blob: bddaf39f31531d97a37a5d1da3c74dec1ecfc5ef [file] [log] [blame]
Welcome to libbcc, Android's bitcode JIT. Note that bitcode refers to LLVM bitcode.
A. Highlights:
* libbcc supports bitcode from various language frontends (E.g. RenderScript,
* libbcc strives to balance between library size, launch time and steady-state
** The size of libbcc is aggressively reduced for a mobile device. We customize
and we don't use Execution Engine.
** To reduce launch time, we support caching of binaries.
** For steady-state performance, we enable VFP3 and aggressive optimizations.
* Currently we disable Lazy JITting.
B. The following APIs are provided:
Basic end-to-end usage:
* bccReadBC(): Read bitcode and convert it to LLVM module.
* bccReadModule(): Read LLVM module, which has 1-1 mapping with bitcode format.
* bccReadExe(): Read cached binary. No need to compiling the bitcode later.
* bccLinkBC(): On-device linking of bitcodes.
* bccCompileBC(): Compiling bitcode.
* bccRegisterSymbolCallback(): Tell libbcc the function address of "dlsym"
* bccGetError(): Get compilation... error
* bccGetExportFuncs()
* bccGetExportVars()
* bccGetPragmas()
For debugging:
* bccGetFunctions()
* bccGetFunctionBinary()
* bccCreateScript()
* bccDeleteScript()
* bccGetScriptInfoLog()
Note that Bitcode JIT is invoked when a script is loaded.
C. Calling conventions:
Case 1. Calls from Execution Environment or from/to within script:
On ARM, the first 4 arguments will go into r0, r1, r2, and r3, in that order.
The remaining (if any) will go through stack.
For ext_vec_types such as float2, a set of registers will be used. In the case
of float2, a register pair will be used. Specifically, if float2 is the first
argument in the function prototype, float2.x will go into r0, and float2.y,
Note: stack will be aligned to the coarsest-grained argument. In the case of
float2 above as an argument, parameter stack will be aligned to an 8-byte
boundary (if the sizes of other arguments are no greater than 8.)
Case 2. Calls from/to a separate compilation unit: (E.g., calls to Execution
Environment if those runtime library callees are not compiled using LLVM.)
On ARM, we use hardfp.
Note that double will be placed in a register pair.
D. BCC Cache File Format
The structure of BCC cache file consists of three sections:
1) Header Section: Information about this cache file
2) Relocation Info Section: Information to relocate a global variable
3) Exported Var Info Section: Information for RenderScript
Exported Function Info Section: Information for RenderScript
Exported Pragma Info Section: Information for RenderScript
4) Code Section: The jit'ed code on this platform
5) Data Section: The global variable
D.1 Header Section
struct oBCCHeader {
uint8_t magic[4]; // includes version number
uint8_t magicVersion[4];
uint32_t sourceWhen;
uint32_t rslibWhen;
uint32_t libRSWhen;
uint32_t libbccWhen;
uint32_t cachedCodeMapAddr;
uint32_t rootAddr;
uint32_t initAddr;
uint32_t relocOffset; // offset of reloc table.
uint32_t relocCount;
uint32_t exportVarsOffset; // offset of export var table
uint32_t exportVarsCount;
uint32_t exportFuncsOffset; // offset of export func table
uint32_t exportFuncsCount;
uint32_t exportPragmasOffset; // offset of export pragma table
uint32_t exportPragmasCount;
uint32_t exportPragmasSize; // size of export pragma table (in bytes)
uint32_t codeOffset; // offset of code: 64-bit alignment
uint32_t codeSize;
uint32_t dataOffset; // offset of data section
uint32_t dataSize;
// uint32_t flags; // some info flags
uint32_t checksum; // adler32 checksum covering deps/opt
Note: Both "offset" and "size" are in the unit of bytes. However, "count" is
in the unit of entities.
D.2 Relocation Section
There may be many entries in the relocation section. Each entry has following
struct oBCCRelocEntry {
uint32_t relocType; // target instruction relocation type
uint32_t relocOffset; // offset of hole (holeAddr - codeAddr)
uint32_t cachedResultAddr; // address resolved at compile time
D.3 Export Pragma Section
The export pragma section is consisted of two parts: (1) Offset and size
table and (2) String constant pools. Every string in constant pool should
end with '\0', and the length of the string should obey the value of size
in previous table.
For each entry in offset and size table, they have four fields,
see the following structure:
struct oBCCPragmaEntry {
uint32_t pragmaNameOffset; // offset to pragma name string
uint32_t pragmaNameSize; // size of pragma name string (without '\0')
uint32_t pragmaValueOffset; // offset to pragma value string
uint32_t pramgaValueSize; // size of pragma value string (without '\0')
Note: The offset is related to the start of the export pragma section.
D.4 Code Section
This section should align to a page size.