blob: a6503136481eebc681c74df6d7416ed8e5032e8e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <EGL/eglext.h>
#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
#include <GrDirectContext.h>
#include <SkSurface.h>
#include <android-base/thread_annotations.h>
#include <renderengine/ExternalTexture.h>
#include <renderengine/RenderEngine.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "AutoBackendTexture.h"
#include "EGL/egl.h"
#include "GrContextOptions.h"
#include "SkImageInfo.h"
#include "SkiaRenderEngine.h"
#include "android-base/macros.h"
#include "debug/SkiaCapture.h"
#include "filters/BlurFilter.h"
#include "filters/LinearEffect.h"
#include "filters/StretchShaderFactory.h"
namespace android {
namespace renderengine {
namespace skia {
class SkiaGLRenderEngine : public skia::SkiaRenderEngine {
static std::unique_ptr<SkiaGLRenderEngine> create(const RenderEngineCreationArgs& args);
SkiaGLRenderEngine(const RenderEngineCreationArgs& args, EGLDisplay display, EGLContext ctxt,
EGLSurface placeholder, EGLContext protectedContext,
EGLSurface protectedPlaceholder);
~SkiaGLRenderEngine() override EXCLUDES(mRenderingMutex);
std::future<void> primeCache() override;
void cleanupPostRender() override;
void cleanFramebufferCache() override{};
int getContextPriority() override;
bool isProtected() const override { return mInProtectedContext; }
bool supportsProtectedContent() const override;
void useProtectedContext(bool useProtectedContext) override;
bool supportsBackgroundBlur() override { return mBlurFilter != nullptr; }
void assertShadersCompiled(int numShaders) override;
void onActiveDisplaySizeChanged(ui::Size size) override;
int reportShadersCompiled() override;
void dump(std::string& result) override;
size_t getMaxTextureSize() const override;
size_t getMaxViewportDims() const override;
void mapExternalTextureBuffer(const sp<GraphicBuffer>& buffer, bool isRenderable) override;
void unmapExternalTextureBuffer(const sp<GraphicBuffer>& buffer) override;
bool canSkipPostRenderCleanup() const override;
void drawLayersInternal(const std::shared_ptr<std::promise<RenderEngineResult>>&& resultPromise,
const DisplaySettings& display,
const std::vector<LayerSettings>& layers,
const std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture>& buffer,
const bool useFramebufferCache, base::unique_fd&& bufferFence) override;
static EGLConfig chooseEglConfig(EGLDisplay display, int format, bool logConfig);
static EGLContext createEglContext(EGLDisplay display, EGLConfig config,
EGLContext shareContext,
std::optional<ContextPriority> contextPriority,
Protection protection);
static std::optional<RenderEngine::ContextPriority> createContextPriority(
const RenderEngineCreationArgs& args);
static EGLSurface createPlaceholderEglPbufferSurface(EGLDisplay display, EGLConfig config,
int hwcFormat, Protection protection);
inline SkRect getSkRect(const FloatRect& layer);
inline SkRect getSkRect(const Rect& layer);
inline std::pair<SkRRect, SkRRect> getBoundsAndClip(const FloatRect& bounds,
const FloatRect& crop, float cornerRadius);
inline bool layerHasBlur(const LayerSettings& layer, bool colorTransformModifiesAlpha);
inline SkColor getSkColor(const vec4& color);
inline SkM44 getSkM44(const mat4& matrix);
inline SkPoint3 getSkPoint3(const vec3& vector);
inline GrDirectContext* getActiveGrContext() const;
base::unique_fd flush();
// waitFence attempts to wait in the GPU, and if unable to waits on the CPU instead.
void waitFence(base::borrowed_fd fenceFd);
bool waitGpuFence(base::borrowed_fd fenceFd);
void initCanvas(SkCanvas* canvas, const DisplaySettings& display);
void drawShadow(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkRRect& casterRRect,
const ShadowSettings& shadowSettings);
// If requiresLinearEffect is true or the layer has a stretchEffect a new shader is returned.
// Otherwise it returns the input shader.
struct RuntimeEffectShaderParameters {
sk_sp<SkShader> shader;
const LayerSettings& layer;
const DisplaySettings& display;
bool undoPremultipliedAlpha;
bool requiresLinearEffect;
float layerDimmingRatio;
sk_sp<SkShader> createRuntimeEffectShader(const RuntimeEffectShaderParameters&);
EGLDisplay mEGLDisplay;
EGLContext mEGLContext;
EGLSurface mPlaceholderSurface;
EGLContext mProtectedEGLContext;
EGLSurface mProtectedPlaceholderSurface;
BlurFilter* mBlurFilter = nullptr;
const PixelFormat mDefaultPixelFormat;
const bool mUseColorManagement;
// Identifier used or various mappings of layers to various
// textures or shaders
using GraphicBufferId = uint64_t;
// Number of external holders of ExternalTexture references, per GraphicBuffer ID.
std::unordered_map<GraphicBufferId, int32_t> mGraphicBufferExternalRefs
// Cache of GL textures that we'll store per GraphicBuffer ID, shared between GPU contexts.
std::unordered_map<GraphicBufferId, std::shared_ptr<AutoBackendTexture::LocalRef>> mTextureCache
std::unordered_map<shaders::LinearEffect, sk_sp<SkRuntimeEffect>, shaders::LinearEffectHasher>
AutoBackendTexture::CleanupManager mTextureCleanupMgr GUARDED_BY(mRenderingMutex);
StretchShaderFactory mStretchShaderFactory;
// Mutex guarding rendering operations, so that:
// 1. GL operations aren't interleaved, and
// 2. Internal state related to rendering that is potentially modified by
// multiple threads is guaranteed thread-safe.
mutable std::mutex mRenderingMutex;
sp<Fence> mLastDrawFence;
// Graphics context used for creating surfaces and submitting commands
sk_sp<GrDirectContext> mGrContext;
// Same as above, but for protected content (eg. DRM)
sk_sp<GrDirectContext> mProtectedGrContext;
bool mInProtectedContext = false;
// Object to capture commands send to Skia.
std::unique_ptr<SkiaCapture> mCapture;
// Implements PersistentCache as a way to monitor what SkSL shaders Skia has
// cached.
class SkSLCacheMonitor : public GrContextOptions::PersistentCache {
SkSLCacheMonitor() = default;
~SkSLCacheMonitor() override = default;
sk_sp<SkData> load(const SkData& key) override;
void store(const SkData& key, const SkData& data, const SkString& description) override;
int shadersCachedSinceLastCall() {
const int shadersCachedSinceLastCall = mShadersCachedSinceLastCall;
mShadersCachedSinceLastCall = 0;
return shadersCachedSinceLastCall;
int mShadersCachedSinceLastCall = 0;
SkSLCacheMonitor mSkSLCacheMonitor;
} // namespace skia
} // namespace renderengine
} // namespace android