blob: 37c7221b14a5b2bf74d69939e1c35fbab4390873 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef UI_MAT2_H_
#define UI_MAT2_H_
#include <ui/TMatHelpers.h>
#include <ui/vec2.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#define PURE __attribute__((pure))
#if __cplusplus >= 201402L
#define CONSTEXPR constexpr
namespace android {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace details {
* A 2x2 column-major matrix class.
* Conceptually a 2x2 matrix is a an array of 2 column vec2:
* mat2 m =
* \f$
* \left(
* \begin{array}{cc}
* m[0] & m[1] \\
* \end{array}
* \right)
* \f$
* =
* \f$
* \left(
* \begin{array}{cc}
* m[0][0] & m[1][0] \\
* m[0][1] & m[1][1] \\
* \end{array}
* \right)
* \f$
* =
* \f$
* \left(
* \begin{array}{cc}
* m(0,0) & m(0,1) \\
* m(1,0) & m(1,1) \\
* \end{array}
* \right)
* \f$
* m[n] is the \f$ n^{th} \f$ column of the matrix and is a vec2.
template <typename T>
class TMat22 : public TVecUnaryOperators<TMat22, T>,
public TVecComparisonOperators<TMat22, T>,
public TVecAddOperators<TMat22, T>,
public TMatProductOperators<TMat22, T>,
public TMatSquareFunctions<TMat22, T>,
public TMatHelpers<TMat22, T>,
public TMatDebug<TMat22, T> {
enum no_init { NO_INIT };
typedef T value_type;
typedef T& reference;
typedef T const& const_reference;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef TVec2<T> col_type;
typedef TVec2<T> row_type;
static constexpr size_t COL_SIZE = col_type::SIZE; // size of a column (i.e.: number of rows)
static constexpr size_t ROW_SIZE = row_type::SIZE; // size of a row (i.e.: number of columns)
static constexpr size_t NUM_ROWS = COL_SIZE;
static constexpr size_t NUM_COLS = ROW_SIZE;
* <-- N columns -->
* a[0][0] a[1][0] a[2][0] ... a[N][0] ^
* a[0][1] a[1][1] a[2][1] ... a[N][1] |
* a[0][2] a[1][2] a[2][2] ... a[N][2] M rows
* ... |
* a[0][M] a[1][M] a[2][M] ... a[N][M] v
* m[0] = [ a[0][0] a[0][1] a[0][2] ... a[0][M] ]
col_type m_value[NUM_COLS];
// array access
inline constexpr col_type const& operator[](size_t column) const {
#if __cplusplus >= 201402L
// only possible in C++0x14 with constexpr
assert(column < NUM_COLS);
return m_value[column];
inline col_type& operator[](size_t column) {
assert(column < NUM_COLS);
return m_value[column];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// we want the compiler generated versions for these...
TMat22(const TMat22&) = default;
~TMat22() = default;
TMat22& operator = (const TMat22&) = default;
* constructors
* leaves object uninitialized. use with caution.
explicit constexpr TMat22(no_init)
: m_value{ col_type(col_type::NO_INIT),
col_type(col_type::NO_INIT) } {}
* initialize to identity.
* \f$
* \left(
* \begin{array}{cc}
* 1 & 0 \\
* 0 & 1 \\
* \end{array}
* \right)
* \f$
* initialize to Identity*scalar.
* \f$
* \left(
* \begin{array}{cc}
* v & 0 \\
* 0 & v \\
* \end{array}
* \right)
* \f$
template<typename U>
explicit CONSTEXPR TMat22(U v);
* sets the diagonal to a vector.
* \f$
* \left(
* \begin{array}{cc}
* v[0] & 0 \\
* 0 & v[1] \\
* \end{array}
* \right)
* \f$
template <typename U>
explicit CONSTEXPR TMat22(const TVec2<U>& v);
* construct from another matrix of the same size
template <typename U>
explicit CONSTEXPR TMat22(const TMat22<U>& rhs);
* construct from 2 column vectors.
* \f$
* \left(
* \begin{array}{cc}
* v0 & v1 \\
* \end{array}
* \right)
* \f$
template <typename A, typename B>
CONSTEXPR TMat22(const TVec2<A>& v0, const TVec2<B>& v1);
/** construct from 4 elements in column-major form.
