blob: 467e51e27669517204618e02b60e0a6d899e39bf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//! Trait definitions for binder objects
use crate::error::{status_t, Result, StatusCode};
use crate::parcel::{Parcel, BorrowedParcel};
use crate::proxy::{DeathRecipient, SpIBinder, WpIBinder};
use crate::sys;
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::ffi::{c_void, CStr, CString};
use std::fmt;
use std::fs::File;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::os::raw::c_char;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
use std::ptr;
/// Binder action to perform.
/// This must be a number between [`FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION`] and
pub type TransactionCode = u32;
/// Additional operation flags.
/// `FLAG_*` values.
pub type TransactionFlags = u32;
/// Super-trait for Binder interfaces.
/// This trait allows conversion of a Binder interface trait object into an
/// IBinder object for IPC calls. All Binder remotable interface (i.e. AIDL
/// interfaces) must implement this trait.
/// This is equivalent `IInterface` in C++.
pub trait Interface: Send + Sync {
/// Convert this binder object into a generic [`SpIBinder`] reference.
fn as_binder(&self) -> SpIBinder {
panic!("This object was not a Binder object and cannot be converted into an SpIBinder.")
/// Dump transaction handler for this Binder object.
/// This handler is a no-op by default and should be implemented for each
/// Binder service struct that wishes to respond to dump transactions.
fn dump(&self, _file: &File, _args: &[&CStr]) -> Result<()> {
/// Implemented by sync interfaces to specify what the associated async interface is.
/// Generic to handle the fact that async interfaces are generic over a thread pool.
/// The binder in any object implementing this trait should be compatible with the
/// `Target` associated type, and using `FromIBinder` to convert it to the target
/// should not fail.
pub trait ToAsyncInterface<P>
Self: Interface,
Self::Target: FromIBinder,
/// The async interface associated with this sync interface.
type Target: ?Sized;
/// Implemented by async interfaces to specify what the associated sync interface is.
/// The binder in any object implementing this trait should be compatible with the
/// `Target` associated type, and using `FromIBinder` to convert it to the target
/// should not fail.
pub trait ToSyncInterface
Self: Interface,
Self::Target: FromIBinder,
/// The sync interface associated with this async interface.
type Target: ?Sized;
/// Interface stability promise
/// An interface can promise to be a stable vendor interface ([`Vintf`]), or
/// makes no stability guarantees ([`Local`]). [`Local`] is
/// currently the default stability.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum Stability {
/// Default stability, visible to other modules in the same compilation
/// context (e.g. modules on system.img)
/// A Vendor Interface Object, which promises to be stable
impl Default for Stability {
fn default() -> Self {
impl From<Stability> for i32 {
fn from(stability: Stability) -> i32 {
use Stability::*;
match stability {
Local => 0,
Vintf => 1,
impl TryFrom<i32> for Stability {
type Error = StatusCode;
fn try_from(stability: i32) -> Result<Stability> {
use Stability::*;
match stability {
0 => Ok(Local),
1 => Ok(Vintf),
_ => Err(StatusCode::BAD_VALUE)
/// A local service that can be remotable via Binder.
/// An object that implement this interface made be made into a Binder service
/// via `Binder::new(object)`.
/// This is a low-level interface that should normally be automatically
/// generated from AIDL via the [`declare_binder_interface!`] macro. When using
/// the AIDL backend, users need only implement the high-level AIDL-defined
/// interface. The AIDL compiler then generates a container struct that wraps
/// the user-defined service and implements `Remotable`.
pub trait Remotable: Send + Sync {
/// The Binder interface descriptor string.
/// This string is a unique identifier for a Binder interface, and should be
/// the same between all implementations of that interface.
fn get_descriptor() -> &'static str;
/// Handle and reply to a request to invoke a transaction on this object.
/// `reply` may be [`None`] if the sender does not expect a reply.
fn on_transact(&self, code: TransactionCode, data: &BorrowedParcel<'_>, reply: &mut BorrowedParcel<'_>) -> Result<()>;
/// Handle a request to invoke the dump transaction on this
/// object.
fn on_dump(&self, file: &File, args: &[&CStr]) -> Result<()>;
/// Retrieve the class of this remote object.
