blob: 50d27548add0e82efb672019f23c9d8875fbe6f4 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#ifdef __ARM_NEON
#include <arm_neon.h>
#ifndef __FLOAT32X4T_86
#define __FLOAT32X4T_86
typedef float float32x4_t __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16)));
typedef struct float32x4x4_t { float32x4_t val[4]; };
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
// Create a stereo surface that will be lens-warped by the system.
EGLNativeWindowType dvrCreateWarpedDisplaySurface(int* display_width,
int* display_height);
EGLNativeWindowType dvrCreateDisplaySurface(void);
// Display surface parameters used to specify display surface options.
enum {
// Disable chromatic aberration correction
// ENABLE_LATE_LATCH: Enable late latching of pose data for application
// GPU shaders.
// SURFACE_WIDTH: Returns width of allocated surface buffer.
// SURFACE_HEIGHT: Returns height of allocated surface buffer.
// INTER_LENS_METERS: Returns float value in meters, the distance between
// lenses.
// LEFT_FOV_LRBT: Return storage must have room for array of 4 floats (in
// radians). The layout is left, right, bottom, top as indicated by LRBT.
// RIGHT_FOV_LRBT: Return storage must have room for array of 4 floats (in
// radians). The layout is left, right, bottom, top as indicated by LRBT.
// VSYNC_PERIOD: Returns the period of the display refresh (in
// nanoseconds per refresh), as a 64-bit unsigned integer.
// SURFACE_TEXTURE_TARGET_TYPE: Returns the type of texture used as the render
// target.
// SURFACE_TEXTURE_TARGET_ID: Returns the texture ID used as the render
// target.
// Whether the surface needs to be flipped vertically before display. Default
// is 0.
// A bool indicating whether or not to create a GL context for the surface.
// 0: don't create a context
// Non-zero: create a context.
// Default is 1.
// If this value is 0, there must be a GLES 3.2 or greater context bound on
// the current thread at the time dvrGraphicsContextCreate is called.
// Specify one of DVR_SURFACE_GEOMETRY_*.
// Default is DVR_SURFACE_FORMAT_RGBA_8888.
// VK_INSTANCE: In Vulkan mode, the application creates a VkInstance and
// passes it in.
// VK_PHYSICAL_DEVICE: In Vulkan mode, the application passes in the
// PhysicalDevice handle corresponding to the logical device passed to
// VK_DEVICE: In Vulkan mode, the application creates a VkDevice and
// passes it in.
// VK_PRESENT_QUEUE: In Vulkan mode, the application selects a
// presentation-compatible VkQueue and passes it in.
// VK_PRESENT_QUEUE_FAMILY: In Vulkan mode, the application passes in the
// index of the queue family containing the VkQueue passed to
// VK_SWAPCHAIN_IMAGE_COUNT: In Vulkan mode, the number of swapchain images
// will be returned here.
// VK_SWAPCHAIN_IMAGE_FORMAT: In Vulkan mode, the VkFormat of the swapchain
// images will be returned here.
enum {
// Default surface type. One wide buffer with the left eye view in the left
// half and the right eye view in the right half.
// Separate buffers, one per eye. The width parameters still refer to the
// total width (2 * eye view width).
// Surface format. Gvr only supports RGBA_8888 and RGB_565 for now, so those are
// the only formats we provide here.
enum {
enum {
// Graphics contexts are created for OpenGL ES client applications by default.
// Create the graphics context for Vulkan client applications.
#define DVR_SURFACE_PARAMETER_IN(name, value) \
{ DVR_SURFACE_PARAMETER_##name##_IN, (value), NULL }
#define DVR_SURFACE_PARAMETER_OUT(name, value) \
{ DVR_SURFACE_PARAMETER_##name##_OUT, 0, (value) }
struct DvrSurfaceParameter {
int32_t key;
int64_t value;
void* value_out;
// This is a convenience struct to hold the relevant information of the HMD
// lenses.
struct DvrLensInfo {
float inter_lens_meters;
float left_fov[4];
float right_fov[4];
// Creates a display surface with the given parameters. The list of parameters
// is terminated with an entry where key == DVR_SURFACE_PARAMETER_NONE.
