blob: 164c9b67319584d937c67856d56531e20015a9dc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "Manager"
#include "Manager.h"
#include <android/hidl/manager/1.2/IServiceManager.h>
#include <build/version.h>
#include <hidl/HidlTransportSupport.h>
#include <hidl/ServiceManagement.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "Callbacks.h"
#include "CpuExecutor.h"
#include "ExecutionBurstController.h"
#include "HalInterfaces.h"
#include "Memory.h"
#include "MetaModel.h"
#include "ModelArgumentInfo.h"
#include "Tracing.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "VersionedInterfaces.h"
namespace android {
namespace nn {
using namespace hal;
const Timing kNoTiming = {.timeOnDevice = UINT64_MAX, .timeInDriver = UINT64_MAX};
// A Device with actual underlying driver
class DriverDevice : public Device {
// Create a DriverDevice from a name and an IDevice.
// Returns nullptr on failure.
static std::shared_ptr<DriverDevice> create(std::string name, sp<V1_0::IDevice> device);
// Prefer using DriverDevice::create
DriverDevice(std::shared_ptr<VersionedIDevice> device);
const std::string& getName() const override { return kInterface->getName(); }
const std::string& getVersionString() const override { return kInterface->getVersionString(); }
int64_t getFeatureLevel() const override { return kInterface->getFeatureLevel(); }
int32_t getType() const override { return kInterface->getType(); }
const std::vector<Extension>& getSupportedExtensions() const override {
return kInterface->getSupportedExtensions();
std::vector<bool> getSupportedOperations(const MetaModel& metaModel) const override;
PerformanceInfo getPerformance(OperandType type) const override {
const auto& capabilities = kInterface->getCapabilities();
return lookup(capabilities.operandPerformance, type);
PerformanceInfo getRelaxedFloat32toFloat16PerformanceScalar() const override {
const auto& capabilities = kInterface->getCapabilities();
return capabilities.relaxedFloat32toFloat16PerformanceScalar;
PerformanceInfo getRelaxedFloat32toFloat16PerformanceTensor() const override {
const auto& capabilities = kInterface->getCapabilities();
return capabilities.relaxedFloat32toFloat16PerformanceTensor;
bool isCachingSupported() const override {
// Caching is supported if either of numModelCache or numDataCache is greater than 0.
const auto [numModelCacheFiles, numDataCacheFiles] =
return numModelCacheFiles > 0 || numDataCacheFiles > 0;
std::pair<int, std::shared_ptr<PreparedModel>> prepareModel(
const ModelFactory& makeModel, ExecutionPreference preference,
const std::string& cacheDir,
const std::optional<CacheToken>& maybeToken) const override;
const std::shared_ptr<VersionedIDevice> kInterface;
// For debugging: behavior of IDevice::getSupportedOperations for SampleDriver.
// 0 - all operations reported by IDevice::getSupportedOperations() supported
// 1 - some operations reported by IDevice::getSupportedOperations() supported
uint32_t mSupported = 0;
// A PreparedModel with underlying IPreparedModel instance return by actual driver.
class DriverPreparedModel : public PreparedModel {
DriverPreparedModel(const std::shared_ptr<VersionedIPreparedModel>& preparedModel)
: mPreparedModel(preparedModel) {
CHECK(mPreparedModel != nullptr);
std::tuple<int, std::vector<OutputShape>, Timing> execute(
const std::vector<ModelArgumentInfo>& inputs,
const std::vector<ModelArgumentInfo>& outputs, const MemoryTracker& memories,
const std::shared_ptr<ExecutionBurstController>& burstController,
MeasureTiming measure) const override;
std::shared_ptr<ExecutionBurstController> configureExecutionBurst(
bool preferPowerOverLatency) const override {
return mPreparedModel->configureExecutionBurst(preferPowerOverLatency);
const std::shared_ptr<VersionedIPreparedModel> mPreparedModel;
DriverDevice::DriverDevice(std::shared_ptr<VersionedIDevice> device)
: kInterface(std::move(device)) {
static const char samplePrefix[] = "sample";
if (getName().substr(0, sizeof(samplePrefix) - 1) == samplePrefix) {
mSupported = getProp("debug.nn.sample.supported");
std::shared_ptr<DriverDevice> DriverDevice::create(std::string name, sp<V1_0::IDevice> device) {
CHECK(device != nullptr);
std::shared_ptr<VersionedIDevice> versionedDevice =
VersionedIDevice::create(name, std::move(device));
if (versionedDevice == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "DriverDevice::create failed to create VersionedIDevice object for service "
<< name;
return nullptr;
return std::make_shared<DriverDevice>(std::move(versionedDevice));
std::vector<bool> DriverDevice::getSupportedOperations(const MetaModel& metaModel) const {
// Query the driver for what it can do.