/// This method should always return the same InterfaceClass for the same
/// type.
fn get_class() -> InterfaceClass;
/// First transaction code available for user commands (inclusive)
/// Last transaction code available for user commands (inclusive)
/// Corresponds to TF_ONE_WAY -- an asynchronous call.
pub const FLAG_ONEWAY: TransactionFlags = sys::FLAG_ONEWAY;
/// Corresponds to TF_CLEAR_BUF -- clear transaction buffers after call is made.
pub const FLAG_CLEAR_BUF: TransactionFlags = sys::FLAG_CLEAR_BUF;
/// Set to the vendor flag if we are building for the VNDK, 0 otherwise
pub const FLAG_PRIVATE_LOCAL: TransactionFlags = sys::FLAG_PRIVATE_LOCAL;
/// Internal interface of binder local or remote objects for making
/// transactions.
/// This trait corresponds to the parts of the interface of the C++ `IBinder`
/// class which are internal implementation details.
pub trait IBinderInternal: IBinder {
/// Is this object still alive?
fn is_binder_alive(&self) -> bool;
/// Indicate that the service intends to receive caller security contexts.
fn set_requesting_sid(&mut self, enable: bool);
/// Dump this object to the given file handle
fn dump<F: AsRawFd>(&mut self, fp: &F, args: &[&str]) -> Result<()>;
/// Get a new interface that exposes additional extension functionality, if
/// available.
fn get_extension(&mut self) -> Result<Option<SpIBinder>>;
/// Create a Parcel that can be used with `submit_transact`.
fn prepare_transact(&self) -> Result<Parcel>;
/// Perform a generic operation with the object.
/// The provided [`Parcel`] must have been created by a call to
/// `prepare_transact` on the same binder.
/// # Arguments
/// * `code` - Transaction code for the operation.
/// * `data` - [`Parcel`] with input data.
/// * `flags` - Transaction flags, e.g. marking the transaction as
/// asynchronous ([`FLAG_ONEWAY`](FLAG_ONEWAY)).
fn submit_transact(
code: TransactionCode,
data: Parcel,
flags: TransactionFlags,
) -> Result<Parcel>;
/// Perform a generic operation with the object. This is a convenience
/// method that internally calls `prepare_transact` followed by
/// `submit_transact.
/// # Arguments
/// * `code` - Transaction code for the operation
/// * `flags` - Transaction flags, e.g. marking the transaction as
/// asynchronous ([`FLAG_ONEWAY`](FLAG_ONEWAY))
/// * `input_callback` A callback for building the `Parcel`.
fn transact<F: FnOnce(BorrowedParcel<'_>) -> Result<()>>(
code: TransactionCode,
flags: TransactionFlags,
input_callback: F,
) -> Result<Parcel> {
let mut parcel = self.prepare_transact()?;
self.submit_transact(code, parcel, flags)
/// Interface of binder local or remote objects.
/// This trait corresponds to the parts of the interface of the C++ `IBinder`
/// class which are public.
pub trait IBinder {
/// Register the recipient for a notification if this binder
/// goes away. If this binder object unexpectedly goes away
/// (typically because its hosting process has been killed),
/// then the `DeathRecipient`'s callback will be called.
/// You will only receive death notifications for remote binders,
/// as local binders by definition can't die without you dying as well.
/// Trying to use this function on a local binder will result in an
/// INVALID_OPERATION code being returned and nothing happening.
/// This link always holds a weak reference to its recipient.
fn link_to_death(&mut self, recipient: &mut DeathRecipient) -> Result<()>;
/// Remove a previously registered death notification.
/// The recipient will no longer be called if this object
/// dies.
fn unlink_to_death(&mut self, recipient: &mut DeathRecipient) -> Result<()>;
/// Send a ping transaction to this object
fn ping_binder(&mut self) -> Result<()>;
/// Opaque reference to the type of a Binder interface.
/// This object encapsulates the Binder interface descriptor string, along with
/// the binder transaction callback, if the class describes a local service.
/// A Binder remotable object may only have a single interface class, and any
/// given object can only be associated with one class. Two objects with
/// different classes are incompatible, even if both classes have the same
/// interface descriptor.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct InterfaceClass(*const sys::AIBinder_Class);
impl InterfaceClass {
/// Get a Binder NDK `AIBinder_Class` pointer for this object type.