// For example, the parameters array could be built as follows:
// int display_width = 0, display_height = 0;
// int surface_width = 0, surface_height = 0;
// float inter_lens_meters = 0.0f;
// float left_fov[4] = {0.0f};
// float right_fov[4] = {0.0f};
// int disable_warp = 0;
// DvrSurfaceParameter surface_params[] = {
// };
EGLNativeWindowType dvrCreateDisplaySurfaceExtended(
struct DvrSurfaceParameter* parameters);
int dvrGetNativeDisplayDimensions(int* native_width, int* native_height);
int dvrGetDisplaySurfaceInfo(EGLNativeWindowType win, int* width, int* height,
int* format);
// NOTE: Only call the functions below on windows created with the API above.
// Sets the display surface visible based on the boolean evaluation of
// |visible|.
void dvrDisplaySurfaceSetVisible(EGLNativeWindowType window, int visible);
// Sets the application z-order of the display surface. Higher values display on
// top of lower values.
void dvrDisplaySurfaceSetZOrder(EGLNativeWindowType window, int z_order);
// Post the next buffer early. This allows the application to race with either
// the async EDS process or the scanline for applications that are not using
// system distortion. When this is called, the next buffer in the queue is
// posted for display. It is up to the application to kick its GPU rendering
// work in time. If the rendering is incomplete there will be significant,
// undesirable tearing artifacts.
// It is not recommended to use this feature with system distortion.
void dvrDisplayPostEarly(EGLNativeWindowType window);
// Opaque struct that represents a graphics context, the texture swap chain,
// and surfaces.
typedef struct DvrGraphicsContext DvrGraphicsContext;
// Create the graphics context.
int dvrGraphicsContextCreate(struct DvrSurfaceParameter* parameters,
DvrGraphicsContext** return_graphics_context);
// Destroy the graphics context.
void dvrGraphicsContextDestroy(DvrGraphicsContext* graphics_context);
// For every frame a schedule is decided by the system compositor. A sample
// schedule for two frames is shown below.
// | | |
// |-----------------|------|-----------------|------|
// | | |
// V0 A1 V1 A2 V2
// V0, V1, and V2 are display vsync events. Vsync events are uniquely identified
// throughout the DVR system by a vsync count maintained by the system
// compositor.
// A1 and A2 indicate when the application should finish rendering its frame,
// including all GPU work. Under normal circumstances the scheduled finish
// finish time will be set a few milliseconds before the vsync time, to give the
// compositor time to perform distortion and EDS on the app's buffer. For apps
// that don't use system distortion the scheduled frame finish time will be
// closer to the vsync time. Other factors can also effect the scheduled frame
// finish time, e.g. whether or not the System UI is being displayed.
typedef struct DvrFrameSchedule {
// vsync_count is used as a frame identifier.
uint32_t vsync_count;
// The time when the app should finish rendering its frame, including all GPU
// work.
int64_t scheduled_frame_finish_ns;
} DvrFrameSchedule;
// Sleep until it's time to render the next frame. This should be the first
// function called as part of an app's render loop, which normally looks like
// this:
// while (1) {
// DvrFrameSchedule schedule;
// dvrGraphicsWaitNextFrame(..., &schedule); // Sleep until it's time to
// // render the next frame
// pose = dvrPoseGet(schedule.vsync_count);
// dvrBeginRenderFrame(...);
// <render a frame using the pose>
// dvrPresent(...); // Post the buffer
// }
// |start_delay_ns| adjusts how long this function blocks the app from starting
// its next frame. If |start_delay_ns| is 0, the function waits until the
// scheduled frame finish time for the current frame, which gives the app one
// full vsync period to render the next frame. If the app needs less than a full
// vysnc period to render the frame, pass in a non-zero |start_delay_ns| to
// delay the start of frame rendering further. For example, if the vsync period
// is 11.1ms and the app takes 6ms to render a frame, consider setting this to
// 5ms (note that the value is in nanoseconds, so 5,000,000ns) so that the app
// finishes the frame closer to the scheduled frame finish time. Delaying the
// start of rendering allows the app to use a more up-to-date pose for
// rendering.
// |start_delay_ns| must be a positive value or 0. If you're unsure what to set
// for |start_delay_ns|, use 0.