ErrorStatus status = ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE;
std::vector<bool> supportedOperations;
std::tie(status, supportedOperations) = kInterface->getSupportedOperations(metaModel);
const Model& hidlModel = metaModel.getModel();
if (status != ErrorStatus::NONE) {
LOG(ERROR) << "IDevice::getSupportedOperations returned the error " << toString(status);
// Set the supported operation vectors to all false, so we won't use this driver.
return std::vector<bool>(hidlModel.operations.size(), false);
if (supportedOperations.size() != hidlModel.operations.size()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "IDevice::getSupportedOperations returned a vector of length "
<< supportedOperations.size() << " when expecting "
<< hidlModel.operations.size();
// Set the supported operation vectors to all false, so we won't use this driver.
return std::vector<bool>(hidlModel.operations.size(), false);
if (mSupported != 1) {
return supportedOperations;
const uint32_t baseAccumulator = std::hash<std::string>{}(getName());
for (size_t operationIndex = 0; operationIndex < supportedOperations.size(); operationIndex++) {
if (!supportedOperations[operationIndex]) {
uint32_t accumulator = baseAccumulator;
const Operation& operation = hidlModel.operations[operationIndex];
accumulator ^= static_cast<uint32_t>(operation.type);
auto accumulateOperands = [&hidlModel, &accumulator](const hidl_vec<uint32_t>& operands) {
for (uint32_t operandIndex : operands) {
const Operand& operand = hidlModel.operands[operandIndex];
accumulator ^= static_cast<uint32_t>(operand.type);
accumulator ^= operand.dimensions.size();
for (uint32_t dimension : operand.dimensions) {
accumulator ^= dimension;
if (operand.lifetime == OperandLifeTime::CONSTANT_COPY ||
operand.lifetime == OperandLifeTime::CONSTANT_REFERENCE) {
accumulator ^= 1;
if (accumulator & 1) {
supportedOperations[operationIndex] = false;
return supportedOperations;
std::pair<int, std::shared_ptr<PreparedModel>> DriverDevice::prepareModel(
const ModelFactory& makeModel, ExecutionPreference preference, const std::string& cacheDir,
const std::optional<CacheToken>& maybeToken) const {
const auto [n, preparedModel] =
kInterface->prepareModel(makeModel, preference, cacheDir, maybeToken);
return {n, nullptr};
CHECK(preparedModel != nullptr) << "prepareModel returned nullptr without error code";
return {ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR, std::make_shared<DriverPreparedModel>(preparedModel)};
// Figures out how to place each of the input or outputs in a buffer. This just
// does the layout and memory allocation, it does not copy data. Aligns each
// input a bit.
static std::tuple<int, std::unique_ptr<MemoryAshmem>, std::vector<DataLocation>>
allocatePointerArgumentsToPool(const std::vector<ModelArgumentInfo>& args,
MemoryTracker* memories) {
CHECK(memories != nullptr);
std::vector<DataLocation> ptrArgsLocations;
const uint32_t nextPoolIndex = memories->size();
int64_t total = 0;
for (const auto& info : args) {
if (info.state == ModelArgumentInfo::POINTER) {
const DataLocation& loc = info.locationAndLength;
// TODO Good enough alignment?
total += alignBytesNeeded(static_cast<uint32_t>(total), loc.length);
ptrArgsLocations.push_back({.poolIndex = nextPoolIndex,
.offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(total),
.length = loc.length});
total += loc.length;
if (total > 0xFFFFFFFF) {
LOG(ERROR) << "allocatePointerArgumentsToPool: ANeuralNetworksExecution: Size of all "
"inputs or outputs exceeds 2^32.";
return {ANEURALNETWORKS_BAD_DATA, nullptr, std::vector<DataLocation>{}};
if (total <= 0) {
return {ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR, nullptr, std::vector<DataLocation>{}};
auto [n, memory] = MemoryAshmem::create(total);
return {n, nullptr, std::vector<DataLocation>{}};
return {ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR, std::move(memory), std::move(ptrArgsLocations)};
// Perform computation on an actual HIDL driver.