/// Note: the returned pointer will not be constant. Calling this method
/// multiple times for the same type will result in distinct class
/// pointers. A static getter for this value is implemented in
/// [`declare_binder_interface!`].
pub fn new<I: InterfaceClassMethods>() -> InterfaceClass {
let descriptor = CString::new(I::get_descriptor()).unwrap();
let ptr = unsafe {
// Safety: `AIBinder_Class_define` expects a valid C string, and
// three valid callback functions, all non-null pointers. The C
// string is copied and need not be valid for longer than the call,
// so we can drop it after the call. We can safely assign null to
// the onDump and handleShellCommand callbacks as long as the class
// pointer was non-null. Rust None for a Option<fn> is guaranteed to
// be a NULL pointer. Rust retains ownership of the pointer after it
// is defined.
let class = sys::AIBinder_Class_define(
if class.is_null() {
panic!("Expected non-null class pointer from AIBinder_Class_define!");
sys::AIBinder_Class_setOnDump(class, Some(I::on_dump));
sys::AIBinder_Class_setHandleShellCommand(class, None);
/// Construct an `InterfaceClass` out of a raw, non-null `AIBinder_Class`
/// pointer.
/// # Safety
/// This function is safe iff `ptr` is a valid, non-null pointer to an
/// `AIBinder_Class`.
pub(crate) unsafe fn from_ptr(ptr: *const sys::AIBinder_Class) -> InterfaceClass {
/// Get the interface descriptor string of this class.
pub fn get_descriptor(&self) -> String {
unsafe {
// SAFETY: The descriptor returned by AIBinder_Class_getDescriptor
// is always a two-byte null terminated sequence of u16s. Thus, we
// can continue reading from the pointer until we hit a null value,
// and this pointer can be a valid slice if the slice length is <=
// the number of u16 elements before the null terminator.
let raw_descriptor: *const c_char = sys::AIBinder_Class_getDescriptor(self.0);
.expect("Expected valid UTF-8 string from AIBinder_Class_getDescriptor")
impl From<InterfaceClass> for *const sys::AIBinder_Class {
fn from(class: InterfaceClass) -> *const sys::AIBinder_Class {
/// Strong reference to a binder object
pub struct Strong<I: FromIBinder + ?Sized>(Box<I>);
impl<I: FromIBinder + ?Sized> Strong<I> {
/// Create a new strong reference to the provided binder object
pub fn new(binder: Box<I>) -> Self {
/// Construct a new weak reference to this binder
pub fn downgrade(this: &Strong<I>) -> Weak<I> {
/// Convert this synchronous binder handle into an asynchronous one.
pub fn into_async<P>(self) -> Strong<<I as ToAsyncInterface<P>>::Target>
I: ToAsyncInterface<P>,
// By implementing the ToAsyncInterface trait, it is guaranteed that the binder
// object is also valid for the target type.
/// Convert this asynchronous binder handle into a synchronous one.
pub fn into_sync(self) -> Strong<<I as ToSyncInterface>::Target>
I: ToSyncInterface,
// By implementing the ToSyncInterface trait, it is guaranteed that the binder
// object is also valid for the target type.
impl<I: FromIBinder + ?Sized> Clone for Strong<I> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
// Since we hold a strong reference, we should always be able to create
// a new strong reference to the same interface type, so try_from()
// should never fail here.
impl<I: FromIBinder + ?Sized> Borrow<I> for Strong<I> {
fn borrow(&self) -> &I {
impl<I: FromIBinder + ?Sized> AsRef<I> for Strong<I> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &I {
impl<I: FromIBinder + ?Sized> Deref for Strong<I> {
type Target = I;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<I: FromIBinder + fmt::Debug + ?Sized> fmt::Debug for Strong<I> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Debug::fmt(&**self, f)
impl<I: FromIBinder + ?Sized> Ord for Strong<I> {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
impl<I: FromIBinder + ?Sized> PartialOrd for Strong<I> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl<I: FromIBinder + ?Sized> PartialEq for Strong<I> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
impl<I: FromIBinder + ?Sized> Eq for Strong<I> {}
/// Weak reference to a binder object
pub struct Weak<I: FromIBinder + ?Sized> {
weak_binder: WpIBinder,
interface_type: PhantomData<I>,
impl<I: FromIBinder + ?Sized> Weak<I> {
/// Construct a new weak reference from a strong reference
fn new(binder: &Strong<I>) -> Self {
let weak_binder = binder.as_binder().downgrade();
Weak {
interface_type: PhantomData,
/// Upgrade this weak reference to a strong reference if the binder object
/// is still alive
pub fn upgrade(&self) -> Result<Strong<I>> {
impl<I: FromIBinder + ?Sized> Clone for Weak<I> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
weak_binder: self.weak_binder.clone(),
interface_type: PhantomData,
impl<I: FromIBinder + ?Sized> Ord for Weak<I> {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
impl<I: FromIBinder + ?Sized> PartialOrd for Weak<I> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl<I: FromIBinder + ?Sized> PartialEq for Weak<I> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.weak_binder == other.weak_binder
impl<I: FromIBinder + ?Sized> Eq for Weak<I> {}
/// Create a function implementing a static getter for an interface class.
/// Each binder interface (i.e. local [`Remotable`] service or remote proxy
/// [`Interface`]) must have global, static class that uniquely identifies
/// it. This macro implements an [`InterfaceClass`] getter to simplify these
/// implementations.
/// The type of a structure that implements [`InterfaceClassMethods`] must be
/// passed to this macro. For local services, this should be `Binder<Self>`
/// since [`Binder`] implements [`InterfaceClassMethods`].
/// # Examples
/// When implementing a local [`Remotable`] service `ExampleService`, the
/// `get_class` method is required in the [`Remotable`] impl block. This macro
/// should be used as follows to implement this functionality:
/// ```rust
/// impl Remotable for ExampleService {
/// fn get_descriptor() -> &'static str {
/// "android.os.IExampleInterface"
/// }
/// fn on_transact(
/// &self,
/// code: TransactionCode,
/// data: &BorrowedParcel,
/// reply: &mut BorrowedParcel,
/// ) -> Result<()> {
/// // ...
/// }
/// binder_fn_get_class!(Binder<Self>);
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! binder_fn_get_class {
($class:ty) => {
($constructor:expr) => {
fn get_class() -> $crate::binder_impl::InterfaceClass {
static CLASS_INIT: std::sync::Once = std::sync::Once::new();
static mut CLASS: Option<$crate::binder_impl::InterfaceClass> = None;
CLASS_INIT.call_once(|| unsafe {
// Safety: This assignment is guarded by the `CLASS_INIT` `Once`
// variable, and therefore is thread-safe, as it can only occur
// once.
CLASS = Some($constructor);
unsafe {
// Safety: The `CLASS` variable can only be mutated once, above,
// and is subsequently safe to read from any thread.
pub trait InterfaceClassMethods {
/// Get the interface descriptor string for this object type.
fn get_descriptor() -> &'static str
Self: Sized;
/// Called during construction of a new `AIBinder` object of this interface
/// class.
/// The opaque pointer parameter will be the parameter provided to
/// `AIBinder_new`. Returns an opaque userdata to be associated with the new
/// `AIBinder` object.
/// # Safety
/// Callback called from C++. The parameter argument provided to
/// `AIBinder_new` must match the type expected here. The `AIBinder` object
/// will take ownership of the returned pointer, which it will free via
/// `on_destroy`.
unsafe extern "C" fn on_create(args: *mut c_void) -> *mut c_void;
/// Called when a transaction needs to be processed by the local service
/// implementation.
/// # Safety
/// Callback called from C++. The `binder` parameter must be a valid pointer
/// to a binder object of this class with userdata initialized via this
/// class's `on_create`. The parcel parameters must be valid pointers to
/// parcel objects.
unsafe extern "C" fn on_transact(
binder: *mut sys::AIBinder,
code: u32,
data: *const sys::AParcel,
reply: *mut sys::AParcel,
) -> status_t;
/// Called whenever an `AIBinder` object is no longer referenced and needs
/// to be destroyed.
