blob: f26ca38c2a1060b41aa432de70d963e01c77b652 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017, The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""VTS testcase generator
Implements VTS test backend. Shares most logic with the CTS test
generator. Invoked by ml/nn/runtime/test/specs/;
See that script for details on how this script is used.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
from functools import reduce
import math
import os
import struct
import sys
import contextlib
import test_generator
import pprint
# Stuff from test generator
from test_generator import Configuration
from test_generator import Example
from test_generator import Float32Scalar
from test_generator import IgnoredOutput
from test_generator import Input
from test_generator import Int32Scalar
from test_generator import Internal
from test_generator import Model
from test_generator import Operand
from test_generator import Output
from test_generator import Parameter
from test_generator import smart_open
# Take a model from command line
def import_source():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("spec", help="the spec file")
"-m", "--model", help="the output model file", default="-")
"-e", "--example", help="the output example file", default="-")
args = parser.parse_args()
if os.path.exists(args.spec):
test_generator.FileNames.SpecFile = os.path.basename(args.spec)
exec (open(args.spec).read())
return (args.model, args.example)
# Generate operands in VTS format
def generate_vts_operands():
# Dump operand definitions
op_def = """\
.type = OperandType::{operand_type},
.dimensions = {shape},
.numberOfConsumers = {no_consumers},
.scale = {scale},
.zeroPoint = {zero_point},
.lifetime = OperandLifeTime::{lifetime},
.location = {{.poolIndex = 0, .offset = {offset}, .length = {length}}},
offset = 0
op_definitions = []
for o in Operand.operands.objects():
ty = o.type
no_consumers = len(o.outs) if o.traversable() else 0
lifetime = o.lifetime()
length = ty.get_size() if o.is_weight() else 0
real_shape, scale, zero_point = ty.get_parsed_shape()
scale = float(scale)
zero_point = int(zero_point)
op = {
"operand_type": ty.get_element_type(),
"shape": "{%s}" % real_shape,
"no_consumers": no_consumers,
"scale": test_generator.pretty_print_as_float(scale),
"zero_point": str(int(zero_point)),
"lifetime": lifetime,
"offset": offset if o.is_weight() else 0,
"length": length
offset += length
op_vec = """\
const std::vector<Operand> operands = {{
return op_vec
# Generate VTS operand values
def generate_vts_operand_values():
weights = [o for o in Operand.operands.objects() if o.is_weight()]
binit = []
for w in weights:
ty = w.type.get_element_type()
binit += w.initializer
elif ty in {"TENSOR_FLOAT32", "FLOAT32", "TENSOR_INT32", "INT32"}:
fmt = "f" if (ty == "TENSOR_FLOAT32" or ty == "FLOAT32") else "i"
for f in w.initializer:
binit += [int(x) for x in struct.pack(fmt, f)]
assert 0 and "Unsupported VTS operand type"
init_defs = ", ".join([str(x) for x in binit])
if (init_defs != ""):
init_defs = "\n %s\n " % init_defs
byte_vec_fmt = """{%s}""" % init_defs
return byte_vec_fmt
# Generate VTS operations
class VTSOps(object):
vts_ops = []
def generate_vts_operation(op):
opcode =op.optype
except AttributeError: # not an op, but things like weights
op_fmt = """\
.type = OperationType::{op_code},
.inputs = {{{ins}}},
.outputs = {{{outs}}},
op_content = {
'op_code': op.optype,
'op_type': op.type.get_element_type(),
'ins': ", ".join([str(x.ID()) for x in op.ins]),
'outs': ", ".join([str(x.ID()) for x in op.outs]),
return True
def generate_vts_operations(model_file):
test_generator.TopologicalSort(lambda x: VTSOps.generate_vts_operation(x))
return ",\n".join(VTSOps.vts_ops)
def generate_vts_model(model_file):
operand_values_fmt = ""
if Configuration.useSHM():
# Boilerplate code for passing weights in shared memory
operand_values_fmt = """\
std::vector<uint8_t> operandValues = {{}};
const uint8_t data[] = {operand_values};
// Allocate segment of android shared memory, wrapped in hidl_memory.
// This object will be automatically freed when sharedMemory is destroyed.
hidl_memory sharedMemory = allocateSharedMemory(sizeof(data));
// Mmap ashmem into usable address and hold it within the mappedMemory object.
// MappedMemory will automatically munmap the memory when it is destroyed.
sp<IMemory> mappedMemory = mapMemory(sharedMemory);
if (mappedMemory != nullptr) {{
// Retrieve the mmapped pointer.
uint8_t* mappedPointer =
if (mappedPointer != nullptr) {{
// Acquire the write lock for the shared memory segment, upload the data,
// and release the lock.
std::copy(data, data + sizeof(data), mappedPointer);
const std::vector<hidl_memory> pools = {{sharedMemory}};
# Passing weights via operandValues
operand_values_fmt = """\
std::vector<uint8_t> operandValues = {operand_values};
const std::vector<hidl_memory> pools = {{}};
operand_values_val = {
'operand_values': generate_vts_operand_values()
operand_values = operand_values_fmt.format(**operand_values_val)
# operand_values = operand_values_fmt
model_fmt = """\
// Generated code. Do not edit
// Create the model
Model createTestModel() {{
const std::vector<Operation> operations = {{
const std::vector<uint32_t> inputIndexes = {{{input_indices}}};
const std::vector<uint32_t> outputIndexes = {{{output_indices}}};
return {{
.operands = operands,
.operations = operations,
.inputIndexes = inputIndexes,
.outputIndexes = outputIndexes,
.operandValues = operandValues,
.pools = pools,
model = {
"operations": generate_vts_operations(sys.stdout),
"operand_decls": generate_vts_operands(),
"operand_values": operand_values,
"output_indices": ", ".join([str(i.ID()) for i in Output.get_outputs()]),
"input_indices": ", ".join([str(i.ID()) for i in Input.get_inputs(True)])
print(model_fmt.format(**model), file = model_file)
def generate_vts(model_file):
print (IgnoredOutput.gen_ignored(), file=model_file)
if __name__ == "__main__":
(model, example) = import_source()
print("Output VTS model: %s" % model, file=sys.stderr)
print("Output example:" + example, file=sys.stderr)
with smart_open(model) as model_file:
with smart_open(example) as example_file: