blob: 68f82d70bc231e0b90ebe3a65d8b7f26d8c66860 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gralloc_mock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <private/dvr/ion_buffer.h>
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::Invoke;
using ::testing::Return;
using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
using android::dvr::IonBuffer;
GrallocMock* GrallocMock::staticObject = nullptr;
namespace {
const int w1 = 100;
const int h1 = 200;
const int d1 = 2;
const int f1 = 1;
const int u1 = 3;
const int stride1 = 8;
const int layer_stride1 = 8;
native_handle_t handle1;
const int w2 = 150;
const int h2 = 300;
const int d2 = 4;
const int f2 = 2;
const int u2 = 5;
const int stride2 = 4;
const int layer_stride2 = 4;
native_handle_t handle2;
const int kMaxFd = 10;
const int kMaxInt = 10;
char handleData[sizeof(native_handle_t) + (kMaxFd + kMaxInt) * sizeof(int)];
native_handle_t* const dataHandle =
char refData[sizeof(native_handle_t) + (kMaxFd + kMaxInt) * sizeof(int)];
native_handle_t* const refHandle = reinterpret_cast<native_handle_t*>(refData);
class IonBufferUnitTest : public ::testing::Test {
// You can remove any or all of the following functions if its body
// is empty.
IonBufferUnitTest() {
GrallocMock::staticObject = new GrallocMock;
// You can do set-up work for each test here.
// most ServicefsClients will use this initializer. Use as the
// default.
virtual ~IonBufferUnitTest() {
delete GrallocMock::staticObject;
GrallocMock::staticObject = nullptr;
// You can do clean-up work that doesn't throw exceptions here.
// If the constructor and destructor are not enough for setting up
// and cleaning up each test, you can define the following methods:
void SetUp() override {
// Code here will be called immediately after the constructor (right
// before each test).
void TearDown() override {
// Code here will be called immediately after each test (right
// before the destructor).
void TestIonBufferState(const IonBuffer& buffer, int w, int h, int d, int f,
int u, native_handle_t* handle, int stride,
int layer_stride) {
EXPECT_EQ(buffer.width(), w);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer.height(), h);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer.layer_count(), d);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer.format(), f);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer.usage(), u);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer.handle(), handle);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer.stride(), stride);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer.layer_stride(), layer_stride);
TEST_F(IonBufferUnitTest, TestFreeOnDestruction) {
// Set up |alloc|(|w1...|) to succeed once and fail on others calls.
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, alloc(w1, h1, f1, u1, _, _))
.WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgPointee<4>(&handle1), SetArgPointee<5>(stride1),
// Set up |free| to be called once.
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, free(&handle1))
IonBuffer buffer;
// First call to |alloc| with |w1...| set up to succeed.
int ret = buffer.Alloc(w1, h1, f1, u1);
EXPECT_EQ(ret, 0);
TestIonBufferState(buffer, w1, h1, 1, f1, u1, &handle1, stride1, 0);
// Scoped destructor will be called, calling |free| on |handle1|.
TEST_F(IonBufferUnitTest, TestAlloc) {
IonBuffer buffer;
// Set up |alloc|(|w1...|) to succeed once and fail on others calls.
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, alloc(w1, h1, f1, u1, _, _))
.WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgPointee<4>(&handle1), SetArgPointee<5>(stride1),
// Set up |alloc|(|w2...|) to succeed once and fail on others calls.
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, alloc(w2, h2, f2, u2, _, _))
.WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgPointee<4>(&handle2), SetArgPointee<5>(stride2),
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, free(&handle1))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, free(&handle2))
// First call to |alloc| with |w1...| set up to succeed.
int ret = buffer.Alloc(w1, h1, f1, u1);
EXPECT_EQ(ret, 0);
TestIonBufferState(buffer, w1, h1, 1, f1, u1, &handle1, stride1, 0);
// First call to |alloc| with |w2...| set up to succeed, |free| should be
// called once on |handle1|.
ret = buffer.Alloc(w2, h2, f2, u2);
EXPECT_EQ(ret, 0);
TestIonBufferState(buffer, w2, h2, 1, f2, u2, &handle2, stride2, 0);
// Second call to |alloc| with |w1| is set up to fail.
ret = buffer.Alloc(w1, h1, f1, u1);
EXPECT_LT(ret, 0);
TestIonBufferState(buffer, w2, h2, 1, f2, u2, &handle2, stride2, 0);
// |free| on |handle2| should be called here.
