blob: d0eff516987f080463f21702bfde8cb75a578b41 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <dvr/pose_client.h>
#include <pdx/file_handle.h>
#include <private/dvr/display_types.h>
#include <private/dvr/graphics/shader_program.h>
#include <private/dvr/graphics/vr_gl_extensions.h>
#include <private/dvr/types.h>
struct DvrPose;
namespace android {
namespace dvr {
// Input data for late latch compute shader.
struct LateLatchInput {
// For app late latch:
mat4 eye_from_head_mat[kSurfaceViewMaxCount];
mat4 proj_mat[kSurfaceViewMaxCount];
mat4 pose_offset[kSurfaceViewMaxCount];
// For EDS late latch only:
mat4 eds_mat1[kSurfaceViewMaxCount];
mat4 eds_mat2[kSurfaceViewMaxCount];
// For both app and EDS late latch:
uint32_t pose_index;
uint32_t render_pose_index;
// Output data for late latch shader. The application can use all or part of
// this data by calling LateLatch::BindUniformBuffer.
// This struct matches the layout of DvrGraphicsLateLatchData.
struct LateLatchOutput {
mat4 view_proj_matrix[kSurfaceViewMaxCount];
mat4 view_matrix[kSurfaceViewMaxCount];
vec4 pose_quaternion;
vec4 pose_translation;
// LateLatch provides a facility for GL workloads to acquire a late-adjusted
// model-view projection matrix, adjusted based on the position/quaternion pose
// read from a buffer that is being written to asynchronously. The adjusted
// MVP matrix is written to a GL buffer object via GL transform feedback.
class LateLatch {
enum BufferType {
// Max transform feedback count is 4, so no more buffers can go here.
static size_t GetBufferSize(BufferType type) {
switch (type) {
case kViewProjMatrix:
case kViewMatrix:
return 4 * 4 * sizeof(float);
case kPoseQuaternion:
case kPoseTranslation:
return 4 * sizeof(float);
static size_t GetBufferOffset(BufferType type, int view) {
switch (type) {
case kViewProjMatrix:
return offsetof(LateLatchOutput, view_proj_matrix) +
GetBufferSize(type) * view;
case kViewMatrix:
return offsetof(LateLatchOutput, view_matrix) +
GetBufferSize(type) * view;
case kPoseQuaternion:
return offsetof(LateLatchOutput, pose_quaternion);
case kPoseTranslation:
return offsetof(LateLatchOutput, pose_translation);
explicit LateLatch(bool is_app_late_latch);
LateLatch(bool is_app_late_latch, pdx::LocalHandle&& surface_metadata_fd);
// Bind the late-latch output data as a GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER. For example,
// to bind just the view_matrix from the output:
// BindUniformBuffer(BINDING, offsetof(LateLatchOutput, view_matrix),
// sizeof(mat4));
// buffer_index is the index of one of the output buffers if more than 1 were
// requested in the constructor.
void BindUniformBuffer(GLuint ubo_binding, size_t offset, size_t size) const {
glBindBufferRange(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, ubo_binding, output_buffer_id_, offset,
void BindUniformBuffer(GLuint ubo_binding, BufferType type, int view) const {
glBindBufferRange(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, ubo_binding, output_buffer_id_,
GetBufferOffset(type, view), GetBufferSize(type));
GLuint output_buffer_id() const { return output_buffer_id_; }
void UnbindUniformBuffer(GLuint ubo_binding) const {
glBindBufferBase(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, ubo_binding, 0);
void CaptureOutputData(LateLatchOutput* data) const;
// Add the late latch GL commands for this frame. This should be done just
// before the first application draw calls that are dependent on the head
// latest head pose.
// For efficiency, the application projection and eye_from_head matrices are
// passed through the late latch shader and output in various combinations to
// allow for both simple application vertex shaders that can take the view-
// projection matrix as-is and shaders that need to access the view matrix
// separately.
// GL state must be reset to default for this call.
void AddLateLatch(const LateLatchInput& data) const;
// After calling AddEdsLateLatch one or more times, this method must be called
// to add the necessary GL memory barrier to ensure late latch outputs are
// written before the EDS and warp shaders read them.
void PostEdsLateLatchBarrier() const {
// The transform feedback buffer is going to be read as a uniform by EDS,
// so we need a uniform memory barrier.
// Typically not for use by application code. This method adds the EDS late
// latch that will adjust the application framebuffer with the latest head
// pose.
// buffer_index is the index of one of the output buffers if more than 1 were
// requested in the constructor.
void AddEdsLateLatch(const LateLatchInput& data,
GLuint render_pose_buffer_object) const;
// For debugging purposes, capture the output during the next call to
// AddLateLatch. Set to NULL to reset.
void SetLateLatchDataCapture(LateLatchOutput* app_late_latch) {
app_late_latch_output_ = app_late_latch;
// For debugging purposes, capture the output during the next call to
// AddEdsLateLatch. Set to NULL to reset.
void SetEdsLateLatchDataCapture(LateLatchOutput* eds_late_latch) {
eds_late_latch_output_ = eds_late_latch;
LateLatch(const LateLatch&) = delete;
LateLatch& operator=(const LateLatch&) = delete;
void LoadLateLatchShader();
// Late latch shader.
ShaderProgram late_latch_program_;
// Async pose ring buffer object.
GLuint pose_buffer_object_;
GLuint metadata_buffer_id_;
// Pose matrix buffers
GLuint input_buffer_id_;
GLuint output_buffer_id_;
bool is_app_late_latch_;
// During development, these can be used to capture the pose output data.
LateLatchOutput* app_late_latch_output_;
LateLatchOutput* eds_late_latch_output_;
DvrPose* pose_client_;
} // namespace dvr
} // namespace android