blob: 2905d003361241316ca6356621dbee67f48f3d19 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file contains classes and macros related to run-time performance
// profiling of GPU processing.
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <stack>
#include <vector>
#include <private/dvr/graphics/vr_gl_extensions.h>
namespace android {
namespace dvr {
// While enabled, GL commands will be submitted each frame to query timestamps
// of GPU workloads that have been traced using the ION_PROFILE_GPU macro
// defined below.
// Basic workflow:
// - have the app framework call PollGlTimerQueries at the start of each frame.
// - place ION_PROFILE_GPU("MyGlWorkload") at the start of code scopes where
// GL draw commands are performed that you want to trace.
class GpuProfiler {
// Gets the GpuProfiler singleton instance.
static GpuProfiler* Get();
bool IsGpuProfilingSupported() const;
// Enables runtime GPU tracing. While enabled, GL commands will be submitted
// each frame to query timestamps of GPU workloads that have been traced using
// one of the TRACE_GPU* macros defined below.
void SetEnableGpuTracing(bool enabled) { enable_gpu_tracing_ = enabled; }
bool enabled() const { return enable_gpu_tracing_; }
// Attempt to keep the GPU times in sync with CPU times.
void SetEnableSyncCpuTime(bool enabled) { sync_with_cpu_time_ = enabled; }
// When sync cpu time is enabled because of mobile GPU timer query issues,
// it can sometimes help to put a beginning timer query at the start of the
// frame to sync the CPU time when GPU work begins.
void QueryFrameBegin();
// Polls (non-blocking) for completed GL timer query data and adds events into
// the trace buffer. Must call once close to the start of each frame.
void PollGlTimerQueries();
// Call glFinish and process all pending timer queries.
void FinishGlTimerQueries();
// Records the beginning of a scoped GL trace event.
void EnterGlScope(const char* scope_name);
// Records the end of a scoped GL trace event.
void LeaveGlScope(const char* scope_name, std::weak_ptr<int64_t> duration_ns,
int print_period);
// Data to queue the pending GPU timer queries that need to be polled
// for completion.
struct GpuTimerQuery {
enum QueryType {
// scope_id is only required for kQueryBeginScope query types.
GpuTimerQuery(int64_t timestamp_ns, const char* scope_name,
std::weak_ptr<int64_t> duration_ns, int print_period,
GLuint query_id, QueryType type)
: timestamp_ns(timestamp_ns),
type(type) {}
int64_t timestamp_ns;
const char* scope_name;
std::weak_ptr<int64_t> duration_ns;
int print_period;
GLuint query_id;
QueryType type;
// Struct that tracks timing data for a particular trace scope.
struct TimerData {
void reset();
// Print the profiling data.
void print(const char* name) const;
// Enter a scope, records the timestamp for later matching with leave.
void enter(int64_t timestamp_ns);
// Compute the elapsed time for the scope.
void leave(int64_t timestamp_ns, const char* name,
std::weak_ptr<int64_t> duration_ns, int print_period);
int64_t total_elapsed_ns = 0;
int64_t enter_timestamp_ns = 0;
int num_events = 0;
// Synchronises the GL timebase with the CallTraceManager timebase.
void SyncGlTimebase();
// Returns a GL timer query ID if possible. Otherwise returns 0.
GLuint TryAllocateGlQueryId();
// Setting for enabling GPU tracing.
bool enable_gpu_tracing_;
// Setting for synchronizing GPU timestamps with CPU time.
bool sync_with_cpu_time_;
// Nanosecond offset to the GL timebase to compute the CallTraceManager time.
int64_t gl_timer_offset_ns_;
std::map<const char*, TimerData> events_;
// For GPU event TraceRecords, this tracks the pending queries that will
// be asynchronously polled (in order) and then added to the TraceRecorder
// buffer with the GPU timestamps.
std::deque<GpuTimerQuery> pending_gpu_queries_;
// Available ids for use with GLTimerQuery as needed. This will generally
// reach a steady state after a few frames. Always push and pop from the back
// to avoid shifting the vector.
std::stack<GLuint, std::vector<GLuint> > gl_timer_query_id_pool_;
// Traces the GPU start and end times of the GL commands submitted in the
// same scope. Typically used via the TRACE_GPU macro.
class ScopedGlTracer {
ScopedGlTracer(const char* name, std::weak_ptr<int64_t> duration_ns,
int print_period, bool finish)
: name_(name),
is_finish_(finish) {
GpuProfiler* profiler = GpuProfiler::Get();
if (profiler->enabled()) {
~ScopedGlTracer() {
GpuProfiler* profiler = GpuProfiler::Get();
if (profiler->enabled()) {
profiler->LeaveGlScope(name_, duration_ns_, print_period_);
if (is_finish_) {
const char* name_;
std::weak_ptr<int64_t> duration_ns_;
int print_period_;
bool is_finish_;
} // namespace dvr
} // namespace android
#define PROFILING_PASTE1(x, y) x##y
// This macro can be used in any GL operation scope to trace the resulting
// GPU work. The argument must be a literal string. Specify the number of frames
// to wait before printing an average result in the num_frames_period argument.
#define TRACE_GPU_PRINT(group_name, num_frames_period) \
(void)group_name " must be a literal string."; \
android::dvr::ScopedGlTracer PROFILING_PASTE3(gpu_tracer_)( \
group_name, std::weak_ptr<int64_t>(), num_frames_period, false)
// This macro can be used in any GL operation scope to trace the resulting
// GPU work. The argument must be a literal string. The duration parameter
// is a weak_ptr to a int64_t that will receive duration values asynchronously
// during calls to PollGlTimerQueries.
#define TRACE_GPU(group_name, duration_ns_weak_ptr) \
(void)group_name " must be a literal string."; \
android::dvr::ScopedGlTracer PROFILING_PASTE3(gpu_tracer_)( \
group_name, duration_ns_weak_ptr, -1, false)
// This macro can be used in any GL operation scope to trace the resulting
// GPU work. The argument must be a literal string. Specify the number of frames
// to wait before printing an average result in the num_frames_period argument.
#define TRACE_GPU_PRINT_FINISH(group_name) \
(void)group_name " must be a literal string."; \
android::dvr::ScopedGlTracer PROFILING_PASTE3(gpu_tracer_)( \
group_name, std::weak_ptr<int64_t>(), 1, true)
// This macro can be used in any GL operation scope to trace the resulting
// GPU work. The argument must be a literal string. The duration parameter
// is a weak_ptr to a int64_t that will receive duration values asynchronously
// during calls to PollGlTimerQueries.
#define TRACE_GPU_FINISH(group_name, duration_ns_weak_ptr) \
(void)group_name " must be a literal string."; \
android::dvr::ScopedGlTracer PROFILING_PASTE3(gpu_tracer_)( \
group_name, duration_ns_weak_ptr, -1, true)