blob: f8dd7f52e05214d8325fa9d8b429673bc51ba5af [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "Cache.h"
#include "AutoBackendTexture.h"
#include "SkiaRenderEngine.h"
#include "android-base/unique_fd.h"
#include "renderengine/DisplaySettings.h"
#include "renderengine/LayerSettings.h"
#include "ui/GraphicBuffer.h"
#include "ui/GraphicTypes.h"
#include "ui/PixelFormat.h"
#include "ui/Rect.h"
#include "utils/Timers.h"
namespace android::renderengine::skia {
static void drawShadowLayer(SkiaRenderEngine* renderengine, const DisplaySettings& display,
sp<GraphicBuffer> dstBuffer) {
// Somewhat arbitrary dimensions, but on screen and slightly shorter, based
// on actual use.
FloatRect rect(0, 0, display.physicalDisplay.width(), display.physicalDisplay.height() - 30);
LayerSettings layer{
.geometry =
.boundaries = rect,
.roundedCornersCrop = rect,
.shadow =
.ambientColor = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0.00935997f),
.spotColor = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0.0455841f),
.lightPos = vec3(370.508f, -1527.03f, 1650.f),
.lightRadius = 2200.0f,
.length = 0.955342f,
auto layers = std::vector<const LayerSettings*>{&layer};
// The identity matrix will generate the fast shaders, and the second matrix
// (based on one seen while going from dialer to the home screen) will
// generate the slower (more general case) version. If we also need a
// slow version without color correction, we should use this matrix with
// display.outputDataspace set to SRGB.
bool identity = true;
for (const mat4 transform : { mat4(), mat4(0.728872f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f,
0.f, 0.727627f, 0.f, 0.f,
0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f,
167.355743f, 1852.257812f, 0.f, 1.f) }) {
layer.geometry.positionTransform = transform;
renderengine->drawLayers(display, layers, dstBuffer, false /* useFrameBufferCache*/,
base::unique_fd(), nullptr);
renderengine->assertShadersCompiled(identity ? 1 : 2);
identity = false;
static void drawImageLayers(SkiaRenderEngine* renderengine, const DisplaySettings& display,
sp<GraphicBuffer> dstBuffer, sp<GraphicBuffer> srcBuffer) {
const Rect& displayRect = display.physicalDisplay;
FloatRect rect(0, 0, displayRect.width(), displayRect.height());
LayerSettings layer{
.geometry =
.boundaries = rect,
// This matrix is based on actual data seen when opening the dialer.
// What seems to be important in matching the actual use cases are:
// - it is not identity
// - the layer will be drawn (not clipped out etc)
.positionTransform = mat4(.19f, .0f, .0f, .0f,
.0f, .19f, .0f, .0f,
.0f, .0f, 1.f, .0f,
169.f, 1527.f, .0f, 1.f),
.roundedCornersCrop = rect,
.source = PixelSource{.buffer =
.buffer = srcBuffer,
.maxMasteringLuminance = 1000.f,
.maxContentLuminance = 1000.f,
// Test both drawRect and drawRRect
auto layers = std::vector<const LayerSettings*>{&layer};
for (float roundedCornersRadius : {0.0f, 500.f}) {
layer.geometry.roundedCornersRadius = roundedCornersRadius;
// No need to check UNKNOWN, which is treated as SRGB.
for (auto dataspace : {ui::Dataspace::SRGB, ui::Dataspace::DISPLAY_P3}) {
layer.sourceDataspace = dataspace;
for (bool isOpaque : {true, false}) {
layer.source.buffer.isOpaque = isOpaque;
for (auto alpha : {half(.23999f), half(1.0f)}) {
layer.alpha = alpha;
renderengine->drawLayers(display, layers, dstBuffer,
false /* useFrameBufferCache*/, base::unique_fd(),
void Cache::primeShaderCache(SkiaRenderEngine* renderengine) {
const nsecs_t timeBefore = systemTime();
// The dimensions should not matter, so long as we draw inside them.
const Rect displayRect(0, 0, 1080, 2340);
DisplaySettings display{
.physicalDisplay = displayRect,
.clip = displayRect,
.maxLuminance = 500,
.outputDataspace = ui::Dataspace::DISPLAY_P3,
sp<GraphicBuffer> dstBuffer =
new GraphicBuffer(displayRect.width(), displayRect.height(), PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, 1,
usage, "primeShaderCache_dst");
// This buffer will be the source for the call to drawImageLayers. Draw
// something to it as a placeholder for what an app draws. We should draw
// something, but the details are not important. We only need one version of
// the shadow's SkSL, so draw it here, giving us both a placeholder image
// and a chance to compile the shadow's SkSL.
sp<GraphicBuffer> srcBuffer =
new GraphicBuffer(displayRect.width(), displayRect.height(), PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, 1,
usage, "drawImageLayer_src");
drawShadowLayer(renderengine, display, srcBuffer);
drawImageLayers(renderengine, display, dstBuffer, srcBuffer);
const nsecs_t timeAfter = systemTime();
const float compileTimeMs = static_cast<float>(timeAfter - timeBefore) / 1.0E6;
ALOGD("shader cache generated in %f ms\n", compileTimeMs);
} // namespace android::renderengine::skia