blob: 2e4cf75d4d6909e7dc0456d3a7196c66ec867fbd [file] [log] [blame]
#include <pdx/file_handle.h>
#include <pdx/service.h>
#include <private/dvr/display_rpc.h>
#include <private/dvr/ring_buffer.h>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "acquired_buffer.h"
#include "surface_channel.h"
#include "video_mesh_surface.h"
namespace android {
namespace dvr {
class DisplayService;
// DisplaySurface is the service-side notion of a client display context. It is
// responsible for managing display buffer format, geometry, and state, and
// maintains the buffer consumers connected to the client.
class DisplaySurface : public SurfaceChannel {
DisplaySurface(DisplayService* service, int surface_id, int process_id,
int width, int height, int format, int usage, int flags);
~DisplaySurface() override;
int process_id() const { return process_id_; }
int width() const { return width_; }
int height() const { return height_; }
int format() const { return format_; }
int usage() const { return usage_; }
int flags() const { return flags_; }
bool client_visible() const { return client_visible_; }
int client_z_order() const { return client_z_order_; }
bool client_exclude_from_blur() const { return client_exclude_from_blur_; }
bool client_blur_behind() const { return client_blur_behind_; }
bool manager_visible() const { return manager_visible_; }
int manager_z_order() const { return manager_z_order_; }
float manager_blur() const { return manager_blur_; }
bool video_mesh_surfaces_updated() const {
return video_mesh_surfaces_updated_;
volatile const DisplaySurfaceMetadata* GetMetadataBufferPtr() {
if (EnsureMetadataBuffer()) {
void* addr = nullptr;
metadata_buffer_->GetBlobReadWritePointer(metadata_size(), &addr);
return static_cast<const volatile DisplaySurfaceMetadata*>(addr);
} else {
return nullptr;
uint32_t GetRenderBufferIndex(int buffer_id);
bool IsBufferAvailable();
bool IsBufferPosted();
AcquiredBuffer AcquireCurrentBuffer();
// Get the newest buffer. Up to one buffer will be skipped. If a buffer is
// skipped, it will be stored in skipped_buffer if non null.
AcquiredBuffer AcquireNewestAvailableBuffer(AcquiredBuffer* skipped_buffer);
// Display manager interface to control visibility and z order.
void ManagerSetVisible(bool visible);
void ManagerSetZOrder(int z_order);
void ManagerSetBlur(float blur);
// A surface must be set visible by both the client and the display manager to
// be visible on screen.
bool IsVisible() const { return client_visible_ && manager_visible_; }
// A surface is blurred if the display manager requests it.
bool IsBlurred() const { return manager_blur_ > 0.0f; }
// Set by HardwareComposer to the current logical layer order of this surface.
void SetLayerOrder(int layer_order) { layer_order_ = layer_order; }
// Gets the unique z-order index of this surface among other visible surfaces.
// This is not the same as the hardware layer index, as not all display
// surfaces map directly to hardware layers. Lower layer orders should be
// composited underneath higher layer orders.
int layer_order() const { return layer_order_; }
// Lock all video mesh surfaces so that VideoMeshCompositor can access them.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<VideoMeshSurface>> GetVideoMeshSurfaces();
friend class DisplayService;
// The capacity of the pending buffer queue. Should be enough to hold all the
// buffers of this DisplaySurface, although in practice only 1 or 2 frames
// will be pending at a time.
static constexpr int kMaxPostedBuffers =
kSurfaceBufferMaxCount * kSurfaceViewMaxCount;
// Returns whether a frame is available without locking the mutex.
bool IsFrameAvailableNoLock() const;
// Dispatches display surface messages to the appropriate handlers. This
// handler runs on the displayd message dispatch thread.
pdx::Status<void> HandleMessage(pdx::Message& message) override;
// Sets display surface's client-controlled attributes.
int OnClientSetAttributes(pdx::Message& message,
const DisplaySurfaceAttributes& attributes);
// Creates a BufferHubQueue associated with this surface and returns the PDX
// handle of its producer side to the client.
pdx::LocalChannelHandle OnCreateBufferQueue(pdx::Message& message);
// Creates a video mesh surface associated with this surface and returns its
// PDX handle to the client.
pdx::RemoteChannelHandle OnCreateVideoMeshSurface(pdx::Message& message);
// Client interface (called through IPC) to set visibility and z order.
void ClientSetVisible(bool visible);
void ClientSetZOrder(int z_order);
void ClientSetExcludeFromBlur(bool exclude_from_blur);
void ClientSetBlurBehind(bool blur_behind);
// Dequeue all available buffers from the consumer queue.
void DequeueBuffersLocked();
DisplaySurface(const DisplaySurface&) = delete;
void operator=(const DisplaySurface&) = delete;
int process_id_;
// Synchronizes access to mutable state below between message dispatch thread,
// epoll event thread, and frame post thread.
mutable std::mutex lock_;
// The consumer end of a BufferHubQueue. VrFlinger allocates and controls the
// buffer queue and pass producer end to the app and the consumer end to
// compositor.
// TODO(jwcai) Add support for multiple buffer queues per display surface.
std::shared_ptr<ConsumerQueue> consumer_queue_;
// In a triple-buffered surface, up to kMaxPostedBuffers buffers may be
// posted and pending.
RingBuffer<AcquiredBuffer> acquired_buffers_;
// Provides access to VideoMeshSurface. Here we don't want to increase
// the reference count immediately on allocation, will leave it into
// compositor's hand.
std::vector<std::weak_ptr<VideoMeshSurface>> pending_video_mesh_surfaces_;
volatile bool video_mesh_surfaces_updated_;
// Surface parameters.
int width_;
int height_;
int format_;
int usage_;
int flags_;
bool client_visible_;
int client_z_order_;
bool client_exclude_from_blur_;
bool client_blur_behind_;
bool manager_visible_;
int manager_z_order_;
float manager_blur_;
int layer_order_;
// The monotonically increasing index for allocated buffers in this surface.
uint32_t allocated_buffer_index_;
// Maps from the buffer id to the corresponding allocated buffer index.
std::unordered_map<int, uint32_t> buffer_id_to_index_;
} // namespace dvr
} // namespace android