blob: 28a17c8b06c57b5810018e898c6a940a78beeb13 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010-2012, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "slang_rs_export_type.h"
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/Attr.h"
#include "clang/AST/RecordLayout.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
#include "slang_assert.h"
#include "slang_rs_context.h"
#include "slang_rs_export_element.h"
#include "slang_version.h"
#define CHECK_PARENT_EQUALITY(ParentClass, E) \
if (!ParentClass::equals(E)) \
return false;
namespace slang {
namespace {
/* For the data types we support, their category, names, and size (in bits).
* IMPORTANT: The data types in this table should be at the same index
* as specified by the corresponding DataType enum.
static RSReflectionType gReflectionTypes[] = {
{PrimitiveDataType, "FLOAT_16", "F16", 16, "half", "half", "Half", "Half", false},
{PrimitiveDataType, "FLOAT_32", "F32", 32, "float", "float", "Float", "Float", false},
{PrimitiveDataType, "FLOAT_64", "F64", 64, "double", "double", "Double", "Double",false},
{PrimitiveDataType, "SIGNED_8", "I8", 8, "int8_t", "byte", "Byte", "Byte", false},
{PrimitiveDataType, "SIGNED_16", "I16", 16, "int16_t", "short", "Short", "Short", false},
{PrimitiveDataType, "SIGNED_32", "I32", 32, "int32_t", "int", "Int", "Int", false},
{PrimitiveDataType, "SIGNED_64", "I64", 64, "int64_t", "long", "Long", "Long", false},
{PrimitiveDataType, "UNSIGNED_8", "U8", 8, "uint8_t", "short", "UByte", "Short", true},
{PrimitiveDataType, "UNSIGNED_16", "U16", 16, "uint16_t", "int", "UShort", "Int", true},
{PrimitiveDataType, "UNSIGNED_32", "U32", 32, "uint32_t", "long", "UInt", "Long", true},
{PrimitiveDataType, "UNSIGNED_64", "U64", 64, "uint64_t", "long", "ULong", "Long", false},
{PrimitiveDataType, "BOOLEAN", "BOOLEAN", 8, "bool", "boolean", NULL, NULL, false},
{PrimitiveDataType, "UNSIGNED_5_6_5", NULL, 16, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false},
{PrimitiveDataType, "UNSIGNED_5_5_5_1", NULL, 16, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false},
{PrimitiveDataType, "UNSIGNED_4_4_4_4", NULL, 16, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false},
{MatrixDataType, "MATRIX_2X2", NULL, 4*32, "rsMatrix_2x2", "Matrix2f", NULL, NULL, false},
{MatrixDataType, "MATRIX_3X3", NULL, 9*32, "rsMatrix_3x3", "Matrix3f", NULL, NULL, false},
{MatrixDataType, "MATRIX_4X4", NULL, 16*32, "rsMatrix_4x4", "Matrix4f", NULL, NULL, false},
// RS object types are 32 bits in 32-bit RS, but 256 bits in 64-bit RS.
// This is handled specially by the GetSizeInBits() method.
{ObjectDataType, "RS_ELEMENT", "ELEMENT", 32, "Element", "Element", NULL, NULL, false},
{ObjectDataType, "RS_TYPE", "TYPE", 32, "Type", "Type", NULL, NULL, false},
{ObjectDataType, "RS_ALLOCATION", "ALLOCATION", 32, "Allocation", "Allocation", NULL, NULL, false},
{ObjectDataType, "RS_SAMPLER", "SAMPLER", 32, "Sampler", "Sampler", NULL, NULL, false},
{ObjectDataType, "RS_SCRIPT", "SCRIPT", 32, "Script", "Script", NULL, NULL, false},
{ObjectDataType, "RS_MESH", "MESH", 32, "Mesh", "Mesh", NULL, NULL, false},
{ObjectDataType, "RS_PATH", "PATH", 32, "Path", "Path", NULL, NULL, false},
{ObjectDataType, "RS_PROGRAM_FRAGMENT", "PROGRAM_FRAGMENT", 32, "ProgramFragment", "ProgramFragment", NULL, NULL, false},
{ObjectDataType, "RS_PROGRAM_VERTEX", "PROGRAM_VERTEX", 32, "ProgramVertex", "ProgramVertex", NULL, NULL, false},
{ObjectDataType, "RS_PROGRAM_RASTER", "PROGRAM_RASTER", 32, "ProgramRaster", "ProgramRaster", NULL, NULL, false},
{ObjectDataType, "RS_PROGRAM_STORE", "PROGRAM_STORE", 32, "ProgramStore", "ProgramStore", NULL, NULL, false},
{ObjectDataType, "RS_FONT", "FONT", 32, "Font", "Font", NULL, NULL, false}
const int kMaxVectorSize = 4;
struct BuiltinInfo {
clang::BuiltinType::Kind builtinTypeKind;
DataType type;
/* TODO If we return std::string instead of llvm::StringRef, we could build
* the name instead of duplicating the entries.
