blob: e1c81146084c31d6ed5236e689148350bf4c7b53 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
#include <array>
#include <functional>
#include <private/dvr/eds_mesh.h>
#include <private/dvr/graphics/shader_program.h>
#include <private/dvr/late_latch.h>
#include <private/dvr/lucid_pose_tracker.h>
#include <private/dvr/render_texture_params.h>
#include <private/dvr/types.h>
namespace android {
namespace dvr {
class CompositeHmd;
// Encapsulates the rendering operations to correct for the HMD's lens
// distortion.
class DistortionRenderer {
static constexpr int kMaxLayers = 2;
static constexpr int kMaxLatchedLayers = 4;
static const mat4 kViewportFromClipMatrix;
static const mat4 kClipFromViewportMatrix;
// Creates a distortion renderer for distortion function.
// distortion_function the black-box distortion function to apply.
// display_size the resolution of the output of the distortion renderer.
// distortion_mesh_resolution the amount of subdivision in the
// distortion mesh.
DistortionRenderer(const CompositeHmd& hmd, vec2i display_size,
int distortion_mesh_resolution,
bool flip_texture_horizontally,
bool flip_texture_vertically, bool separated_eye_buffers,
bool eds_enabled, bool late_latch_enabled);
// Returns the distortion factor array for the distortion function that was
// passed in at creation time. The distortion factor array contains the
// magnification factor induced by the distortion mesh at every vertex. There
// is one entry per vertex, and entries are ordered in row-major major. The
// array contains the magnification for both eyes averaged.
const std::vector<float>& GetDistortionFactorArray();
// |render_pose_buffer_object| is the per-texture pose array buffer object.
// |render_buffer_index| is the per-texture index into the pose array buffer
// object. This selects which pose was rendered into the
// corresponding texture.
void DoLateLatch(uint32_t target_vsync_count,
const uint32_t* render_buffer_index,
const GLuint* render_pose_buffer_objects,
const bool* vertical_flip, const bool* separate_eye,
int num_textures);
// Convenience method that does no flipping.
void DoLateLatch(uint32_t target_vsync_count,
const uint32_t* render_buffer_index,
const GLuint* render_pose_buffer_objects, int num_textures) {
bool flip[kMaxLayers] = {false};
bool separate[kMaxLayers] = {separated_eye_buffers_};
DoLateLatch(target_vsync_count, render_buffer_index,
render_pose_buffer_objects, flip, separate, num_textures);
void PrepGlState(EyeType eye);
void ResetGlState(int num_textures);
// Applies distortion correction to the given textures by rendering into the
// current output target.
// eye Which eye is being corrected.
// texture_ids The OpenGL texture IDs of the texture layers.
// texture_sizes Dimensions of the corresponding textures.
// vertical_flip Whether to flip each input texture vertically.
// separate_eye Whether the correspending texture is a separate texture for
// left and right eyes. If false, it is a shared texture with
// the left view on the left half and right on the right half.
// late_latch_layer Which late latch layer index to use for each texture.
// Typically this is just {0, 1} unless blend_with_previous_layer is used.
// num_textures Number of textures in texture_ids and texture_sizes.
// blend_with_previous_layer If enabled, blend this single layer with the
// existing framebuffer contents.
void ApplyDistortionCorrectionToTexture(
EyeType eye, const GLuint* texture_ids, const bool* vertical_flip,
const bool* separate_eye, const int* late_latch_layer, int num_textures,
bool blend_with_previous_layer, bool do_gl_state_prep);
// Convenience method that does no flipping.
void ApplyDistortionCorrectionToTexture(EyeType eye,
const GLuint* texture_ids,
int num_textures) {
bool flip[kMaxLayers] = {false};
bool separate[kMaxLayers] = {separated_eye_buffers_,
int latch_layer[kMaxLayers] = {0, 1};
ApplyDistortionCorrectionToTexture(eye, texture_ids, flip, separate,
latch_layer, num_textures, false, true);
// Draw a video quad based on the given video texture by rendering into the
// current output target.
