blob: 70727e06fe1dc1583975b4629efe23d3215bfdaa [file] [log] [blame]
#include <private/dvr/display_metrics.h>
#include <private/dvr/head_mount_metrics.h>
#include <private/dvr/types.h>
namespace android {
namespace dvr {
// An intermediate structure composed of a head mount (described by
// HeadMountMetrics) and a display (described by DisplayMetrics).
class CompositeHmd {
// Constructs a new CompositeHmd given a HeadMountMetrics and a
// DisplayMetrics.
CompositeHmd(const HeadMountMetrics& head_mount_metrics,
const DisplayMetrics& display_metrics);
CompositeHmd(CompositeHmd&& composite_hmd) = delete;
CompositeHmd(const CompositeHmd& composite_hmd) = delete;
CompositeHmd& operator=(CompositeHmd&& composite_hmd) = delete;
CompositeHmd& operator=(const CompositeHmd& composite_hmd) = delete;
// Headset metadata.
float GetTargetFrameDuration() const;
void ComputeDistortedVertex(EyeType eye, vec2 uv_in, vec2* vertex_out,
vec2* uv_out) const;
// Eye-unspecific view accessors.
vec2i GetRecommendedRenderTargetSize() const;
Range2i GetDisplayRange() const;
// Eye-specific view accessors.
mat4 GetEyeFromHeadMatrix(EyeType eye) const;
FieldOfView GetEyeFov(EyeType eye) const;
Range2i GetEyeViewportBounds(EyeType eye) const;
// Set HeadMountMetrics and recompute everything that depends on
// HeadMountMetrics.
void SetHeadMountMetrics(const HeadMountMetrics& head_mount_metrics);
// Returns a reference to the |head_mount_metrics_| member.
const HeadMountMetrics& GetHeadMountMetrics() const;
// Set DisplayMetrics and recompute everything that depends on DisplayMetrics.
void SetDisplayMetrics(const DisplayMetrics& display_metrics);
// Returns a reference to the current display metrics.
const DisplayMetrics& GetDisplayMetrics() const;
// Compute the distorted point for a single channel.
vec2 ComputeDistortedPoint(EyeType eye, vec2 position,
RgbColorChannel channel) const;
// Compute the inverse distorted point for a single channel.
vec2 ComputeInverseDistortedPoint(EyeType eye, vec2 position,
RgbColorChannel channel) const;
FieldOfView eye_fov_[2];
Range2i eye_viewport_range_[2];
mat4 eye_from_head_matrix_[2];
Range2i display_range_;
vec2i recommended_render_target_size_;
// Per-eye scale and translation to convert from normalized Screen Space
// ([0:1]x[0:1]) to tan-angle space.
mat3 eye_tan_angle_from_norm_screen_matrix_[2];
mat3 eye_tan_angle_from_norm_screen_inv_matrix_[2];
// Per-eye scale and translation to convert from tan-angle space to normalized
// Texture Space ([0:1]x[0:1]).
mat3 eye_norm_texture_from_tan_angle_matrix_[2];
mat3 eye_norm_texture_from_tan_angle_inv_matrix_[2];
HeadMountMetrics head_mount_metrics_;
DisplayMetrics display_metrics_;
// Called by SetHeadMountMetrics/SetDisplayMetrics after metrics get changed.
// This function will update head_mount_metrics_/display_metrics_ based on the
// metrics supplied in the above two methods.
void MetricsChanged();
} // namespace dvr
} // namespace android