blob: dffc07227065c0e131b5015123d8018d2419b0ed [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "slang_rs_foreach_lowering.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "slang_rs_context.h"
#include "slang_rs_export_foreach.h"
namespace slang {
namespace {
const char KERNEL_LAUNCH_FUNCTION_NAME[] = "rsForEach";
const char KERNEL_LAUNCH_FUNCTION_NAME_WITH_OPTIONS[] = "rsForEachWithOptions";
} // anonymous namespace
RSForEachLowering::RSForEachLowering(RSContext* ctxt)
: mCtxt(ctxt), mASTCtxt(ctxt->getASTContext()) {}
// Check if the passed-in expr references a kernel function in the following
// pattern in the AST.
// ImplicitCastExpr 'void *' <BitCast>
// `-ImplicitCastExpr 'int (*)(int)' <FunctionToPointerDecay>
// `-DeclRefExpr 'int (int)' Function 'foo' 'int (int)'
const clang::FunctionDecl* RSForEachLowering::matchFunctionDesignator(
clang::Expr* expr) {
clang::ImplicitCastExpr* ToVoidPtr =
if (ToVoidPtr == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
clang::ImplicitCastExpr* Decay =
if (Decay == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
clang::DeclRefExpr* DRE =
if (DRE == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
const clang::FunctionDecl* FD =
if (FD == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return FD;
// Checks if the call expression is a legal rsForEach call by looking for the
// following pattern in the AST. On success, returns the first argument that is
// a FunctionDecl of a kernel function.
// CallExpr 'void'
// |
// |-ImplicitCastExpr 'void (*)(void *, ...)' <FunctionToPointerDecay>
// | `-DeclRefExpr 'void (void *, ...)' 'rsForEach' 'void (void *, ...)'
// |
// |-ImplicitCastExpr 'void *' <BitCast>
// | `-ImplicitCastExpr 'int (*)(int)' <FunctionToPointerDecay>
// | `-DeclRefExpr 'int (int)' Function 'foo' 'int (int)'
// |
// |-ImplicitCastExpr 'rs_allocation':'rs_allocation' <LValueToRValue>
// | `-DeclRefExpr 'rs_allocation':'rs_allocation' lvalue ParmVar 'in' 'rs_allocation':'rs_allocation'
// |
// `-ImplicitCastExpr 'rs_allocation':'rs_allocation' <LValueToRValue>
// `-DeclRefExpr 'rs_allocation':'rs_allocation' lvalue ParmVar 'out' 'rs_allocation':'rs_allocation'
const clang::FunctionDecl* RSForEachLowering::matchKernelLaunchCall(
clang::CallExpr* CE, int* slot, bool* hasOptions) {
const clang::Decl* D = CE->getCalleeDecl();
const clang::FunctionDecl* FD = clang::dyn_cast<clang::FunctionDecl>(D);
if (FD == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
const clang::StringRef& funcName = FD->getName();
if (funcName.equals(KERNEL_LAUNCH_FUNCTION_NAME)) {
*hasOptions = false;
*hasOptions = true;
} else {
return nullptr;
clang::Expr* arg0 = CE->getArg(0);
const clang::FunctionDecl* kernel = matchFunctionDesignator(arg0);
if (kernel == nullptr) {
"Invalid kernel launch call. "
"Expects a function designator for the first argument.");
return nullptr;
// Verifies that kernel is indeed a "kernel" function.
*slot = mCtxt->getForEachSlotNumber(kernel);
if (*slot == -1) {
mCtxt->ReportError(CE->getExprLoc(), "%0 applied to non kernel function %1")
<< funcName << kernel->getName();
return nullptr;
return kernel;
// Create an AST node for the declaration of rsForEachInternal
clang::FunctionDecl* RSForEachLowering::CreateForEachInternalFunctionDecl() {
clang::DeclContext* DC = mASTCtxt.getTranslationUnitDecl();
clang::SourceLocation Loc;
clang::IdentifierInfo& II = mASTCtxt.Idents.get(SR);
clang::DeclarationName N(&II);
clang::FunctionProtoType::ExtProtoInfo EPI;
EPI.Variadic = true; // varargs
clang::QualType T = mASTCtxt.getFunctionType(
mASTCtxt.VoidTy, // Return type
// Argument types:
{ mASTCtxt.IntTy, // int slot
mASTCtxt.VoidPtrTy, // rs_script_call_t* launch_options
mASTCtxt.IntTy, // int numOutput
mASTCtxt.IntTy // int numInputs
clang::FunctionDecl* FD = clang::FunctionDecl::Create(
mASTCtxt, DC, Loc, Loc, N, T, nullptr, clang::SC_Extern);
return FD;
// Create an expression like the following that references the rsForEachInternal to
// replace the callee in the original call expression that references rsForEach.