* \f$
* \left(
* \begin{array}{cc}
* m[0][0] & m[1][0] \\
* m[0][1] & m[1][1] \\
* \end{array}
* \right)
* \f$
template <
typename A, typename B,
typename C, typename D>
CONSTEXPR TMat22(A m00, B m01, C m10, D m11);
* construct from a C array in column major form.
template <typename U>
explicit CONSTEXPR TMat22(U const* rawArray);
* Rotate by radians in the 2D plane
static CONSTEXPR TMat22<T> rotate(T radian) {
TMat22<T> r(TMat22<T>::NO_INIT);
T c = std::cos(radian);
T s = std::sin(radian);
r[0][0] = c; r[1][1] = c;
r[0][1] = s; r[1][0] = -s;
return r;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Since the matrix code could become pretty big quickly, we don't inline most
// operations.
template <typename T>
CONSTEXPR TMat22<T>::TMat22() {
m_value[0] = col_type(1, 0);
m_value[1] = col_type(0, 1);
template <typename T>
template <typename U>
CONSTEXPR TMat22<T>::TMat22(U v) {
m_value[0] = col_type(v, 0);
m_value[1] = col_type(0, v);
template<typename T>
template<typename U>
CONSTEXPR TMat22<T>::TMat22(const TVec2<U>& v) {
m_value[0] = col_type(v.x, 0);
m_value[1] = col_type(0, v.y);
// construct from 4 scalars. Note that the arrangement
// of values in the constructor is the transpose of the matrix
// notation.
template<typename T>
template <
typename A, typename B,
typename C, typename D>
CONSTEXPR TMat22<T>::TMat22( A m00, B m01, C m10, D m11) {
m_value[0] = col_type(m00, m01);
m_value[1] = col_type(m10, m11);
template <typename T>
template <typename U>
CONSTEXPR TMat22<T>::TMat22(const TMat22<U>& rhs) {
for (size_t col = 0; col < NUM_COLS; ++col) {
m_value[col] = col_type(rhs[col]);
// Construct from 2 column vectors.
template <typename T>
template <typename A, typename B>
CONSTEXPR TMat22<T>::TMat22(const TVec2<A>& v0, const TVec2<B>& v1) {
m_value[0] = v0;
m_value[1] = v1;
// Construct from raw array, in column-major form.
template <typename T>
template <typename U>
CONSTEXPR TMat22<T>::TMat22(U const* rawArray) {
for (size_t col = 0; col < NUM_COLS; ++col) {
for (size_t row = 0; row < NUM_ROWS; ++row) {
m_value[col][row] = *rawArray++;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Arithmetic operators outside of class
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* We use non-friend functions here to prevent the compiler from using
* implicit conversions, for instance of a scalar to a vector. The result would
* not be what the caller expects.
* Also note that the order of the arguments in the inner loop is important since
* it determines the output type (only relevant when T != U).
// matrix * column-vector, result is a vector of the same type than the input vector
template <typename T, typename U>
CONSTEXPR typename TMat22<U>::col_type PURE operator *(const TMat22<T>& lhs, const TVec2<U>& rhs) {
// Result is initialized to zero.
typename TMat22<U>::col_type result;
for (size_t col = 0; col < TMat22<T>::NUM_COLS; ++col) {
result += lhs[col] * rhs[col];
return result;
// row-vector * matrix, result is a vector of the same type than the input vector
template <typename T, typename U>
CONSTEXPR typename TMat22<U>::row_type PURE operator *(const TVec2<U>& lhs, const TMat22<T>& rhs) {
typename TMat22<U>::row_type result(TMat22<U>::row_type::NO_INIT);
for (size_t col = 0; col < TMat22<T>::NUM_COLS; ++col) {
result[col] = dot(lhs, rhs[col]);
return result;
// matrix * scalar, result is a matrix of the same type than the input matrix
template<typename T, typename U>
constexpr typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<U>::value, TMat22<T>>::type PURE
operator*(TMat22<T> lhs, U rhs) {
return lhs *= rhs;
// scalar * matrix, result is a matrix of the same type than the input matrix
template<typename T, typename U>
constexpr typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<U>::value, TMat22<T>>::type PURE
operator*(U lhs, const TMat22<T>& rhs) {
return rhs * lhs;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* FIXME: this should go into TMatSquareFunctions<> but for some reason
* BASE<T>::col_type is not accessible from there (???)
template<typename T>
CONSTEXPR typename TMat22<T>::col_type PURE diag(const TMat22<T>& m) {
return matrix::diag(m);
} // namespace details
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef details::TMat22<double> mat2d;
typedef details::TMat22<float> mat2;
typedef details::TMat22<float> mat2f;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} // namespace android
#undef PURE
#endif // UI_MAT2_H_