blob: f6c24d9d480b29f4ebd5c1b9ea9ff62e26ed5bbb [file] [log] [blame]
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <EGL/eglext.h>
#include <android/native_window.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <cutils/log.h>
#include <system/window.h>
#include <ui/ANativeObjectBase.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <private/dvr/buffer_hub_client.h>
namespace android {
namespace dvr {
// ANativeWindowBuffer is the abstraction Android HALs and frameworks use to
// pass around hardware graphics buffers. The following classes implement this
// abstraction with different DVR backing buffers, all of which provide
// different semantics on top of ion/gralloc buffers.
// An implementation of ANativeWindowBuffer backed by an IonBuffer.
class NativeBuffer
: public android::ANativeObjectBase<ANativeWindowBuffer, NativeBuffer,
android::LightRefBase<NativeBuffer>> {
static constexpr int kEmptyFence = -1;
explicit NativeBuffer(const std::shared_ptr<IonBuffer>& buffer)
: BASE(), buffer_(buffer), fence_(kEmptyFence) {
ANativeWindowBuffer::width = buffer->width();
ANativeWindowBuffer::height = buffer->height();
ANativeWindowBuffer::stride = buffer->stride();
ANativeWindowBuffer::format = buffer->format();
ANativeWindowBuffer::usage = buffer->usage();
handle = buffer_->handle();
virtual ~NativeBuffer() {}
std::shared_ptr<IonBuffer> buffer() { return buffer_; }
int fence() const { return fence_.Get(); }
void SetFence(int fence) { fence_.Reset(fence); }
friend class android::LightRefBase<NativeBuffer>;
std::shared_ptr<IonBuffer> buffer_;
pdx::LocalHandle fence_;
NativeBuffer(const NativeBuffer&) = delete;
void operator=(NativeBuffer&) = delete;
// NativeBufferProducerSlice is an implementation of ANativeWindowBuffer backed
// by a buffer slice of a BufferProducer.
class NativeBufferProducerSlice
: public android::ANativeObjectBase<
ANativeWindowBuffer, NativeBufferProducerSlice,
android::LightRefBase<NativeBufferProducerSlice>> {
NativeBufferProducerSlice(const std::shared_ptr<BufferProducer>& buffer,
int buffer_index)
: BASE(), buffer_(buffer) {
ANativeWindowBuffer::width = buffer_->width();
ANativeWindowBuffer::height = buffer_->height();
ANativeWindowBuffer::stride = buffer_->stride();
ANativeWindowBuffer::format = buffer_->format();
ANativeWindowBuffer::usage = buffer_->usage();
handle = buffer_->native_handle(buffer_index);
virtual ~NativeBufferProducerSlice() {}
friend class android::LightRefBase<NativeBufferProducerSlice>;
std::shared_ptr<BufferProducer> buffer_;
NativeBufferProducerSlice(const NativeBufferProducerSlice&) = delete;
void operator=(NativeBufferProducerSlice&) = delete;
// NativeBufferProducer is an implementation of ANativeWindowBuffer backed by a
// BufferProducer.
class NativeBufferProducer : public android::ANativeObjectBase<
ANativeWindowBuffer, NativeBufferProducer,
android::LightRefBase<NativeBufferProducer>> {
static constexpr int kEmptyFence = -1;
NativeBufferProducer(const std::shared_ptr<BufferProducer>& buffer,
EGLDisplay display, uint32_t surface_buffer_index)
: BASE(),
display_(display) {
ANativeWindowBuffer::width = buffer_->width();
ANativeWindowBuffer::height = buffer_->height();
ANativeWindowBuffer::stride = buffer_->stride();
ANativeWindowBuffer::format = buffer_->format();
ANativeWindowBuffer::usage = buffer_->usage();
handle = buffer_->native_handle();
for (int i = 0; i < buffer->slice_count(); ++i) {
// display == null means don't create an EGL image. This is used by our
// Vulkan code.