// ImplicitCastExpr 'void (*)(int, rs_allocation, rs_allocation)' <FunctionToPointerDecay>
// `-DeclRefExpr 'void' Function '_Z17rsForEachInternali13rs_allocationS_' 'void (int, rs_allocation, rs_allocation)'
clang::Expr* RSForEachLowering::CreateCalleeExprForInternalForEach() {
clang::FunctionDecl* FDNew = CreateForEachInternalFunctionDecl();
clang::DeclRefExpr* refExpr = clang::DeclRefExpr::Create(
mASTCtxt, clang::NestedNameSpecifierLoc(), clang::SourceLocation(), FDNew,
false, clang::SourceLocation(), mASTCtxt.VoidTy, clang::VK_RValue);
const clang::QualType FDNewType = FDNew->getType();
clang::Expr* calleeNew = clang::ImplicitCastExpr::Create(
mASTCtxt, mASTCtxt.getPointerType(FDNewType),
clang::CK_FunctionToPointerDecay, refExpr, nullptr, clang::VK_RValue);
return calleeNew;
// This visit method checks (via pattern matching) if the call expression is to
// rsForEach, and the arguments satisfy the restrictions on the
// rsForEach API. If so, replace the call with a rsForEachInternal call
// with the first argument replaced by the slot number of the kernel function
// referenced in the original first argument.
// See comments to the helper methods defined above for details.
void RSForEachLowering::VisitCallExpr(clang::CallExpr* CE) {
int slot;
bool hasOptions;
const clang::FunctionDecl* kernel = matchKernelLaunchCall(CE, &slot, &hasOptions);
if (kernel == nullptr) {
slangAssert(slot >= 0);
const unsigned numArgsOrig = CE->getNumArgs();
clang::QualType resultType = kernel->getReturnType().getCanonicalType();
int numOutput = resultType->isVoidType() ? 0 : 1;
unsigned numInputs = RSExportForEach::getNumInputs(mCtxt->getTargetAPI(), kernel);
// Verifies that rsForEach takes the right number of input and output allocations.
// TODO: Check input/output allocation types match kernel function expectation.
const unsigned expectedNumAllocations = numArgsOrig - (hasOptions ? 2 : 1);
if (numInputs + numOutput != expectedNumAllocations) {
"Number of input and output allocations unexpected for kernel function %0")
<< kernel->getName();
clang::Expr* calleeNew = CreateCalleeExprForInternalForEach();
const clang::CanQualType IntTy = mASTCtxt.IntTy;
const unsigned IntTySize = mASTCtxt.getTypeSize(IntTy);
const llvm::APInt APIntSlot(IntTySize, slot);
const clang::Expr* arg0 = CE->getArg(0);
const clang::SourceLocation Loc(arg0->getLocStart());
clang::Expr* IntSlotNum =
clang::IntegerLiteral::Create(mASTCtxt, APIntSlot, IntTy, Loc);
CE->setArg(0, IntSlotNum);
const unsigned numAdditionalArgs =
hasOptions ?
2 : // numOutputs and numInputs
3; // launchOptions, numOutputs and numInputs
const unsigned numArgs = numArgsOrig + numAdditionalArgs;
// Makes extra room in the argument list for new arguments to add at position
// 1, 2, and 3. The last (numInputs + numOutput) arguments, i.e., the input
// and output allocations, are moved up numAdditionalArgs (2 or 3) positions
// in the argument list.
CE->setNumArgs(mASTCtxt, numArgs);
for (unsigned i = numArgs - 1; i >= 4; i--) {
CE->setArg(i, CE->getArg(i - numAdditionalArgs));
// Sets the new arguments for NULL launch option (if the user does not set one),
// the number of outputs, and the number of inputs.
if (!hasOptions) {
const llvm::APInt APIntZero(IntTySize, 0);
clang::Expr* IntNull =
clang::IntegerLiteral::Create(mASTCtxt, APIntZero, IntTy, Loc);
CE->setArg(1, IntNull);
const llvm::APInt APIntNumOutput(IntTySize, numOutput);
clang::Expr* IntNumOutput =
clang::IntegerLiteral::Create(mASTCtxt, APIntNumOutput, IntTy, Loc);
CE->setArg(2, IntNumOutput);
const llvm::APInt APIntNumInputs(IntTySize, numInputs);
clang::Expr* IntNumInputs =
clang::IntegerLiteral::Create(mASTCtxt, APIntNumInputs, IntTy, Loc);
CE->setArg(3, IntNumInputs);
void RSForEachLowering::VisitStmt(clang::Stmt* S) {
for (clang::Stmt* Child : S->children()) {
if (Child) {
} // namespace slang