blob: 034b7b487bbb5ae5bca9f4b10d38f45d1e20dbf3 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <hardware/hwcomposer.h>
#include <pdx/client.h>
#include <pdx/file_handle.h>
#include <private/dvr/buffer_hub_client.h>
#include <private/dvr/display_rpc.h>
namespace android {
namespace dvr {
struct LateLatchOutput;
// Abstract base class for all surface types maintained in DVR's display
// service.
// TODO(jwcai) Explain more, surface is a channel...
class SurfaceClient : public pdx::Client {
using LocalChannelHandle = pdx::LocalChannelHandle;
SurfaceType type() const { return type_; }
// Get the shared memory metadata buffer fd for this display surface. If it is
// not yet allocated, this will allocate it.
int GetMetadataBufferFd(pdx::LocalHandle* out_fd);
// Allocate the single metadata buffer for providing metadata associated with
// posted buffers for this surface. This can be used to provide rendered poses
// for EDS, for example. The buffer format is defined by the struct
// DisplaySurfaceMetadata.
// The first call to this method will allocate the buffer in via IPC to the
// display surface.
std::shared_ptr<BufferProducer> GetMetadataBuffer();
SurfaceClient(LocalChannelHandle channel_handle, SurfaceType type);
SurfaceClient(const std::string& endpoint_path, SurfaceType type);
SurfaceType type_;
std::shared_ptr<BufferProducer> metadata_buffer_;
// DisplaySurfaceClient represents the client interface to a displayd display
// surface.
class DisplaySurfaceClient
: public pdx::ClientBase<DisplaySurfaceClient, SurfaceClient> {
using LocalHandle = pdx::LocalHandle;
int width() const { return width_; }
int height() const { return height_; }
int format() const { return format_; }
int usage() const { return usage_; }
int flags() const { return flags_; }
int z_order() const { return z_order_; }
bool visible() const { return visible_; }
void SetVisible(bool visible);
void SetZOrder(int z_order);
void SetExcludeFromBlur(bool exclude_from_blur);
void SetBlurBehind(bool blur_behind);
void SetAttributes(const DisplaySurfaceAttributes& attributes);
// |out_buffer_index| will receive a unique index for this buffer within the
// surface. The first buffer gets 0, second gets 1, and so on. This index
// can be used to deliver metadata for buffers that are queued for display.
std::shared_ptr<BufferProducer> AllocateBuffer(uint32_t* out_buffer_index);
std::shared_ptr<BufferProducer> AllocateBuffer() {
return AllocateBuffer(nullptr);
// Get the shared memory metadata buffer for this display surface. If it is
// not yet allocated, this will allocate it.
volatile DisplaySurfaceMetadata* GetMetadataBufferPtr();
// Create a VideoMeshSurface that is attached to the display sruface.
LocalChannelHandle CreateVideoMeshSurface();
friend BASE;
DisplaySurfaceClient(int width, int height, int format, int usage, int flags);
int width_;
int height_;
int format_;
int usage_;
int flags_;
int z_order_;
bool visible_;
bool exclude_from_blur_;
bool blur_behind_;
DisplaySurfaceMetadata* mapped_metadata_buffer_;
DisplaySurfaceClient(const DisplaySurfaceClient&) = delete;
void operator=(const DisplaySurfaceClient&) = delete;
class DisplayClient : public pdx::ClientBase<DisplayClient> {
int GetDisplayMetrics(SystemDisplayMetrics* metrics);
pdx::Status<void> SetViewerParams(const ViewerParams& viewer_params);
// Pull the latest eds pose data from the display service renderer
int GetLastFrameEdsTransform(LateLatchOutput* ll_out);
int EnterVrMode();
int ExitVrMode();
std::unique_ptr<DisplaySurfaceClient> CreateDisplaySurface(
int width, int height, int format, int usage, int flags);
friend BASE;
explicit DisplayClient(int* error = nullptr);
DisplayClient(const DisplayClient&) = delete;
void operator=(const DisplayClient&) = delete;
} // namespace dvr
} // namespace android