blob: b79bd7db4848b3587e906fb00f795f34182e342c [file] [log] [blame]
libbcc: A Versatile Bitcode Execution Engine for Mobile Devices
libbcc is an LLVM bitcode execution engine that compiles the bitcode
to an in-memory executable. libbcc is versatile because:
* it implements both AOT (Ahead-of-Time) and JIT (Just-in-Time) compilation.
* Android devices demand fast start-up time, small size and high performance.
libbcc provides:
* a *just-in-time bitcode compiler*, which translates the bitcode into
machine code
* a *caching mechanism*, which can:
* after each compilation, serialize the in-memory executable into a cache file.
Note that the compilation is triggered by a cache miss.
* load from the cache file upon cache-hit.
Here are some highlights of libbcc:
* libbcc supports bitcode from various language frontends, such as
RenderScript, GLSL.
* libbcc strives to balance between library size, launch time and
steady-state performance:
* The size of libbcc is aggressively reduced for mobile devices.
We customize and we don't use the default Execution Engine from upstream.
* To reduce launch time, we support caching of binaries.
* For steady-state performance, we enable VFP3 and aggressive
* Currently we disable Lazy JITting.
* **bccCreateScript** - Create new bcc script
* **bccRegisterSymbolCallback** - Register the callback function for external
symbol lookup
* **bccReadBC** - Set the source bitcode for compilation
* **bccReadModule** - Set the llvm::Module for compilation
* **bccLinkBC** - Set the library bitcode for linking
* **bccPrepareExecutable** - Create the in-memory executable by either
just-in-time compilation or cache loading
* **bccDeleteScript** - Destroy bcc script and release the resources
* **bccGetError** - Get the error code
* **bccGetScriptInfoLog** - *deprecated* - Don't use this
* **bccGetExportVars** - Get the addresses of exported variables
* **bccGetExportFuncs** - Get the addresses of exported functions
* **bccGetPragmas** - Get the pragmas
* **bccGetFunctions** - Get the function name list
* **bccGetFunctionBinary** - Get the address and the size of a function binary
Cache File Format
A cache file (denoted as \*.oBCC) for libbcc consists of several sections:
header, string pool, dependencies table, relocation table, exported
variable list, exported function list, pragma list, function information
table, and bcc context. Every section should be aligned to a word size.
Here is the brief description of each sections:
* **Header** (OBCC_Header) - The header of a cache file. It contains the
magic word, version, machine integer type information (the endianness,
the size of off_t, size_t, and ptr_t), and the size
and offset of other sections. The header section is guaranteed
to be at the beginning of the cache file.
* **String Pool** (OBCC_StringPool) - A collection of serialized variable
length strings. The strp_index in the other part of the cache file
represents the index of such string in this string pool.
* **Dependencies Table** (OBCC_DependencyTable) - The dependencies table.
This table stores the resource name (or file path), the resource
type (rather in APK or on the file system), and the SHA1 checksum.
* **Relocation Table** (OBCC_RelocationTable) - *not enabled*
* **Exported Variable List** (OBCC_ExportVarList) -
The list of the addresses of exported variables.
* **Exported Function List** (OBCC_ExportFuncList) -
The list of the addresses of exported functions.
* **Pragma List** (OBCC_PragmaList) - The list of pragma key-value pair.
* **Function Information Table** (OBCC_FuncTable) - This is a table of
function information, such as function name, function entry address,
and function binary size. Besides, the table should be ordered by
function name.
* **Context** - The context of the in-memory executable, including
the code and the data. The offset of context should aligned to
a page size, so that we can mmap the context directly into the memory.
For furthur information, you may read `bcc_cache.h <include/bcc/bcc_cache.h>`_,
`CacheReader.cpp <lib/bcc/CacheReader.cpp>`_, and
`CacheWriter.cpp <lib/bcc/CacheWriter.cpp>`_ for details.
JIT'ed Code Calling Conventions
1. Calls from Execution Environment or from/to within script:
On ARM, the first 4 arguments will go into r0, r1, r2, and r3, in that order.
The remaining (if any) will go through stack.
For ext_vec_types such as float2, a set of registers will be used. In the case
of float2, a register pair will be used. Specifically, if float2 is the first
argument in the function prototype, float2.x will go into r0, and float2.y,
Note: stack will be aligned to the coarsest-grained argument. In the case of
float2 above as an argument, parameter stack will be aligned to an 8-byte
boundary (if the sizes of other arguments are no greater than 8.)
2. Calls from/to a separate compilation unit: (E.g., calls to Execution
Environment if those runtime library callees are not compiled using LLVM.)
On ARM, we use hardfp. Note that double will be placed in a register pair.