('y' and 'z') and other useful information.
* Adds debug info for the expanded kernel loop index variable.
  This allows the debugger to access the current thread index along the
  'x' axis.
* Pass now uses MetadataExtractor to get the list of kernel functions
  instead of relying on naming conventions.
* Various code improvements.

(cherry picked from commit 9d009b0a25bf7eea6f2da2521107dc37acea9acc)

Change-Id: I4d6ee8f1bd2844ed85ccd933ead0fb479d716aae
diff --git a/lib/Renderscript/RSAddDebugInfoPass.cpp b/lib/Renderscript/RSAddDebugInfoPass.cpp
index 03ad24a..2823fae 100644
--- a/lib/Renderscript/RSAddDebugInfoPass.cpp
+++ b/lib/Renderscript/RSAddDebugInfoPass.cpp
@@ -16,23 +16,23 @@
 #include "bcc/Assert.h"
 #include "bcc/Renderscript/RSTransforms.h"
+#include "bcc/Support/Log.h"
+#include "bcinfo/MetadataExtractor.h"
 #include <llvm/Pass.h>
-#include <llvm/IR/DataLayout.h>
 #include <llvm/IR/DIBuilder.h>
 #include <llvm/IR/Function.h>
-#include <llvm/IR/Function.h>
 #include <llvm/IR/InstIterator.h>
 #include <llvm/IR/Instructions.h>
-#include <llvm/IR/MDBuilder.h>
+#include <llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h>
 #include <llvm/IR/Module.h>
-#include <llvm/IR/Type.h>
-#include <llvm/Transforms/Utils/BasicBlockUtils.h>
 namespace {
 const char DEBUG_SOURCE_PATH[] = "/opt/renderscriptdebugger/1";
 const char DEBUG_GENERATED_FILE[] = "";
+const char DEBUG_PROTOTYPE_VAR_NAME[] = "rsDebugOuterForeachT";
+const char DEBUG_COMPILE_UNIT_MDNAME[] = "";
  * LLVM pass to attach debug information to the bits of code
@@ -44,58 +44,220 @@
   // Pass ID
   static char ID;
-  RSAddDebugInfoPass() : ModulePass(ID) {
+  RSAddDebugInfoPass() : ModulePass(ID), kernelTypeMD(nullptr),
+      sourceFileName(nullptr), emptyExpr(nullptr), abiMetaCU(nullptr),
+      indexVarType(nullptr) {
   virtual bool runOnModule(llvm::Module &Module) {
+    // Gather information about this bcc module.
+    bcinfo::MetadataExtractor me(&Module);
+    if (!me.extract()) {
+      ALOGE("Could not extract metadata from module!");
+      return false;
+    }
+    size_t nForEachKernels = me.getExportForEachSignatureCount();
+    const char **forEachKernels = me.getExportForEachNameList();
     // Set up the debug info builder.
     llvm::DIBuilder DebugInfo(Module);
-    DebugInfo.createCompileUnit(llvm::dwarf::DW_LANG_C99,
-                                DEBUG_GENERATED_FILE, DEBUG_SOURCE_PATH,
-                                "RS", false, "", 0);
+    initializeDebugInfo(DebugInfo, Module);
     // Attach DI metadata to each generated function.
-    for (llvm::Function &Func : Module)
-      if (Func.getName().endswith(".expand"))
-        attachDebugInfo(DebugInfo, Func);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < nForEachKernels; ++i) {
+      std::string expandedName = forEachKernels[i];
+      expandedName += ".expand";
+      if (llvm::Function *kernelFunc = Module.getFunction(expandedName))
+        attachDebugInfo(DebugInfo, *kernelFunc);
+    }
+    cleanupDebugInfo(Module);
     return true;
+  // @brief Initialize the debug info generation.
+  //
+  // This method does a couple of things:
+  // * Look up debug metadata for kernel ABI and store it if present.
+  // * Store a couple of useful pieces of debug metadata in member
+  //   variables so they do not have to be created multiple times.
+  void initializeDebugInfo(llvm::DIBuilder &DebugInfo,
+                           const llvm::Module &Module) {
+    llvm::LLVMContext &ctx = Module.getContext();
+    // Start generating debug information for bcc-generated code.
