blob: 0c3369a22ab4d0b07321b579b38ea10207bfd3e2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <type_traits>
#include "DisplayHardware/HWComposer.h"
#include "HwcStrongTypes.h"
#include "Scheduler/SchedulerUtils.h"
#include "Scheduler/StrongTyping.h"
namespace android::scheduler {
enum class RefreshRateConfigEvent : unsigned { None = 0b0, Changed = 0b1 };
inline RefreshRateConfigEvent operator|(RefreshRateConfigEvent lhs, RefreshRateConfigEvent rhs) {
using T = std::underlying_type_t<RefreshRateConfigEvent>;
return static_cast<RefreshRateConfigEvent>(static_cast<T>(lhs) | static_cast<T>(rhs));
* This class is used to encapsulate configuration for refresh rates. It holds information
* about available refresh rates on the device, and the mapping between the numbers and human
* readable names.
class RefreshRateConfigs {
struct RefreshRate {
// The tolerance within which we consider FPS approximately equals.
static constexpr float FPS_EPSILON = 0.001f;
RefreshRate(HwcConfigIndexType configId, nsecs_t vsyncPeriod,
HwcConfigGroupType configGroup, std::string name, float fps)
: configId(configId),
fps(fps) {}
// This config ID corresponds to the position of the config in the vector that is stored
// on the device.
const HwcConfigIndexType configId;
// Vsync period in nanoseconds.
const nsecs_t vsyncPeriod;
// This configGroup for the config.
const HwcConfigGroupType configGroup;
// Human readable name of the refresh rate.
const std::string name;
// Refresh rate in frames per second
const float fps = 0;
// Checks whether the fps of this RefreshRate struct is within a given min and max refresh
// rate passed in. FPS_EPSILON is applied to the boundaries for approximation.
bool inPolicy(float minRefreshRate, float maxRefreshRate) const {
return (fps >= (minRefreshRate - FPS_EPSILON) && fps <= (maxRefreshRate + FPS_EPSILON));
bool operator!=(const RefreshRate& other) const {
return configId != other.configId || vsyncPeriod != other.vsyncPeriod ||
configGroup != other.configGroup;
bool operator==(const RefreshRate& other) const { return !(*this != other); }
using AllRefreshRatesMapType = std::unordered_map<HwcConfigIndexType, const RefreshRate>;
// Sets the current policy to choose refresh rates. Returns NO_ERROR if the requested policy is
// valid, or a negative error value otherwise. policyChanged, if non-null, will be set to true
// if the new policy is different from the old policy.
status_t setPolicy(HwcConfigIndexType defaultConfigId, float minRefreshRate,
float maxRefreshRate, bool* policyChanged) EXCLUDES(mLock);
// Gets the current policy.
void getPolicy(HwcConfigIndexType* defaultConfigId, float* minRefreshRate,
float* maxRefreshRate) const EXCLUDES(mLock);
// Returns true if config is allowed by the current policy.
bool isConfigAllowed(HwcConfigIndexType config) const EXCLUDES(mLock);
// Returns true if this device is doing refresh rate switching. This won't change at runtime.
bool refreshRateSwitchingSupported() const { return mRefreshRateSwitching; }
// Returns all available refresh rates according to the current policy.
const RefreshRate& getRefreshRateForContent(float contentFramerate) const EXCLUDES(mLock);
// Returns all the refresh rates supported by the device. This won't change at runtime.
const AllRefreshRatesMapType& getAllRefreshRates() const EXCLUDES(mLock);
// Returns the lowest refresh rate supported by the device. This won't change at runtime.
const RefreshRate& getMinRefreshRate() const { return *mMinSupportedRefreshRate; }
// Returns the lowest refresh rate according to the current policy. May change in runtime.
const RefreshRate& getMinRefreshRateByPolicy() const EXCLUDES(mLock);
// Returns the highest refresh rate supported by the device. This won't change at runtime.
const RefreshRate& getMaxRefreshRate() const { return *mMaxSupportedRefreshRate; }
// Returns the highest refresh rate according to the current policy. May change in runtime.
const RefreshRate& getMaxRefreshRateByPolicy() const EXCLUDES(mLock);
// Returns the current refresh rate
const RefreshRate& getCurrentRefreshRate() const EXCLUDES(mLock);
// Returns the refresh rate that corresponds to a HwcConfigIndexType. This won't change at
// runtime.
const RefreshRate& getRefreshRateFromConfigId(HwcConfigIndexType configId) const {
// Stores the current configId the device operates at
void setCurrentConfigId(HwcConfigIndexType configId) EXCLUDES(mLock);
struct InputConfig {
HwcConfigIndexType configId = HwcConfigIndexType(0);
HwcConfigGroupType configGroup = HwcConfigGroupType(0);
nsecs_t vsyncPeriod = 0;
RefreshRateConfigs(bool refreshRateSwitching, const std::vector<InputConfig>& configs,
HwcConfigIndexType currentHwcConfig);
RefreshRateConfigs(bool refreshRateSwitching,
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const HWC2::Display::Config>>& configs,
HwcConfigIndexType currentConfigId);
void init(const std::vector<InputConfig>& configs, HwcConfigIndexType currentHwcConfig);
void constructAvailableRefreshRates() REQUIRES(mLock);
void getSortedRefreshRateList(
const std::function<bool(const RefreshRate&)>& shouldAddRefreshRate,
std::vector<const RefreshRate*>* outRefreshRates);
// The list of refresh rates, indexed by display config ID. This must not change after this
// object is initialized.
AllRefreshRatesMapType mRefreshRates;
// The list of refresh rates which are available in the current policy, ordered by vsyncPeriod
// (the first element is the lowest refresh rate)
std::vector<const RefreshRate*> mAvailableRefreshRates GUARDED_BY(mLock);
// The current config. This will change at runtime. This is set by SurfaceFlinger on
// the main thread, and read by the Scheduler (and other objects) on other threads.
const RefreshRate* mCurrentRefreshRate GUARDED_BY(mLock);
// The default config. This will change at runtime. This is set by SurfaceFlinger on
// the main thread, and read by the Scheduler (and other objects) on other threads.
HwcConfigIndexType mDefaultConfig GUARDED_BY(mLock);
// The min and max FPS allowed by the policy. This will change at runtime and set by
// SurfaceFlinger on the main thread.
float mMinRefreshRateFps GUARDED_BY(mLock) = 0;
float mMaxRefreshRateFps GUARDED_BY(mLock) = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
// The min and max refresh rates supported by the device.
// This will not change at runtime.
const RefreshRate* mMinSupportedRefreshRate;
const RefreshRate* mMaxSupportedRefreshRate;
const bool mRefreshRateSwitching;
mutable std::mutex mLock;
} // namespace android::scheduler