Merge "surfaceflinger: fix per-frame metadata to be per-layer" into pi-dev
diff --git a/cmds/dumpstate/dumpstate.cpp b/cmds/dumpstate/dumpstate.cpp
index 9648ede..80ef788 100644
--- a/cmds/dumpstate/dumpstate.cpp
+++ b/cmds/dumpstate/dumpstate.cpp
@@ -32,14 +32,20 @@
 #include <sys/time.h>
 #include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <functional>
+#include <future>
 #include <memory>
 #include <regex>
 #include <set>
 #include <string>
+#include <utility>
 #include <vector>
 #include <android-base/file.h>
 #include <android-base/properties.h>
+#include <android-base/scopeguard.h>
 #include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
 #include <android-base/strings.h>
 #include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
@@ -53,6 +59,7 @@
 #include <private/android_filesystem_config.h>
 #include <private/android_logger.h>
 #include <serviceutils/PriorityDumper.h>
+#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
 #include "DumpstateInternal.h"
 #include "DumpstateSectionReporter.h"
 #include "DumpstateService.h"
@@ -1533,77 +1540,101 @@
     printf("== Board\n");
-    ::android::sp<IDumpstateDevice> dumpstate_device(IDumpstateDevice::getService());
-    if (dumpstate_device == nullptr) {
-        MYLOGE("No IDumpstateDevice implementation\n");
-        return;
-    }
     if (!IsZipping()) {
         MYLOGD("Not dumping board info because it's not a zipped bugreport\n");
-    std::string path[NUM_OF_DUMPS];
-    android::base::unique_fd fd[NUM_OF_DUMPS];
-    int numFds = 0;
+    std::vector<std::string> paths;
+    std::vector<android::base::ScopeGuard<std::function<void()>>> remover;
     for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_DUMPS; i++) {
-        path[i] = kDumpstateBoardPath + kDumpstateBoardFiles[i];
-        MYLOGI("Calling IDumpstateDevice implementation using path %s\n", path[i].c_str());
+        paths.emplace_back(kDumpstateBoardPath + kDumpstateBoardFiles[i]);
+        remover.emplace_back(android::base::make_scope_guard(std::bind(
+            [](std::string path) {
+                if (remove(path.c_str()) != 0 && errno != ENOENT) {
+                    MYLOGE("Could not remove(%s): %s\n", path.c_str(), strerror(errno));
+                }
+            },
+            paths[i])));
+    }
-        fd[i] = android::base::unique_fd(
-            TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open(path[i].c_str(),
-            S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH)));
-        if (fd[i] < 0) {
-            MYLOGE("Could not open file %s: %s\n", path[i].c_str(), strerror(errno));
-            return;
-        } else {
-            numFds++;
+    // Given that bugreport is required to diagnose failures, it's better to
+    // drop the result of IDumpstateDevice than to block the rest of bugreport
+    // for an arbitrary amount of time.
+    std::packaged_task<std::unique_ptr<ssize_t[]>()>
+        dumpstate_task([paths]() -> std::unique_ptr<ssize_t[]> {
+            ::android::sp<IDumpstateDevice> dumpstate_device(IDumpstateDevice::getService());
+            if (dumpstate_device == nullptr) {
+                MYLOGE("No IDumpstateDevice implementation\n");
+                return nullptr;
+            }
+            using ScopedNativeHandle =
+                std::unique_ptr<native_handle_t, std::function<void(native_handle_t*)>>;
+            ScopedNativeHandle handle(native_handle_create(static_cast<int>(paths.size()), 0),
+                                      [](native_handle_t* handle) {
+                                          native_handle_close(handle);
+                                          native_handle_delete(handle);
+                                      });
+            if (handle == nullptr) {
+                MYLOGE("Could not create native_handle\n");
+                return nullptr;
+            }
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) {
+                MYLOGI("Calling IDumpstateDevice implementation using path %s\n", paths[i].c_str());
+                android::base::unique_fd fd(TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(
+                    open(paths[i].c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_CLOEXEC | O_NOFOLLOW,
+                         S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH)));
+                if (fd < 0) {
+                    MYLOGE("Could not open file %s: %s\n", paths[i].c_str(), strerror(errno));
+                    return nullptr;
+                }
+                handle.get()->data[i] = fd.release();
+            }
+            android::hardware::Return<void> status = dumpstate_device->dumpstateBoard(handle.get());
+            if (!status.isOk()) {
+                MYLOGE("dumpstateBoard failed: %s\n", status.description().c_str());
+                return nullptr;
+            }
+            auto file_sizes = std::make_unique<ssize_t[]>(paths.size());
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) {
+                struct stat s;
+                if (fstat(handle.get()->data[i], &s) == -1) {
+                    MYLOGE("Failed to fstat %s: %s\n", kDumpstateBoardFiles[i].c_str(),
+                           strerror(errno));
+                    file_sizes[i] = -1;
+                    continue;
+                }
+                file_sizes[i] = s.st_size;
+            }
+            return file_sizes;
+        });
+    auto result = dumpstate_task.get_future();
+    std::thread(std::move(dumpstate_task)).detach();
+    if (result.wait_for(10s) != std::future_status::ready) {
+        MYLOGE("dumpstateBoard timed out after 10s\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    std::unique_ptr<ssize_t[]> file_sizes = result.get();
+    if (file_sizes == nullptr) {
+        return;
+    }
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) {
+        if (file_sizes[i] == -1) {
+            continue;
-    }
-    native_handle_t *handle = native_handle_create(numFds, 0);
-    if (handle == nullptr) {
-        MYLOGE("Could not create native_handle\n");
-        return;
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < numFds; i++) {
-        handle->data[i] = fd[i].release();
-    }
-    // TODO: need a timeout mechanism so dumpstate does not hang on device implementation call.
