blob: e52a1d69ae5ced92293f78cde20f9e059db0fb27 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @addtogroup NdkBinder
* @{
* @file binder_auto_utils.h
* @brief These objects provide a more C++-like thin interface to the .
#pragma once
#include <android/binder_ibinder.h>
#include <android/binder_parcel.h>
#include <android/binder_status.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <cstddef>
namespace ndk {
* Represents one strong pointer to an AIBinder object.
class SpAIBinder {
* Takes ownership of one strong refcount of binder.
explicit SpAIBinder(AIBinder* binder = nullptr) : mBinder(binder) {}
* Convenience operator for implicitly constructing an SpAIBinder from nullptr. This is not
* explicit because it is not taking ownership of anything.
SpAIBinder(std::nullptr_t) : SpAIBinder() {}
* This will delete the underlying object if it exists. See operator=.
SpAIBinder(const SpAIBinder& other) { *this = other; }
* This deletes the underlying object if it exists. See set.
~SpAIBinder() { set(nullptr); }
* This takes ownership of a binder from another AIBinder object but it does not affect the
* ownership of that other object.
SpAIBinder& operator=(const SpAIBinder& other) {
return *this;
* Takes ownership of one strong refcount of binder
void set(AIBinder* binder) {
AIBinder* old = *const_cast<AIBinder* volatile*>(&mBinder);
if (old != nullptr) AIBinder_decStrong(old);
if (old != *const_cast<AIBinder* volatile*>(&mBinder)) {
__assert(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Race detected.");
mBinder = binder;
* This returns the underlying binder object for transactions. If it is used to create another
* SpAIBinder object, it should first be incremented.
AIBinder* get() const { return mBinder; }
* This allows the value in this class to be set from beneath it. If you call this method and
* then change the value of T*, you must take ownership of the value you are replacing and add
* ownership to the object that is put in here.
* Recommended use is like this:
* SpAIBinder a; // will be nullptr
* SomeInitFunction(a.getR()); // value is initialized with refcount
* Other usecases are discouraged.
AIBinder** getR() { return &mBinder; }
AIBinder* mBinder = nullptr;
* This baseclass owns a single object, used to make various classes RAII.
template <typename T, typename R, R (*Destroy)(T), T DEFAULT>
class ScopedAResource {
* Takes ownership of t.
explicit ScopedAResource(T t = DEFAULT) : mT(t) {}
* This deletes the underlying object if it exists. See set.
~ScopedAResource() { set(DEFAULT); }
* Takes ownership of t.
void set(T t) {
mT = t;
* This returns the underlying object to be modified but does not affect ownership.
T get() { return mT; }
* This returns the const underlying object but does not affect ownership.
const T get() const { return mT; }
* This allows the value in this class to be set from beneath it. If you call this method and
* then change the value of T*, you must take ownership of the value you are replacing and add
* ownership to the object that is put in here.
* Recommended use is like this:
* ScopedAResource<T> a; // will be nullptr
* SomeInitFunction(a.getR()); // value is initialized with refcount
* Other usecases are discouraged.
T* getR() { return &mT; }
// copy-constructing, or move/copy assignment is disallowed
ScopedAResource(const ScopedAResource&) = delete;
ScopedAResource& operator=(const ScopedAResource&) = delete;
ScopedAResource& operator=(ScopedAResource&&) = delete;
// move-constructing is okay
ScopedAResource(ScopedAResource&&) = default;
T mT;
* Convenience wrapper. See AParcel.
class ScopedAParcel : public ScopedAResource<AParcel*, void, AParcel_delete, nullptr> {
* Takes ownership of a.
explicit ScopedAParcel(AParcel* a = nullptr) : ScopedAResource(a) {}
~ScopedAParcel() {}
ScopedAParcel(ScopedAParcel&&) = default;
* Convenience wrapper. See AStatus.
class ScopedAStatus : public ScopedAResource<AStatus*, void, AStatus_delete, nullptr> {
* Takes ownership of a.
explicit ScopedAStatus(AStatus* a = nullptr) : ScopedAResource(a) {}
~ScopedAStatus() {}
ScopedAStatus(ScopedAStatus&&) = default;
* See AStatus_isOk.
bool isOk() { return get() != nullptr && AStatus_isOk(get()); }
* Convenience wrapper. See AIBinder_DeathRecipient.
class ScopedAIBinder_DeathRecipient
: public ScopedAResource<AIBinder_DeathRecipient*, void, AIBinder_DeathRecipient_delete,
nullptr> {
* Takes ownership of a.
explicit ScopedAIBinder_DeathRecipient(AIBinder_DeathRecipient* a = nullptr)
: ScopedAResource(a) {}
~ScopedAIBinder_DeathRecipient() {}
ScopedAIBinder_DeathRecipient(ScopedAIBinder_DeathRecipient&&) = default;
* Convenience wrapper. See AIBinder_Weak.
class ScopedAIBinder_Weak
: public ScopedAResource<AIBinder_Weak*, void, AIBinder_Weak_delete, nullptr> {
* Takes ownership of a.
explicit ScopedAIBinder_Weak(AIBinder_Weak* a = nullptr) : ScopedAResource(a) {}
~ScopedAIBinder_Weak() {}
ScopedAIBinder_Weak(ScopedAIBinder_Weak&&) = default;
* See AIBinder_Weak_promote.
SpAIBinder promote() { return SpAIBinder(AIBinder_Weak_promote(get())); }
* Convenience wrapper for a file descriptor.
class ScopedFileDescriptor : public ScopedAResource<int, int, close, -1> {
* Takes ownership of a.
explicit ScopedFileDescriptor(int a = -1) : ScopedAResource(a) {}
~ScopedFileDescriptor() {}
ScopedFileDescriptor(ScopedFileDescriptor&&) = default;
} // namespace ndk
#endif // __cplusplus
/** @} */