const char *cname[kMaxVectorSize];
BuiltinInfo BuiltinInfoTable[] = {
{clang::BuiltinType::Bool, DataTypeBoolean,
{"bool", "bool2", "bool3", "bool4"}},
{clang::BuiltinType::Char_U, DataTypeUnsigned8,
{"uchar", "uchar2", "uchar3", "uchar4"}},
{clang::BuiltinType::UChar, DataTypeUnsigned8,
{"uchar", "uchar2", "uchar3", "uchar4"}},
{clang::BuiltinType::Char16, DataTypeSigned16,
{"short", "short2", "short3", "short4"}},
{clang::BuiltinType::Char32, DataTypeSigned32,
{"int", "int2", "int3", "int4"}},
{clang::BuiltinType::UShort, DataTypeUnsigned16,
{"ushort", "ushort2", "ushort3", "ushort4"}},
{clang::BuiltinType::UInt, DataTypeUnsigned32,
{"uint", "uint2", "uint3", "uint4"}},
{clang::BuiltinType::ULong, DataTypeUnsigned32,
{"uint", "uint2", "uint3", "uint4"}},
{clang::BuiltinType::ULongLong, DataTypeUnsigned64,
{"ulong", "ulong2", "ulong3", "ulong4"}},
{clang::BuiltinType::Char_S, DataTypeSigned8,
{"char", "char2", "char3", "char4"}},
{clang::BuiltinType::SChar, DataTypeSigned8,
{"char", "char2", "char3", "char4"}},
{clang::BuiltinType::Short, DataTypeSigned16,
{"short", "short2", "short3", "short4"}},
{clang::BuiltinType::Int, DataTypeSigned32,
{"int", "int2", "int3", "int4"}},
{clang::BuiltinType::Long, DataTypeSigned64,
{"long", "long2", "long3", "long4"}},
{clang::BuiltinType::LongLong, DataTypeSigned64,
{"long", "long2", "long3", "long4"}},
{clang::BuiltinType::Float, DataTypeFloat32,
{"float", "float2", "float3", "float4"}},
{clang::BuiltinType::Double, DataTypeFloat64,
{"double", "double2", "double3", "double4"}},
const int BuiltinInfoTableCount = sizeof(BuiltinInfoTable) / sizeof(BuiltinInfoTable[0]);
struct NameAndPrimitiveType {
const char *name;
DataType dataType;
static NameAndPrimitiveType MatrixAndObjectDataTypes[] = {
{"rs_matrix2x2", DataTypeRSMatrix2x2},
{"rs_matrix3x3", DataTypeRSMatrix3x3},
{"rs_matrix4x4", DataTypeRSMatrix4x4},
{"rs_element", DataTypeRSElement},
{"rs_type", DataTypeRSType},
{"rs_allocation", DataTypeRSAllocation},
{"rs_sampler", DataTypeRSSampler},
{"rs_script", DataTypeRSScript},
{"rs_mesh", DataTypeRSMesh},
{"rs_path", DataTypeRSPath},
{"rs_program_fragment", DataTypeRSProgramFragment},
{"rs_program_vertex", DataTypeRSProgramVertex},
{"rs_program_raster", DataTypeRSProgramRaster},
{"rs_program_store", DataTypeRSProgramStore},
{"rs_font", DataTypeRSFont},
const int MatrixAndObjectDataTypesCount =
sizeof(MatrixAndObjectDataTypes) / sizeof(MatrixAndObjectDataTypes[0]);
static const clang::Type *TypeExportableHelper(
const clang::Type *T,
llvm::SmallPtrSet<const clang::Type*, 8>& SPS,
slang::RSContext *Context,
const clang::VarDecl *VD,
const clang::RecordDecl *TopLevelRecord);
template <unsigned N>
static void ReportTypeError(slang::RSContext *Context,
const clang::NamedDecl *ND,
const clang::RecordDecl *TopLevelRecord,
const char (&Message)[N],
unsigned int TargetAPI = 0) {
// Attempt to use the type declaration first (if we have one).
// Fall back to the variable definition, if we are looking at something
// like an array declaration that can't be exported.
if (TopLevelRecord) {
Context->ReportError(TopLevelRecord->getLocation(), Message)
<< TopLevelRecord->getName() << TargetAPI;
} else if (ND) {
Context->ReportError(ND->getLocation(), Message) << ND->getName()
<< TargetAPI;
} else {
slangAssert(false && "Variables should be validated before exporting");
static const clang::Type *ConstantArrayTypeExportableHelper(
const clang::ConstantArrayType *CAT,
llvm::SmallPtrSet<const clang::Type*, 8>& SPS,
slang::RSContext *Context,
const clang::VarDecl *VD,
const clang::RecordDecl *TopLevelRecord) {
// Check element type
const clang::Type *ElementType = GetConstantArrayElementType(CAT);
if (ElementType->isArrayType()) {
ReportTypeError(Context, VD, TopLevelRecord,
"multidimensional arrays cannot be exported: '%0'");
return NULL;
} else if (ElementType->isExtVectorType()) {
const clang::ExtVectorType *EVT =
static_cast<const clang::ExtVectorType*>(ElementType);
unsigned numElements = EVT->getNumElements();
const clang::Type *BaseElementType = GetExtVectorElementType(EVT);
if (!RSExportPrimitiveType::IsPrimitiveType(BaseElementType)) {
ReportTypeError(Context, VD, TopLevelRecord,
"vectors of non-primitive types cannot be exported: '%0'");
return NULL;
if (numElements == 3 && CAT->getSize() != 1) {
ReportTypeError(Context, VD, TopLevelRecord,
"arrays of width 3 vector types cannot be exported: '%0'");
return NULL;
if (TypeExportableHelper(ElementType, SPS, Context, VD,
TopLevelRecord) == NULL) {
return NULL;
} else {
return CAT;
BuiltinInfo *FindBuiltinType(clang::BuiltinType::Kind builtinTypeKind) {
for (int i = 0; i < BuiltinInfoTableCount; i++) {
if (builtinTypeKind == BuiltinInfoTable[i].builtinTypeKind) {
return &BuiltinInfoTable[i];
return NULL;
static const clang::Type *TypeExportableHelper(
clang::Type const *T,
llvm::SmallPtrSet<clang::Type const *, 8> &SPS,
slang::RSContext *Context,
clang::VarDecl const *VD,
clang::RecordDecl const *TopLevelRecord) {
// Normalize first
if ((T = GetCanonicalType(T)) == NULL)
return NULL;
if (SPS.count(T))
return T;
const clang::Type *CTI = T->getCanonicalTypeInternal().getTypePtr();
switch (T->getTypeClass()) {
case clang::Type::Builtin: {
const clang::BuiltinType *BT = static_cast<const clang::BuiltinType*>(CTI);