-    android::hardware::Return<void> status = dumpstate_device->dumpstateBoard(handle);
-    if (!status.isOk()) {
-        MYLOGE("dumpstateBoard failed: %s\n", status.description().c_str());
-        native_handle_close(handle);
-        native_handle_delete(handle);
-        return;
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < numFds; i++) {
-        struct stat s;
-        if (fstat(handle->data[i], &s) == -1) {
-            MYLOGE("Failed to fstat %s: %d\n", kDumpstateBoardFiles[i].c_str(), errno);
-        } else if (s.st_size > 0) {
-            AddZipEntry(kDumpstateBoardFiles[i], path[i]);
-        } else {
+        if (file_sizes[i] == 0) {
             MYLOGE("Ignoring empty %s\n", kDumpstateBoardFiles[i].c_str());
+            continue;
+        AddZipEntry(kDumpstateBoardFiles[i], paths[i]);
     printf("*** See dumpstate-board.txt entry ***\n");
-    native_handle_close(handle);
-    native_handle_delete(handle);
-    for (int i = 0; i < numFds; i++) {
-        if (remove(path[i].c_str()) != 0) {
-            MYLOGE("Could not remove(%s): %s\n", path[i].c_str(), strerror(errno));
-        }
-    }
 static void ShowUsageAndExit(int exitCode = 1) {
diff --git a/libs/gui/GLConsumer.cpp b/libs/gui/GLConsumer.cpp
index 788a6eb..885efec 100644
--- a/libs/gui/GLConsumer.cpp
+++ b/libs/gui/GLConsumer.cpp
@@ -984,7 +984,8 @@
     if (mCurrentFence->isValid()) {
-        if (SyncFeatures::getInstance().useWaitSync()) {
+        if (SyncFeatures::getInstance().useWaitSync() &&
+            SyncFeatures::getInstance().useNativeFenceSync()) {
             // Create an EGLSyncKHR from the current fence.
             int fenceFd = mCurrentFence->dup();
             if (fenceFd == -1) {
diff --git a/libs/ui/DebugUtils.cpp b/libs/ui/DebugUtils.cpp
index d7d8618..58fed84 100644
--- a/libs/ui/DebugUtils.cpp
+++ b/libs/ui/DebugUtils.cpp
@@ -234,6 +234,33 @@
     return android::base::StringPrintf("Unknown color mode %d", colorMode);
+std::string decodeColorTransform(android_color_transform colorTransform) {
+    switch (colorTransform) {
+            return std::string("Identity");
+            return std::string("Arbitrary matrix");
+            return std::string("Inverse value");
+            return std::string("Grayscale");
+            return std::string("Correct protanopia");
+            return std::string("Correct deuteranopia");
+            return std::string("Correct tritanopia");
+    }
+    return android::base::StringPrintf("Unknown color transform %d", colorTransform);
 // Converts a PixelFormat to a human-readable string.  Max 11 chars.
 // (Could use a table of prefab String8 objects.)
 std::string decodePixelFormat(android::PixelFormat format) {
diff --git a/libs/ui/include/ui/DebugUtils.h b/libs/ui/include/ui/DebugUtils.h
index 6350d0c..5e5df43 100644
--- a/libs/ui/include/ui/DebugUtils.h
+++ b/libs/ui/include/ui/DebugUtils.h
@@ -30,5 +30,6 @@
 std::string decodeRange(android_dataspace dataspace);
 std::string dataspaceDetails(android_dataspace dataspace);
 std::string decodeColorMode(android::ui::ColorMode colormode);
+std::string decodeColorTransform(android_color_transform colorTransform);
 std::string decodePixelFormat(android::PixelFormat format);
 std::string to_string(const android::Rect& rect);
diff --git a/opengl/libs/EGL/eglApi.cpp b/opengl/libs/EGL/eglApi.cpp
index b453d19..f3a9ad8 100644
--- a/opengl/libs/EGL/eglApi.cpp
+++ b/opengl/libs/EGL/eglApi.cpp
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
 char const * const gExtensionString  =
         "EGL_KHR_image "                        // mandatory
         "EGL_KHR_image_base "                   // mandatory
+        "EGL_KHR_image_gl_colorspace "
         "EGL_KHR_image_pixmap "
         "EGL_KHR_lock_surface "
         "EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace "
diff --git a/services/sensorservice/SensorService.cpp b/services/sensorservice/SensorService.cpp
index 2bd0a19..8e9e7fd 100644
--- a/services/sensorservice/SensorService.cpp
+++ b/services/sensorservice/SensorService.cpp
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
     : mInitCheck(NO_INIT), mSocketBufferSize(SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE_NON_BATCHED),
       mWakeLockAcquired(false) {
+    mUidPolicy = new UidPolicy(this);
 bool SensorService::initializeHmacKey() {
@@ -283,7 +284,6 @@
             // Start watching UID changes to apply policy.
-            mUidPolicy = new UidPolicy(this);
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/Android.bp b/services/surfaceflinger/Android.bp
index ba28eb5..ff994f5 100644
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/Android.bp
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/Android.bp
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
+        "LayerStats.cpp",
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/DisplayDevice.cpp b/services/surfaceflinger/DisplayDevice.cpp
index 93cb849..8281ce0 100644
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/DisplayDevice.cpp
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/DisplayDevice.cpp
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@
@@ -267,6 +268,16 @@
     return mActiveColorMode;
+void DisplayDevice::setColorTransform(const mat4& transform) {
+    const bool isIdentity = (transform == mat4());
+    mColorTransform =
+android_color_transform_t DisplayDevice::getColorTransform() const {
+    return mColorTransform;
 void DisplayDevice::setCompositionDataSpace(android_dataspace dataspace) {
     ANativeWindow* const window = mNativeWindow.get();
     native_window_set_buffers_data_space(window, dataspace);
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/DisplayDevice.h b/services/surfaceflinger/DisplayDevice.h
index df729f5..31bb4d0 100644
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/DisplayDevice.h
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/DisplayDevice.h
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math/mat4.h>
 #include <ui/Region.h>
 #include <binder/IBinder.h>
@@ -163,6 +165,8 @@
     ui::ColorMode getActiveColorMode() const;
     void setActiveColorMode(ui::ColorMode mode);
+    android_color_transform_t getColorTransform() const;
+    void setColorTransform(const mat4& transform);
     void setCompositionDataSpace(android_dataspace dataspace);
     /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -237,6 +241,8 @@
     int mActiveConfig;
     // current active color mode
     ui::ColorMode mActiveColorMode;
+    // Current color transform
+    android_color_transform_t mColorTransform;
     // Need to know if display is wide-color capable or not.
     // Initialized by SurfaceFlinger when the DisplayDevice is created.
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/DisplayHardware/HWC2.cpp b/services/surfaceflinger/DisplayHardware/HWC2.cpp
index 98daec3..c2425ce 100644
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/DisplayHardware/HWC2.cpp
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/DisplayHardware/HWC2.cpp
@@ -366,7 +366,6 @@
     auto intError = mComposer.getColorModes(mId, outModes);
     return static_cast<Error>(intError);
-    return Error::None;
 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Display::Config>> Display::getConfigs() const
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/Layer.cpp b/services/surfaceflinger/Layer.cpp
index 166ac22..5c945ed 100644
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/Layer.cpp
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/Layer.cpp
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 #include <gui/LayerDebugInfo.h>
 #include <gui/Surface.h>
+#include "BufferLayer.h"
 #include "Colorizer.h"
 #include "DisplayDevice.h"
 #include "Layer.h"
@@ -635,6 +636,7 @@
         hwcInfo.forceClientComposition = true;
     } else {
         auto transform = static_cast<HWC2::Transform>(orientation);
+        hwcInfo.transform = transform;
         auto error = hwcLayer->setTransform(transform);
         ALOGE_IF(error != HWC2::Error::None,
                  "[%s] Failed to set transform %s: "
@@ -1923,6 +1925,31 @@
+void Layer::writeToProto(LayerProto* layerInfo, int32_t hwcId) {
+    writeToProto(layerInfo, LayerVector::StateSet::Drawing);
+    const auto& hwcInfo = getBE();
+    const Rect& frame = hwcInfo.displayFrame;
+    LayerProtoHelper::writeToProto(frame, layerInfo->mutable_hwc_frame());
+    const FloatRect& crop = hwcInfo.sourceCrop;
+    LayerProtoHelper::writeToProto(crop, layerInfo->mutable_hwc_crop());
+    const int32_t transform = static_cast<int32_t>(hwcInfo.transform);
+    layerInfo->set_hwc_transform(transform);
+    const int32_t compositionType = static_cast<int32_t>(hwcInfo.compositionType);
+    layerInfo->set_hwc_composition_type(compositionType);
+    if (std::strcmp(getTypeId(), "BufferLayer") == 0 &&
+        static_cast<BufferLayer*>(this)->isProtected()) {
+        layerInfo->set_is_protected(true);
+    } else {
+        layerInfo->set_is_protected(false);
+    }
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 }; // namespace android
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/Layer.h b/services/surfaceflinger/Layer.h
index 9a9b5e6..69ffb20 100644
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/Layer.h
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/Layer.h
@@ -113,7 +113,8 @@
-                clearClientTarget(false) {}
+                clearClientTarget(false),
+                transform(HWC2::Transform::None) {}
         HWComposer* hwc;
         HWC2::Layer* layer;
@@ -123,6 +124,7 @@
         Rect displayFrame;
         FloatRect sourceCrop;
         HWComposerBufferCache bufferCache;
+        HWC2::Transform transform;
     // A layer can be attached to multiple displays when operating in mirror mode
@@ -357,6 +359,8 @@
     void writeToProto(LayerProto* layerInfo,
                       LayerVector::StateSet stateSet = LayerVector::StateSet::Drawing);
+    void writeToProto(LayerProto* layerInfo, int32_t hwcId);
      * onDraw - draws the surface.