/// # Safety
/// Callback called from C++. The opaque pointer parameter must be the value
/// returned by `on_create` for this class. This function takes ownership of
/// the provided pointer and destroys it.
unsafe extern "C" fn on_destroy(object: *mut c_void);
/// Called to handle the `dump` transaction.
/// # Safety
/// Must be called with a non-null, valid pointer to a local `AIBinder` that
/// contains a `T` pointer in its user data. fd should be a non-owned file
/// descriptor, and args must be an array of null-terminated string
/// poiinters with length num_args.
unsafe extern "C" fn on_dump(binder: *mut sys::AIBinder, fd: i32, args: *mut *const c_char, num_args: u32) -> status_t;
/// Interface for transforming a generic SpIBinder into a specific remote
/// interface trait.
/// # Example
/// For Binder interface `IFoo`, the following implementation should be made:
/// ```no_run
/// # use binder::{FromIBinder, SpIBinder, Result};
/// # trait IFoo {}
/// impl FromIBinder for dyn IFoo {
/// fn try_from(ibinder: SpIBinder) -> Result<Box<Self>> {
/// // ...
/// # Err(binder::StatusCode::OK)
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub trait FromIBinder: Interface {
/// Try to interpret a generic Binder object as this interface.
/// Returns a trait object for the `Self` interface if this object
/// implements that interface.
fn try_from(ibinder: SpIBinder) -> Result<Strong<Self>>;
/// Trait for transparent Rust wrappers around android C++ native types.
/// The pointer return by this trait's methods should be immediately passed to
/// C++ and not stored by Rust. The pointer is valid only as long as the
/// underlying C++ object is alive, so users must be careful to take this into
/// account, as Rust cannot enforce this.
/// # Safety
/// For this trait to be a correct implementation, `T` must be a valid android
/// C++ type. Since we cannot constrain this via the type system, this trait is
/// marked as unsafe.
pub unsafe trait AsNative<T> {
/// Return a pointer to the native version of `self`
fn as_native(&self) -> *const T;
/// Return a mutable pointer to the native version of `self`
fn as_native_mut(&mut self) -> *mut T;
unsafe impl<T, V: AsNative<T>> AsNative<T> for Option<V> {
fn as_native(&self) -> *const T {
self.as_ref().map_or(ptr::null(), |v| v.as_native())
fn as_native_mut(&mut self) -> *mut T {
self.as_mut().map_or(ptr::null_mut(), |v| v.as_native_mut())
/// The features to enable when creating a native Binder.
/// This should always be initialised with a default value, e.g.:
/// ```
/// # use binder::BinderFeatures;
/// BinderFeatures {
/// set_requesting_sid: true,
/// ..BinderFeatures::default(),
/// }
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct BinderFeatures {
/// Indicates that the service intends to receive caller security contexts. This must be true
/// for `ThreadState::with_calling_sid` to work.
pub set_requesting_sid: bool,
// Ensure that clients include a ..BinderFeatures::default() to preserve backwards compatibility
// when new fields are added. #[non_exhaustive] doesn't work because it prevents struct
// expressions entirely.
pub _non_exhaustive: (),
/// Declare typed interfaces for a binder object.
/// Given an interface trait and descriptor string, create a native and remote
/// proxy wrapper for this interface. The native service object (`$native`)
/// implements `Remotable` and will dispatch to the function `$on_transact` to
/// handle transactions. The typed proxy object (`$proxy`) wraps remote binder
/// objects for this interface and can optionally contain additional fields.
/// Assuming the interface trait is `Interface`, `$on_transact` function must
/// have the following type:
/// ```
/// # use binder::{Interface, TransactionCode, BorrowedParcel};
/// # trait Placeholder {
/// fn on_transact(
/// service: &dyn Interface,
/// code: TransactionCode,
/// data: &BorrowedParcel,
/// reply: &mut BorrowedParcel,
/// ) -> binder::Result<()>;
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Examples
/// The following example declares the local service type `BnServiceManager` and
/// a remote proxy type `BpServiceManager` (the `n` and `p` stand for native and
/// proxy respectively) for the `IServiceManager` Binder interface. The
/// interfaces will be identified by the descriptor string
/// "android.os.IServiceManager". The local service will dispatch transactions
/// using the provided function, `on_transact`.