return FindBuiltinType(BT->getKind()) == NULL ? NULL : T;
case clang::Type::Record: {
if (RSExportPrimitiveType::GetRSSpecificType(T) != DataTypeUnknown) {
return T; // RS object type, no further checks are needed
// Check internal struct
if (T->isUnionType()) {
ReportTypeError(Context, VD, T->getAsUnionType()->getDecl(),
"unions cannot be exported: '%0'");
return NULL;
} else if (!T->isStructureType()) {
slangAssert(false && "Unknown type cannot be exported");
return NULL;
clang::RecordDecl *RD = T->getAsStructureType()->getDecl();
if (RD != NULL) {
RD = RD->getDefinition();
if (RD == NULL) {
ReportTypeError(Context, NULL, T->getAsStructureType()->getDecl(),
"struct is not defined in this module");
return NULL;
if (!TopLevelRecord) {
TopLevelRecord = RD;
if (RD->getName().empty()) {
ReportTypeError(Context, NULL, RD,
"anonymous structures cannot be exported");
return NULL;
// Fast check
if (RD->hasFlexibleArrayMember() || RD->hasObjectMember())
return NULL;
// Insert myself into checking set
// Check all element
for (clang::RecordDecl::field_iterator FI = RD->field_begin(),
FE = RD->field_end();
FI != FE;
FI++) {
const clang::FieldDecl *FD = *FI;
const clang::Type *FT = RSExportType::GetTypeOfDecl(FD);
FT = GetCanonicalType(FT);
if (!TypeExportableHelper(FT, SPS, Context, VD, TopLevelRecord)) {
return NULL;
// We don't support bit fields yet
// TODO(zonr/srhines): allow bit fields of size 8, 16, 32
if (FD->isBitField()) {
"bit fields are not able to be exported: '%0.%1'")
<< RD->getName() << FD->getName();
return NULL;
return T;
case clang::Type::Pointer: {
if (TopLevelRecord) {
ReportTypeError(Context, VD, TopLevelRecord,
"structures containing pointers cannot be exported: '%0'");
return NULL;
const clang::PointerType *PT = static_cast<const clang::PointerType*>(CTI);
const clang::Type *PointeeType = GetPointeeType(PT);
if (PointeeType->getTypeClass() == clang::Type::Pointer) {
ReportTypeError(Context, VD, TopLevelRecord,
"multiple levels of pointers cannot be exported: '%0'");
return NULL;
// We don't support pointer with array-type pointee or unsupported pointee
// type
if (PointeeType->isArrayType() ||
(TypeExportableHelper(PointeeType, SPS, Context, VD,
TopLevelRecord) == NULL))
return NULL;
return T;
case clang::Type::ExtVector: {
const clang::ExtVectorType *EVT =
static_cast<const clang::ExtVectorType*>(CTI);
// Only vector with size 2, 3 and 4 are supported.
if (EVT->getNumElements() < 2 || EVT->getNumElements() > 4)
return NULL;
// Check base element type
const clang::Type *ElementType = GetExtVectorElementType(EVT);
if ((ElementType->getTypeClass() != clang::Type::Builtin) ||
(TypeExportableHelper(ElementType, SPS, Context, VD,
TopLevelRecord) == NULL))
return NULL;
return T;
case clang::Type::ConstantArray: {
const clang::ConstantArrayType *CAT =
static_cast<const clang::ConstantArrayType*>(CTI);
return ConstantArrayTypeExportableHelper(CAT, SPS, Context, VD,
case clang::Type::Enum: {
// FIXME: We currently convert enums to integers, rather than reflecting
// a more complete (and nicer type-safe Java version).
return Context->getASTContext().IntTy.getTypePtr();
default: {
slangAssert(false && "Unknown type cannot be validated");
return NULL;
// Return the type that can be used to create RSExportType, will always return
// the canonical type
// If the Type T is not exportable, this function returns NULL. DiagEngine is
// used to generate proper Clang diagnostic messages when a
// non-exportable type is detected. TopLevelRecord is used to capture the
// highest struct (in the case of a nested hierarchy) for detecting other
// types that cannot be exported (mostly pointers within a struct).
static const clang::Type *TypeExportable(const clang::Type *T,
slang::RSContext *Context,
const clang::VarDecl *VD) {
llvm::SmallPtrSet<const clang::Type*, 8> SPS =
llvm::SmallPtrSet<const clang::Type*, 8>();
return TypeExportableHelper(T, SPS, Context, VD, NULL);
static bool ValidateRSObjectInVarDecl(slang::RSContext *Context,
clang::VarDecl *VD, bool InCompositeType,
unsigned int TargetAPI) {
// Only if we are already in a composite type (like an array or structure).
if (InCompositeType) {
// Only if we are actually exported (i.e. non-static).
if (VD->hasLinkage() &&
(VD->getFormalLinkage() == clang::ExternalLinkage)) {
// Only if we are not a pointer to an object.
const clang::Type *T = GetCanonicalType(VD->getType().getTypePtr());
if (T->getTypeClass() != clang::Type::Pointer) {
ReportTypeError(Context, VD, NULL,
"arrays/structures containing RS object types "
"cannot be exported in target API < %1: '%0'",
return false;
return true;
// Helper function for ValidateType(). We do a recursive descent on the
// type hierarchy to ensure that we can properly export/handle the
// declaration.
// \return true if the variable declaration is valid,
// false if it is invalid (along with proper diagnostics).
// C - ASTContext (for diagnostics + builtin types).
// T - sub-type that we are validating.
// ND - (optional) top-level named declaration that we are validating.
// SPS - set of types we have already seen/validated.
// InCompositeType - true if we are within an outer composite type.
// UnionDecl - set if we are in a sub-type of a union.
// TargetAPI - target SDK API level.