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/LayerProtoHelper.cpp b/services/surfaceflinger/LayerProtoHelper.cpp
index 6a33148..cc39550 100644
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/LayerProtoHelper.cpp
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/LayerProtoHelper.cpp
@@ -37,6 +37,13 @@
+void LayerProtoHelper::writeToProto(const FloatRect& rect, FloatRectProto* rectProto) {
+    rectProto->set_left(rect.left);
+    rectProto->set_top(;
+    rectProto->set_bottom(rect.bottom);
+    rectProto->set_right(rect.right);
 void LayerProtoHelper::writeToProto(const half4 color, ColorProto* colorProto) {
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/LayerProtoHelper.h b/services/surfaceflinger/LayerProtoHelper.h
index 45a0b5d..860da63 100644
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/LayerProtoHelper.h
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/LayerProtoHelper.h
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 class LayerProtoHelper {
     static void writeToProto(const Rect& rect, RectProto* rectProto);
+    static void writeToProto(const FloatRect& rect, FloatRectProto* rectProto);
     static void writeToProto(const Region& region, RegionProto* regionProto);
     static void writeToProto(const half4 color, ColorProto* colorProto);
     static void writeToProto(const Transform& transform, TransformProto* transformProto);
@@ -36,4 +37,4 @@
 } // namespace surfaceflinger
-} // namespace android
\ No newline at end of file
+} // namespace android
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/LayerStats.cpp b/services/surfaceflinger/LayerStats.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38ea6ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/LayerStats.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+ * Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#undef LOG_TAG
+#define LOG_TAG "LayerStats"
+#include "LayerStats.h"
+#include "DisplayHardware/HWComposer.h"
+#include "ui/DebugUtils.h"
+#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
+#include <log/log.h>
+#include <utils/String8.h>
+#include <utils/Trace.h>
+namespace android {
+void LayerStats::enable() {
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
+    if (mEnabled) return;
+    mLayerShapeStatsMap.clear();
+    mEnabled = true;
+    ALOGD("Logging enabled");
+void LayerStats::disable() {
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
+    if (!mEnabled) return;
+    mEnabled = false;
+    ALOGD("Logging disabled");
+void LayerStats::clear() {
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
+    mLayerShapeStatsMap.clear();
+    ALOGD("Cleared current layer stats");
+bool LayerStats::isEnabled() {
+    return mEnabled;
+void LayerStats::traverseLayerTreeStatsLocked(
+        std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LayerProtoParser::Layer>> layerTree,
+        const LayerProtoParser::LayerGlobal* layerGlobal, std::vector<std::string>& layerShapeVec) {
+    for (std::unique_ptr<LayerProtoParser::Layer>& layer : layerTree) {
+        if (!layer) continue;
+        traverseLayerTreeStatsLocked(std::move(layer->children), layerGlobal, layerShapeVec);
+        std::string key = "";
+        base::StringAppendF(&key, ",%s", layer->type.c_str());
+        base::StringAppendF(&key, ",%s", layerCompositionType(layer->hwcCompositionType));
+        base::StringAppendF(&key, ",%d", layer->isProtected);
+        base::StringAppendF(&key, ",%s", layerTransform(layer->hwcTransform));
+        base::StringAppendF(&key, ",%s", layerPixelFormat(layer->activeBuffer.format));
+        base::StringAppendF(&key, ",%s", layer->dataspace.c_str());
+        base::StringAppendF(&key, ",%s",
+                            destinationLocation(layer->hwcFrame.left, layerGlobal->resolution[0],
+                                                true));
+        base::StringAppendF(&key, ",%s",
+                            destinationLocation(layer->, layerGlobal->resolution[1],
+                                                false));
+        base::StringAppendF(&key, ",%s",
+                            destinationSize(layer->hwcFrame.right - layer->hwcFrame.left,
+                                            layerGlobal->resolution[0], true));
+        base::StringAppendF(&key, ",%s",
+                            destinationSize(layer->hwcFrame.bottom - layer->,
+                                            layerGlobal->resolution[1], false));
+        base::StringAppendF(&key, ",%s", scaleRatioWH(layer.get()).c_str());
+        base::StringAppendF(&key, ",%s", alpha(static_cast<float>(layer->color.a)));
+        layerShapeVec.push_back(key);
+        ALOGV("%s", key.c_str());
+    }
+void LayerStats::logLayerStats(const LayersProto& layersProto) {
+    ALOGV("Logging");
+    auto layerGlobal = LayerProtoParser::generateLayerGlobalInfo(layersProto);
+    auto layerTree = LayerProtoParser::generateLayerTree(layersProto);
+    std::vector<std::string> layerShapeVec;
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
+    traverseLayerTreeStatsLocked(std::move(layerTree), &layerGlobal, layerShapeVec);
+    std::string layerShapeKey =
+            base::StringPrintf("%d,%s,%s,%s", static_cast<int32_t>(layerShapeVec.size()),
+                               layerGlobal.colorMode.c_str(), layerGlobal.colorTransform.c_str(),
+                               layerTransform(layerGlobal.globalTransform));
+    ALOGV("%s", layerShapeKey.c_str());
+    std::sort(layerShapeVec.begin(), layerShapeVec.end(), std::greater<std::string>());
+    for (auto const& s : layerShapeVec) {
+        layerShapeKey += s;
+    }
+    mLayerShapeStatsMap[layerShapeKey]++;
+void LayerStats::dump(String8& result) {
+    ALOGD("Dumping");
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
+    result.append("Frequency,LayerCount,ColorMode,ColorTransform,Orientation\n");
+    result.append("LayerType,CompositionType,IsProtected,Transform,PixelFormat,Dataspace,");
