blob: 950a74dfc2cf368d38afcd66ca26538f7424b898 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "slang_rs_reflect_utils.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "os_sep.h"
#include "slang_assert.h"
#include "slang_utils.h"
namespace slang {
using std::string;
string RSSlangReflectUtils::GetFileNameStem(const char* fileName) {
const char *dot = fileName + strlen(fileName);
const char *slash = dot - 1;
while (slash >= fileName) {
if (*slash == OS_PATH_SEPARATOR) {
if ((*slash == '.') && (*dot == 0)) {
dot = slash;
return string(slash, dot - slash);
string RSSlangReflectUtils::ComputePackagedPath(
const char *prefixPath, const char *packageName) {
string packaged_path(prefixPath);
if (!packaged_path.empty() &&
(packaged_path[packaged_path.length() - 1] != OS_PATH_SEPARATOR)) {
packaged_path += OS_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR;
size_t s = packaged_path.length();
packaged_path += packageName;
while (s < packaged_path.length()) {
if (packaged_path[s] == '.') {
packaged_path[s] = OS_PATH_SEPARATOR;
return packaged_path;
static string InternalFileNameConvert(const char *rsFileName, bool toLower) {
const char *dot = rsFileName + strlen(rsFileName);
const char *slash = dot - 1;
while (slash >= rsFileName) {
if (*slash == OS_PATH_SEPARATOR) {
if ((*slash == '.') && (*dot == 0)) {
dot = slash;
char ret[256];
int i = 0;
for (; (i < 255) && (slash < dot); ++slash) {
if (isalnum(*slash) || *slash == '_') {
if (toLower) {
ret[i] = tolower(*slash);
} else {
ret[i] = *slash;
ret[i] = 0;
return string(ret);
std::string RSSlangReflectUtils::JavaClassNameFromRSFileName(
const char *rsFileName) {
return InternalFileNameConvert(rsFileName, false);
std::string RSSlangReflectUtils::BCFileNameFromRSFileName(
const char *rsFileName) {
return InternalFileNameConvert(rsFileName, true);
std::string RSSlangReflectUtils::JavaBitcodeClassNameFromRSFileName(
const char *rsFileName) {
std::string tmp(InternalFileNameConvert(rsFileName, false));
return tmp.append("BitCode");
static bool GenerateAccessorHeader(
const RSSlangReflectUtils::BitCodeAccessorContext &context, FILE *pfout) {
fprintf(pfout, "/*\n");
fprintf(pfout, " * This file is auto-generated. DO NOT MODIFY!\n");
fprintf(pfout, " * The source Renderscript file: %s\n", context.rsFileName);
fprintf(pfout, " */\n\n");
fprintf(pfout, "package %s;\n\n", context.packageName);
// add imports here.
return true;
static bool GenerateAccessorMethodSignature(
const RSSlangReflectUtils::BitCodeAccessorContext &context, FILE *pfout) {
// the prototype of the accessor method
fprintf(pfout, " // return byte array representation of the bitcode.\n");
fprintf(pfout, " public static byte[] getBitCode32() {\n");
return true;
// Java method size must not exceed 64k,
// so we have to split the bitcode into multiple segments.
static bool GenerateSegmentMethod(
const char *buff, int blen, int seg_num, FILE *pfout) {
fprintf(pfout, " private static byte[] getSegment32_%d() {\n", seg_num);
fprintf(pfout, " byte[] data = {\n");
static const int LINE_BYTE_NUM = 16;
char out_line[LINE_BYTE_NUM*6 + 10];
const char *out_line_end = out_line + sizeof(out_line);
char *p = out_line;
int write_length = 0;
while (write_length < blen) {
p += snprintf(p, out_line_end - p,
" %4d,", static_cast<int>(buff[write_length]));
if (((write_length % LINE_BYTE_NUM) == 0)
|| (write_length == blen)) {
fprintf(pfout, " ");
fprintf(pfout, "%s", out_line);
fprintf(pfout, "\n");
p = out_line;
fprintf(pfout, " };\n");
fprintf(pfout, " return data;\n");
fprintf(pfout, " }\n\n");
return true;
static bool GenerateJavaCodeAccessorMethod(
const RSSlangReflectUtils::BitCodeAccessorContext &context, FILE *pfout) {
FILE *pfin = fopen(context.bcFileName, "rb");
if (pfin == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not read file %s\n", context.bcFileName);
return false;
// start the accessor method
GenerateAccessorMethodSignature(context, pfout);
fprintf(pfout, " return getBitCode32Internal();\n");
// end the accessor method
fprintf(pfout, " };\n\n");
// output the data
// make sure the generated function for a segment won't break the Javac
// size limitation (64K).
static const int SEG_SIZE = 0x2000;
char *buff = new char[SEG_SIZE];
int read_length;
int seg_num = 0;
int total_length = 0;
while ((read_length = fread(buff, 1, SEG_SIZE, pfin)) > 0) {
GenerateSegmentMethod(buff, read_length, seg_num, pfout);
total_length += read_length;
delete []buff;
// output the internal accessor method
fprintf(pfout, " private static int bitCodeLength = %d;\n\n",
fprintf(pfout, " private static byte[] getBitCode32Internal() {\n");
fprintf(pfout, " byte[] bc = new byte[bitCodeLength];\n");
fprintf(pfout, " int offset = 0;\n");
fprintf(pfout, " byte[] seg;\n");
for (int i = 0; i < seg_num; ++i) {
fprintf(pfout, " seg = getSegment32_%d();\n", i);
fprintf(pfout, " System.arraycopy(seg, 0, bc, offset, seg.length);\n");
fprintf(pfout, " offset += seg.length;\n");
fprintf(pfout, " return bc;\n");
fprintf(pfout, " }\n\n");
return true;
static bool GenerateAccessorClass(
const RSSlangReflectUtils::BitCodeAccessorContext &context,
const char *clazz_name, FILE *pfout) {
// begin the class.
fprintf(pfout, "/**\n");
fprintf(pfout, " * @hide\n");
fprintf(pfout, " */\n");
fprintf(pfout, "public class %s {\n", clazz_name);
fprintf(pfout, "\n");
bool ret = true;
switch (context.bcStorage) {
slangAssert(false && "Invalid generation of bitcode accessor with resource");
ret = GenerateJavaCodeAccessorMethod(context, pfout);
ret = false;
// end the class.
fprintf(pfout, "}\n");
return ret;
bool RSSlangReflectUtils::GenerateBitCodeAccessor(
const BitCodeAccessorContext &context) {
string output_path = ComputePackagedPath(context.reflectPath,
if (!SlangUtils::CreateDirectoryWithParents(llvm::StringRef(output_path),
NULL)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not create dir %s\n",
return false;
string clazz_name(JavaBitcodeClassNameFromRSFileName(context.rsFileName));
string filename(clazz_name);
filename += ".java";
string output_filename(output_path);
output_filename += OS_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR;
output_filename += filename;
printf("Generating %s ...\n", filename.c_str());
FILE *pfout = fopen(output_filename.c_str(), "w");
if (pfout == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not write to file %s\n",
return false;
bool ret = GenerateAccessorHeader(context, pfout) &&
GenerateAccessorClass(context, clazz_name.c_str(), pfout);
return ret;
} // namespace slang