// IsFilterscript - whether or not we are compiling for Filterscript
static bool ValidateTypeHelper(
slang::RSContext *Context,
clang::ASTContext &C,
const clang::Type *&T,
clang::NamedDecl *ND,
clang::SourceLocation Loc,
llvm::SmallPtrSet<const clang::Type*, 8>& SPS,
bool InCompositeType,
clang::RecordDecl *UnionDecl,
unsigned int TargetAPI,
bool IsFilterscript) {
if ((T = GetCanonicalType(T)) == NULL)
return true;
if (SPS.count(T))
return true;
const clang::Type *CTI = T->getCanonicalTypeInternal().getTypePtr();
switch (T->getTypeClass()) {
case clang::Type::Record: {
if (RSExportPrimitiveType::IsRSObjectType(T)) {
clang::VarDecl *VD = (ND ? llvm::dyn_cast<clang::VarDecl>(ND) : NULL);
if (VD && !ValidateRSObjectInVarDecl(Context, VD, InCompositeType,
TargetAPI)) {
return false;
if (RSExportPrimitiveType::GetRSSpecificType(T) != DataTypeUnknown) {
if (!UnionDecl) {
return true;
} else if (RSExportPrimitiveType::IsRSObjectType(T)) {
ReportTypeError(Context, NULL, UnionDecl,
"unions containing RS object types are not allowed");
return false;
clang::RecordDecl *RD = NULL;
// Check internal struct
if (T->isUnionType()) {
RD = T->getAsUnionType()->getDecl();
UnionDecl = RD;
} else if (T->isStructureType()) {
RD = T->getAsStructureType()->getDecl();
} else {
slangAssert(false && "Unknown type cannot be exported");
return false;
if (RD != NULL) {
RD = RD->getDefinition();
if (RD == NULL) {
return true;
// Fast check
if (RD->hasFlexibleArrayMember() || RD->hasObjectMember())
return false;
// Insert myself into checking set
// Check all elements
for (clang::RecordDecl::field_iterator FI = RD->field_begin(),
FE = RD->field_end();
FI != FE;
FI++) {
const clang::FieldDecl *FD = *FI;
const clang::Type *FT = RSExportType::GetTypeOfDecl(FD);
FT = GetCanonicalType(FT);
if (!ValidateTypeHelper(Context, C, FT, ND, Loc, SPS, true, UnionDecl,
TargetAPI, IsFilterscript)) {
return false;
return true;
case clang::Type::Builtin: {
if (IsFilterscript) {
clang::QualType QT = T->getCanonicalTypeInternal();
if (QT == C.DoubleTy ||
QT == C.LongDoubleTy ||
QT == C.LongTy ||
QT == C.LongLongTy) {
if (ND) {
"Builtin types > 32 bits in size are forbidden in "
"Filterscript: '%0'")
<< ND->getName();
} else {
"Builtin types > 32 bits in size are forbidden in "
return false;
case clang::Type::Pointer: {
if (IsFilterscript) {
if (ND) {
"Pointers are forbidden in Filterscript: '%0'")
<< ND->getName();
return false;
} else {
// TODO(srhines): Find a better way to handle expressions (i.e. no
// NamedDecl) involving pointers in FS that should be allowed.
// An example would be calls to library functions like
// rsMatrixMultiply() that take rs_matrixNxN * types.
const clang::PointerType *PT = static_cast<const clang::PointerType*>(CTI);
const clang::Type *PointeeType = GetPointeeType(PT);
return ValidateTypeHelper(Context, C, PointeeType, ND, Loc, SPS,
InCompositeType, UnionDecl, TargetAPI,
case clang::Type::ExtVector: {
const clang::ExtVectorType *EVT =
static_cast<const clang::ExtVectorType*>(CTI);
const clang::Type *ElementType = GetExtVectorElementType(EVT);
InCompositeType &&
EVT->getNumElements() == 3 &&
ND &&
ND->getFormalLinkage() == clang::ExternalLinkage) {
ReportTypeError(Context, ND, NULL,
"structs containing vectors of dimension 3 cannot "
"be exported at this API level: '%0'");
return false;
return ValidateTypeHelper(Context, C, ElementType, ND, Loc, SPS, true,
UnionDecl, TargetAPI, IsFilterscript);
case clang::Type::ConstantArray: {
const clang::ConstantArrayType *CAT = static_cast<const clang::ConstantArrayType*>(CTI);
const clang::Type *ElementType = GetConstantArrayElementType(CAT);
return ValidateTypeHelper(Context, C, ElementType, ND, Loc, SPS, true,
UnionDecl, TargetAPI, IsFilterscript);
default: {
return true;
} // namespace
std::string CreateDummyName(const char *type, const std::string &name) {
std::stringstream S;
S << "<" << type;
if (!name.empty()) {
S << ":" << name;
S << ">";
return S.str();
/****************************** RSExportType ******************************/
bool RSExportType::NormalizeType(const clang::Type *&T,
llvm::StringRef &TypeName,
RSContext *Context,
const clang::VarDecl *VD) {
if ((T = TypeExportable(T, Context, VD)) == NULL) {
return false;
// Get type name
TypeName = RSExportType::GetTypeName(T);
if (Context && TypeName.empty()) {
if (VD) {
"anonymous types cannot be exported");
} else {
Context->ReportError("anonymous types cannot be exported");
return false;
return true;
bool RSExportType::ValidateType(slang::RSContext *Context, clang::ASTContext &C,
clang::QualType QT, clang::NamedDecl *ND,
clang::SourceLocation Loc,
unsigned int TargetAPI, bool IsFilterscript) {
const clang::Type *T = QT.getTypePtr();
llvm::SmallPtrSet<const clang::Type*, 8> SPS =
llvm::SmallPtrSet<const clang::Type*, 8>();
return ValidateTypeHelper(Context, C, T, ND, Loc, SPS, false, NULL, TargetAPI,
return true;
bool RSExportType::ValidateVarDecl(slang::RSContext *Context,
clang::VarDecl *VD, unsigned int TargetAPI,
bool IsFilterscript) {