+    result.append("DstX,DstY,DstWidth,DstHeight,WScale,HScale,Alpha\n");
+    for (auto& u : mLayerShapeStatsMap) {
+        result.appendFormat("%u,%s\n", u.second, u.first.c_str());
+    }
+const char* LayerStats::destinationLocation(int32_t location, int32_t range, bool isHorizontal) {
+    static const char* locationArray[8] = {"0", "1/8", "1/4", "3/8", "1/2", "5/8", "3/4", "7/8"};
+    int32_t ratio = location * 8 / range;
+    if (ratio < 0) return "N/A";
+    if (isHorizontal) {
+        // X location is divided into 4 buckets {"0", "1/4", "1/2", "3/4"}
+        if (ratio > 6) return "3/4";
+        // use index 0, 2, 4, 6
+        return locationArray[ratio & ~1];
+    }
+    if (ratio > 7) return "7/8";
+    return locationArray[ratio];
+const char* LayerStats::destinationSize(int32_t size, int32_t range, bool isWidth) {
+    static const char* sizeArray[8] = {"1/8", "1/4", "3/8", "1/2", "5/8", "3/4", "7/8", "1"};
+    int32_t ratio = size * 8 / range;
+    if (ratio < 0) return "N/A";
+    if (isWidth) {
+        // width is divided into 4 buckets {"1/4", "1/2", "3/4", "1"}
+        if (ratio > 6) return "1";
+        // use index 1, 3, 5, 7
+        return sizeArray[ratio | 1];
+    }
+    if (ratio > 7) return "1";
+    return sizeArray[ratio];
+const char* LayerStats::layerTransform(int32_t transform) {
+    return getTransformName(static_cast<hwc_transform_t>(transform));
+const char* LayerStats::layerCompositionType(int32_t compositionType) {
+    return getCompositionName(static_cast<hwc2_composition_t>(compositionType));
+const char* LayerStats::layerPixelFormat(int32_t pixelFormat) {
+    return decodePixelFormat(pixelFormat).c_str();
+std::string LayerStats::scaleRatioWH(const LayerProtoParser::Layer* layer) {
+    if (!layer->"ColorLayer")) return "N/A,N/A";
+    std::string ret = "";
+    if (isRotated(layer->hwcTransform)) {
+        ret += scaleRatio(layer->hwcFrame.right - layer->hwcFrame.left,
+                          static_cast<int32_t>(layer->hwcCrop.bottom - layer->;
+        ret += ",";
+        ret += scaleRatio(layer->hwcFrame.bottom - layer->,
+                          static_cast<int32_t>(layer->hwcCrop.right - layer->hwcCrop.left));
+    } else {
+        ret += scaleRatio(layer->hwcFrame.right - layer->hwcFrame.left,
+                          static_cast<int32_t>(layer->hwcCrop.right - layer->hwcCrop.left));
+        ret += ",";
+        ret += scaleRatio(layer->hwcFrame.bottom - layer->,
+                          static_cast<int32_t>(layer->hwcCrop.bottom - layer->;
+    }
+    return ret;
+const char* LayerStats::scaleRatio(int32_t destinationScale, int32_t sourceScale) {
+    // Make scale buckets from <1/64 to >= 16, to avoid floating point
+    // calculation, x64 on destinationScale first
+    int32_t scale = destinationScale * 64 / sourceScale;
+    if (!scale) return "<1/64";
+    if (scale < 2) return "1/64";
+    if (scale < 4) return "1/32";
+    if (scale < 8) return "1/16";
+    if (scale < 16) return "1/8";
+    if (scale < 32) return "1/4";
+    if (scale < 64) return "1/2";
+    if (scale < 128) return "1";
+    if (scale < 256) return "2";
+    if (scale < 512) return "4";
+    if (scale < 1024) return "8";
+    return ">=16";
+const char* LayerStats::alpha(float a) {
+    if (a == 1.0f) return "1.0";
+    if (a > 0.9f) return "0.99";
+    if (a > 0.8f) return "0.9";
+    if (a > 0.7f) return "0.8";
+    if (a > 0.6f) return "0.7";
+    if (a > 0.5f) return "0.6";
+    if (a > 0.4f) return "0.5";
+    if (a > 0.3f) return "0.4";
+    if (a > 0.2f) return "0.3";
+    if (a > 0.1f) return "0.2";
+    if (a > 0.0f) return "0.1";
+    return "0.0";
+bool LayerStats::isRotated(int32_t transform) {
+    return transform & HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_90;
+bool LayerStats::isVFlipped(int32_t transform) {
+    return transform & HWC_TRANSFORM_FLIP_V;
+bool LayerStats::isHFlipped(int32_t transform) {
+    return transform & HWC_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H;
+}  // namespace android
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/LayerStats.h b/services/surfaceflinger/LayerStats.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7871fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/LayerStats.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ * Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <layerproto/LayerProtoHeader.h>
+#include <layerproto/LayerProtoParser.h>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <unordered_map>
+using namespace android::surfaceflinger;
+namespace android {
+class String8;
+class LayerStats {
+    void enable();
+    void disable();
+    void clear();
+    bool isEnabled();
+    void logLayerStats(const LayersProto& layersProto);
+    void dump(String8& result);
+    // Traverse layer tree to get all visible layers' stats
+    void traverseLayerTreeStatsLocked(
+            std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LayerProtoParser::Layer>> layerTree,
+            const LayerProtoParser::LayerGlobal* layerGlobal,
+            std::vector<std::string>& layerShapeVec);
+    // Convert layer's top-left position into 8x8 percentage of the display
+    static const char* destinationLocation(int32_t location, int32_t range, bool isHorizontal);
+    // Convert layer's size into 8x8 percentage of the display
+    static const char* destinationSize(int32_t size, int32_t range, bool isWidth);
+    // Return the name of the transform
+    static const char* layerTransform(int32_t transform);
+    // Return the name of the composition type
+    static const char* layerCompositionType(int32_t compositionType);
+    // Return the name of the pixel format
+    static const char* layerPixelFormat(int32_t pixelFormat);
+    // Calculate scale ratios of layer's width/height with rotation information
+    static std::string scaleRatioWH(const LayerProtoParser::Layer* layer);
