blob: beba156378185016072daf31b32611e05ae748e3 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <linear_predictor.h>
#include <polynomial_predictor.h>
#include <predictor.h>
namespace posepredictor {
vec3 Predictor::AngularVelocity(const quat& a, const quat& b, real delta_time) {
const auto delta_q = a.inverse() * b;
// Check that delta_q.w() == 1, Eigen doesn't respect this convention. If
// delta_q.w() == -1, we'll get the opposite velocity.
return 2.0 * (delta_q.w() < 0 ? static_cast<vec3>(-delta_q.vec()) : delta_q.vec()) / delta_time;
Velocity Predictor::PredictVelocity(int64_t time_ns) const {
const auto a = Predict(time_ns - kFiniteDifferenceNs);
const auto b = Predict(time_ns + kFiniteDifferenceNs);
const auto delta_time = NsToSeconds(2 * kFiniteDifferenceNs);
return {(b.position - a.position) / delta_time,
AngularVelocity(a.orientation, b.orientation, delta_time)};
// The factory method.
std::unique_ptr<Predictor> Predictor::Create(PredictorType type) {
switch (type) {
case PredictorType::Linear:
return std::make_unique<LinearPosePredictor>();
case PredictorType::Quadric:
return std::make_unique<QuadricPosePredictor>();
case PredictorType::Cubic:
return std::make_unique<CubicPosePredictor>();
} // namespace posepredictor