// Because HIDL cannot take raw pointers, two separate memory pools will be allocated for inputs and
// outputs specified by pointers. The input pointer data will be copied to the input pool prior to
// execution, and the output pointer data will be copied out from the output pool after the
// execution.
// The HIDL invocation will choose between sync/async execution according to
// DeviceManager::mSyncExecHal.
std::tuple<int, std::vector<OutputShape>, Timing> DriverPreparedModel::execute(
const std::vector<ModelArgumentInfo>& inputs, const std::vector<ModelArgumentInfo>& outputs,
const MemoryTracker& memories,
const std::shared_ptr<ExecutionBurstController>& burstController,
MeasureTiming measure) const {
// Make a copy of the memory tracker as we will append memory pools for pointer arguments.
MemoryTracker localMemories = memories;
// We separate the input & output pools so accelerators only need to copy
// the contents of the input pools. We could also use it to set protection
// on read only memory but that's not currently done.
// Layout the input and output data
const auto [n1, inputPtrArgsMemory, inputPtrArgsLocations] =
allocatePointerArgumentsToPool(inputs, &localMemories);
return {n1, {}, kNoTiming};
const auto [n2, outputPtrArgsMemory, outputPtrArgsLocations] =
allocatePointerArgumentsToPool(outputs, &localMemories);
return {n2, {}, kNoTiming};
// Copy the input data that was specified via a pointer.
if (inputPtrArgsMemory != nullptr) {
uint32_t ptrInputIndex = 0;
for (const auto& info : inputs) {
if (info.state == ModelArgumentInfo::POINTER) {
const DataLocation& loc = inputPtrArgsLocations[ptrInputIndex++];
uint8_t* const data = inputPtrArgsMemory->getPointer();
memcpy(data + loc.offset, info.buffer, loc.length);
Request request;
request.inputs = createRequestArguments(inputs, inputPtrArgsLocations);
request.outputs = createRequestArguments(outputs, outputPtrArgsLocations);
uint32_t count = localMemories.size();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
request.pools[i] = localMemories[i]->getHidlMemory();
std::vector<OutputShape> outputShapes;
Timing timing = kNoTiming;
// compute using burst if present
const bool burstCompute = (burstController != nullptr);
bool burstFallback = false;
if (burstCompute) {
std::vector<intptr_t> memoryIds;
for (const Memory* memory : localMemories) {
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "Before ExecutionBurstController->compute() "
<< SHOW_IF_DEBUG(toString(request));
std::tie(n, outputShapes, timing, burstFallback) =
burstController->compute(request, measure, memoryIds);
// compute from IPreparedModel if either:
// (1) burst was not supplied, or
// (2) the burst execution failed and requested a fallback execution
if (!burstCompute || burstFallback) {
const bool preferSynchronous = DeviceManager::get()->syncExecHal();
std::tie(n, outputShapes, timing) =
mPreparedModel->execute(request, measure, preferSynchronous);
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "**Execution failed**";
return {n, std::move(outputShapes), timing};
// Copy the output data from shared memory to the output buffers.
if (outputPtrArgsMemory != nullptr) {
uint32_t ptrOutputIndex = 0;
for (const auto& info : outputs) {
if (info.state == ModelArgumentInfo::POINTER) {
const DataLocation& loc = outputPtrArgsLocations[ptrOutputIndex++];
const uint8_t* const data = outputPtrArgsMemory->getPointer();
memcpy(info.buffer, data + loc.offset, loc.length);
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "DriverPreparedModel::execute completed";
return {ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR, std::move(outputShapes), timing};
// A special abstracted device for the CPU. Only one instance of this class will exist.