return ValidateType(Context, VD->getASTContext(), VD->getType(), VD,
VD->getLocation(), TargetAPI, IsFilterscript);
const clang::Type
*RSExportType::GetTypeOfDecl(const clang::DeclaratorDecl *DD) {
if (DD) {
clang::QualType T = DD->getType();
if (T.isNull())
return NULL;
return T.getTypePtr();
return NULL;
llvm::StringRef RSExportType::GetTypeName(const clang::Type* T) {
T = GetCanonicalType(T);
if (T == NULL)
return llvm::StringRef();
const clang::Type *CTI = T->getCanonicalTypeInternal().getTypePtr();
switch (T->getTypeClass()) {
case clang::Type::Builtin: {
const clang::BuiltinType *BT = static_cast<const clang::BuiltinType*>(CTI);
BuiltinInfo *info = FindBuiltinType(BT->getKind());
if (info != NULL) {
return info->cname[0];
slangAssert(false && "Unknown data type of the builtin");
case clang::Type::Record: {
clang::RecordDecl *RD;
if (T->isStructureType()) {
RD = T->getAsStructureType()->getDecl();
} else {
llvm::StringRef Name = RD->getName();
if (Name.empty()) {
if (RD->getTypedefNameForAnonDecl() != NULL) {
Name = RD->getTypedefNameForAnonDecl()->getName();
if (Name.empty()) {
// Try to find a name from redeclaration (i.e. typedef)
for (clang::TagDecl::redecl_iterator RI = RD->redecls_begin(),
RE = RD->redecls_end();
RI != RE;
RI++) {
slangAssert(*RI != NULL && "cannot be NULL object");
Name = (*RI)->getName();
if (!Name.empty())
return Name;
case clang::Type::Pointer: {
// "*" plus pointee name
const clang::PointerType *P = static_cast<const clang::PointerType*>(CTI);
const clang::Type *PT = GetPointeeType(P);
llvm::StringRef PointeeName;
if (NormalizeType(PT, PointeeName, NULL, NULL)) {
char *Name = new char[ 1 /* * */ + PointeeName.size() + 1 ];
Name[0] = '*';
memcpy(Name + 1,, PointeeName.size());
Name[PointeeName.size() + 1] = '\0';
return Name;
case clang::Type::ExtVector: {
const clang::ExtVectorType *EVT =
static_cast<const clang::ExtVectorType*>(CTI);
return RSExportVectorType::GetTypeName(EVT);
case clang::Type::ConstantArray : {
// Construct name for a constant array is too complicated.
return CreateDummyName("ConstantArray", std::string());
default: {
return llvm::StringRef();
RSExportType *RSExportType::Create(RSContext *Context,
const clang::Type *T,
const llvm::StringRef &TypeName) {
// Lookup the context to see whether the type was processed before.
// Newly created RSExportType will insert into context
// in RSExportType::RSExportType()
RSContext::export_type_iterator ETI = Context->findExportType(TypeName);
if (ETI != Context->export_types_end())
return ETI->second;
const clang::Type *CTI = T->getCanonicalTypeInternal().getTypePtr();
RSExportType *ET = NULL;
switch (T->getTypeClass()) {
case clang::Type::Record: {
DataType dt = RSExportPrimitiveType::GetRSSpecificType(TypeName);
switch (dt) {
case DataTypeUnknown: {
// User-defined types
ET = RSExportRecordType::Create(Context,
case DataTypeRSMatrix2x2: {
// 2 x 2 Matrix type
ET = RSExportMatrixType::Create(Context,
case DataTypeRSMatrix3x3: {
// 3 x 3 Matrix type
ET = RSExportMatrixType::Create(Context,
case DataTypeRSMatrix4x4: {
// 4 x 4 Matrix type
ET = RSExportMatrixType::Create(Context,
default: {
// Others are primitive types
ET = RSExportPrimitiveType::Create(Context, T, TypeName);
case clang::Type::Builtin: {
ET = RSExportPrimitiveType::Create(Context, T, TypeName);
case clang::Type::Pointer: {
ET = RSExportPointerType::Create(Context,
static_cast<const clang::PointerType*>(CTI),
// FIXME: free the name (allocated in RSExportType::GetTypeName)
delete [];
case clang::Type::ExtVector: {
ET = RSExportVectorType::Create(Context,
static_cast<const clang::ExtVectorType*>(CTI),
case clang::Type::ConstantArray: {
ET = RSExportConstantArrayType::Create(
static_cast<const clang::ConstantArrayType*>(CTI));
default: {
Context->ReportError("unknown type cannot be exported: '%0'")
<< T->getTypeClassName();
return ET;
RSExportType *RSExportType::Create(RSContext *Context, const clang::Type *T) {
llvm::StringRef TypeName;
if (NormalizeType(T, TypeName, Context, NULL)) {
return Create(Context, T, TypeName);
} else {
return NULL;
RSExportType *RSExportType::CreateFromDecl(RSContext *Context,
const clang::VarDecl *VD) {
return RSExportType::Create(Context, GetTypeOfDecl(VD));
size_t RSExportType::getStoreSize() const {
return getRSContext()->getDataLayout()->getTypeStoreSize(getLLVMType());
size_t RSExportType::getAllocSize() const {
return getRSContext()->getDataLayout()->getTypeAllocSize(getLLVMType());
RSExportType::RSExportType(RSContext *Context,
ExportClass Class,
const llvm::StringRef &Name)
: RSExportable(Context, RSExportable::EX_TYPE),
// Make a copy on Name since memory stored @Name is either allocated in
// ASTContext or allocated in GetTypeName which will be destroyed later.
mName(, Name.size()),
// Don't cache the type whose name start with '<'. Those type failed to
// get their name since constructing their name in GetTypeName() requiring
// complicated work.
if (!IsDummyName(Name)) {
// TODO(zonr): Need to check whether the insertion is successful or not.