slices_.push_back(new NativeBufferProducerSlice(buffer, i));
if (display_ != nullptr) {
static_cast<ANativeWindowBuffer*>(slices_.back().get()), nullptr));
if (egl_images_.back() == EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR) {
ALOGE("NativeBufferProducer: eglCreateImageKHR failed");
explicit NativeBufferProducer(const std::shared_ptr<BufferProducer>& buffer)
: NativeBufferProducer(buffer, nullptr, 0) {}
virtual ~NativeBufferProducer() {
for (EGLImageKHR egl_image : egl_images_) {
if (egl_image != EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR)
eglDestroyImageKHR(display_, egl_image);
EGLImageKHR image_khr(int index) const { return egl_images_[index]; }
std::shared_ptr<BufferProducer> buffer() const { return buffer_; }
int release_fence() const { return release_fence_.Get(); }
uint32_t surface_buffer_index() const { return surface_buffer_index_; }
// Return the release fence, passing ownership to the caller.
pdx::LocalHandle ClaimReleaseFence() { return std::move(release_fence_); }
// Post the buffer consumer, closing the acquire and release fences.
int Post(int acquire_fence, uint64_t sequence) {
return buffer_->Post(pdx::LocalHandle(acquire_fence), sequence);
// Gain the buffer producer, closing the previous release fence if valid.
int Gain() { return buffer_->Gain(&release_fence_); }
// Asynchronously gain the buffer, closing the previous release fence.
int GainAsync() {
return buffer_->GainAsync();
friend class android::LightRefBase<NativeBufferProducer>;
std::shared_ptr<BufferProducer> buffer_;
pdx::LocalHandle release_fence_;
std::vector<android::sp<NativeBufferProducerSlice>> slices_;
std::vector<EGLImageKHR> egl_images_;
uint32_t surface_buffer_index_;
EGLDisplay display_;
NativeBufferProducer(const NativeBufferProducer&) = delete;
void operator=(NativeBufferProducer&) = delete;
// NativeBufferConsumer is an implementation of ANativeWindowBuffer backed by a
// BufferConsumer.
class NativeBufferConsumer : public android::ANativeObjectBase<
ANativeWindowBuffer, NativeBufferConsumer,
android::LightRefBase<NativeBufferConsumer>> {
static constexpr int kEmptyFence = -1;
explicit NativeBufferConsumer(const std::shared_ptr<BufferConsumer>& buffer,
int index)
: BASE(), buffer_(buffer), acquire_fence_(kEmptyFence), sequence_(0) {
ANativeWindowBuffer::width = buffer_->width();
ANativeWindowBuffer::height = buffer_->height();
ANativeWindowBuffer::stride = buffer_->stride();
ANativeWindowBuffer::format = buffer_->format();
ANativeWindowBuffer::usage = buffer_->usage();
CHECK(buffer_->slice_count() > index);
handle = buffer_->slice(index)->handle();
explicit NativeBufferConsumer(const std::shared_ptr<BufferConsumer>& buffer)
: NativeBufferConsumer(buffer, 0) {}
virtual ~NativeBufferConsumer() {}
std::shared_ptr<BufferConsumer> buffer() const { return buffer_; }
int acquire_fence() const { return acquire_fence_.Get(); }
uint64_t sequence() const { return sequence_; }
// Return the acquire fence, passing ownership to the caller.
pdx::LocalHandle ClaimAcquireFence() { return std::move(acquire_fence_); }
// Acquire the underlying buffer consumer, closing the previous acquire fence
// if valid.
int Acquire() { return buffer_->Acquire(&acquire_fence_, &sequence_); }
// Release the buffer consumer, closing the acquire and release fences if
// valid.
int Release(int release_fence) {
sequence_ = 0;
return buffer_->Release(pdx::LocalHandle(release_fence));
friend class android::LightRefBase<NativeBufferConsumer>;
std::shared_ptr<BufferConsumer> buffer_;
pdx::LocalHandle acquire_fence_;
uint64_t sequence_;
NativeBufferConsumer(const NativeBufferConsumer&) = delete;
void operator=(NativeBufferConsumer&) = delete;
} // namespace dvr
} // namespace android