+    // Calculate scale ratio from source to destination and convert to string
+    static const char* scaleRatio(int32_t destinationScale, int32_t sourceScale);
+    // Bucket the alpha into designed buckets
+    static const char* alpha(float a);
+    // Return whether the original buffer is rotated in final composition
+    static bool isRotated(int32_t transform);
+    // Return whether the original buffer is V-flipped in final composition
+    static bool isVFlipped(int32_t transform);
+    // Return whether the original buffer is H-flipped in final composition
+    static bool isHFlipped(int32_t transform);
+    bool mEnabled = false;
+    // Protect mLayersStatsMap
+    std::mutex mMutex;
+    // Hashmap for tracking the frame(layer shape) stats
+    // KEY is a concatenation of all layers' properties within a frame
+    // VALUE is the number of times this particular set has been scanned out
+    std::unordered_map<std::string, uint32_t> mLayerShapeStatsMap;
+}  // namespace android
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/SurfaceFlinger.cpp b/services/surfaceflinger/SurfaceFlinger.cpp
index f180a3b..f7f5b58 100644
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/SurfaceFlinger.cpp
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/SurfaceFlinger.cpp
@@ -1484,6 +1484,7 @@
+    logLayerStats();
@@ -1553,6 +1554,25 @@
+void SurfaceFlinger::logLayerStats() {
+    if (CC_UNLIKELY(mLayerStats.isEnabled())) {
+        int32_t hwcId = -1;
+        for (size_t dpy = 0; dpy < mDisplays.size(); ++dpy) {
+            const sp<const DisplayDevice>& displayDevice(mDisplays[dpy]);
+            if (displayDevice->isPrimary()) {
+                hwcId = displayDevice->getHwcDisplayId();
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (hwcId < 0) {
+            ALOGE("LayerStats: Hmmm, no primary display?");
+            return;
+        }
+        mLayerStats.logLayerStats(dumpVisibleLayersProtoInfo(hwcId));
+    }
 void SurfaceFlinger::preComposition(nsecs_t refreshStartTime)
@@ -1940,6 +1960,7 @@
         if (colorMatrix != mPreviousColorMatrix) {
+            displayDevice->setColorTransform(colorMatrix);
             status_t result = getBE().mHwc->setColorTransform(hwcId, colorMatrix);
             ALOGE_IF(result != NO_ERROR, "Failed to set color transform on "
                     "display %zd: %d", displayId, result);
@@ -3772,6 +3793,34 @@
                 dumpAll = false;
+            if ((index < numArgs) &&
+                (args[index] == String16("--enable-layer-stats"))) {
+                index++;
+                mLayerStats.enable();
+                dumpAll = false;
+            }
+            if ((index < numArgs) &&
+                (args[index] == String16("--disable-layer-stats"))) {
+                index++;
+                mLayerStats.disable();
+                dumpAll = false;
+            }
+            if ((index < numArgs) &&
+                (args[index] == String16("--clear-layer-stats"))) {
+                index++;
+                mLayerStats.clear();
+                dumpAll = false;
+            }
+            if ((index < numArgs) &&
+                (args[index] == String16("--dump-layer-stats"))) {
+                index++;
+                mLayerStats.dump(result);
+                dumpAll = false;
+            }
         if (dumpAll) {
@@ -3979,6 +4028,29 @@
     return layersProto;
+LayersProto SurfaceFlinger::dumpVisibleLayersProtoInfo(int32_t hwcId) const {
+    LayersProto layersProto;
+    const sp<DisplayDevice>& displayDevice(mDisplays[hwcId]);
+    SizeProto* resolution = layersProto.mutable_resolution();
+    resolution->set_w(displayDevice->getWidth());
+    resolution->set_h(displayDevice->getHeight());
+    layersProto.set_color_mode(decodeColorMode(displayDevice->getActiveColorMode()));
+    layersProto.set_color_transform(decodeColorTransform(displayDevice->getColorTransform()));
+    layersProto.set_global_transform(
+            static_cast<int32_t>(displayDevice->getOrientationTransform()));
+    mDrawingState.traverseInZOrder([&](Layer* layer) {
+        if (!layer->visibleRegion.isEmpty() && layer->getBE().mHwcLayers.count(hwcId)) {
+            LayerProto* layerProto = layersProto.add_layers();
+            layer->writeToProto(layerProto, hwcId);
+        }
+    });
+    return layersProto;
 void SurfaceFlinger::dumpAllLocked(const Vector<String16>& args, size_t& index,
         String8& result) const
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/SurfaceFlinger.h b/services/surfaceflinger/SurfaceFlinger.h
index 448509b..c7c3088 100644
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/SurfaceFlinger.h
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/SurfaceFlinger.h
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
 #include "DisplayDevice.h"
 #include "DispSync.h"
 #include "FrameTracker.h"
+#include "LayerStats.h"
 #include "LayerVector.h"
 #include "MessageQueue.h"
 #include "SurfaceInterceptor.h"
@@ -645,6 +646,7 @@
     void doComposition();
     void doDebugFlashRegions();
     void doTracing(const char* where);
+    void logLayerStats();
     void doDisplayComposition(const sp<const DisplayDevice>& displayDevice, const Region& dirtyRegion);
     // compose surfaces for display hw. this fails if using GL and the surface
@@ -711,6 +713,7 @@
     void dumpBufferingStats(String8& result) const;
     void dumpWideColorInfo(String8& result) const;
     LayersProto dumpProtoInfo(LayerVector::StateSet stateSet) const;
+    LayersProto dumpVisibleLayersProtoInfo(int32_t hwcId) const;
     bool isLayerTripleBufferingDisabled() const {
         return this->mLayerTripleBufferingDisabled;
@@ -797,6 +800,7 @@
     std::unique_ptr<SurfaceInterceptor> mInterceptor =
     SurfaceTracing mTracing;
+    LayerStats mLayerStats;
     bool mUseHwcVirtualDisplays = false;
     // Restrict layers to use two buffers in their bufferqueues.