Context->insertExportType(llvm::StringRef(Name), this);
bool RSExportType::keep() {
if (!RSExportable::keep())
return false;
// Invalidate converted LLVM type.
return true;
bool RSExportType::equals(const RSExportable *E) const {
return (static_cast<const RSExportType*>(E)->getClass() == getClass());
RSExportType::~RSExportType() {
/************************** RSExportPrimitiveType **************************/
llvm::Type *RSExportPrimitiveType::RSObjectLLVMType = NULL;
bool RSExportPrimitiveType::IsPrimitiveType(const clang::Type *T) {
if ((T != NULL) && (T->getTypeClass() == clang::Type::Builtin))
return true;
return false;
RSExportPrimitiveType::GetRSSpecificType(const llvm::StringRef &TypeName) {
if (TypeName.empty())
return DataTypeUnknown;
if (RSSpecificTypeMap->empty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < MatrixAndObjectDataTypesCount; i++) {
RSSpecificTypeMapTy::const_iterator I = RSSpecificTypeMap->find(TypeName);
if (I == RSSpecificTypeMap->end())
return DataTypeUnknown;
return I->getValue();
DataType RSExportPrimitiveType::GetRSSpecificType(const clang::Type *T) {
T = GetCanonicalType(T);
if ((T == NULL) || (T->getTypeClass() != clang::Type::Record))
return DataTypeUnknown;
return GetRSSpecificType( RSExportType::GetTypeName(T) );
bool RSExportPrimitiveType::IsRSMatrixType(DataType DT) {
if (DT < 0 || DT >= DataTypeMax) {
return false;
return gReflectionTypes[DT].category == MatrixDataType;
bool RSExportPrimitiveType::IsRSObjectType(DataType DT) {
if (DT < 0 || DT >= DataTypeMax) {
return false;
return gReflectionTypes[DT].category == ObjectDataType;
bool RSExportPrimitiveType::IsStructureTypeWithRSObject(const clang::Type *T) {
bool RSObjectTypeSeen = false;
while (T && T->isArrayType()) {
T = T->getArrayElementTypeNoTypeQual();
const clang::RecordType *RT = T->getAsStructureType();
if (!RT) {
return false;
const clang::RecordDecl *RD = RT->getDecl();
if (RD) {
RD = RD->getDefinition();
if (!RD) {
return false;
for (clang::RecordDecl::field_iterator FI = RD->field_begin(),
FE = RD->field_end();
FI != FE;
FI++) {
// We just look through all field declarations to see if we find a
// declaration for an RS object type (or an array of one).
const clang::FieldDecl *FD = *FI;
const clang::Type *FT = RSExportType::GetTypeOfDecl(FD);
while (FT && FT->isArrayType()) {
FT = FT->getArrayElementTypeNoTypeQual();
DataType DT = GetRSSpecificType(FT);
if (IsRSObjectType(DT)) {
// RS object types definitely need to be zero-initialized
RSObjectTypeSeen = true;
} else {
switch (DT) {
case DataTypeRSMatrix2x2:
case DataTypeRSMatrix3x3:
case DataTypeRSMatrix4x4:
// Matrix types should get zero-initialized as well
RSObjectTypeSeen = true;
// Ignore all other primitive types
while (FT && FT->isArrayType()) {
FT = FT->getArrayElementTypeNoTypeQual();
if (FT->isStructureType()) {
// Recursively handle structs of structs (even though these can't
// be exported, it is possible for a user to have them internally).
RSObjectTypeSeen |= IsStructureTypeWithRSObject(FT);
return RSObjectTypeSeen;
size_t RSExportPrimitiveType::GetSizeInBits(const RSExportPrimitiveType *EPT) {
int type = EPT->getType();
slangAssert((type > DataTypeUnknown && type < DataTypeMax) &&
"RSExportPrimitiveType::GetSizeInBits : unknown data type");
// All RS object types are 256 bits in 64-bit RS.
if (EPT->isRSObjectType() && EPT->getRSContext()->is64Bit()) {
return 256;
return gReflectionTypes[type].size_in_bits;
RSExportPrimitiveType::GetDataType(RSContext *Context, const clang::Type *T) {
if (T == NULL)
return DataTypeUnknown;
switch (T->getTypeClass()) {
case clang::Type::Builtin: {
const clang::BuiltinType *BT =
static_cast<const clang::BuiltinType*>(T->getCanonicalTypeInternal().getTypePtr());
BuiltinInfo *info = FindBuiltinType(BT->getKind());
if (info != NULL) {
return info->type;
// The size of type WChar depend on platform so we abandon the support
// to them.
Context->ReportError("built-in type cannot be exported: '%0'")
<< T->getTypeClassName();
case clang::Type::Record: {
// must be RS object type
return RSExportPrimitiveType::GetRSSpecificType(T);
default: {
Context->ReportError("primitive type cannot be exported: '%0'")
<< T->getTypeClassName();
return DataTypeUnknown;
*RSExportPrimitiveType::Create(RSContext *Context,
const clang::Type *T,
const llvm::StringRef &TypeName,
bool Normalized) {
DataType DT = GetDataType(Context, T);
if ((DT == DataTypeUnknown) || TypeName.empty())
return NULL;
return new RSExportPrimitiveType(Context, ExportClassPrimitive, TypeName,
DT, Normalized);
RSExportPrimitiveType *RSExportPrimitiveType::Create(RSContext *Context,
const clang::Type *T) {
llvm::StringRef TypeName;
if (RSExportType::NormalizeType(T, TypeName, Context, NULL)
&& IsPrimitiveType(T)) {
return Create(Context, T, TypeName);
} else {
return NULL;
llvm::Type *RSExportPrimitiveType::convertToLLVMType() const {
llvm::LLVMContext &C = getRSContext()->getLLVMContext();
if (isRSObjectType()) {
// struct {
// int *p;
// } __attribute__((packed, aligned(pointer_size)))
// which is
// <{ [1 x i32] }> in LLVM
if (RSObjectLLVMType == NULL) {
std::vector<llvm::Type *> Elements;
if (getRSContext()->is64Bit()) {
// 64-bit path
Elements.push_back(llvm::ArrayType::get(llvm::Type::getInt64Ty(C), 4));
RSObjectLLVMType = llvm::StructType::get(C, Elements, true);
} else {
// 32-bit legacy path
Elements.push_back(llvm::ArrayType::get(llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(C), 1));