+    DebugInfo.createCompileUnit(llvm::dwarf::DW_LANG_C99,
+                                DEBUG_GENERATED_FILE, DEBUG_SOURCE_PATH,
+                                "RS", false, "", 0);
+    // Pre-generate and save useful pieces of debug metadata.
+    sourceFileName = DebugInfo.createFile(DEBUG_GENERATED_FILE, DEBUG_SOURCE_PATH);
+    emptyExpr = DebugInfo.createExpression();
+    // Lookup compile unit with kernel ABI debug metadata.
+    llvm::NamedMDNode *mdCompileUnitList =
+        Module.getNamedMetadata(DEBUG_COMPILE_UNIT_MDNAME);
+    bccAssert(mdCompileUnitList != nullptr &&
+        "DebugInfo pass could not find any existing compile units.");
+    llvm::DIGlobalVariable *kernelPrototypeVarMD = nullptr;
+    for (llvm::MDNode* CUNode : mdCompileUnitList->operands()) {
+      if (auto *CU = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::DICompileUnit>(CUNode)) {
+        for (llvm::DIGlobalVariable* GV : CU->getGlobalVariables()) {
+          if (GV->getDisplayName() == DEBUG_PROTOTYPE_VAR_NAME) {
+            kernelPrototypeVarMD = GV;
+            abiMetaCU = CU;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        if (kernelPrototypeVarMD != nullptr)
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+    // Lookup the expanded function interface type metadata.
+    llvm::MDTuple *kernelPrototypeMD = nullptr;
+    if (kernelPrototypeVarMD != nullptr) {
+      // Dig into the metadata to look for function prototype.
+      llvm::DIDerivedType *DT = nullptr;
+      DT = llvm::cast<llvm::DIDerivedType>(kernelPrototypeVarMD->getType());
+      DT = llvm::cast<llvm::DIDerivedType>(DT->getBaseType());
+      llvm::DISubroutineType *ST = llvm::cast<llvm::DISubroutineType>(DT->getBaseType());
+      kernelPrototypeMD = llvm::cast<llvm::MDTuple>(ST->getRawTypeArray());
+      indexVarType = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<llvm::DIType>(
+          kernelPrototypeMD->getOperand(2));
+    }
+    // Fall back to the function type of void() if there is no proper debug info.
+    if (kernelPrototypeMD == nullptr)
+      kernelPrototypeMD = llvm::MDTuple::get(ctx, {nullptr});
+    // Fall back to unspecified type if we don't have a proper index type.
+    if (indexVarType == nullptr)
+      indexVarType = DebugInfo.createBasicType("uint32_t", 32, 32,
+          llvm::dwarf::DW_ATE_unsigned);
+    // Capture the expanded kernel type debug info.
+    kernelTypeMD = DebugInfo.createSubroutineType(sourceFileName, kernelPrototypeMD);
+  }
   /// @brief Add debug information to a generated function.
-  /// This function is used to attach source file and line information
-  /// to the generated function code.
+  /// This procedure adds the following pieces of debug information
+  /// to the function specified by Func:
+  /// * Entry for the function to the current compile unit.
+  /// * Adds debug info entries for each function argument.
+  /// * Adds debug info entry for the rsIndex local variable.
+  /// * File/line information to each instruction set to
   void attachDebugInfo(llvm::DIBuilder &DebugInfo, llvm::Function &Func) {
-    llvm::DIFile *sourceFileName =
-    // Fabricated function type
-    llvm::MDTuple *nullMD = llvm::MDTuple::get(Func.getParent()->getContext(),
-                        { DebugInfo.createUnspecifiedType("void") });
+    // Lookup the current thread coordinate variable.
+    llvm::AllocaInst* indexVar = nullptr;
+    for (llvm::Instruction &inst : llvm::inst_range(Func)) {
+      if (auto *allocaInst = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::AllocaInst>(&inst)) {
+        if (allocaInst->getName() == bcc::BCC_INDEX_VAR_NAME) {
+          indexVar = allocaInst;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
     // Create function-level debug metadata.
-    llvm::DIScope *GeneratedScope = DebugInfo.createFunction(
+    llvm::DISubprogram *ExpandedFunc = DebugInfo.createFunction(
         sourceFileName, // scope
         Func.getName(), Func.getName(),
-        sourceFileName, 1,
-        DebugInfo.createSubroutineType(sourceFileName, nullMD),
+        sourceFileName, 1, kernelTypeMD,
         false, true, 1, 0, false, &Func
-    // Attach location inforamtion to each instruction in the function
-    for (llvm::inst_iterator Inst    = llvm::inst_begin(Func),
-                             InstEnd = llvm::inst_end(Func);
-                             Inst != InstEnd;
-                             ++Inst) {
-      Inst->setDebugLoc(llvm::DebugLoc::get(1, 1, GeneratedScope));
+    // IRBuilder for allocating variables for arguments.
