blob: f515b8fecae5b822b4b7e6fe8427637cfa0060de [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct DvrDisplayManagerClient DvrDisplayManagerClient;
typedef struct DvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceList
typedef struct DvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceBuffers
DvrDisplayManagerClient* dvrDisplayManagerClientCreate();
void dvrDisplayManagerClientDestroy(DvrDisplayManagerClient* client);
// Return an event fd for checking if there was an event on the server
// Note that the only event which will be flagged is POLLIN. You must use
// dvrDisplayManagerClientTranslateEpollEventMask in order to get the real
// event flags.
// @return the fd
int dvrDisplayManagerClientGetEventFd(DvrDisplayManagerClient* client);
// Once you have received an epoll event, you must translate it to its true
// flags. This is a workaround for working with UDS.
// @param in_events pass in the epoll revents that were initially returned
// @param on success, this value will be overwritten with the true epoll values
// @return 0 on success, non-zero otherwise
int dvrDisplayManagerClientTranslateEpollEventMask(
DvrDisplayManagerClient* client, int in_events, int* out_events);
// If successful, populates |surface_list| with a list of application
// surfaces the display is currently using.
// @return 0 on success. Otherwise it returns a negative error value.
int dvrDisplayManagerClientGetSurfaceList(
DvrDisplayManagerClient* client,
DvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceList** surface_list);
void dvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceListDestroy(
DvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceList* surface_list);
// @return Returns the number of surfaces in the list.
size_t dvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceListGetSize(
DvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceList* surface_list);
// @return Return a unique identifier for a client surface. The identifier can
// be used to query for other surface properties.
int dvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceListGetSurfaceId(
DvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceList* surface_list, size_t index);
// @return Returns the stacking order of the client surface at |index|.
int dvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceListGetClientZOrder(
DvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceList* surface_list, size_t index);
// @return Returns true if the client surface is visible, false otherwise.
bool dvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceListGetClientIsVisible(
DvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceList* surface_list, size_t index);
// TODO(jwcai, hendrikw) Remove this after we replacing
// dvrDisplayManagerClientGetSurfaceBuffers is dvr_api.
int dvrDisplayManagerClientGetSurfaceBuffers(
DvrDisplayManagerClient* client, int surface_id,
DvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceBuffers** surface_buffers);
void dvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceBuffersDestroy(
DvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceBuffers* surface_buffers);
// @return Returns the number of buffers.
size_t dvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceBuffersGetSize(
DvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceBuffers* surface_buffers);
// @return Returns the file descriptor for the buffer consumer at |index|.
int dvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceBuffersGetFd(
DvrDisplayManagerClientSurfaceBuffers* surface_buffers, size_t index);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"