// Use get() to retrieve it.
class CpuDevice : public Device {
// Returns the singleton CPU fallback device.
static std::shared_ptr<CpuDevice> get() {
static std::shared_ptr<CpuDevice> instance(new CpuDevice);
return instance;
const std::string& getName() const override { return kName; }
const std::string& getVersionString() const override { return kVersionString; }
int64_t getFeatureLevel() const override { return kFeatureLevel; }
int32_t getType() const override { return ANEURALNETWORKS_DEVICE_CPU; }
const std::vector<Extension>& getSupportedExtensions() const override {
return kSupportedExtensions;
std::vector<bool> getSupportedOperations(const MetaModel& metaModel) const override;
PerformanceInfo getPerformance(OperandType) const override { return kPerformance; }
PerformanceInfo getRelaxedFloat32toFloat16PerformanceScalar() const override {
return kPerformance;
PerformanceInfo getRelaxedFloat32toFloat16PerformanceTensor() const override {
return kPerformance;
bool isCachingSupported() const override { return false; }
std::pair<int, std::shared_ptr<PreparedModel>> prepareModel(
const ModelFactory& makeModel, ExecutionPreference preference,
const std::string& cacheDir,
const std::optional<CacheToken>& maybeToken) const override;
CpuDevice() = default;
const int64_t kFeatureLevel = __ANDROID_API__;
const std::string kName = "nnapi-reference";
const std::string kVersionString = build::GetBuildNumber();
// Since the performance is a ratio compared to the CPU performance,
// by definition the performance of the CPU is 1.0.
const PerformanceInfo kPerformance = {.execTime = 1.0f, .powerUsage = 1.0f};
const std::vector<Extension> kSupportedExtensions{/* No extensions. */};
// A special abstracted PreparedModel for the CPU, constructed by CpuDevice.
class CpuPreparedModel : public PreparedModel {
// Factory method for CpuPreparedModel. Returns ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR and
// a prepared model object if successfully created. Returns an error code
// and nullptr otherwise.
static std::pair<int, std::shared_ptr<PreparedModel>> create(Model hidlModel);
std::tuple<int, std::vector<OutputShape>, Timing> execute(
const std::vector<ModelArgumentInfo>& inputs,
const std::vector<ModelArgumentInfo>& outputs, const MemoryTracker& memories,
const std::shared_ptr<ExecutionBurstController>& burstController,
MeasureTiming measure) const override;
std::shared_ptr<ExecutionBurstController> configureExecutionBurst(
bool /*preferPowerOverLatency*/) const override {
return nullptr;
// Prefer to use CpuPreparedModel::create.
CpuPreparedModel(Model model, std::vector<RunTimePoolInfo> poolInfos)
: mModel(std::move(model)), mModelPoolInfos(std::move(poolInfos)) {}
const Model mModel;
const std::vector<RunTimePoolInfo> mModelPoolInfos;
std::vector<bool> CpuDevice::getSupportedOperations(const MetaModel& metaModel) const {
const Model& hidlModel = metaModel.getModel();
const size_t count = hidlModel.operations.size();
std::vector<bool> result(count, false);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// TODO(b/119870033): Decide whether and how post-P operations would be supported on CPU.
// We may want to use the slicer for CpuDevice just as we do for
// DriverDevice.
OperationType operationType = hidlModel.operations[i].type;
result[i] = !isExtensionOperationType(operationType) &&
operationType != OperationType::OEM_OPERATION;
return result;
std::pair<int, std::shared_ptr<PreparedModel>> CpuDevice::prepareModel(
const ModelFactory& makeModel, ExecutionPreference preference,
const std::string& /*cacheDir*/, const std::optional<CacheToken>& maybeToken) const {
<< "Should never call prepareModel with cache information on CpuDevice";
const Model model = makeModel();
if (!validateModel(model) || !validateExecutionPreference(preference)) {
return CpuPreparedModel::create(model);
std::pair<int, std::shared_ptr<PreparedModel>> CpuPreparedModel::create(Model hidlModel) {
std::vector<RunTimePoolInfo> poolInfos;
if (!setRunTimePoolInfosFromHidlMemories(&poolInfos, hidlModel.pools)) {
std::shared_ptr<PreparedModel> preparedModel =
std::make_shared<CpuPreparedModel>(std::move(hidlModel), std::move(poolInfos));
return {ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR, std::move(preparedModel)};
static std::tuple<int, std::vector<OutputShape>, Timing> computeOnCpu(
const Model& model, const Request& request,
const std::vector<RunTimePoolInfo>& modelPoolInfos,
const std::vector<RunTimePoolInfo>& requestPoolInfos) {
CpuExecutor executor;
int err =, request, modelPoolInfos, requestPoolInfos);
const auto& outputShapes = executor.getOutputShapes();
return {err, outputShapes, kNoTiming};
// Perform computation on NNAPI CPU reference implementation.
