blob: 9543f17697ec573886fafd08217a64a06f6e01c8 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "elbow_model.h"
#include <log/log.h>
namespace android {
namespace dvr {
namespace {
const vec3 kControllerForearm(0.0f, 0.0f, -0.25f);
const vec3 kControllerPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -0.05f);
const vec3 kLeftElbowPosition(-0.195f, -0.5f, 0.075f);
const vec3 kLeftArmExtension(0.13f, 0.14f, -0.08f);
const vec3 kRightElbowPosition(0.195f, -0.5f, 0.075f);
const vec3 kRightArmExtension(-0.13f, 0.14f, -0.08f);
constexpr float kElbowBendRatio = 0.4f;
constexpr float kCosMaxExtensionAngle =
0.87f; // Cos of 30 degrees (90-30 = 60)
constexpr float kCosMinExtensionAngle = 0.12f; // Cos of 83 degrees (90-83 = 7)
constexpr float kYAxisExtensionFraction = 0.4f;
constexpr float kMinRotationSpeed = 0.61f; // 35 degrees in radians
constexpr float kMinAngleDelta = 0.175f; // 10 degrees in radians
float clamp(float v, float min, float max) {
if (v < min)
return min;
if (v > max)
return max;
return v;
float NormalizeAngle(float angle) {
if (angle > M_PI)
angle = 2.0f * M_PI - angle;
return angle;
} // namespace
const vec3 ElbowModel::kDefaultNeckPosition = vec3(0, -0.075f, -0.080f);
ElbowModel::ElbowModel() {}
ElbowModel::~ElbowModel() {}
void ElbowModel::Enable(const vec3& neck_position, bool right_handed) {
enabled_ = true;
neck_position_ = neck_position;
if (right_handed) {
elbow_position_ = kRightElbowPosition;
arm_extension_ = kRightArmExtension;
} else {
elbow_position_ = kLeftElbowPosition;
arm_extension_ = kLeftArmExtension;
void ElbowModel::Disable() { enabled_ = false; }
vec3 ElbowModel::Update(float delta_t, const quat& hmd_orientation,
const quat& controller_orientation, bool recenter) {
if (!enabled_)
return vec3::Zero();
float heading_rad = GetHeading(hmd_orientation);
quat y_rotation;
y_rotation = Eigen::AngleAxis<float>(heading_rad, vec3::UnitY());
// If the controller's angular velocity is above a certain amount, we can
// assume torso rotation and move the elbow joint relative to the
// camera orientation.
float angle_delta = last_controller_.angularDistance(controller_orientation);
float rot_speed = angle_delta / delta_t;
if (recenter) {
root_rot_ = y_rotation;
} else if (rot_speed > kMinRotationSpeed) {
root_rot_.slerp(angle_delta / kMinAngleDelta, y_rotation);
// Calculate angle (or really, cos thereof) between controller forward vector
// and Y axis to determine extension amount.
vec3 controller_forward_rotated = controller_orientation * -vec3::UnitZ();
float dot_y = controller_forward_rotated.y();
float amt_extension = clamp(dot_y - kCosMinExtensionAngle, 0, 1);
// Remove the root rotation from the orientation reading--we'll add it back in
// later.
quat controller_rot = root_rot_.inverse() * controller_orientation;
controller_forward_rotated = controller_rot * -vec3::UnitZ();
quat rot_xy;
rot_xy.setFromTwoVectors(-vec3::UnitZ(), controller_forward_rotated);
// Fixing polar singularity
float total_angle = NormalizeAngle(atan2f(rot_xy.norm(), rot_xy.w()) * 2.0f);
float lerp_amount = (1.0f - powf(total_angle / M_PI, 6.0f)) *
(1.0f - (kElbowBendRatio +
(1.0f - kElbowBendRatio) *
(amt_extension + kYAxisExtensionFraction)));
// Calculate the relative rotations of the elbow and wrist joints.
quat wrist_rot = quat::Identity();
wrist_rot.slerp(lerp_amount, rot_xy);
quat elbow_rot = wrist_rot.inverse() * rot_xy;
last_controller_ = controller_orientation;
vec3 position =
root_rot_ *
((controller_root_offset_ + arm_extension_ * amt_extension) +
elbow_rot * (kControllerForearm + wrist_rot * kControllerPosition));
return position;
float ElbowModel::GetHeading(const quat& orientation) {
vec3 gaze = orientation * -vec3::UnitZ();
if (gaze.y() > 0.99)
gaze = orientation * -vec3::UnitY();
else if (gaze.y() < -0.99)
gaze = orientation * vec3::UnitY();
return atan2f(-gaze.x(), -gaze.z());
void ElbowModel::ResetRoot() {
controller_root_offset_ = elbow_position_ + neck_position_;
} // namespace dvr
} // namespace android