TestIonBufferState(buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, 0);
// |alloc| is set up to fail.
ret = buffer.Alloc(w2, h2, f2, u2);
EXPECT_LT(ret, 0);
TestIonBufferState(buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, 0);
TEST_F(IonBufferUnitTest, TestReset) {
IonBuffer buffer;
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, free(&handle1))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, free(&handle2))
buffer.Reset(&handle1, w1, h1, stride1, f1, u1);
TestIonBufferState(buffer, w1, h1, 1, f1, u1, &handle1, stride1, 0);
buffer.Reset(&handle2, w2, h2, stride2, f2, u2);
TestIonBufferState(buffer, w2, h2, 1, f2, u2, &handle2, stride2, 0);
TEST_F(IonBufferUnitTest, TestImport1) {
IonBuffer buffer;
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, registerBuffer(&handle1))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, registerBuffer(&handle2))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, unregisterBuffer(&handle1))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, native_handle_close(&handle1))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, native_handle_delete(&handle1))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, alloc(w1, h1, f1, u1, _, _))
SetArgPointee<5>(stride1), Return(0)));
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, unregisterBuffer(&handle2))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, native_handle_close(&handle2))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, native_handle_delete(&handle2))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, free(&handle1))
int ret = buffer.Import(&handle1, w1, h1, stride1, f1, u1);
EXPECT_EQ(ret, 0);
TestIonBufferState(buffer, w1, h1, 1, f1, u1, &handle1, stride1, 0);
ret = buffer.Import(&handle2, w2, h2, stride2, f2, u2);
EXPECT_EQ(ret, 0);
TestIonBufferState(buffer, w2, h2, 1, f2, u2, &handle2, stride2, 0);
ret = buffer.Alloc(w1, h1, f1, u1);
EXPECT_EQ(ret, 0);
ret = buffer.Import(&handle2, w2, h2, stride2, f2, u2);
EXPECT_LT(ret, 0);
TestIonBufferState(buffer, w1, h1, 1, f1, u1, &handle1, stride1, 0);
ret = buffer.Import(&handle2, w2, h2, stride2, f2, u2);
EXPECT_EQ(ret, 0);
TestIonBufferState(buffer, w2, h2, 1, f2, u2, &handle2, stride2, 0);
ret = buffer.Import(&handle1, w1, h1, stride1, f1, u1);
EXPECT_LT(ret, 0);
TestIonBufferState(buffer, w2, h2, 1, f2, u2, &handle2, stride2, 0);
ret = buffer.Import(&handle1, w1, h1, stride1, f1, u1);
EXPECT_LT(ret, 0);
TestIonBufferState(buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, 0);
native_handle_t* native_handle_create_impl(int nFds, int nInts) {
if ((nFds + nInts) > (kMaxFd + kMaxInt))
return nullptr;
dataHandle->version = sizeof(native_handle_t);
dataHandle->numFds = nFds;
dataHandle->numInts = nInts;
for (int i = 0; i < nFds + nInts; i++)
dataHandle->data[i] = 0;
return dataHandle;
TEST_F(IonBufferUnitTest, TestImport2) {
IonBuffer buffer;
int ints[] = {211, 313, 444};
int fds[] = {-1, -1};
int ni = sizeof(ints) / sizeof(ints[0]);
int nfd = sizeof(fds) / sizeof(fds[0]);
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, native_handle_create(nfd, ni))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, registerBuffer(dataHandle))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, native_handle_close(dataHandle))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, native_handle_delete(dataHandle))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, unregisterBuffer(dataHandle))