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/layerproto/LayerProtoParser.cpp b/services/surfaceflinger/layerproto/LayerProtoParser.cpp
index 1383d28..fcf42f0 100644
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/layerproto/LayerProtoParser.cpp
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/layerproto/LayerProtoParser.cpp
@@ -42,6 +42,16 @@
     return sortLayers(lhs.get(), rhs.get());
+const LayerProtoParser::LayerGlobal LayerProtoParser::generateLayerGlobalInfo(
+        const LayersProto& layersProto) {
+    LayerGlobal layerGlobal;
+    layerGlobal.resolution = {layersProto.resolution().w(), layersProto.resolution().h()};
+    layerGlobal.colorMode = layersProto.color_mode();
+    layerGlobal.colorTransform = layersProto.color_transform();
+    layerGlobal.globalTransform = layersProto.global_transform();
+    return layerGlobal;
 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LayerProtoParser::Layer>> LayerProtoParser::generateLayerTree(
         const LayersProto& layersProto) {
     std::unordered_map<int32_t, LayerProtoParser::Layer*> layerMap = generateMap(layersProto);
@@ -106,8 +116,13 @@
     layer->activeBuffer = generateActiveBuffer(layerProto.active_buffer());
     layer->queuedFrames = layerProto.queued_frames();
     layer->refreshPending = layerProto.refresh_pending();
+    layer->hwcFrame = generateRect(layerProto.hwc_frame());
+    layer->hwcCrop = generateFloatRect(layerProto.hwc_crop());
+    layer->hwcTransform = layerProto.hwc_transform();
     layer->windowType = layerProto.window_type();
     layer->appId = layerProto.app_id();
+    layer->hwcCompositionType = layerProto.hwc_composition_type();
+    layer->isProtected = layerProto.is_protected();
     return layer;
@@ -133,6 +148,16 @@
     return rect;
+LayerProtoParser::FloatRect LayerProtoParser::generateFloatRect(const FloatRectProto& rectProto) {
+    LayerProtoParser::FloatRect rect;
+    rect.left = rectProto.left();
+ =;
+    rect.right = rectProto.right();
+    rect.bottom = rectProto.bottom();
+    return rect;
 LayerProtoParser::Transform LayerProtoParser::generateTransform(
         const TransformProto& transformProto) {
     LayerProtoParser::Transform transform;
@@ -246,6 +271,10 @@
     return StringPrintf("[%3d, %3d, %3d, %3d]", left, top, right, bottom);
+std::string LayerProtoParser::FloatRect::to_string() const {
+    return StringPrintf("[%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f]", left, top, right, bottom);
 std::string LayerProtoParser::Region::to_string(const char* what) const {
     std::string result =
             StringPrintf("  Region %s (this=%lx count=%d)\n", what, static_cast<unsigned long>(id),
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/layerproto/include/layerproto/LayerProtoParser.h b/services/surfaceflinger/layerproto/include/layerproto/LayerProtoParser.h
index b56a6fb..74a6f28 100644
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/layerproto/include/layerproto/LayerProtoParser.h
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/layerproto/include/layerproto/LayerProtoParser.h
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
+#pragma once
 #include <layerproto/LayerProtoHeader.h>
@@ -57,6 +58,16 @@
         std::string to_string() const;
+    class FloatRect {
+    public:
+        float left;
+        float top;
+        float right;
+        float bottom;
+        std::string to_string() const;
+    };
     class Region {
         uint64_t id;
@@ -96,12 +107,26 @@
         LayerProtoParser::ActiveBuffer activeBuffer;
         int32_t queuedFrames;
         bool refreshPending;
+        LayerProtoParser::Rect hwcFrame;
+        LayerProtoParser::FloatRect hwcCrop;
+        int32_t hwcTransform;
         int32_t windowType;
         int32_t appId;
+        int32_t hwcCompositionType;
+        bool isProtected;
         std::string to_string() const;
+    class LayerGlobal {
+    public:
+        int2 resolution;
+        std::string colorMode;
+        std::string colorTransform;
+        int32_t globalTransform;
+    };
+    static const LayerGlobal generateLayerGlobalInfo(const LayersProto& layersProto);
     static std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Layer>> generateLayerTree(const LayersProto& layersProto);
     static std::string layersToString(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LayerProtoParser::Layer>> layers);
@@ -110,6 +135,7 @@
     static LayerProtoParser::Layer* generateLayer(const LayerProto& layerProto);
     static LayerProtoParser::Region generateRegion(const RegionProto& regionProto);
     static LayerProtoParser::Rect generateRect(const RectProto& rectProto);
+    static LayerProtoParser::FloatRect generateFloatRect(const FloatRectProto& rectProto);
     static LayerProtoParser::Transform generateTransform(const TransformProto& transformProto);
     static LayerProtoParser::ActiveBuffer generateActiveBuffer(
             const ActiveBufferProto& activeBufferProto);
diff --git a/services/surfaceflinger/layerproto/layers.proto b/services/surfaceflinger/layerproto/layers.proto
index f18386b..77c6675 100644
--- a/services/surfaceflinger/layerproto/layers.proto
+++ b/services/surfaceflinger/layerproto/layers.proto
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
 // Contains a list of all layers.