// Contrary to DriverPreparedModel::execute, the NNAPI CPU reference executor lives in the
// same process as the NNAPI runtime and can take raw pointers. We will create as many pools as
// there are input/output in this method to avoid data copying.
// Will choose between sync/async execution according to DeviceManager::mSyncExecCpu.
std::tuple<int, std::vector<OutputShape>, Timing> CpuPreparedModel::execute(
const std::vector<ModelArgumentInfo>& inputs, const std::vector<ModelArgumentInfo>& outputs,
const MemoryTracker& memories,
const std::shared_ptr<ExecutionBurstController>& /*burstController*/,
MeasureTiming /*measure*/) const {
std::vector<RunTimePoolInfo> requestPoolInfos;
for (const Memory* mem : memories) {
if (std::optional<RunTimePoolInfo> poolInfo =
RunTimePoolInfo::createFromHidlMemory(mem->getHidlMemory())) {
} else {
// Create as many pools as there are input / output.
auto fixPointerArguments =
[&requestPoolInfos](const std::vector<ModelArgumentInfo>& argumentInfos) {
std::vector<DataLocation> ptrArgsLocations;
for (const ModelArgumentInfo& argumentInfo : argumentInfos) {
if (argumentInfo.state == ModelArgumentInfo::POINTER) {
{.poolIndex = static_cast<uint32_t>(requestPoolInfos.size()),
.offset = 0,
.length = argumentInfo.locationAndLength.length});
return ptrArgsLocations;
const std::vector<DataLocation> inputPtrArgsLocations = fixPointerArguments(inputs);
const std::vector<DataLocation> outputPtrArgsLocations = fixPointerArguments(outputs);
Request request;
request.inputs = createRequestArguments(inputs, inputPtrArgsLocations);
request.outputs = createRequestArguments(outputs, outputPtrArgsLocations);
if (!DeviceManager::get()->syncExecCpu()) {
// TODO: use a thread pool
// TODO(mikie): this could have NNTRACE so we could measure the overhead
// of spinning up a new thread.
std::tuple<int, std::vector<OutputShape>, Timing> result = {};
std::thread([this, &request, &requestPoolInfos, &result] {
result = computeOnCpu(mModel, request, mModelPoolInfos, requestPoolInfos);
return result;
return computeOnCpu(mModel, request, mModelPoolInfos, requestPoolInfos);
DeviceManager* DeviceManager::get() {
static DeviceManager manager;
return &manager;
std::shared_ptr<Device> DeviceManager::getCpuDevice() {
return CpuDevice::get();
std::shared_ptr<Device> DeviceManager::forTest_makeDriverDevice(const std::string& name,
const sp<V1_0::IDevice>& device) {
const auto driverDevice = DriverDevice::create(name, device);
CHECK(driverDevice != nullptr);
return driverDevice;
void DeviceManager::findAvailableDevices() {
VLOG(MANAGER) << "findAvailableDevices";
// register driver devices
const auto names = hardware::getAllHalInstanceNames(V1_0::IDevice::descriptor);
for (const auto& name : names) {
VLOG(MANAGER) << "Found interface " << name;
sp<V1_0::IDevice> device = V1_0::IDevice::getService(name);
if (device == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Got a null IDEVICE for " << name;
registerDevice(name, device);
// register CPU fallback device
void DeviceManager::registerDevice(const std::string& name, const sp<V1_0::IDevice>& device) {
if (const auto d = DriverDevice::create(name, device)) {
DeviceManager::DeviceManager() {
VLOG(MANAGER) << "DeviceManager::DeviceManager";
mStrictSlicing = (getProp("debug.nn.strict-slicing") != 0);
mPartitioning = getProp("debug.nn.partition", kPartitioningDefault);
mDebugNNCpuOnly = (getProp("debug.nn.cpuonly") != 0);
mSyncExecCpu = (getProp("debug.nn.syncexec-cpu", 1) != 0);
if (!mSyncExecHalSetter) {
mSyncExecHal = (getProp("debug.nn.syncexec-hal", 1) != 0);
mSyncExecRuntime = (getProp("debug.nn.syncexec-runtime") != 0);
} // namespace nn
} // namespace android