+    llvm::IRBuilder<> ir(Func.getEntryBlock().begin());
+    // Walk through the argument list and expanded function prototype
+    // debuginfo in lockstep to create debug entries for
+    // the expanded function arguments.
+    unsigned argIdx = 1;
+    llvm::MDTuple *argTypes = kernelTypeMD->getTypeArray().get();
+    for (llvm::Argument &arg : Func.getArgumentList()) {
+      // Stop processing arguments if we run out of debug info.
+      if (argIdx >= argTypes->getNumOperands())
+        break;
+      // Create debuginfo entry for the argument and advance.
+      llvm::DILocalVariable *argVarDI = DebugInfo.createLocalVariable(
+          llvm::dwarf::DW_TAG_arg_variable,
+          ExpandedFunc, arg.getName(), sourceFileName, 1,
+          llvm::cast<llvm::DIType>(argTypes->getOperand(argIdx).get()),
+          true, 0, argIdx);
+      // Annotate the argument variable in the IR.
+      llvm::AllocaInst *argVar =
+          ir.CreateAlloca(arg.getType(), nullptr, arg.getName() + ".var");
+      llvm::StoreInst *argStore = ir.CreateStore(&arg, argVar);
+      llvm::LoadInst *loadedVar = ir.CreateLoad(argVar, arg.getName() + ".l");
+      DebugInfo.insertDeclare(argVar, argVarDI, emptyExpr,
+          llvm::DebugLoc::get(1, 1, ExpandedFunc), loadedVar);
+      for (llvm::Use &u : arg.uses())
+        if (u.getUser() != argStore)
+          u.set(loadedVar);
+      argIdx++;
+    }
+    // Annotate the index variable with metadata.
+    if (indexVar) {
+      // Debug information for loop index variable.
+      llvm::DILocalVariable *indexVarDI = DebugInfo.createLocalVariable(
+          llvm::dwarf::DW_TAG_auto_variable, ExpandedFunc,
+          bcc::BCC_INDEX_VAR_NAME, sourceFileName, 1, indexVarType, true);
+      // Insert declaration annotation in the instruction stream.
+      llvm::Instruction *decl = DebugInfo.insertDeclare(
+          indexVar, indexVarDI, emptyExpr,
+          llvm::DebugLoc::get(1, 1, ExpandedFunc), indexVar);
+      indexVar->moveBefore(decl);
+    }
+    // Attach location information to each instruction in the function.
+    for (llvm::Instruction &inst : llvm::inst_range(Func)) {
+      inst.setDebugLoc(llvm::DebugLoc::get(1, 1, ExpandedFunc));
+  // @brief Clean up the debug info.
+  //
+  // At the moment, it only finds the compile unit for the expanded function
+  // metadata generated by clang and removes it.
+  void cleanupDebugInfo(llvm::Module& Module) {
+    if (abiMetaCU == nullptr)
+      return;
+    // Remove the compile unit with the runtime interface DI.
+    llvm::SmallVector<llvm::MDNode*, 4> unitsTmp;
+    llvm::NamedMDNode *debugMD =
+        Module.getNamedMetadata(DEBUG_COMPILE_UNIT_MDNAME);
+    for (llvm::MDNode *cu : debugMD->operands())
+      if (cu != abiMetaCU)
+        unitsTmp.push_back(cu);
+    debugMD->eraseFromParent();
+    debugMD = Module.getOrInsertNamedMetadata(DEBUG_COMPILE_UNIT_MDNAME);
+    for (llvm::MDNode *cu : unitsTmp)
+      debugMD->addOperand(cu);
+  }
+  // private attributes
+  llvm::DISubroutineType* kernelTypeMD;
+  llvm::DIFile *sourceFileName;
+  llvm::DIExpression *emptyExpr;
+  llvm::DICompileUnit *abiMetaCU;
+  llvm::DIType *indexVarType;
 }; // end class RSAddDebugInfoPass
 char RSAddDebugInfoPass::ID = 0;