RSObjectLLVMType = llvm::StructType::get(C, Elements, true);
return RSObjectLLVMType;
switch (mType) {
case DataTypeFloat32: {
return llvm::Type::getFloatTy(C);
case DataTypeFloat64: {
return llvm::Type::getDoubleTy(C);
case DataTypeBoolean: {
return llvm::Type::getInt1Ty(C);
case DataTypeSigned8:
case DataTypeUnsigned8: {
return llvm::Type::getInt8Ty(C);
case DataTypeSigned16:
case DataTypeUnsigned16:
case DataTypeUnsigned565:
case DataTypeUnsigned5551:
case DataTypeUnsigned4444: {
return llvm::Type::getInt16Ty(C);
case DataTypeSigned32:
case DataTypeUnsigned32: {
return llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(C);
case DataTypeSigned64:
case DataTypeUnsigned64: {
return llvm::Type::getInt64Ty(C);
default: {
slangAssert(false && "Unknown data type");
return NULL;
bool RSExportPrimitiveType::equals(const RSExportable *E) const {
return (static_cast<const RSExportPrimitiveType*>(E)->getType() == getType());
RSReflectionType *RSExportPrimitiveType::getRSReflectionType(DataType DT) {
if (DT > DataTypeUnknown && DT < DataTypeMax) {
return &gReflectionTypes[DT];
} else {
return NULL;
/**************************** RSExportPointerType ****************************/
*RSExportPointerType::Create(RSContext *Context,
const clang::PointerType *PT,
const llvm::StringRef &TypeName) {
const clang::Type *PointeeType = GetPointeeType(PT);
const RSExportType *PointeeET;
if (PointeeType->getTypeClass() != clang::Type::Pointer) {
PointeeET = RSExportType::Create(Context, PointeeType);
} else {
// Double or higher dimension of pointer, export as int*
PointeeET = RSExportPrimitiveType::Create(Context,
if (PointeeET == NULL) {
// Error diagnostic is emitted for corresponding pointee type
return NULL;
return new RSExportPointerType(Context, TypeName, PointeeET);
llvm::Type *RSExportPointerType::convertToLLVMType() const {
llvm::Type *PointeeType = mPointeeType->getLLVMType();
return llvm::PointerType::getUnqual(PointeeType);
bool RSExportPointerType::keep() {
if (!RSExportType::keep())
return false;
return true;
bool RSExportPointerType::equals(const RSExportable *E) const {
return (static_cast<const RSExportPointerType*>(E)
/***************************** RSExportVectorType *****************************/
RSExportVectorType::GetTypeName(const clang::ExtVectorType *EVT) {
const clang::Type *ElementType = GetExtVectorElementType(EVT);
llvm::StringRef name;
if ((ElementType->getTypeClass() != clang::Type::Builtin))
return name;
const clang::BuiltinType *BT =
static_cast<const clang::BuiltinType*>(
if ((EVT->getNumElements() < 1) ||
(EVT->getNumElements() > 4))
return name;
BuiltinInfo *info = FindBuiltinType(BT->getKind());
if (info != NULL) {
int I = EVT->getNumElements() - 1;
if (I < kMaxVectorSize) {
name = info->cname[I];
} else {
slangAssert(false && "Max vector is 4");
return name;
RSExportVectorType *RSExportVectorType::Create(RSContext *Context,
const clang::ExtVectorType *EVT,
const llvm::StringRef &TypeName,
bool Normalized) {
slangAssert(EVT != NULL && EVT->getTypeClass() == clang::Type::ExtVector);
const clang::Type *ElementType = GetExtVectorElementType(EVT);
DataType DT = RSExportPrimitiveType::GetDataType(Context, ElementType);
if (DT != DataTypeUnknown)
return new RSExportVectorType(Context,
return NULL;
llvm::Type *RSExportVectorType::convertToLLVMType() const {
llvm::Type *ElementType = RSExportPrimitiveType::convertToLLVMType();
return llvm::VectorType::get(ElementType, getNumElement());
bool RSExportVectorType::equals(const RSExportable *E) const {
return (static_cast<const RSExportVectorType*>(E)->getNumElement()
== getNumElement());
/***************************** RSExportMatrixType *****************************/
RSExportMatrixType *RSExportMatrixType::Create(RSContext *Context,
const clang::RecordType *RT,
const llvm::StringRef &TypeName,
unsigned Dim) {
slangAssert((RT != NULL) && (RT->getTypeClass() == clang::Type::Record));
slangAssert((Dim > 1) && "Invalid dimension of matrix");
// Check whether the struct rs_matrix is in our expected form (but assume it's
// correct if we're not sure whether it's correct or not)
const clang::RecordDecl* RD = RT->getDecl();
RD = RD->getDefinition();
if (RD != NULL) {
// Find definition, perform further examination
if (RD->field_empty()) {
"invalid matrix struct: must have 1 field for saving values: '%0'")
<< RD->getName();
return NULL;
clang::RecordDecl::field_iterator FIT = RD->field_begin();
const clang::FieldDecl *FD = *FIT;
const clang::Type *FT = RSExportType::GetTypeOfDecl(FD);
if ((FT == NULL) || (FT->getTypeClass() != clang::Type::ConstantArray)) {
"invalid matrix struct: first field should"
" be an array with constant size: '%0'")
<< RD->getName();
return NULL;
const clang::ConstantArrayType *CAT =
static_cast<const clang::ConstantArrayType *>(FT);
const clang::Type *ElementType = GetConstantArrayElementType(CAT);
if ((ElementType == NULL) ||
(ElementType->getTypeClass() != clang::Type::Builtin) ||
(static_cast<const clang::BuiltinType *>(ElementType)->getKind() !=
clang::BuiltinType::Float)) {
"invalid matrix struct: first field "
"should be a float array: '%0'")
<< RD->getName();
return NULL;
if (CAT->getSize() != Dim * Dim) {
"invalid matrix struct: first field "
"should be an array with size %0: '%1'")
<< (Dim * Dim) << (RD->getName());
return NULL;
if (FIT != RD->field_end()) {
"invalid matrix struct: must have "
"exactly 1 field: '%0'")
<< RD->getName();
return NULL;