 message LayersProto {
   repeated LayerProto layers = 1;
+  optional SizeProto resolution = 2;
+  optional string color_mode = 3;
+  optional string color_transform = 4;
+  optional int32 global_transform = 5;
 // Information about each layer.
@@ -64,8 +68,18 @@
   // The number of frames available.
   optional int32 queued_frames = 28;
   optional bool refresh_pending = 29;
-  optional int32 window_type = 30;
-  optional int32 app_id = 31;
+  // The layer's composer backend destination frame
+  optional RectProto hwc_frame = 30;
+  // The layer's composer backend source crop
+  optional FloatRectProto hwc_crop = 31;
+  // The layer's composer backend transform
+  optional int32 hwc_transform = 32;
+  optional int32 window_type = 33;
+  optional int32 app_id = 34;
+  // The layer's composition type
+  optional int32 hwc_composition_type = 35;
+  // If it's a buffer layer, indicate if the content is protected
+  optional bool is_protected = 36;
 message PositionProto {
@@ -97,6 +111,13 @@
   optional int32 bottom = 4;
+message FloatRectProto {
+  optional float left = 1;
+  optional float top = 2;
+  optional float right = 3;
+  optional float bottom = 4;
 message ActiveBufferProto {
   optional uint32 width = 1;
   optional uint32 height = 2;
@@ -109,4 +130,4 @@
   optional float g = 2;
   optional float b = 3;
   optional float a = 4;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vulkan/libvulkan/driver.cpp b/vulkan/libvulkan/driver.cpp
index dec39e0..741fbb8 100644
--- a/vulkan/libvulkan/driver.cpp
+++ b/vulkan/libvulkan/driver.cpp
@@ -500,13 +500,36 @@
                 // both we and HAL can take part in
-            case ProcHook::EXTENSION_UNKNOWN:
             case ProcHook::KHR_get_physical_device_properties2:
-                // HAL's extensions
+            case ProcHook::EXTENSION_UNKNOWN:
+                // Extensions we don't need to do anything about at this level
-            default:
-                ALOGW("Ignored invalid instance extension %s", name);
+            case ProcHook::KHR_incremental_present:
+            case ProcHook::KHR_shared_presentable_image:
+            case ProcHook::KHR_swapchain:
+            case ProcHook::EXT_hdr_metadata:
+            case ProcHook::ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer:
+            case ProcHook::ANDROID_native_buffer:
+            case ProcHook::GOOGLE_display_timing:
+            case ProcHook::EXTENSION_CORE:
+            case ProcHook::EXTENSION_COUNT:
+                // Device and meta extensions. If we ever get here it's a bug in
+                // our code. But enumerating them lets us avoid having a default
+                // case, and default hides other bugs.
+                ALOGE(
+                    "CreateInfoWrapper::FilterExtension: invalid instance "
+                    "extension '%s'. FIX ME",
+                    name);
+            // Don't use a default case. Without it, -Wswitch will tell us
+            // at compile time if someone adds a new ProcHook extension but
+            // doesn't handle it above. That's a real bug that has
+            // not-immediately-obvious effects.
+            //
+            // default:
+            //     break;
     } else {
         switch (ext_bit) {
@@ -524,12 +547,36 @@
             case ProcHook::EXT_hdr_metadata:
+            case ProcHook::ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer:
             case ProcHook::EXTENSION_UNKNOWN:
-                // HAL's extensions
+                // Extensions we don't need to do anything about at this level
-            default:
-                ALOGW("Ignored invalid device extension %s", name);
+            case ProcHook::KHR_android_surface:
+            case ProcHook::KHR_get_physical_device_properties2:
+            case ProcHook::KHR_get_surface_capabilities2:
+            case ProcHook::KHR_surface:
+            case ProcHook::EXT_debug_report:
+            case ProcHook::EXT_swapchain_colorspace:
+            case ProcHook::ANDROID_native_buffer:
+            case ProcHook::EXTENSION_CORE:
+            case ProcHook::EXTENSION_COUNT:
+                // Instance and meta extensions. If we ever get here it's a bug
+                // in our code. But enumerating them lets us avoid having a
+                // default case, and default hides other bugs.
+                ALOGE(
+                    "CreateInfoWrapper::FilterExtension: invalid device "
+                    "extension '%s'. FIX ME",
+                    name);
+            // Don't use a default case. Without it, -Wswitch will tell us
+            // at compile time if someone adds a new ProcHook extension but
+            // doesn't handle it above. That's a real bug that has
+            // not-immediately-obvious effects.
+            //
+            // default:
+            //     break;