// |out_next_frame_schedule| is an output parameter that will contain the
// schedule for the next frame. It can be null. This function returns a negative
// error code on failure.
int dvrGraphicsWaitNextFrame(DvrGraphicsContext* graphics_context,
int64_t start_delay_ns,
DvrFrameSchedule* out_next_frame_schedule);
// Prepares the graphics context's texture for rendering. This function should
// be called once for each frame, ideally immediately before the first GL call
// on the framebuffer which wraps the surface texture.
// For GL contexts, GL states are modified as follows by this function:
// glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
// @param[in] graphics_context The DvrGraphicsContext.
// @param[in] render_pose_orientation Head pose orientation that rendering for
// this frame will be based off of. This must be an unmodified value
// from DvrPoseAsync, returned by dvrPoseGet.
// @param[in] render_pose_translation Head pose translation that rendering for
// this frame will be based off of. This must be an unmodified value
// from DvrPoseAsync, returned by dvrPoseGet.
// @return 0 on success or a negative error code on failure.
// Check GL errors with glGetError for other error conditions.
int dvrBeginRenderFrameEds(DvrGraphicsContext* graphics_context,
float32x4_t render_pose_orientation,
float32x4_t render_pose_translation);
int dvrBeginRenderFrameEdsVk(DvrGraphicsContext* graphics_context,
float32x4_t render_pose_orientation,
float32x4_t render_pose_translation,
VkSemaphore acquire_semaphore,
VkFence acquire_fence,
uint32_t* swapchain_image_index,
VkImageView* swapchain_image_view);
// Same as dvrBeginRenderFrameEds, but with no EDS (asynchronous reprojection).
// For GL contexts, GL states are modified as follows by this function:
// glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
// @param[in] graphics_context The DvrGraphicsContext.
// @return 0 on success or a negative error code on failure.
// Check GL errors with glGetError for other error conditions.
int dvrBeginRenderFrame(DvrGraphicsContext* graphics_context);
int dvrBeginRenderFrameVk(DvrGraphicsContext* graphics_context,
VkSemaphore acquire_semaphore, VkFence acquire_fence,
uint32_t* swapchain_image_index,
VkImageView* swapchain_image_view);
// Maximum number of views per surface buffer (for multiview, multi-eye, etc).
// Output data format of late latch shader. The application can bind all or part
// of this data with the buffer ID returned by dvrBeginRenderFrameLateLatch.
// This struct is compatible with std140 layout for use from shaders.
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) DvrGraphicsLateLatchData {
// Column-major order.
float view_proj_matrix[DVR_GRAPHICS_SURFACE_MAX_VIEWS][16];
// Column-major order.
float view_matrix[DVR_GRAPHICS_SURFACE_MAX_VIEWS][16];
// Quaternion for pose orientation from start space.
float pose_orientation[4];
// Pose translation from start space.
float pose_translation[4];
// Begin render frame with late latching of pose data. This kicks off a compute
// shader that will read the latest head pose and then compute and output
// matrices that can be used by application shaders.
// Matrices are computed with the following pseudo code.
// Pose pose = getLateLatchPose();
// out.pose_orientation = pose.orientation;
// out.pose_translation = pose.translation;
// mat4 head_from_center = ComputeInverseMatrix(pose);
// for each view:
// out.viewMatrix[view] =
// eye_from_head_matrices[view] * head_from_center *
// pose_offset_matrices[view];
// out.viewProjMatrix[view] =
// projection_matrices[view] * out.viewMatrix[view];
// For GL contexts, GL states are modified as follows by this function:
// glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
// glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 0, 0);
// glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 1, 0);
// glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 2, 0);
// glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 3, 0);
// glUseProgram(0);
// @param[in] graphics_context The DvrGraphicsContext.
// @param[in] flags Specify 0.
// @param[in] target_vsync_count The target vsync count that this frame will
// display at. This is used for pose prediction.
// @param[in] num_views Number of matrices in each of the following matrix array
// parameters. Typically 2 for left and right eye views. Maximum is
// @param[in] projection_matrices Array of pointers to |num_views| matrices with
// column-major layout. These are the application projection
// matrices.
// @param[in] eye_from_head_matrices Array of pointers to |num_views| matrices
// with column-major layout. See pseudo code for how these are used.
