blob: 4218a737a4fe67116a50191ef19556748bea75be [file] [log] [blame]
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <GLES3/gl31.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace android {
namespace dvr {
// Helper function that allows you to write a shader as a Lambda. This allows
// an IDE to syntax highlight the contents of a shader, as well as preventing
// quotations on each line. Usage: std::string vs = SHADER0([]() { ... });
template <size_t size>
std::string StripLambda(const char (&shader)[size]) {
return std::string(shader + 6, shader + size - 2);
#define SHADER0(Src) ::android::dvr::StripLambda(#Src)
// Helper function that takes a shader source string containing %0, %1, %n,
// tokens and replaces them with replacements[0], replacements[1],
// replacements[n]. For example:
// shader = "{
// uniform vec2 %0;
// %1
// ...
// %0.x = 1.0; ...
// %1(%0);
// }"
// -> %0 = "myVarName", %1 = "void f(vec2 v) { ... }"
std::string ComposeShader(const std::string& shader_code,
const std::vector<std::string>& replacements);
class ShaderProgram {
ShaderProgram(const std::string& vertext_source,
const std::string& fragment_source);
ShaderProgram& operator=(ShaderProgram&&);
void Link(const std::string& vertext_source,
const std::string& fragment_source);
void Link(const std::string& compute_source);
void Use() const;
GLuint GetProgram() const { return program_; }
GLuint GetUniformLocation(const GLchar* name) const {
return glGetUniformLocation(program_, name);
GLuint GetAttribLocation(const GLchar* name) const {
return glGetAttribLocation(program_, name);
bool IsUsable() const { return program_ != 0; }
explicit operator bool() const { return IsUsable(); }
ShaderProgram(const ShaderProgram&) = delete;
ShaderProgram& operator=(const ShaderProgram&) = delete;
GLuint program_;
} // namespace dvr
} // namespace android