/// ```
/// use binder::{declare_binder_interface, Binder, Interface, TransactionCode, BorrowedParcel};
/// pub trait IServiceManager: Interface {
/// // remote methods...
/// }
/// declare_binder_interface! {
/// IServiceManager["android.os.IServiceManager"] {
/// native: BnServiceManager(on_transact),
/// proxy: BpServiceManager,
/// }
/// }
/// fn on_transact(
/// service: &dyn IServiceManager,
/// code: TransactionCode,
/// data: &BorrowedParcel,
/// reply: &mut BorrowedParcel,
/// ) -> binder::Result<()> {
/// // ...
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// impl IServiceManager for BpServiceManager {
/// // parceling/unparceling code for the IServiceManager emitted here
/// }
/// impl IServiceManager for Binder<BnServiceManager> {
/// // Forward calls to local implementation
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! declare_binder_interface {
$interface:path[$descriptor:expr] {
native: $native:ident($on_transact:path),
proxy: $proxy:ident,
$(async: $async_interface:ident,)?
} => {
$crate::declare_binder_interface! {
$interface[$descriptor] {
native: $native($on_transact),
proxy: $proxy {},
$(async: $async_interface,)?
stability: $crate::binder_impl::Stability::default(),
$interface:path[$descriptor:expr] {
native: $native:ident($on_transact:path),
proxy: $proxy:ident,
$(async: $async_interface:ident,)?
stability: $stability:expr,
} => {
$crate::declare_binder_interface! {
$interface[$descriptor] {
native: $native($on_transact),
proxy: $proxy {},
$(async: $async_interface,)?
stability: $stability,
$interface:path[$descriptor:expr] {
native: $native:ident($on_transact:path),
proxy: $proxy:ident {
$($fname:ident: $fty:ty = $finit:expr),*
$(async: $async_interface:ident,)?
} => {
$crate::declare_binder_interface! {
$interface[$descriptor] {
native: $native($on_transact),
proxy: $proxy {
$($fname: $fty = $finit),*
$(async: $async_interface,)?
stability: $crate::binder_impl::Stability::default(),
$interface:path[$descriptor:expr] {
native: $native:ident($on_transact:path),
proxy: $proxy:ident {
$($fname:ident: $fty:ty = $finit:expr),*
$(async: $async_interface:ident,)?
stability: $stability:expr,
} => {
$crate::declare_binder_interface! {
$interface[$descriptor] {
@doc[concat!("A binder [`Remotable`]($crate::binder_impl::Remotable) that holds an [`", stringify!($interface), "`] object.")]
native: $native($on_transact),
@doc[concat!("A binder [`Proxy`]($crate::binder_impl::Proxy) that holds an [`", stringify!($interface), "`] remote interface.")]
proxy: $proxy {
$($fname: $fty = $finit),*
$(async: $async_interface,)?
stability: $stability,
$interface:path[$descriptor:expr] {
native: $native:ident($on_transact:path),
proxy: $proxy:ident {
$($fname:ident: $fty:ty = $finit:expr),*
$( async: $async_interface:ident, )?
stability: $stability:expr,
} => {
#[doc = $proxy_doc]
pub struct $proxy {
binder: $crate::SpIBinder,
$($fname: $fty,)*
impl $crate::Interface for $proxy {
fn as_binder(&self) -> $crate::SpIBinder {
impl $crate::binder_impl::Proxy for $proxy
$proxy: $interface,
fn get_descriptor() -> &'static str {
fn from_binder(mut binder: $crate::SpIBinder) -> std::result::Result<Self, $crate::StatusCode> {
Ok(Self { binder, $($fname: $finit),* })
#[doc = $native_doc]
pub struct $native(Box<dyn $interface + Sync + Send + 'static>);
impl $native {
/// Create a new binder service.