// @param[in] pose_offset_matrices Array of pointers to |num_views| matrices
// with column-major layout. See pseudo code for how these are used.
// @param[out] out_late_latch_buffer_id The GL buffer ID of the output buffer of
// of type DvrGraphicsLateLatchData.
// @return 0 on success or a negative error code on failure.
// Check GL errors with glGetError for other error conditions.
int dvrBeginRenderFrameLateLatch(DvrGraphicsContext* graphics_context,
uint32_t flags, uint32_t target_vsync_count,
int num_views,
const float** projection_matrices,
const float** eye_from_head_matrices,
const float** pose_offset_matrices,
uint32_t* out_late_latch_buffer_id);
// Present a frame for display.
// This call is normally non-blocking, unless the internal buffer queue is full.
// @return 0 on success or a negative error code on failure.
int dvrPresent(DvrGraphicsContext* graphics_context);
int dvrPresentVk(DvrGraphicsContext* graphics_context,
VkSemaphore submit_semaphore, uint32_t swapchain_image_index);
// Post the next buffer early. This allows the application to race with either
// the async EDS process or the scanline for applications that are not using
// system distortion. When this is called, the next buffer in the queue is
// posted for display. It is up to the application to kick its GPU rendering
// work in time. If the rendering is incomplete there will be significant,
// undesirable tearing artifacts.
// It is not recommended to use this feature with system distortion.
void dvrGraphicsPostEarly(DvrGraphicsContext* graphics_context);
// Used to retrieve frame measurement timings from dvrGetFrameScheduleResults().
typedef struct DvrFrameScheduleResult {
// vsync_count is used as a frame identifier.
uint32_t vsync_count;
// The app's scheduled frame finish time.
int64_t scheduled_frame_finish_ns;
// The difference (in nanoseconds) between the scheduled finish time and the
// actual finish time.
// A value of +2ms for frame_finish_offset_ns indicates the app's frame was
// late and may have been skipped by the compositor for that vsync. A value of
// -1ms indicates the app's frame finished just ahead of schedule, as
// desired. A value of -6ms indicates the app's frame finished well ahead of
// schedule for that vsync. In that case the app may have unnecessary visual
// latency. Consider using the start_delay_ns parameter in
// dvrGraphicsWaitNextFrame() to align the app's frame finish time closer to
// the scheduled finish time.
int64_t frame_finish_offset_ns;
} DvrFrameScheduleResult;
// Retrieve the latest frame schedule results for the app. To collect all the
// results this should be called each frame. The results for each frame are
// returned only once.
// The number of results written to |results| is returned on success, or a
// negative error code on failure.
// |graphics_context| is the context to retrieve frame schedule results for.
// |results| is an array that will contain the frame schedule results.
// |result_count| is the size of the |results| array. It's recommended to pass
// in an array with 2 elements to ensure results for all frames are collected.
int dvrGetFrameScheduleResults(DvrGraphicsContext* graphics_context,
DvrFrameScheduleResult* results,
int result_count);
// Make the surface visible or hidden based on |visible|.
// 0: hidden, Non-zero: visible.
void dvrGraphicsSurfaceSetVisible(DvrGraphicsContext* graphics_context,
int visible);
// Returns surface visilibity last requested by the client.
int dvrGraphicsSurfaceGetVisible(DvrGraphicsContext* graphics_context);
// Returns surface z order last requested by the client.
int dvrGraphicsSurfaceGetZOrder(DvrGraphicsContext* graphics_context);
// Sets the compositor z-order of the surface. Higher values display on
// top of lower values.
void dvrGraphicsSurfaceSetZOrder(DvrGraphicsContext* graphics_context,
int z_order);
typedef struct DvrVideoMeshSurface DvrVideoMeshSurface;
DvrVideoMeshSurface* dvrGraphicsVideoMeshSurfaceCreate(
DvrGraphicsContext* graphics_context);
void dvrGraphicsVideoMeshSurfaceDestroy(DvrVideoMeshSurface* surface);
// Present a VideoMeshSurface with the current video mesh transfromation matrix.
void dvrGraphicsVideoMeshSurfacePresent(DvrGraphicsContext* graphics_context,
DvrVideoMeshSurface* surface,
const int eye,
const float* transform);
#endif // DVR_GRAPHICS_H_