blob: dab29b2b2b538e366707cadfd9cbc4ada2da44d7 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "slang_rs_context.hpp"
#include "slang_rs_export_func.hpp"
#include "slang_rs_export_type.hpp"
#include "llvm/Target/TargetData.h" /* for class llvm::TargetData */
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h" /* for clang::*Decl */
namespace slang {
RSExportFunc* RSExportFunc::Create(RSContext* Context, const FunctionDecl* FD) {
llvm::StringRef Name = FD->getName();
RSExportFunc* F;
assert(!Name.empty() && "Function must have a name");
F = new RSExportFunc(Context, Name);
/* Check whether the parameters passed to the function is exportable */
for(unsigned i=0;i<FD->getNumParams();i++) {
const ParmVarDecl* PVD = FD->getParamDecl(i);
const llvm::StringRef ParamName = PVD->getName();
assert(!ParamName.empty() && "Parameter must have a name");
printf("Note: parameter '%s' in function '%s' has default value will not support\n", ParamName.str().c_str(), Name.str().c_str());
/* Check type */
RSExportType* PET = RSExportType::CreateFromDecl(Context, PVD);
if(PET != NULL) {
F->mParams.push_back(new Parameter(PET, ParamName));
} else {
printf("Note: parameter '%s' in function '%s' uses unsupported type\n", ParamName.str().c_str(), Name.str().c_str());
delete F;
return NULL;
return F;
const RSExportRecordType* RSExportFunc::getParamPacketType() const {
/* Pack parameters */
if((mParamPacketType == NULL) && hasParam()) {
RSExportRecordType* ParamPacketType = new RSExportRecordType(mContext, "", false /* IsPacked */, true /* IsArtificial */);
int Index = 0;
for(const_param_iterator PI = params_begin();
PI != params_end();
PI++, Index++) {
const RSExportFunc::Parameter* P = *PI;
std::string nam = P->getName();
const RSExportType* typ = P->getType();
std::string typNam = typ->getName();
/* If (type conversion is needed) */
if (typNam.find("rs_") == 0) {
/* P's type set to [1 x i32]; */
RSExportConstantArrayType* ECT = new RSExportConstantArrayType(mContext, "addObj",
//printf("datatype = %d\n", ECT->getType());
ParamPacketType->mFields.push_back( new RSExportRecordType::Field(ECT, nam, ParamPacketType, Index) );
} else {
ParamPacketType->mFields.push_back( new RSExportRecordType::Field(P->getType(), nam, ParamPacketType, Index) );
ParamPacketType->AllocSize = mContext->getTargetData()->getTypeAllocSize(ParamPacketType->getLLVMType());
mParamPacketType = ParamPacketType;
return mParamPacketType;
RSExportFunc::~RSExportFunc() {
for(const_param_iterator PI = params_begin();
PI != params_end();
delete *PI;
if(mParamPacketType != NULL)
delete mParamPacketType;
} /* namespace slang */