pub fn new_binder<T: $interface + Sync + Send + 'static>(inner: T, features: $crate::BinderFeatures) -> $crate::Strong<dyn $interface> {
let mut binder = $crate::binder_impl::Binder::new_with_stability($native(Box::new(inner)), $stability);
$crate::binder_impl::IBinderInternal::set_requesting_sid(&mut binder, features.set_requesting_sid);
impl $crate::binder_impl::Remotable for $native {
fn get_descriptor() -> &'static str {
fn on_transact(&self, code: $crate::binder_impl::TransactionCode, data: &$crate::binder_impl::BorrowedParcel<'_>, reply: &mut $crate::binder_impl::BorrowedParcel<'_>) -> std::result::Result<(), $crate::StatusCode> {
match $on_transact(&*self.0, code, data, reply) {
// The C++ backend converts UNEXPECTED_NULL into an exception
Err($crate::StatusCode::UNEXPECTED_NULL) => {
let status = $crate::Status::new_exception(
result => result
fn on_dump(&self, file: &std::fs::File, args: &[&std::ffi::CStr]) -> std::result::Result<(), $crate::StatusCode> {
self.0.dump(file, args)
fn get_class() -> $crate::binder_impl::InterfaceClass {
static CLASS_INIT: std::sync::Once = std::sync::Once::new();
static mut CLASS: Option<$crate::binder_impl::InterfaceClass> = None;
CLASS_INIT.call_once(|| unsafe {
// Safety: This assignment is guarded by the `CLASS_INIT` `Once`
// variable, and therefore is thread-safe, as it can only occur
// once.
CLASS = Some($crate::binder_impl::InterfaceClass::new::<$crate::binder_impl::Binder<$native>>());
unsafe {
// Safety: The `CLASS` variable can only be mutated once, above,
// and is subsequently safe to read from any thread.
impl $crate::FromIBinder for dyn $interface {
fn try_from(mut ibinder: $crate::SpIBinder) -> std::result::Result<$crate::Strong<dyn $interface>, $crate::StatusCode> {
use $crate::binder_impl::AssociateClass;
let existing_class = ibinder.get_class();
if let Some(class) = existing_class {
if class != <$native as $crate::binder_impl::Remotable>::get_class() &&
class.get_descriptor() == <$native as $crate::binder_impl::Remotable>::get_descriptor()
// The binder object's descriptor string matches what we
// expect. We still need to treat this local or already
// associated object as remote, because we can't cast it
// into a Rust service object without a matching class
// pointer.
return Ok($crate::Strong::new(Box::new(<$proxy as $crate::binder_impl::Proxy>::from_binder(ibinder)?)));
if ibinder.associate_class(<$native as $crate::binder_impl::Remotable>::get_class()) {
let service: std::result::Result<$crate::binder_impl::Binder<$native>, $crate::StatusCode> =
if let Ok(service) = service {
// We were able to associate with our expected class and
// the service is local.
return Ok($crate::Strong::new(Box::new(service)));
} else {
// Service is remote
return Ok($crate::Strong::new(Box::new(<$proxy as $crate::binder_impl::Proxy>::from_binder(ibinder)?)));
impl $crate::binder_impl::Serialize for dyn $interface + '_
dyn $interface: $crate::Interface
fn serialize(&self, parcel: &mut $crate::binder_impl::BorrowedParcel<'_>) -> std::result::Result<(), $crate::StatusCode> {
let binder = $crate::Interface::as_binder(self);
impl $crate::binder_impl::SerializeOption for dyn $interface + '_ {
fn serialize_option(this: Option<&Self>, parcel: &mut $crate::binder_impl::BorrowedParcel<'_>) -> std::result::Result<(), $crate::StatusCode> {
impl std::fmt::Debug for dyn $interface + '_ {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
/// Convert a &dyn $interface to Strong<dyn $interface>
impl std::borrow::ToOwned for dyn $interface {
type Owned = $crate::Strong<dyn $interface>;
fn to_owned(&self) -> Self::Owned {
.expect(concat!("Error cloning interface ", stringify!($interface)))
// Async interface trait implementations.
impl<P: $crate::BinderAsyncPool> $crate::FromIBinder for dyn $async_interface<P> {
fn try_from(mut ibinder: $crate::SpIBinder) -> std::result::Result<$crate::Strong<dyn $async_interface<P>>, $crate::StatusCode> {
use $crate::binder_impl::AssociateClass;
let existing_class = ibinder.get_class();
if let Some(class) = existing_class {
if class != <$native as $crate::binder_impl::Remotable>::get_class() &&
class.get_descriptor() == <$native as $crate::binder_impl::Remotable>::get_descriptor()
// The binder object's descriptor string matches what we
// expect. We still need to treat this local or already
// associated object as remote, because we can't cast it
// into a Rust service object without a matching class
// pointer.