int ret = buffer.Import(fds, -1, ints, ni, w1, h1, stride1, f1, u1);
EXPECT_LT(ret, 0);
ret = buffer.Import(fds, nfd, ints, -1, w1, h1, stride1, f1, u1);
EXPECT_LT(ret, 0);
ret = buffer.Import(fds, nfd, ints, ni, w1, h1, stride1, f1, u1);
EXPECT_LT(ret, 0);
ret = buffer.Import(fds, nfd, ints, ni, w1, h1, stride1, f1, u1);
EXPECT_LT(ret, 0);
ret = buffer.Import(fds, nfd, ints, ni, w1, h1, stride1, f1, u1);
EXPECT_EQ(ret, 0);
TestIonBufferState(buffer, w1, h1, 1, f1, u1, dataHandle, stride1, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(dataHandle->numFds, nfd);
EXPECT_EQ(dataHandle->numInts, ni);
for (int i = 0; i < nfd; i++)
EXPECT_EQ(dataHandle->data[i], fds[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < ni; i++)
EXPECT_EQ(dataHandle->data[nfd + i], ints[i]);
TEST_F(IonBufferUnitTest, TestDuplicate) {
IonBuffer buffer;
IonBuffer ref;
int ints[] = {211, 313, 444};
int fds[] = {-1, -1};
int ni = sizeof(ints) / sizeof(ints[0]);
int nfd = sizeof(fds) / sizeof(fds[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < nfd; i++) {
refHandle->data[i] = fds[i];
for (int i = 0; i < ni; i++) {
refHandle->data[i + nfd] = ints[i];
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, alloc(w1, h1, f1, u1, _, _))
SetArgPointee<5>(stride1), Return(0)));
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, native_handle_create(nfd, ni))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, registerBuffer(dataHandle))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, native_handle_close(dataHandle))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, native_handle_delete(dataHandle))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, unregisterBuffer(dataHandle))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, free(refHandle))
int ret = buffer.Duplicate(&ref);
EXPECT_LT(ret, 0);
ret = ref.Alloc(w1, h1, f1, u1);
EXPECT_EQ(ret, 0);
refHandle->numFds = -1;
refHandle->numInts = 0;
ret = buffer.Duplicate(&ref);
EXPECT_LT(ret, 0);
refHandle->numFds = nfd;
refHandle->numInts = ni;
ret = buffer.Duplicate(&ref);
EXPECT_LT(ret, 0);
ret = buffer.Duplicate(&ref);
EXPECT_LT(ret, 0);
ret = buffer.Duplicate(&ref);
EXPECT_EQ(ret, 0);
TestIonBufferState(buffer, w1, h1, 1, f1, u1, dataHandle, stride1, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(dataHandle->numFds, nfd);
EXPECT_EQ(dataHandle->numInts, ni);
for (int i = 0; i < nfd; i++)
EXPECT_LT(dataHandle->data[i], 0);
for (int i = 0; i < ni; i++)
EXPECT_EQ(dataHandle->data[nfd + i], ints[i]);
TEST_F(IonBufferUnitTest, TestLockUnlock) {
IonBuffer buffer;
const int x = 12;
const int y = 24;
const int value1 = 17;
const int value2 = 25;
void* addr1;
void** addr = &addr1;
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, alloc(w1, h1, f1, u1, _, _))
SetArgPointee<5>(stride1), Return(0)));
lock(&handle1, u2, x, y, w2, h2, addr))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, unlock(&handle1))
EXPECT_CALL(*GrallocMock::staticObject, free(&handle1))
int ret = buffer.Alloc(w1, h1, f1, u1);
EXPECT_EQ(ret, 0);
ret = buffer.Lock(u2, x, y, w2, h2, addr);
EXPECT_EQ(ret, value1);
ret = buffer.Unlock();
EXPECT_EQ(ret, value2);
} // namespace