return new RSExportMatrixType(Context, TypeName, Dim);
llvm::Type *RSExportMatrixType::convertToLLVMType() const {
// Construct LLVM type:
// struct {
// float X[mDim * mDim];
// }
llvm::LLVMContext &C = getRSContext()->getLLVMContext();
llvm::ArrayType *X = llvm::ArrayType::get(llvm::Type::getFloatTy(C),
mDim * mDim);
return llvm::StructType::get(C, X, false);
bool RSExportMatrixType::equals(const RSExportable *E) const {
return (static_cast<const RSExportMatrixType*>(E)->getDim() == getDim());
/************************* RSExportConstantArrayType *************************/
*RSExportConstantArrayType::Create(RSContext *Context,
const clang::ConstantArrayType *CAT) {
slangAssert(CAT != NULL && CAT->getTypeClass() == clang::Type::ConstantArray);
slangAssert((CAT->getSize().getActiveBits() < 32) && "array too large");
unsigned Size = static_cast<unsigned>(CAT->getSize().getZExtValue());
slangAssert((Size > 0) && "Constant array should have size greater than 0");
const clang::Type *ElementType = GetConstantArrayElementType(CAT);
RSExportType *ElementET = RSExportType::Create(Context, ElementType);
if (ElementET == NULL) {
return NULL;
return new RSExportConstantArrayType(Context,
llvm::Type *RSExportConstantArrayType::convertToLLVMType() const {
return llvm::ArrayType::get(mElementType->getLLVMType(), getSize());
bool RSExportConstantArrayType::keep() {
if (!RSExportType::keep())
return false;
return true;
bool RSExportConstantArrayType::equals(const RSExportable *E) const {
const RSExportConstantArrayType *RHS =
static_cast<const RSExportConstantArrayType*>(E);
return ((getSize() == RHS->getSize()) &&
/**************************** RSExportRecordType ****************************/
RSExportRecordType *RSExportRecordType::Create(RSContext *Context,
const clang::RecordType *RT,
const llvm::StringRef &TypeName,
bool mIsArtificial) {
slangAssert(RT != NULL && RT->getTypeClass() == clang::Type::Record);
const clang::RecordDecl *RD = RT->getDecl();
RD = RD->getDefinition();
if (RD == NULL) {
slangAssert(false && "struct is not defined in this module");
return NULL;
// Struct layout construct by clang. We rely on this for obtaining the
// alloc size of a struct and offset of every field in that struct.
const clang::ASTRecordLayout *RL =
slangAssert((RL != NULL) &&
"Failed to retrieve the struct layout from Clang.");
RSExportRecordType *ERT =
new RSExportRecordType(Context,
unsigned int Index = 0;
for (clang::RecordDecl::field_iterator FI = RD->field_begin(),
FE = RD->field_end();
FI != FE;
FI++, Index++) {
// FIXME: All fields should be primitive type
slangAssert(FI->getKind() == clang::Decl::Field);
clang::FieldDecl *FD = *FI;
if (FD->isBitField()) {
return NULL;
// Type
RSExportType *ET = RSExportElement::CreateFromDecl(Context, FD);
if (ET != NULL) {
new Field(ET, FD->getName(), ERT,
static_cast<size_t>(RL->getFieldOffset(Index) >> 3)));
} else {
"field type cannot be exported: '%0.%1'")
<< RD->getName() << FD->getName();
return NULL;
return ERT;
llvm::Type *RSExportRecordType::convertToLLVMType() const {
// Create an opaque type since struct may reference itself recursively.
// TODO(sliao): LLVM took out the OpaqueType. Any other to migrate to?
std::vector<llvm::Type*> FieldTypes;
for (const_field_iterator FI = fields_begin(), FE = fields_end();
FI != FE;
FI++) {
const Field *F = *FI;
const RSExportType *FET = F->getType();
llvm::StructType *ST = llvm::StructType::get(getRSContext()->getLLVMContext(),
if (ST != NULL) {
return ST;
} else {
return NULL;
bool RSExportRecordType::keep() {
if (!RSExportType::keep())
return false;
for (std::list<const Field*>::iterator I = mFields.begin(),
E = mFields.end();
I != E;
I++) {
return true;
bool RSExportRecordType::equals(const RSExportable *E) const {
const RSExportRecordType *ERT = static_cast<const RSExportRecordType*>(E);
if (ERT->getFields().size() != getFields().size())
return false;
const_field_iterator AI = fields_begin(), BI = ERT->fields_begin();
for (unsigned i = 0, e = getFields().size(); i != e; i++) {
if (!(*AI)->getType()->equals((*BI)->getType()))
return false;
return true;
void RSExportType::convertToRTD(RSReflectionTypeData *rtd) const {
memset(rtd, 0, sizeof(*rtd));
rtd->vecSize = 1;
switch(getClass()) {
case RSExportType::ExportClassPrimitive: {
const RSExportPrimitiveType *EPT = static_cast<const RSExportPrimitiveType*>(this);
rtd->type = RSExportPrimitiveType::getRSReflectionType(EPT);
case RSExportType::ExportClassPointer: {
const RSExportPointerType *EPT = static_cast<const RSExportPointerType*>(this);
const RSExportType *PointeeType = EPT->getPointeeType();
rtd->isPointer = true;
case RSExportType::ExportClassVector: {
const RSExportVectorType *EVT = static_cast<const RSExportVectorType*>(this);
rtd->type = EVT->getRSReflectionType(EVT);
rtd->vecSize = EVT->getNumElement();
case RSExportType::ExportClassMatrix: {
const RSExportMatrixType *EMT = static_cast<const RSExportMatrixType*>(this);
unsigned Dim = EMT->getDim();
slangAssert((Dim >= 2) && (Dim <= 4));
rtd->type = &gReflectionTypes[15 + Dim-2];
case RSExportType::ExportClassConstantArray: {
const RSExportConstantArrayType* CAT =
static_cast<const RSExportConstantArrayType*>(this);
rtd->arraySize = CAT->getSize();
case RSExportType::ExportClassRecord: {
slangAssert(!"RSExportType::ExportClassRecord not implemented");
return;// RS_TYPE_CLASS_NAME_PREFIX + ET->getName() + ".Item";
default: {
slangAssert(false && "Unknown class of type");
} // namespace slang