blob: a108042d01bb7d38748bd6e61137717cc80ba7b3 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "include/private/dvr/buffer_hub_queue_core.h"
#include <log/log.h>
namespace android {
namespace dvr {
/* static */
std::shared_ptr<BufferHubQueueCore> BufferHubQueueCore::Create() {
auto core = std::shared_ptr<BufferHubQueueCore>(new BufferHubQueueCore());
core->producer_ = ProducerQueue::Create<BufferMetadata>();
return core;
/* static */
std::shared_ptr<BufferHubQueueCore> BufferHubQueueCore::Create(
const std::shared_ptr<ProducerQueue>& producer) {
if (producer->metadata_size() != sizeof(BufferMetadata)) {
"BufferHubQueueCore::Create producer's metadata size is different than "
"the size of BufferHubQueueCore::BufferMetadata");
return nullptr;
auto core = std::shared_ptr<BufferHubQueueCore>(new BufferHubQueueCore());
core->producer_ = producer;
return core;
: generation_number_(0),
unique_id_(getUniqueId()) {}
status_t BufferHubQueueCore::AllocateBuffer(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
PixelFormat format, uint32_t usage,
size_t slice_count) {
size_t slot;
// Allocate new buffer through BufferHub and add it into |producer_| queue for
// bookkeeping.
if (producer_->AllocateBuffer(width, height, format, usage, slice_count,
&slot) < 0) {
ALOGE("Failed to allocate new buffer in BufferHub.");
return NO_MEMORY;
auto buffer_producer = producer_->GetBuffer(slot);
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(buffer_producer == nullptr,
"Failed to get buffer producer at slot: %zu", slot);
// Allocating a new buffer, |buffers_[slot]| should be in initial state.
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(buffers_[slot].mGraphicBuffer != nullptr,
"AllocateBuffer: slot %zu is not empty.", slot);
// Create new GraphicBuffer based on the newly created |buffer_producer|. Here
// we have to cast |buffer_handle_t| to |native_handle_t|, it's OK because
// internally, GraphicBuffer is still an |ANativeWindowBuffer| and |handle|
// is still type of |buffer_handle_t| and bears const property.
sp<GraphicBuffer> graphic_buffer(new GraphicBuffer(
buffer_producer->width(), buffer_producer->height(),
1, /* layer count */
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(NO_ERROR != graphic_buffer->initCheck(),
"Failed to init GraphicBuffer.");
buffers_[slot].mBufferProducer = buffer_producer;
buffers_[slot].mGraphicBuffer = graphic_buffer;
return NO_ERROR;
status_t BufferHubQueueCore::DetachBuffer(size_t slot) {
// Detach the buffer producer via BufferHubRPC.
int ret = producer_->DetachBuffer(slot);
if (ret < 0) {
ALOGE("BufferHubQueueCore::DetachBuffer failed through RPC, ret=%s",
return ret;
// Reset in memory objects related the the buffer.
buffers_[slot].mBufferProducer = nullptr;
buffers_[slot].mGraphicBuffer = nullptr;
return NO_ERROR;
} // namespace dvr
} // namespace android