// eye Which eye is being corrected.
// layer_id Which compositor layer the video mesh should be drawn into.
// texture_ids The OpenGL texture IDs of the texture layers.
// transform The transformation matrix that transforms the video mesh to its
// desired eye space position for the target eye.
void DrawVideoQuad(EyeType eye, int layer_id, GLuint texture_id,
const mat4& transform);
// Modifies the size of the output display. This is the number of physical
// pixels per dimension covered by the display on the output device. Calling
// this method is cheap; it only updates the state table of the two
// eye-specific mesh nodes.
void SetDisplaySize(vec2i size);
void SetEdsEnabled(bool enabled);
void SetChromaticAberrationCorrectionEnabled(bool enabled) {
chromatic_aberration_correction_enabled_ = enabled;
void SetUseAlphaVignette(bool enabled) { use_alpha_vignette_ = enabled; }
bool GetLastEdsPose(LateLatchOutput* out_data, int layer_id = 0) const;
enum ShaderProgramType {
struct EdsShader {
EdsShader() {}
~EdsShader() {
void load(const char* vertex, const char* fragment, int num_layers,
bool use_alpha_vignette, float rotation, bool flip_vertical,
bool blend_with_previous_layer);
void use() { pgm.Use(); }
// Update uTexFromEyeMatrix and uEyeFromViewportMatrix by the distortion
// renderer with the transform matrix.
void SetTexFromEyeTransform(const mat4& transform) {
glUniformMatrix4fv(uTexFromEyeMatrix, 1, false,;
void SetEyeFromViewportTransform(const mat4& transform) {
glUniformMatrix4fv(uEyeFromViewportMatrix, 1, false,;
ShaderProgram pgm;
// Texture variables, named to match shader strings for convenience.
GLint uProjectionMatrix;
GLint uTexFromEyeMatrix;
GLint uEyeFromViewportMatrix;
GLint uTexXMinMax;
void DrawEye(EyeType eye, const GLuint* texture_ids,
const bool* vertical_flip, const bool* separate_eye,
const int* late_latch_layer, int num_textures,
bool blend_with_previous_layer, bool do_gl_state_prep);
// This function is called when there is an update on Hmd and distortion mesh
// vertices and factor array will be updated.
void RecomputeDistortion(const CompositeHmd& hmd);
// Per-eye, per flip, per separate eye mode buffers for setting EDS matrix
// when EDS is disabled.
GLuint uTexFromRecommendedViewportMatrix[2][2][2];
// Distortion mesh for the each eye.
EdsMesh mesh_node_[2];
// VBO (vertex buffer object) for distortion mesh vertices.
GLuint mesh_vbo_[2];
// VAO (vertex array object) for distortion mesh vertex array data.
GLuint mesh_vao_[2];
// IBO (index buffer object) for distortion mesh indices.
GLuint mesh_ibo_[2];
EdsShader shaders_[kNumShaderPrograms];
// Enum to indicate which shader program is being used.
ShaderProgramType shader_type_;
bool eds_enabled_;
bool chromatic_aberration_correction_enabled_;
bool use_alpha_vignette_;
// This keeps track of what distortion mesh resolution we are using currently.
// When there is an update on Hmd, the distortion mesh vertices/factor array
// will be re-computed with the old resolution that is stored here.
int distortion_mesh_resolution_;
// The OpenGL ID of the last texture passed to
// ApplyDistortionCorrectionToTexture().
GLuint last_distortion_texture_id_;
// GL texture 2D target for application texture.
GLint app_texture_target_;
// Precomputed matrices for EDS and viewport transforms.
mat4 tex_from_eye_matrix_[2][2][2];
mat4 eye_from_viewport_matrix_[2];
// Eye viewport locations.
vec2i eye_viewport_origin_[2];
vec2i eye_viewport_size_;
vec2i display_size_;
std::unique_ptr<LateLatch> late_latch_[kMaxLatchedLayers];
bool separated_eye_buffers_;
} // namespace dvr
} // namespace android