blob: 53e0717c08c876945fa6343bc15a55ba8329cf9b [file] [log] [blame]
#include <dvr/graphics.h>
#include <pdx/file_handle.h>
#include <private/dvr/ring_buffer.h>
namespace android {
namespace dvr {
// FrameHistory tracks frame times from the start of rendering commands to when
// the buffer is ready.
class FrameHistory {
explicit FrameHistory(int pending_frame_buffer_size);
void Reset(int pending_frame_buffer_size);
// Call when starting rendering commands (i.e. dvrBeginRenderFrame).
void OnFrameStart(uint32_t scheduled_vsync, int64_t scheduled_finish_ns);
// Call when rendering commands are finished (i.e. dvrPresent).
void OnFrameSubmit(android::pdx::LocalHandle&& fence);
// Call once per frame to see if any pending frames have finished.
void CheckForFinishedFrames();
// Uses the recently completed frame render times to predict how long the next
// frame will take, in vsync intervals. For example if the predicted frame
// time is 10ms and the vsync interval is 11ms, this will return 1. If the
// predicted frame time is 12ms and the vsync interval is 11ms, this will
// return 2.
int PredictNextFrameVsyncInterval(int64_t vsync_period_ns) const;
// Returns results for recently completed frames. Each frame's result is
// returned only once.
int GetPreviousFrameResults(DvrFrameScheduleResult* results,
int result_count);
// Gets the vsync count for the most recently started frame. If there are no
// started frames this will return UINT32_MAX.
uint32_t GetCurrentFrameVsync() const;
struct PendingFrame {
int64_t start_ns;
uint32_t scheduled_vsync;
int64_t scheduled_finish_ns;
android::pdx::LocalHandle fence;
PendingFrame(int64_t start_ns, uint32_t scheduled_vsync,
int64_t scheduled_finish_ns,
android::pdx::LocalHandle&& fence);
PendingFrame(PendingFrame&&) = default;
PendingFrame& operator=(PendingFrame&&) = default;
PendingFrame(const PendingFrame&) = delete;
PendingFrame& operator=(const PendingFrame&) = delete;
RingBuffer<PendingFrame> pending_frames_;
RingBuffer<DvrFrameScheduleResult> finished_frames_;
RingBuffer<int64_t> frame_duration_history_;
} // namespace dvr
} // namespace android