return Ok($crate::Strong::new(Box::new(<$proxy as $crate::binder_impl::Proxy>::from_binder(ibinder)?)));
if ibinder.associate_class(<$native as $crate::binder_impl::Remotable>::get_class()) {
let service: std::result::Result<$crate::binder_impl::Binder<$native>, $crate::StatusCode> =
if let Ok(service) = service {
// We were able to associate with our expected class and
// the service is local.
//return Ok($crate::Strong::new(Box::new(service)));
} else {
// Service is remote
return Ok($crate::Strong::new(Box::new(<$proxy as $crate::binder_impl::Proxy>::from_binder(ibinder)?)));
impl<P: $crate::BinderAsyncPool> $crate::binder_impl::Serialize for dyn $async_interface<P> + '_ {
fn serialize(&self, parcel: &mut $crate::binder_impl::BorrowedParcel<'_>) -> std::result::Result<(), $crate::StatusCode> {
let binder = $crate::Interface::as_binder(self);
impl<P: $crate::BinderAsyncPool> $crate::binder_impl::SerializeOption for dyn $async_interface<P> + '_ {
fn serialize_option(this: Option<&Self>, parcel: &mut $crate::binder_impl::BorrowedParcel<'_>) -> std::result::Result<(), $crate::StatusCode> {
impl<P: $crate::BinderAsyncPool> std::fmt::Debug for dyn $async_interface<P> + '_ {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
/// Convert a &dyn $async_interface to Strong<dyn $async_interface>
impl<P: $crate::BinderAsyncPool> std::borrow::ToOwned for dyn $async_interface<P> {
type Owned = $crate::Strong<dyn $async_interface<P>>;
fn to_owned(&self) -> Self::Owned {
.expect(concat!("Error cloning interface ", stringify!($async_interface)))
impl<P: $crate::BinderAsyncPool> $crate::binder_impl::ToAsyncInterface<P> for dyn $interface {
type Target = dyn $async_interface<P>;
impl<P: $crate::BinderAsyncPool> $crate::binder_impl::ToSyncInterface for dyn $async_interface<P> {
type Target = dyn $interface;
/// Declare an AIDL enumeration.
/// This is mainly used internally by the AIDL compiler.
macro_rules! declare_binder_enum {
$( #[$attr:meta] )*
$enum:ident : [$backing:ty; $size:expr] {
$( $name:ident = $value:expr, )*
} => {
$( #[$attr] )*
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct $enum(pub $backing);
impl $enum {
$( #[allow(missing_docs)] pub const $name: Self = Self($value); )*
pub const fn enum_values() -> [Self; $size] {
impl $crate::binder_impl::Serialize for $enum {
fn serialize(&self, parcel: &mut $crate::binder_impl::BorrowedParcel<'_>) -> std::result::Result<(), $crate::StatusCode> {
impl $crate::binder_impl::SerializeArray for $enum {
fn serialize_array(slice: &[Self], parcel: &mut $crate::binder_impl::BorrowedParcel<'_>) -> std::result::Result<(), $crate::StatusCode> {
let v: Vec<$backing> = slice.iter().map(|x| x.0).collect();
<$backing as $crate::binder_impl::SerializeArray>::serialize_array(&v[..], parcel)
impl $crate::binder_impl::Deserialize for $enum {
fn deserialize(parcel: &$crate::binder_impl::BorrowedParcel<'_>) -> std::result::Result<Self, $crate::StatusCode> {
impl $crate::binder_impl::DeserializeArray for $enum {
fn deserialize_array(parcel: &$crate::binder_impl::BorrowedParcel<'_>) -> std::result::Result<Option<Vec<Self>>, $crate::StatusCode> {
let v: Option<Vec<$backing>> =
<$backing as $crate::binder_impl::DeserializeArray>::deserialize_array(parcel)?;
Ok(|v| v.into_iter().map(Self).collect()))